Biblical Reasons Why We Should
And Practical Suggestions on How We Can
Create Heaven on Earth
What do you believe is the next event in prophecy? What did Jesus and the Apostles say would be the next thing to happen? Many people said Mussolini or Hitler was the Antichrist. Obviously they were wrong, but maybe the next event in the prophetic timetable is the appearance of the Antichrist? Or is it "wars and rumors of wars?" Or does that happen after the Rapture?
Preterists and people who have studied very little prophecy will be able to skip this page and benefit from the rest of this website.
This page is designed for those who have studied the details of the Dispensational Premillennial system and are waiting for the rapture, and know if the battle with Gog and Magog occurs before, during, or after the Great Tribulation.
If you've never heard of "preterism" -- the view that most or all of the prophecies of future events in the Bible were future to those living in Jesus' day but are past for us living today -- this page is for you.
Chart of Prophetic Events |
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My goal is to create a chart of "end time" events and show how they were all fulfillled by AD 70. It would refer to preterist links or resources. It's a long-term project. I've found two premillennialist charts, this one (not by a premil, apparently) and this one. I'll combine them when I get a chance. Do you know of a better chart of "end time" events? Email me, please.
The purpose of this exercise is to go step-by-step through the futurist timetable and show that the events have already taken place, that nothing any longer stands in the way of eternal life.
This page argues that Jesus, the "Second Adam," has repaired the damage done by the First Adam, and we should now be doing what the First Adam did: turning the Garden of Eden into the City of God; creating heaven on earth. All the tumultuous events associated with the end of the old world of temple sacrifices and levitical priests have taken place, and all things have in principle been reconciled to Christ. We now proclaim the good news of forgiveness and begin the work of dominion under Christ.
Most people believe something else must happen before we can enjoy this kind of salvation. There must be a Great Tribulation, an Antichrist, apostasy and persecution, and many other dreadful events. This page contends that these events have taken place, and nothing stands in the way of enjoying our restored relationship with God. Just as God commanded Adam to till the earth, guard the garden, plant and harvest, and exercise dominion over the earth -- in other words, to build the City of God -- so we, having been restored to full Garden fellowship, must pick up where the First Adam left off. We are building the City of God on the Foundation of Christ and the Apostles, with Christ being the Chief Cornerstone. Though we must plant and harvest, it is God Who waters and gives growth, and it is God who will get all the praise and glory as the harvest is enjoyed.
Many items on the timetable below share common features, and these pages should be consulted first:
Whatever prophetic events you think are about to happen, or will happen in the future, have already taken place. The event you think is still future is said by the Scripture to be a part of "the last days," or was to be experienced by "that generation," or was said to be "about to happen" "at any moment" and indeed shortly came to pass.
We have taken a premillennial timetable, though not from a premillennialist, and placed it at left. On the right are links to resources that help explain how these events have already been fulfilled. You can start at the top and see how each of these events -- events that we are continually told are future events -- were actually fulfilled in the past.
Or you can start at the bottom. My experience has been that even those who work through all the events usually end up at the same place: the resurrection and the Last Judgment. Even if the prophecies of these two events were shown to have been intended to describe events 2,000 years ago, the conclusion is tough to swallow: we're in eternity now. In other words, it's easier for premills to become 99% partial preterists than to jettison the last 1% of futurism and become a full-preterist. So until this chart is completed, you might as well consider the possibility of becoming a full-preterist in practice even if you're not one in theory.
Partial Preterists click here.
Full futurists click here.
The Premillennial Events |
The Preterist Interpretation |
The crucifixion of Christ | Don't forget the Resurrection and Ascension. At His Ascension, Christ was seated at the Right Hand of Power, in the Throne of David. "Of the increase of His Kingdom there shall be no end." Isaiah 9:6-7 |
Daniel's 69th week comes to an end | The Seventy Weeks Were Fulfilled in A.D.70 |
Clock of prophecy stops, kingdom is postponed | If the prophecy clock stopped ticking, then NOTHING happening now can be a fulfillment of any prophecy. |
The Church is instituted as a stop-gap measure | What is "the church? What is it about the taking of the Kingdom from apostate Jews (Matthew 21:42-43) and the grafting of the Gentiles into the Household of Faith that was unpredicted by Abraham and the prophets? "For the promise is unto you, and to your children, and to all that are afar off, even as many as the Lord our God shall call" (Acts 2:39). "Yea, and all the prophets from Samuel and those that follow after, as many as have spoken, have likewise foretold of these days. Ye are the children of the prophets, and of the covenant which God made with our fathers, saying unto Abraham, And in thy seed shall all the kindreds of the earth be blessed" (Acts 3:24-25) . "The church" started out being Jewish: "And when they were come, and had gathered the church together, they rehearsed all that God had done with them, and how He had opened the door of faith unto the Gentiles" (Acts 14:27). |
Centuries pass | |
Israel becomes a nation again (in 1948) | Not a single righteous man in the Old Testament would attach any significance to the actions of the United Nations and Britain in 1948, nor the secular Jewish nation that emerged from the Declaration of Balfour. Jesus told the Jews, "Your father Abraham rejoiced to see My day: and he saw it, and was glad" (John 8:56). Jesus told His disciples, "For I tell you, that many prophets and kings have desired to see those things which ye see, and have not seen them; and to hear those things which ye hear, and have not heard them" (Luke 10:24). Abraham "looked for a city which hath foundations, whose builder and maker is God" (Hebrews 11:10). "But now they desire a better country, that is, an heavenly: wherefore God is not ashamed to be called their God: for He hath prepared for them a city" (Hebrews 11:16). The entire earth is the Promised Land and we ought to be Christianizing it. |
Invisible second coming of Christ | The Rapture |
Rapture and the first resurrection occurs | This is the same event stated another way. See The Rapture |
All true Christians have vanished into thin air | This is the same event stated another way. See The Rapture |
Christ takes his Church to heaven for seven years | This is the same event stated another way. See The Rapture |
The clock of prophecy starts ticking again | The means NOTHING that happened before the Rapture was prophesied. |
Daniel's 70th week begins (seven-year countdown) | The Seventy Weeks Were Fulfilled in A.D.70 |
Roman empire revives (as ten United States of Europe) | Daniel predicted that after four empires, during the Roman Empire, the Kingdom of God would be established after Rome was destroyed by the Rock, Jesus:
"And in the days of these kings shall the God of heaven set up a kingdom, which shall never be destroyed: and the kingdom shall not be left to other people, but it shall break in pieces and consume all these kingdoms, and it shall stand for ever. {45} Forasmuch as thou sawest that the stone was cut out of the mountain without hands, and that it brake in pieces the iron, the brass, the clay, the silver, and the gold; the great God hath made known to the king what shall come to pass hereafter: and the dream is certain, and the interpretation thereof sure. (Daniel 2:44-45) Nowhere in Scripture is there any statement that the Empire destroyed by Christ would be revived. |
"Roman" dictator signs peace treaty with Israel | |
All nations come under "Roman" rule | |
Jews repossess Jerusalem | |
Moslem Dome of the Rock in Jerusalem is removed | |
Temple is built on that historic site | |
Israel grows extremely rich | |
144 000 Jews are chosen to preach | |
Spiritual rebirth of Israel - Total conversion of All Jews | |
World temporarily under Pax Romana (Roman Peace) | |
What needs to happen before the tribulation can begin? |
One world government (or at least a leaning in this direction) |
A restored Jewish temple (or at least serious plans to build) |
Middle of Daniel's 70th week |
"Roman" dictator (Antichrist) proclaims himself God | |
Antichrist desecrates temple | |
A new and false world religion |
Antichrist persecutes the Jews, the 144,000 become martyrs | |
Great tribulation, extreme world unrest and upheaval | |
King of South (Egypt, Africa, Arab bloc) attacks Israel | |
King of North (Russia) invades Israel, destroys King of South | |
King of West (Europe) attacks and destroys King of North | |
King of East (China) attacks King of West with 200 million soldiers | |
Battle of Armageddon threatens to annihilate world | |
Visible second coming of Christ | |
Church saints return with Jesus in immortal glorified bodies | |
Jesus sets foot on the Mount of Olives | |
Daniel's 70th week comes to an end (7 years elapsed) | |
Antichrist destroyed | |
Tribulation martyrs raised immortal with glorified bodies | |
Old Testament saints raised immortal with glorified bodies | |
Christ sits on David's throne in Jerusalem | |
"Sheep and goats" judgment of Matt 25 occurs | |
The good "Sheep" now have positions of authority | |
The wicked "Goats" are subject to a rod-of-iron rule | |
Supposed Edenic curse on ground is lifted | |
Curse of Babel on language lifted (one world tongue) | |
Animals are at peace and have gift of simple speech | |
Satan bound for 1000 years (the Millennium) | |
Temple worship restored, Mosaic Law in force again | |
Constant pilgrimages to Jerusalem from afar | |
A millennium of peace and prosperity under Christ | |
Millennium ends | |
Satan loosed from his prison | |
Nations deceived | |
A 1ittle season of rebellion | |
Battle of Gog and Magog | |
Resurrection of the wicked | |
The last judgment | |
Endtimes JUDGMENTS | |
Believers Judgment - (Judgment seat of Christ/God) Romans 14:10-12 1 Corinthians 5:9 1 Corinthians 3:10-15 |
Judgment of Israel at the regathering Ezekiel 20:33-38 |
Tribulation Judgment Ezekiel 38:14-23 |
Judgment of the Harlot (Religious Babylon) Revelation 17:1-2 |
Judgment of Economic Babylon Revelation 18:9-10 |
Second coming/Day of the Lord Judgment Isaiah 66:15-16 Ezekiel 39:17:22 Zephaniah 1:2-3,14-18 |
Sheep and Goats Judgment Matthew 25:31-46 |
Great White Throne Judgment Revelation 21:11-15 |
Wicked cast into hell fire | |
New heavens and new earth created. | The New Heavens and the New Earth |
Eternity begins | |
Table of Contents |
Here is a page of future history from a premillennialist. Millions of Christians hold to some version of the following:
You were looking for "The Last Judgment?" Not in the Pre-millennial scheme:
Table of Contents |