Biblical Law on Blasphemy (selected)
And he that blasphemeth the name of the LORD, he shall surely be put to death, and all the
congregation shall certainly stone him: as well the stranger, as he that is born in the
land, when he blasphemeth the name of the LORD, shall be put to death.
Leviticus 24:16
The Jews answered him, saying, For a good work we stone
thee not; but for blasphemy; and
because that thou, being a man, makest thyself God.
John 10:33
Likewise also these filthy dreamers defile the flesh,
despise dominion, and blaspheme
dignities. {9} Yet Michael
the archangel, when contending with the devil he disputed about the body of Moses, durst
not bring against him a blasphemous accusation, but said, The Lord rebuke thee. {10}
But these blaspheme those things which they know not: but what they know naturally, as brute
beasts, in those things they corrupt themselves.
Jude 1:8-10
Infopedia 2.0, "Blasphemy"
- in common law, crime of speaking or publishing words that vilify or ridicule God, the
Bible, or religious beliefs. It is a misdemeanor, and two reasons formerly underlay its
being a crime:
- (1) it tended to cause a breach of the peace between the blasphemer and those outraged
by his or her words, and
(2) because Christianity was a part of common law, blasphemy tended to undermine
the law.
The question is, did the Constitution require the law to be re-created on
a non-Christian foundation, or is this result of mere sociological forces (activist
atheists prevailing over retreatist Christians in the marketplace of ideas)? |
- Only the first reason remains, for Christianity is no
longer a part of the law. The manner rather than the content of the
utterance or publication renders it blasphemous; a statement of opinion, however heretical
(see Heresy) to a religion, is not punishable as blasphemy. Thus, scurrility and a
resultant tendency to provoke a public disturbance are the criteria for blasphemy, and
statutes condemning it are held to be in consonance with the laws that protect freedom of
speech and religion. It is still a crime in Great Britain and in most of the U.S., but
prosecutions are now rare.
Black's Law Dictionary, 4th ed. |
In English Law
Blasphemy is the offense of speaking matter relating to God, Jesus
Christ, the Bible, or the Book of Common Prayer, intended to wound the feelings of mankind
or to excite contempt and hatred against the church by law established, or to promote
immorality. Sweet.
In American Law
Any oral or written reproach maliciously cast upon God, His name,
attributes, or religion. Com. V. Kneeland, 20 Pick. (Mass.) 213; Young V. State, 10 Lea
(Tenn.) 165; People V. Ruggles, 8 Johns. (N.Y.) 290, 5 Am.Dec. 335; Updegraph V. Com., 11
Serg. & R. (Pa.) 406.
In general, blasphemy may be described as consisting in speaking evil
of the Deity with an impious purpose to derogate from the divine majesty, and to alienate
the minds of others from the love and reverence of God.
It is purposely using words concerning God calculated and designed to
impair and destroy the reverence, respect, and confidence due to Him as the intelligent
creator, governor, and judge of the world. It embraces the idea of detraction, when used
towards the Supreme Being, as "calumny" usually carries the same idea when
applied to an Individual. It is a willful and malicious attempt to lessen men's reverence
of God by denying His existence, or His attributes as an intelligent creator, governor,
and judge of men, and to prevent their having confidence in Him as such. Com. V. Kneeland,
20 Pick. (Mass.) 211, 212.
The use of this word is, in modern law, exclusively confined to sacred
subjects; but blasphemia and blasphemare were anciently used to signify the
reviling by one person of another. Nov.77, c. 1, § 1; Spelman.
- Every single signer of the Constitution believed that Christianity was the foundation of
our nation's law. If people became anti-Christian, they would become lawless, and our
freedoms would be lost.
- The Moral Basis of Government
This is an unedited reprint of chapter 13 of Clinton
Rossiter's The Political Thought of the American Revolution, a revised version of
Part III of Seedtime of the Republic.
- Importance of Morality
and Religion In Government
Statements from a cross-section of the Founding Fathers.
- Piety and Virtue
"without the prevalence of
Christian piety and morals, the best republican constitution can never save us from
slavery and ruin." -- Debates in the Convention of the Commonwealth
of Massachusetts, of the Adoption of the Federal Constitution WEDNESDAY, February
6, 1788. Jonathan Elliot, ed., Debates on the Adoption of the Federal Constitution,
Vol. 2, p.170.
"Piety" has reference to religious faith. Since
blasphemy attacks piety, it attacks virtue, and is therefore subversive of free republican
Swearing and Revolution |
Rushdoony, Institutes of Biblical Law, vol. 1 |
The third commandment once had central attention in church and
society; today, its significance has waned greatly for modern man.
Mantagu's informative study gives us a frank statement of the
meaning of swearing:
- Swearing serves clearly definable social as well as personal purposes. A social purpose?
But has not swearing always been socially condemned and proscribed? It has. And that is
precisely the point. Because the early forms of swearing were often of a nature regarded
as subversive of social and religious institutions, as when the names of the gods were
profanely invoked, their use in such a manner was strictly forbidden.[2]
- An important point is made here: false swearing is . . . linked with subversion.
There is, first of all, a
prohibition only of false swearing or false cursing. It is taking the name of the Lord in
vain, or "profanely" (Berkeley Version) that is forbidden. Second,
from the Biblical perspective, all false swearing or cursing is profane . . . .
The word profane comes from the Latin pro, before, fanum,
temple, i.e., before or outside the temple; profanity is thus all speech, action, and
living which is outside God.
Fourth, we can now recognize why, in
Montagu's words, "the early forms of swearing were often of a nature regarded as
subversive of social and religious institutions."[13] They still are.
