A very special coach.
A superb,
             gifted, and
                            open-minded coach to take on
two diverse clients at the same time.
  • One client is an anarchist who wants to overthrow the federal government of the United States.
  • The other client is a religious extremist who wants to turn America into a Biblical Theocracy.

You cannot coach one client unless you agree to coach the other.

Hi. My name is Kevin Craig, and I’m looking for a coach to help me succeed in a very unique project.

You’ve never had a client with a similar agenda.

No, I’m not schizophrenic, nor do I suffer from split personality disorder.

But my project is one of the most controversial you’ve ever encountered, and I want you to be comfortable with what I’m trying to accomplish.

Don’t worry – it’s noting unethical or illegal. Far from it.

In fact, I think you’ll agree I’m committed to the highest standards of ethics and morality. And my project involves moving as many people as I can to living according to ever higher standards of ethics and morality.

I’m committed to what America’s Founding Fathers called “The Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God.”

But America’s Founding Fathers would be considered “extremists” and “religious fanatics” by most pundits today. Scholars estimate that the tax rates which pushed the Framers of the Declaration of Independence to take up arms and risk “our lives, our fortunes and our Sacred Honor,” was only 3-5%. We pay ten times as much today, and if Sam Adams or George Washington were to show up in Washington D.C. and suggest armed revolution against the IRS, they would be arrested by "Homeland Security" and executed as “terrorists,” after being denounced as “extremists,” “fanatics,” and other epithets.

And I would have to say, I don’t agree with their actions in 1776. I don’t think the initiation of force or violence is EVER justified, and I don’t think America’s War for Independence was justified either.
If that makes me “un-American” in your eyes, maybe I’m not the right client for you.
I consider myself a fanatic American, and I agree with America’s Founders that Britain was a tyranny. You can imagine what I think about a government that takes half of everything everyone makes. But I don’t believe in armed revolution. Ever. I even disagree with Christians like Dietrich Bonhoeffer, who tried to assassinate Adolph Hitler.
If that makes me a “pacifist” in your eyes, then maybe I’m not the right client for you.

I can sum up my project in three words. Three words that made America “the greatest nation on God’s green earth” (to use radio talk-show host Michael Medved’s trademark phrase). Three words that sum up the political philosophy that produced the highest standard of living the world has ever known. I want to promote

Liberty Under God

This phrase makes many people in our day nervous.
• Many conservatives are afraid of Liberty, and many liberals are afraid of traditional values. When conservatives become acquainted with my agenda, they call me an “anarchist.”
• And when secular liberals become acquainted with that same agenda, they accuse me of trying to “impose a theocracy” on America.
Believe me, I’ve been called every name in the book.

I'd like you to assume for a moment that I really do want to abolish the United States and establish a Theocracy. Would you be willing to have potential clients know that one of your clients had such goals, and you were coaching that client on the road to success in his endeavor?

Even if you knew beyond a doubt that I actually defended private property, order (not chaos), peace (not violence), and a procedure for the reasoned and just settlement of disputes between individuals and organizations, would you want to be known as the coach of someone known as an “anarchist?”

What if I could convince you that I am in fact opposed to capital punishment, opposed to “faith-based” government programs, opposed to government coercion of Jews, Muslims, Native Americans, Buddhists, Hindus, Secular Humanists, or any other religion, and wanted people of all religions to live in an America which gave them more freedom of religion and a higher standard of living than any Jewish, Muslim, Native American, Buddhist, Hindu or atheistic government on earth? Would you want to be known as the coach of someone who nevertheless believed that America is “a Christian nation” – and must always be?

My views are an open book. Nothing is concealed. I have one of the largest websites on the Internet – approximately 1,500 pages which I wrote, with links to tens of thousands of other webpages. If you can’t figure out where I stand on an issue, I invite you to call me collect and ask me a direct, confrontive question. No softballs, please! And no evasive flip-flop waffle answers from me.

I’ve heard it said, “Bad publicity is better than no publicity at all.” I advocate an extraordinarily controversial position. I am lots of bad publicity waiting to happen. You might feel the heat if someone finds out you're my coach.

Although I would love to discuss with you the political and theological issues that ignite my passion, I’m seeking a coach who can help me with the major reasons why I’m not as successful as I could be: disorganization and fear.

Disorganization: In one sense I’m doing pretty good to keep track of more than a thousand web pages, and almost 100 gigs of resources on my computer. But if you could see my office, you would tremble! My personal library is well over 10,000 volumes, and I have approximately 60 drawers of files. And if that’s not enough, I just moved to Missouri from California, and everything is still in boxes. I’m still building bookshelves. But even when the books get on the shelves and I don’t have to walk around stacks of boxes, I’m still going to be in trouble. It’s a problem that goes way back. In the 4th Grade my teacher made me have a sign on my desk: a comic figure of “Melissa Messydesk.” (Don’t worry, I don’t need therapy for an “abusive” teacher. I always got along great with my teachers. Truth be told, I loved the attention I got from that “award.”) But on any given day, I’ve misplaced my stapler, my roll of stamps, and every red pen I’ve ever owned (I use red to correct drafts of upcoming webpages) – all before noon (and I often work 14 hour days). I need help! (Please try to resist the temptation to respond to that line. :-)

Fear: You may think I'm pretty conceited, and that I think I have all the answers. I am and I do! But nobody recognizes this fact, and rejection is a constant fear for me. In one sense I don't care what the "experts" think, and I am unphased by the fact that I advocate ideas which have never caught on. But in another sense I crave attention and acceptance, and attention without acceptance is very short-lived. I tend to settle for a rather superficial form of acceptance (I'm a nice guy with a pleasant personality and a sense of humor, so people tend to accept me) than disclose my true passions and be rejected. I have acquaintances, but not close friends ( a "kindred spirit," as Anne of Green Gables would put it). Though I am a fanatic Christian, I do not belong to any church. I get excommunicated from churches once my ideals become known.

I can't really get my movement to overthrow the United States up and running if I'm afraid to publicize it! This is no way to run a business!

If you’re willing to help someone who promotes “Liberty Under God” with fanatic consistency and passion, and can help coach me from chaos to order, and from fear to dominion, then let’s talk!

I look forward to hearing from you, even if just to say “Hi.”

And if by chance you have read this entire page without listening to the audio link above, would you do yourself a favor and listen to it now?

Thank you very much.