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Judaism vs. the BibleIn looking at the Old Testament doctrine of the State and its relation to angelic beings, we can be both hindered and helped by looking at the way Jewish scholars have looked at the issue. Our goal is not just to understand the Old Testament view, but the Biblical view, most notably with reference to Paul's mention of "the powers" in Romans 13.
The Spirit World of Judaism In a previous paper we saw the wonder of the Throne of God, with the countless angels who attend to God's decrees. The "Reconstructionists" are not the first to have seen this Biblical teaching:
We explained in a previous paper that it is the angels that carry out God's divine decrees, e.g., the promises in Deuteronomy 28. Crops don't grow automatically; the angels make them grow. A city is not destroyed by a fire, tornado, or earthquake by some "natural law," it is the judicial cursing of God executed by heavenly agents. Meredith Kline, the influential Old Testament Professor at Westminster and Gordon-Conwell Seminary, understands the statement in Genesis 1:26 ("Let us make man") to be a reference to the angels in the Heavenly Court:
There are several passages in the Old Testament which link the nations of the earth with the spirit world: Deut. 32:8 (LXX), Daniel 10:13,20f., and Daniel 12:1. These Biblical teachings found their way into Judaistic thought in the concept of guardian angels who were placed over the nations ("folk angels"). Deuteronomy 32:8Modern scholars and translations of the Scriptures side with the Septuagint version of the Old Testament (the Greek version cited by our Lord and the Apostles) in translating Deut 32:8. The RSV renders it, "[Remember] when the Most High gave to the nations their inheritance, when He separated the sons of men, he fixed the bounds of the peoples according to the number of the sons of God." The NIV has this rendering in the margin. This is understood to mean that
That the angels did not always do as they were commanded is suggested in Enoch 89:59ff.
Typical of Jewish interpreters, this interpretation is somewhat "zionistic," or nationalistic, rather than God-glorifying. Our point here is not to present infallible interpretations, but only to call attention to verses which may have been heretofore neglected. We shall offer our own interpretations of these intriguing passages in future papers (and, of course, those interpretations will be infallible [erk!]). Daniel 10Although these interpretations mingle Scripture with writings most agree are apocryphal, certain Scripture passages lead us to conclude that the interpretations are not that far off. One such passage is certainly Daniel 10 (esp. vv. 13 and 20), which describes the conflict between the angels over Israel and those over foreign powers such as Persia. We invite the reader simply to read that chapter now; its significance is clear, even if our understanding is not. Walvord of Dallas Seminary quotes one commentator who notes that "the idea of guardian angels over entire realms, whether friendly or hostile in their disposition toward the theocracy, is attested by various Old Testament parallels, particularly by Isa. xxiv.21...; Isa. xlvi.2; Jer. xlvi.25; xlix.3 (where the gods of the heathen nations take the place of the guardian angels); Deut xxxii.8; and Psa. xcvi.4, lxx.; also Bar. iv.7 and Ecclus xvii.17 (where `hgoumenoV seems to designate an angel prince, exactly like sar in this passage), -- to say nothing of New Testament passages, such as I Cor. viii.5; x.20 et seq." He goes on to suggest "That adversari may more probably have taken place in super-mundane regions; and that this was the case seems to have been attested by parallels like I Kings xxii. 19 et seq.; Job i.6. ii.1 et seq.; Luke x.18; xxii.31," and notes that we should give attention to "all the powers who operate at the head of the Persian empire, including both the earthly and the super-earthly, the guardian spirit and the king beside his chief officers (cf. Isa. xxiv.21 et seq.; lvii.9; Psa. lxxxii.6; also the more extended signification of "kings" ( = great ones, mighty ones), which occurs, e.g. in Psa. ii.2; Job xxix.25; Ezek. xxiv.7; I Kings xi.24)." E. J. Young, late of Westminster Seminary, has asserted that the "prince of Persia" is not the earthly ruler over Persia: "The prince here is the guardian angel of Persia (cf. Isa. 24:21; 46:2; Jer. 46:25; I Cor. 8:5; 10:20), i.e., the 'supernatural spiritual power standing behind the national gods, which we may properly call the guardian spirit of this kingdom' (Keil)." Again the relationship between angelic powers and earthly elohim is brought to our attention. In the next paper we shall return to other Old Testament verses as they are referred to by New Testament writers. For now, it seems clear that the Church of Christ needs to give renewed attention to the relationship between angelic powers and the State. Any evangelical commentator may be consulted on this passage, and there is almost universal agreement that this passage teaches the work of demons or evil angels over each nation. Calvin, whose political thought was at times dominated by natural law thinking and an almost Machiavellian view of the glory of Roman Law statecraft, is a striking exception. |
Part Two: Powers in the New Testament |
Christian "Anarchism" is Our Goal | | All Evil is Predestined by God | | Pray for a Servant's Understanding | | Angels and God's Throne of Government | | Stars and Idolatry | | Why the State Always Encourages Immorality | | Unlucky 13 -- Romans 13, Revelation 13 and Isaiah 13 | | A Roman's-Eye View of Romans 13 | | "Principalities and Powers" | | Lakes of Fire in "Smoke-Filled Rooms" | | Romans 13: The Burden is on the Archists | | Taxation, Representation, and the Myth of the State | | Why the State is not a "Divine Institution" | | Angels and Autarchy | | 95 Theses Against the State | | Here is what a Christian Anarchist looks like after he has joined The Christmas Conspiracy. |
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