"Ideas Have Consequences"

So wrote philosopher Richard Weaver.

Why is there such brokenness in the world? Why the intense conflict? Global war; border disputes; a nation divided over race, wealth, status; bickering with neighbors; domestic abuse.

External actions — from U.N. policies to family relations — spring from ideas. Call these ideas "philosophy" or "religion," they have consequences.

Vine & Fig Tree is a place to find ideas so old they appear new. Vine & Fig Tree is a place of refuge from the consequences of selfishness and secular man’s declaration of war on God. Vine & Fig Tree is also a chronicle of the actions — the consequences — some have felt compelled to take by these ideas.

The meaning of Vine & Fig Tree — The prophecy of Micah

  1. Victory — the Babe born in Bethlehem triumphs over corrupt ideas
  2. Universality — His triumph extends over all the earth, and includes all peoples
  3. Righteousness — His Kingdom is based on a new law of love
  4. Peace — obedience to His Law brings peace: "shalom"
  5. Family — the fundamental human institution, where shalom begins
  6. Garden-Land — property is secure; the ecology is nurtured
  7. Community —the extended family welcomes the lost and lonely

    The Christmas Conspiracy!


    The Ideas


    The Name "Vine & Fig Tree" comes from the Prophet Micah. We turn to the Law and the Prophets because we believe that the Bible is the Word of God, and must therefore be our Authority. If you don’t view the Bible in the same way, you should begin here. If you’re willing to listen to the Prophet Micah, here is what he said:

    And it will come about in the last days
    That the mountain of the House of the LORD
    Will be established as the chief of the mountains
    And it will be raised above the hills
    And the peoples will stream to it.
    And many nations will come and say,
    "Come, let us go up to the mountain of the LORD
    And to the House of the God of Jacob,
    That He may teach us about His ways
    And that we may walk in His paths."
    For from Zion will go forth the Law
    Even the Word of the LORD from Jerusalem.
    And He will judge between many peoples
    And render decisions for mighty, distant nations.
    Then they will hammer their swords into plowshares
    And their spears into pruning hooks;
    Nation will not lift up sword against nation
    And never again will they train for war.
    And each of them will sit under his
    Vine and under his fig tree,
    With no one to make them afraid.
    For the LORD of hosts has spoken.
    Though all the peoples walk
    Each in the name of his god,
    As for us, we will walk
    In the Name of the LORD our God
    forever and ever.
    In that day, saith the LORD, will I assemble her that halteth,
    and I will gather her that is driven out,
    and her that I have afflicted;
    And I will make her that halted a remnant,
    and her that was cast far off a strong nation:
    and the LORD shall reign over them in mount Zion
    from henceforth, even for ever.

    Micah 4:1-7


    This passage is "Good News," which is what the word "gospel" means. I hear a lot of preachers on TV talk about the "gospel," but I don’t hear the kind of "good news" I hear from Micah. So accustomed am I to hearing — and reacting to — TV "gospels," that I am utterly unequipped to convey Micah’s good news to others; at this point it is far easier for me to explain why I do not believe the TV preachers. If you can help me put words to my longings, I would certainly love to hear from you. Write me at Kevin4VFT@aolcom.

    Vine & Fig Tree is an idea I never hear on TV, in the UN General Assembly, or in any church. Have I misinterpreted Micah’s prophecy?

    One way to look at this passage is to discuss

    Seven "Archetypes"

    which are found in the prophecy.

  9. Victory
  10. Universality
  11. Righteousness
  12. Peace
  13. Family
  14. Garden-Land
  15. Community


Drawing out the details:

1. Victory
That is, God’s victory. The triumph of good.
The Bible does not teach "dualism": that good and evil are equally ultimate, or that evil triumphs in this age.
2. Universality
In other words, "Catholicism."
Not "Roman Catholicism," not "Irish catholicism"; No racism, No rebuilt temple. No revived Roman Empire.
3. Theonomy
In other words, God’s Law; Old Testament too; politicians not excused.
No "religion," no "liturgy," no "neutrality."
4. Pacifism
No "patriotism," No "Just War," No Vengeance; No "Capital Punishment."
5. Patriarchy
Rightly related to those who gave us birth.
Rebellion against the natural authority of parents and elders gives rise to false, tyrannical institutions.
6. Agrarianism
In other words, "Distributism" — all men owners of property, not wards of the State.
No inflation-financed industrialism; an end to FederalReserveBoard-CorporateSocialism.
7. Community
In other words, "community," "personalism," "extended family,"

Clicking on any of these archetypes will begin a chain of links which flesh out each theme, showing the "Vine & Fig Tree" vision for life in Christ’s Kingdom.