All swearing is religious, and false swearing represents a subversive drive in society. .
. . Only when we begin to understand the relationship of the oath to the foundations
of society, to revolution, and to religion, can we begin to understand the ancient horror
of blasphemy.
- 2. Ashley Montagu, The Anatomy of Swearing (New York: Macmillan, 1967), p.1.
- 13. Ibid.
In 1892, the U.S. Supreme Court concluded that America
was a Christian nation. It based its conclusion on an exhaustive survey of America's
founding charters ("organic law"), court
decisions, and statutes. One of the first court decisions it considered was the case of
Updegraph v. The Commonwealth (1824)
Supreme Court of Pennsylvania
This was the first case cited in Holy Trinity, and the facts of the case
were described in the grand jury's indictment:
Abner Updegraph . . . not having the fear of God before his eyes . . . contriving and
intending to scandalize and bring into disrepute and vilify the Christian religion and the
scriptures of truth in the presence and hearing of several persons . . . did unlawfully,
wickedly and premeditatively, despitefully and blasphemously say. . . : "That the
Holy Scriptures were a mere fable: that they were a contradiction, and that although they
contained a number of good things, yet they contained a great many lies." To the
great dishonor of Almighty God [and] to the great scandal of the profession of the
Christian religion.[7]
Updegraph, indicted under the State law against blasphemy, was found guilty by the
jury; that verdict was appealed.
Since the central question revolved around the issue of blasphemy, the court needed to
establish a legal definition of that word. It therefore turned to the writings of the
foremost legal authority of the day: William Blackstone.
Blackstone's Commentaries on the Laws, introduced in 1766, became the law
book of the Founding Fathers.[8] (In fact, so strong was its
influence in America that Thomas Jefferson once quipped that American lawyers used Blackstone's
with the same dedication and reverence that Muslims used the Koran.[9])
It was therefore logical that the court should turn to this source to establish the legal
definition of "blasphemy":
Blasphemy against the Almighty is denying His being or Providence or uttering
contumelious [insulting] reproaches on our Savior Christ. It is punished at common law by
fine and imprisonment, for Christianity is part of the laws of the land.[10]
By the legal definition, Updegraph had clearly violated the law. His attorney, however,
argued that his conviction should be overturned for two reasons: (1) Updegraph was a
member of a debating association which convened weekly, and what he said had been uttered
in the course of an argument on a religious question; (2) that both the State and federal
Constitution protected freedom of speech, and that if any State law against blasphemy did
exist, the federal Constitution had done away with it; Christianity was no longer part of
the law. (Undoubtedly, defense arguments would differ little today.) The supreme court
The jury . . . finds a malicious intention in the speaker to vilify the Christian
religion and the Scriptures and this court cannot look beyond the record nor take any
notice of the allegation that the words were uttered by the defendant, a member of a
debating association which convened weekly for discussion and mutual information. . . .
That there is an association in which so serious a subject is treated with so much levity,
indecency and scurrility [vulgar and obscene language] . . . I am sorry to hear, for it
would prove a nursery of vice, a school of preparation to quality young men for the
gallows and young women for the brothel, and there is not a skeptic of decent manners and
good morals who would not consider such debating clubs as a common nuisance and disgrace to the city. . . . [I]t was the outpouring of an invective so vulgarly
shocking and insulting that the lowest grade of civil authority ought not to be subject to
it, but when spoken in a Christian land and to a Christian audience, the highest offence contra
bonos mores [against proper standards].[11]
Having rejected the defense argument concerning a debating society, the court concluded
by refuting the defense contention that the constitution disregarded Christianity:
[T]he assertion is once more made that Christianity never was received as part of the
common law of this Christian land; and it is added that if it was it was virtually
repealed by the Constitution of the United States and of this State. . . .
We will first dispose of what is considered the grand objection -- the
constitutionality of Christianity -- for, in effect, that is the question. Christianity,
general Christianity, is and always has been a part of the common law. . . not
Christianity founded on any particular religious tenets; not Christianity with an
established church . . . but Christianity with liberty of conscience to all men.
Thus this wise legislature framed this great body of laws for a Christian country and
Christian people. . . . This is the Christianity of the common law. . . and thus it is
irrefragably [undeniably] proved that the laws and institutions of this State are built on
the foundation of reverence for Christianity . . . . In this the Constitution of the
United States has made no alteration nor in the great body of the laws which was an
incorporation of the common-law doctrine of Christianity.
No free government now exists in the world unless where Christianity is acknowledged
and is the religion of the country. . . . Its foundations are broad and strong and
deep . . . it is the purest system of morality, the firmest auxiliary, and only stable
support of all human laws.[12]
- 7. Updegraph v. The Commonwealth, 11 Serg & R. 393, 394 (Sup. Ct. Penn.
- 8. Numerous early American lawyers, legal scholars, and politicians cited
Blackstones work as a key legal source. For example, Blackstone is invoked as an
authority in the writings of James Kent, James Wilson, Fisher Ames, Joseph Story, John
Adams, Henry Laurens, Thomas Jefferson, John Marshall, James Madison, James Otis, et.
- 9. Thomas Jefferson, The Writings of Thomas Jefferson, Albert Ellery Bergh, ed.
(Wash. D.C.: The Thomas Jefferson Memorial Association, 1904), vol. XII, p. 392.
- 10. Updegraph at 396, citing William Blackstone, Commentaries on the Laws of
England (Oxford: Clarenden Press, 1769), vol. IV, p. 59.
- 11. Updegraph at 398-399.
- 12. