an·ti·no·mi·an·ism (
- Theology. The doctrine or belief that the Gospel frees
Christians from required obedience to any law, whether scriptural, civil, or
moral, and that salvation is attained solely through faith and the gift of
divine grace.
- The belief that moral laws are relative in meaning and application as
opposed to fixed or universal.
The American Heritage® Dictionary of the
English Language, Fourth Edition Copyright © 2000 by Houghton
Mifflin Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights
reserved. [Buy
it] |
\An`ti*no"mi*an\, a.
Of or pertaining to the Antinomians;
opposed to the doctrine that the moral law is obligatory.
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, ©
1996, 1998 MICRA, Inc. |
\An`ti*no"mi*an\, n. (Eccl. Hist.) One who maintains that, under the
gospel dispensation, the moral law is of no use or obligation, but that faith
alone is necessary to salvation. The sect of Antinomians originated with John
Agricola, in Germany, about the year 1535. --Mosheim.
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, ©
1996, 1998 MICRA, Inc. |
"There is no alternative but that of theonomy
and autonomy." |
Cornelius Van Til |
The issue . . . is between theonomy (God's Law) and
autonomy (self law). Modern autonomous man is aided and abetted in his
apostasy from God by the antinomianism of the church, which, by
denying God's law, has, in theology, politics, education, industry, and
all things else, surrendered the field to the law of the fallen and
godless self, to autonomy. |
R.J. Rushdoony |
"'. . . that He may teach us about His ways And
that we may walk in His paths.' For from Zion will go forth the Law Even
the Word of God from Jerusalem." |
Micah 4:2 |
See Autonomy
See In Defense of Legalism
Antinomianism - James Henley
Antinomianism -
Antinomianism -
BELIEVE Religious Information Source
is ANOTHER Gospel; Not Christianity!
Denial of Lordship Salvation, or "Easy Believism"
The Costs of Antinomianism
Hundreds of millions of people murdered.
of people enslaved.
Trillions of dollars of property confiscated or
In the 20th century alone.
The claim that we are "justified
by belief alone" without any reference to our allegiance
to God's Law and growth
into the stature of the Lord Jesus Christ has had staggering effects on human
society in the last 200 years.
Antinomians are not likely to criticize immorality in others, and the
greatest source of immorality since 1776 has
been the State. People are quick to link "antinomian" and
"anarchy," (Google
Search: antinomian anarchy) but virtually nobody speaks of "antinomian
totalitarianism." The antinomian mindset, however, leads more quickly to
totalitarianism than to libertarianism. In a future essay, we will draw out the
causal links between antinomianism and the
For now, consider a group of "anarchist" rioters. This state of
violent chaos is not a picture of true anarchy (the absence of an archist),
it is the state of poly-archy, or multi-archy, a group of would-be
archists. The "archist" opposes the Reign of God and seeks to reign in
His place. Both "anarchists" so-called and antinomians oppose the True
Archy, the Reign of God. False "anarchists" want to be archists in
order to impose their new socialist order, and antinomians prefer anything
to God's Government. Would-be archists (dictators) need lots of antinomians to
succeed. In the 20th century, they had an abundant supply.
The 21st century will be a blood-bath if we do not embrace God's Law.
A pro-nomian worldivew.
Jesus is the Christ.
The word "Christ" has many meanings. The basic meaning is
"anointed," as in "king" (Matthew
21:5 ), e.g., "King of Israel" (John
1:49). Jesus is also called a "Ruler" (Micah
5:2), a "Potentate" (1
Timothy 6:15 ), a "Governor" (Matthew
2:6 ), a "Captain" (Hebrews
2:10 ), a "Prince" (Isaiah
9:6 ), and many other words (some of which we aren't familiar with in
our day, like "Horn" [Luke
1:69 ]) which are political in
Many political terms can be inferred:
- Jesus is a "servant," which is another word for
"minister," and Jesus is surely the "Prime
- In his inaugural address, George Washington spoke
of "that Almighty Being who rules over the universe, who presides
in the councils of nations." The one who "presides" is the
- Jesus is our King, our Lawgiver, and our Judge (Isaiah
33:22) -- all three branches of government under the U.S. Constitution.
Our point is that Jesus is the -- THE -- the ONLY --
legitimate king, prince, ruler, president, prime minister, governor, legislator,
judge, and potentate. If we simply practice what we preach -- by obeying His
commandments -- we will have a peaceful, orderly, and prosperous society.
All other earthly kings, princes, rulers, presidents, prime ministers,
governors, legislators, judges, and potentates are illegitimate usurpers and

Five Stages of Deuteronomy 8
Westminster Standards
Ten Principles for a Free
The First Commandment
- Overview
- Do I Agree
With God's Word?
- Have I
Violated This Commandment?
- Am I Resolved
to Obey it in the Future?
- How This
Commandment was Applied in Early American Law
- Idolatry and the Ten
The Second Commandment
- Overview
- Do I Agree
With God's Word?
- Have I
Violated This Commandment?
- Am I Resolved
to Obey it in the Future?
- How This
Commandment was Applied in Early American Law
- Day
81: Religious Worship, part 1
- Day
82: Religious Worship, part 2
- Day
83: Christian Liberty and Liberty of Conscience, part 1
- Day
84: Christian Liberty and Liberty of Conscience, part 2
- Day
85: The Word of God in Worship, part 1
- Day
86: The Word of God in Worship, part 2
- Day
87: The Word of God in Worship, part 3
- Day
88: The Word of God in Worship, part 4
- Day
89: Of the Sacraments, part 1
- Day
90: Of the Sacraments, part 2
- Day
91: Of Baptism, part 1
- Day
92: Of Baptism, part 2
- Day
93: Of Baptism, part 3
- Day
94: Of The Lord's Supper, part 1
- Day
95: Of The Lord's Supper, part 2
- Day
96: Of The Lord's Supper, part 3
- Day
97: Of The Lord's Supper, part 4
- Day
98: Of The Lord's Supper, part 5
- Day
99: Of The Lord's Supper, part 6
- Day
100: Of Communion of Saints, part 1
- Day
101: Of Communion of Saints, part 2
The Third Commandment
- Overview
- Do I Agree
With God's Word?
- Have I
Violated This Commandment?
- Am I Resolved
to Obey it in the Future?
- How This
Commandment was Applied in Early American Law
The Fourth Commandment
- Overview
- Do I Agree
With God's Word?
- Have I
Violated This Commandment?
- Am I Resolved
to Obey it in the Future?
- How This
Commandment was Applied in Early American Law
The Fifth Commandment
- Overview
- Do I Agree
With God's Word?
- Have I
Violated This Commandment?
- Am I Resolved
to Obey it in the Future?
- How This
Commandment was Applied in Early American Law
- Day
106: The Fifth Commandment, part 1
- Day
107: The Fifth Commandment, part 2
- Day
108: The Fifth Commandment, part 3
- Day
109: The Fifth Commandment, part 4
- Day
110: The Fifth Commandment, part 5
- Day
111: The Fifth Commandment, part 6
- Day
112: The Civil Magistrate, part 1
- Day
113: The Civil Magistrate, part 2
- Day
114: The Civil Magistrate, part 3
- Day
115: Of The Church, part 1
- Day
116: Of The Church, part 2
- Day
117: Of Church Censures, part 1
- Day
118: Of Church Censures, part 2
- Day
119: Of Synods and Councils
The Sixth Commandment
- Overview
- Do I Agree
With God's Word?
- Have I
Violated This Commandment?
- Am I Resolved
to Obey it in the Future?
- How This
Commandment was Applied in Early American Law
The Seventh Commandment
- Overview
- Do I Agree
With God's Word?
- Have I
Violated This Commandment?
- Am I Resolved
to Obey it in the Future?
- How This
Commandment was Applied in Early American Law
The Eighth Commandment
- Overview
- Do I Agree
With God's Word?
- Have I
Violated This Commandment?
- Am I Resolved
to Obey it in the Future?
- How This
Commandment was Applied in Early American Law
The Ninth Commandment
- Overview
- Do I Agree
With God's Word?
- Have I
Violated This Commandment?
- Am I Resolved
to Obey it in the Future?
- How This
Commandment was Applied in Early American Law
The Tenth Commandment
- Overview
- Do I Agree
With God's Word?
- Have I
Violated This Commandment?
- Am I
Resolved to Obey it in the Future?
- How This
Commandment was Applied in Early American Law
Platform Statements:
Ozarks Virtual Townhall
- January 10th, 2009 "The
War President"
- Click here
January 3rd, 2009 "The
Path of Peace"
- December 27th, 2008
"War on Earth" - Christmas in
Washington, D.C.
- June 7th, 2008: "War
Supplement Bill"
- May 24th, 2008: "Memorial
- May 17th, 2008: "60th
Anniversary of the State of Israel"
- May 10th, 2008: "Mother's
It's a
war between mothers and "archists"
- April 12th, 2008: Assessing
"The Surge" in Iraq
- April 5th, 2008: Expanding
the Entangling NATO Alliance
- March 16, 2008: St.
Patrick and U.S. Foreign Policy
here for notes and resources
- March 8th, 2008: Government
Torture of Terrorist Suspects
- February 23, 2008: The
Protect Telecommunications Companies Act
- February 16, 2008: The
Protect America Act
- January 12, 2008: The
President's Plan for Israel
- January 5, 2008: The
President's Entangling Alliances in the Mideast
- December 15, 2007: Defense
- November 10, 2007: "Veterans
- September 15, 2007: General
Petraeus Reports on Iraq
- September 8, 2007: Iraq:
From "Dark Ideology" to "Normal Life."
- August 25, 2007: A
"Safer and More Normal Life" in Iraq
- July 28, 2007: Expanding
Powers of Government Surveillance
- July 21, 2007: Intelligence
Estimate on the Terrorist Threat
- July 14, 2007: Progress
in Iraq?
- May 26, 2007: Memorial
- May 5, 2007: The
Funding of the War in Iraq
Blog posts
A Plowshares Conspiracy
- Immigration in a Division
of Labor Economy
- Why Immigration Enhances
Our Culture
- Why Immigration Increases
Our Technology
- Positive Effects of
Population Growth through Immigration
- The Case for Free
- Refutation of the
Arguments Against Free Immigration
- Why Immigration Increases
- Why Immigration Raises
Real Wage Rates
- Legalized
Immigration Does Not Destroy Our Culture
- A Biblical
Discussion about Immigration with Chuck Baldwin
- The Downward Shift
in the Libertarian Party Platform, 2002-2006
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