But don’t take our words for it. Another way to look at this passage is to examine Micah’s prophecy word-by-word. It’s very revealing. It’s part of "A Vine & Fig Tree FAQ."

Stated in broad propositions, Micah’s prophecy teaches us about:

1. The Kingdom: Christ established it at His First Advent.

      Micah says man was created in a Garden, "the Mountain of the Lord." We rejected God’s Providence because we wanted to "be as gods" (Genesis 3:5). In our poverty, we sold ourselves to the demonic slave-traders of the polis.

      Jesus paid the price necessary to "redeem" us (buy us back) from the slave-traders. Satan has been bound. By destroying this slavery, Christ established His Kingdom. If we accept His gentle yoke, we escape the harsh taskmaster of addiction to sin. Christ’s plan is not to "rapture" His people, but to empower them to "overcome" sin and the demonic State. He is not "coming soon" to establish an Empire in Jerusalem.

      Churches preach defeat, slavery, impotence, and self-centeredness. "Shepherds" paralyze and castrate "the sheep." Liturgy and rituals replace dominion. Spontaneous obedience to the Blueprints of Life is muzzled by "doctrinal" diversions.

      Politicians legislate dependence and serfdom. Flag-waving replaces dominion, vengeance replaces mercy and "voting" soothes the conscience.

      The Media tempts us to self-worship. Meditation on God’s Law is crowded out by "entertainment." Mousketeers graduate to cocaine.

      Yet whenever the Gospel has been believed and fleshed-out, culture has blossomed. Science, the arts, schools, hospitals, "justice, mercy and faith," are the products of Christ’s Kingdom.

Christ has established His Kingdom. Find out more.

2. Postmillennialism: It is a global Kingdom; a New Earth.

      Jesus promises that His Kingdom will spread across the globe, and will be global, or universalistic, including all nations, all peoples, all races. Though the "dominant culture" only reluctantly admits it, Christianity has leavened the loaf, and the dough is rising. "The earth shall be full of the knowledge of the Lord as the waters cover the sea." (Isaiah 11:9)

      Churches teach that everything is getting "worse and worse." Reforming lives and nations is thought to hinder the "return of Christ." Sectarianism and ecclesiocentrism is their sorry substitute for a Christianized Earth.

      Bureaucrats stalk the borders to keep "illegals" out. "My country right or wrong."

Christ’s Kingdom will grow to cover the planet. Find out more.

3. Law: Man’s law will be replaced by God’s Law.

      This global spread of Christ’s reign will be in terms of obedience to Biblical Law, which is Christ’s Standard of Love, Justice, and Holiness. We do not adjust our interpretation of the Bible to fit our culture; we reconstruct our culture according to the Blueprints of the Bible.

      Churches teach that "we are under grace, not law." They still enforce their own laws and traditions, but they are not God’s. The rates for embezzlement, adultery, divorce, and abortion are as high in churches as among non-Christians. Governments seize billions, murder millions, destroy continents; churches are silent.

      Dictators assert that law and justice are "culturally relative." All cultures are equal (except Christian culture, which is "oppressive"). It becomes politically incorrect to condemn massive human-rights violations.

Biblical Law will reconstruct human society. Find out more.

4. Peace: "Swords into Plowshares."

      Biblical Law teaches attitudes of virtue, reconciliation, and service; when mature, these qualities beat "swords into plowshares," disarming the heart of the individual and the polis. Decentralization replaces institutionalization.

      Churches support wars, bless bombs, cheer executions. When institutionalized violence is approved by the pulpit, it is practiced by the people.      

Non-violent Christians follow the Prince of Peace. Find out more.

5. The Family: Home of God’s global Shalom.

      The Family is the root and center of Kingdom growth — overthrowing the violence of the State, abstaining from the sycophancy of the Church. Vine & Fig Tree means a return to Biblical Patriarchy — and then new growth in terms of this family-centered paradigm.

      When families begin exercising independent dominion, the "shepherds" question their loyalty to the church. Inquisitions keep would-be patriarchs docile and "submissive."

      The State is at war with Jefferson’s "yeoman farmer." Free men of independent creativity and political skepticism have been replaced by consumer zombies easily managed by Leviathan.      

The Christian Family will abolish the Church-State hybrid.

Find out more.

6. Garden-Land: Return to Eden

      When families put Biblical Law into practice, militaristic industrialism is replaced with contentment and a harmonious relationship with the land.

      When Christians attempt to live debt-free, church finance boards call them "unrealistic" and "impractical." Industrialist peonage is nurtured.

      The State rewards debt, impersonalism, and cut-throat competition.

Christian Patriarchy will restore Edenic conditions world-wide. Find out more.

7. Community: The Extended Family

      Just as we were adopted into the Family of God, Christians extend their families, bringing in the solitary and abandoned. Christians do not practice "rugged individualism." The "nuclear family" is culturally sub-Biblical. Living in extended-family communities, Christians exercise dominion and resist the pressure of worldly peers who spout the myths of the pre-Christian "principalities and powers."

      Church hierarchies pressure Christians who question birth control, HMO births, mass-schooling, and Secular Humanist degrees. Christians who practice hospitality, sanctuary, and home Bible-study threaten ecclesiastical monopoly.

      The nuclear-armed State is no less hostile to the decentralized provision of social wholeness.

The Creeds say "I believe in the Community of Saints."

Find out more.

Let us take apart Micah’s prophecy theme-by-theme. We will see the overall theme of global-human-Divine Reconciliation emerge.

I. The Kingdom: The Triumph of Good in the Lives of Saints

And it will come about in the last days
That the mountain of the House of the LORD
Will be established as the chief of the mountains
And it will be raised above the hills

Micah 4:1

The New Testament clearly states that Jesus lived, died, and rose again in "the last days" of the Old Covenant order. His last act under the Old Covenant was the destruction of the Old "House of the Lord" (Matthew 24) and the establishment of a new House, a new Mountain (Daniel 2:35,44; John 4:21,23).
The Old Testament Prophets foretold (and Christ’s Apostles confirmed) that the Messiah’s Kingdom would be established when the following had taken place:

Christ accomplished all these things at His First Advent. NOW is the time to begin fulfilling our mandate (Genesis 1:26-28) to exercise dominion under Christ.
Christian Conciliation Extends Christ’s Kingdom

Explore First Archetype: Victory


II. The Gospel:
The Inevitability of Reconciliation

And it will come about in the last days
That the mountain of the House of the LORD
Will be established as the chief of the mountains
And the peoples will stream to it.
And many nations will come and say,
"Come, let us go up to the mountain of the LORD
And to the House of the God of Jacob,

Micah 4:2

We sometimes decide whether or not to follow Christ based on whether it’s popular. We don’t want to be "different." We should realize that what is important is the long-term, and in the long run, Vine & Fig Tree Christianity will be "mainstream." "Fringe" today; mass movement tomorrow.

Optimism: The Gospel ("Good News") is predestined to succeed.
What is the Gospel? Is "Vine & Fig Tree" a "new gospel"? NO! It is the True Gospel! It is the "Good News." The Good News is victory. "The Gospel" is the predestined success of "the Christmas Conspiracy" (Galatians 3:8).
Catholicism: The entire planet — all races, all cultures, all languages — will be governed by Christian principles.
Roman Catholicism: A Contradiction in Terms. Ecclesiocentrism: racism; statism.
Postmillennialism or Apostasy? Why postpone "the Rapture" by working for Global Reconciliation? Man’s work of reconstruction is backed by the Power/Promise of the Spirit.
The Great Commission vs. the Wimp Commission
Hal Lindsey: Passé Prophet of the Wimp Gospel
Appendix: A Scripture Checklist of Conspiratorial Success
Christian Conciliation is Rooted in Sovereign Grace

Explore Second Archetype: Catholicism


III. God’s Law:
Blueprint for Reconciliation

And many nations will come and say,
"Come, let us go up to the mountain of the LORD
And to the House of the God of Jacob,
That He may teach us about His ways
And that we may walk in His paths."
For from Zion will go forth the Law
Even the Word of the LORD from Jerusalem.

Micah 4:2

The whole Bible — including the Old Testament — is God’s Law-Word.

From Moses to Malachi, God sets forth an unchanging standard of Justice, Mercy, and Faith (Matthew 23:23). When faithfully taught and obeyed, observance of the Law of God mends the torn fabric of life. Bringing our lives under the total jurisdiction of Christ is the key to social renewal, not reforming the lives of others through the impersonal violence of statist bureaucratic regulation. Biblical Law is God’s pattern for peace, justice, and harmony.

Theonomy vs. Autonomy
The Comprehensive Scope of God’s Law: Every Area of Life, Every Activity
Obedience in Life pleases God more than Ritual and Sacrifices in Church
A Slave’s View of Law and Politics
Legal Obedience and the Gospel
Theonomy in Christian Ethics
Liturgy vs. Law
"Spirit" vs. Law
Law or "Fruit of the Spirit"?

Galatians 5:22-23:

But the fruit of the Spirit is

against such there is no law.

"Love" vs. Law
The Impossibility of "Legalism"
Living Faith
The Origin of Greasy Grace
Christian Conciliation is Grounded in Law

Explore Third Archetype: Law


IV. The Nations: The Jurisdiction of the Prince of Peace

For from Zion will go forth the Law
Even the Word of the LORD from Jerusalem.
And He will judge between many peoples
And render decisions for mighty, distant nations.
Then they will hammer their swords into plowshares
And their spears into pruning hooks;
Nation will not lift up sword against nation
And never again will they train for war.
And each of them will sit under his
Vine and under his fig tree,
With no one to make them afraid.
For the LORD of hosts has spoken.

Micah 4:2-4

Biblical Law teaches us to pray and work for peace: personally, locally, globally.
Perpetual War for Perpetual Peace: The State is institutionalized violence.
Obedience to Biblical Law will eliminate "the State." Justice is altruistic, not adversarial.
The Glory of God, not the Glory of the "Fatherland"
Militaristic Industrialism or Decentralized Harmony? Swords into Plowshares
Christian Conciliation is the Discipling of the Nations

Explore Fourth Archetype: Peace


V. The Family: The Nursery of Global Reconciliation

For from Zion will go forth the Law
Even the Word of the LORD from Jerusalem.
And He will judge between many peoples
And render decisions for mighty, distant nations.
And each of them will sit under his
Vine and under his fig tree,
With no one to make them afraid.
For the LORD of hosts has spoken.

Not Priesthood, nor Statecraft: The Family is God’s Central Institution.
Training Ground for Morality, Forgiveness, Self-Discipline, Competence.
Obedience through the Family eliminates tyranny, protects property.
Institutions such as Church and State were formed in rebellion, not faith.
Christian Conciliation Is the Product of the Home

Explore Fifth Archetype: Family
[Back to Archetypes]


VI. The Garden:
Paradigm of Reconciliation

And it will come about in the last days
That the mountain of the House of the LORD
Will be established as the chief of the mountains
And it will be raised above the hills
And each of them will sit under his
Vine and under his fig tree,
With no one to make them afraid.
For the LORD of hosts has spoken.

"Deep" Creationism vs. Evolutionism / "Deep Ecology" / Fascist Genocide
Dominion vs. Domination: The Model of Christ or The Survival of the Fittest?
Culture vs. Commerce: Salvation by Grace or by the Machinations of Man?
Agrarianism vs. Industrialism: Covenant Blessings or Humanistic Idolatry?
In general, each of the characteristic Blessings of the Garden and of Man’s Life in the Garden are reversed as man rebels against the Lordship of the Creator. We see the anti-parallels:
Instead of water
Instead of the Mountain
a desert Valley
Instead of the Botanical Garden
a Wilderness
Instead of Precious Stones
Clay, wood, stubble, asphalt
Instead of God’s Presence
Separation, "Hell on earth," alienation
The Life and Nature of Man are also ruined by Man’s rebellion
Instead of Dominion Man
Neanderthal Man
Instead of a Garden
"The Concrete Jungle"
Instead of Knowledge
Instead of Harmony with Nature
Conflict, Pollution
Instead of Freedom to Enjoy and Glorify God
Economic Scarcity
Instead of The Family
"Singles," "Careerism"
Instead of Long life-spans
Sickness, Death
Instead of Unmolested stewardship over land
Serfdom, slavery, IRS liens
Instead of Stability
Vine & Fig Tree is a movement to restore Edenic conditions throughout the globe.
Christian Conciliation Embraces All of Creation

Explore Sixth Archetype: Garden


VII. The Remnant:
Reconciliation in Community

Though all the peoples walk
Each in the name of his god,
As for us, we will walk
In the Name of the LORD our God
forever and ever.
"In that day," says the LORD, "I will assemble the lame,
I will gather the outcast And those whom I have afflicted;
I will make the lame a remnant, And the outcast a strong nation;
So the LORD will reign over them in Mount Zion
From now on, even forever.

Patriarchal Communities: Beyond the "Nuclear Family" and "The American Dream."
The Weak and Illegal: Standing Against the Principalities and Powers
Perseverance of The Saints in Community
Encouragement from Believers vs. Social Peer Pressure
Social Darwinism vs. Personalism
Christian Conciliators Resist the Accuser

Explore Seventh Archetype: Community
[Back to Archetypes]


More Ideas

A Random Assortment

What We Support

What We Oppose

Left-Wingers click here

Right-Wingers click here

People who refuse to be categorized as either "left" or "right" click here



The Christmas Conspiracy

Perfect Holiday Reading!

No, this isn’t "Let’s stay inside and be glum because Christmas is ‘a pagan holiday.’"
This is "Followers of the Babe born in a feeding trough are plotting to topple all Empires."
The Conspiracy is exposed here.


Have You Seen . . . ?

Answers to your questions!

A Vine & Fig Tree FAQ

Previews of coming pages!

An Outline of Vine & Fig Tree WWW Pages!


Our Actions

In our House of Hospitality

In the United States Supreme Court


On Radio

Our Prayers


Ideas Need Friends

So writes the author of this webpage. My name is Kevin Craig, and sometimes I feel like the loneliest guy in the world. I was formally excommunicated from the "Religious Right," but as a Bible-believing Calvinist I am not comfortable with the anti-"Religious Right," even though for the last 10 years the "radical leftwing" Catholic Worker movement has been a large part of my life.

I do not wish to be anyone’s leader. I’m not trying to be "ordained" or "elected." I want to join you and other kindred spirits in a life-long search for the Vine & Fig Tree ideal which I find in Micah’s prophecy.

I have this gut feeling that there are a lot of other people like me; people who are terrified at the emerging secularist dictatorship ("The New World Order"); but uncomfortable with the cold machismo of the militia-minded "Reconstructionists" and the manipulative rituals of the churchmen. If you find the "Vine & Fig Tree" vision attractive, please write me: Kevin4VFT@aol.com.

Vine & Fig Tree is a 501(c)(3) non-profit educational and charitable organization. Vine & Fig Tree is a 501(c)(3) non-profit educational and charitable organization.

Our Magnum Opus:


Micah’s radical vision of Vine & Fig Tree is set forth in great detail in this work, which spans the Bible from Genesis to Revelation:


The Meaning of Vine & Fig Tree

  1. The Kingdom: Judgment of the World by the Saints of God
  2. The Gospel: The Inevitability of Reconciliation
  3. God’s Law: Blueprint for Reconciliation
  4. The Family: The Machinery of Reconciliation
  5. The Nations: The Jurisdiction of Reconciliation
  6. The Garden: Paradigm of Reconciliation
  7. The Remnant: Reconciliation in Community

These seven themes are the foundation for these
soon-to-appear Internet Books:

  1. Towards a Catholic Workers’ Paradise.
  2. Vine & Fig Tree: Christianity for the Third Millennium
  3. The Christmas Conspiracy

    Newsletter Archives

  5. Generic Christianity: The Patriarch and the Church
  6. Garden-Variety Christianity: The Patriarch and the Land
  7. The Lifelong Disciple: The Patriarch and Education
  8. The Debt Papers: The Patriarch and Economics


Towards a Patriarchal Society

The Patriarchal Society set forth in the Bible and exemplified by Micah’s Vine & Fig Tree vision may be described by the Hebrew word "Shalom." Peace, wholeness, Christian conciliation. It can happen; it must happen; it is going to happen.

  1. Christian Conciliation: A World-and-Life View.
  2. The Biblical Basis for the Ministry of Reconciliation.
  3. Lex Mercatoria: The International Non-Governmental Resolution of Disputes
  4. Getting to the Kingdom

    Studies in Patriarchy

  6. Patriarchy and the Family
  7. Patriarchy and the Pastor
  8. Patriarchy and the Lawyer
  9. Patriarchy and the Criminal

    12 Steps to Patriarchy

  11. The Patriarch Manual
  12. The Son of Abraham
  13. Idolators Anonymous: The Co-opting of a Prophetic Movement
  14. Churchaholics Anonymous
  15. Archists Anonymous
  16. Homosexuals Not Gentlemen

    Escape From Dominion:
    The Myth of the Second Coming

  18. Patriarchy and the Second Coming
  19. Judaism and the Second Coming
  20. Christianity and the New Age

  21. The Most Radical Doctrine of Predestination.

  22. Miscellaneous



Towards a Patriarchal Society

Vine & Fig Tree stands for the proposition that the Bible advocates the elimination of the institutions of Church and State. These publications help show the Biblical basis for a radically decentralized personalist communitarian society, which we refer to as "patriarchy."

Christian Conciliation: A World-and-Life View.

Micah’s vision, from the perspective of an arbitrator/peacemaker.

The Biblical Basis for the Ministry of Reconciliation.

Vine & Fig Tree advocates the elimination of the State and its "system" of "justice." This is a book-length exposition of 1 Corinthians 6:1-11, which incorporates the exegesis and insights of over 35 respected Christian commentators on the passage. It argues that the Vine & Fig Tree Vision underlies Paul’s command to Christians not to resort to secular and pagan courts.

Lex Mercatoria: The International Non-Governmental Voluntary Resolution of Commercial Disputes

The idea of eliminating all political systems is met with alarm, even by "tax-protesting" "Christian Patriots." In their crusade against "commerce," they have demonized the Lex Mercatoria, or Law Merchant.

The Law Merchant was a system of non-political, voluntary arbitration of commercial disputes which existed in the Middle Ages. It is evidence that a global obedience to I Corinthians 6 is possible. This book examines the history of commerce before the rise of nation-states and shows that decentralized, patriarchal societies can more efficiently and peacefully carry out the Dominion Mandate than a world dominated by "archist" structures such as the State.

Getting to the Kingdom

The Harvard University Negotiation Project studied techniques of conflict resolution and entitled their study Getting to Yes. While their techniques and insights are valuable, they are but vague shadows of a full-orbed Christian concept of conflict resolution. That concept is presented here. In a nutshell, peaceful co-existence of human beings does not depend on the existence of a well-armed Nation-State or global government.



The publications above are somewhat "theoretical." The publications below are more "practical."

PATRIARCHY: Christian Conciliation and the Family

Christian Conciliation finds its greatest obstacle in the institutions of church and State. Would-be patriarchs are intimidated into servicelessness by claims of authority and professionalism by agents of church and State. All the responsibilities of the Ministry of Reconciliation (2 Corinthians 5:17-21) are given to "laymen."


PATRIARCHY: Christian Conciliation and
the Pastor

Beginning where the volume above leaves off, those who occupy ecclesiastical positions are given suggestions as to how to equip "laymen" for their task as conciliators, and how "Priests" and "Pastors" can then themselves move up to the position of "laymen" and Godly Patriarch.


PATRIARCHY: Christian Conciliation and
the Lawyer

Also beginning where we left off with the "layman," the Attorney is shown that he is a king under Christ, with a call to justice. This publication shows how to turn an ordinary law-practice into a Christian Patriarchy.


PATRIARCHY: Christian Conciliation and
the Criminal

Biblical critique of such concepts as Prison, Capital Punishment, and how the Patriarch should bring the message of Reconciliation to those who commit crimes. Theories tested by nearly 10 years of experience with violent and non-violent criminals in a Catholic Worker House of Hospitality.



The Patriarch Manual

A practical introduction to Christian Patriarchy. How an average, low-grade American can raise grandsons to be Patriarchs like Abraham, who was respected by kings of nations, was "rich in cattle and gold," and exercised evangelistic hospitality to over 1,000 homeless people at a time.

The Son of Abraham

A program of Scripture Meditations designed to enhance patriarchal Godliness and begin the process of personal transformation which will result in a generation of society-shaping Christian Patriarchs.

Idolators Anonymous: The Co-opting of a Prophetic Movement

An Historical and Theological Examination of the "12 Steps" of Alcoholics Anonymous, their compatibility with radical Patriarchal Christianity, and the crippling dilution of the program by demonic "new age" mythology and trendy pop-psychology.

Churchaholics Anonymous

Most Christians today are addicted to "church membership." A Biblical Critique of the institutional "church" is integrated with a 12-Step program which moves people out of churches, back to their homes, and into God’s world.

Archists Anonymous

A 12-Step program for "adult children of the State" — people who were taught that the State is a "divine institution" and are recovering from its destructive model of violence, vengeance, and domination from which we have all learned so much, and have become "co-dependent."

Homosexuals Not Gentlemen

The incredible violent and fascist origins of "The Sexual Revolution," exposing how we have all been influenced by the "New Morality," how Playboy has shaped how even Christians think about sex, and a 12-step program to overcome lust and addictive fornication.


Escape From Dominion - The Myth of the "Second Coming"

Premillennialism — the eschatological perspective which holds that Jesus could come at any moment to set up a hierarchical rule in Jerusalem — is held to by as many as 50- to 80-million Fundamentalists and Evangelicals. The view has infected many mainline Protestants and Catholics as well.

The theory is only about 200 years old. But during that time it has produced incomprehensibly evil results. During the first 1800 years of its history, Christianity produced Western Civilization, resulting in the flowering of science, law, literature, education, art, and institutions of compassion and mercy which are not found in any other culture.

Then came a resurgence of paganism. But instead of meeting this "renaissance" of autonomy, Christianity retreated into wild eschatology. Salvation was transformed from the restoration of man to his original Edenic mandate of global reconstruction into a self-centered gospel of entertainment and "warm fuzzies."

In the last two centuries, the rise of "dispensationalism," has seen the rise of secularism, communism and totalitarianism. The 20th century has been the most violent century in human history. If Christians do not return to a Biblical view of dominion and eschatology, the 21st century will be a century of unimaginable horror, as man-the-would-be-god exercises his autonomous powers and plunges the earth into secular chaos and mass death.

Patriarchy and the Second Coming

Following J. Stuart Russell, this work argues against the notion of a re-incarnation or "second coming" of Christ and establishment of hierarchical "Christian" kingdom based in Jerusalem. Shows that "Second Coming" texts which have been misused throughout church history were intended to strengthen the Apostolic Church by promising the imminent "coming" of Christ in judgment against statist pharisaism, freeing the Church to re-create Edenic Patriarchy.

Judaism and the Second Coming

Building on the volume above, this publication shows that modern pre-millennialism, ritualism, ecclesiocentrism, etc., are holdovers from Judaism (specifically, Pharisaism, or Talmudism), and how Jesus destroyed this religion in A.D. 70. This work has nothing to do with any Semitic people as such.

Christianity and the New Age

Judaism is not the only ancient religion which haunts us today. This publication shows how so-called "new age" concepts were invented by ancient opponents of Biblical Faith who sought to cripple and enslave the masses in the service of archist political and ecclesiastical systems. Modern "new-agers," such as Maurice Strong, are again attempting to enslave Christians to the corporate-political machines of the "New World Order." Christ inaugurated the true New Age, and is overthrowing the old world order which the "new agers" are vainly attempting to resuscitate.






Numerous smaller Bible studies on various subjects are available.

Things The Patriarch Abraham Would Have Supported

Things The Patriarch Abraham Would Have Opposed






The Most Radical Doctrine of Predestination. Ever.

Radical Predestination is the basis for radical personal and social change.

We trust the State because we do not trust God.

We are addicted to the promises of men because we do not believe the Word of God.

There really is a God.

Not a "force."


The God of Moses,


and Jesus

is the One, True God.

Man is not God.

Everything else follows.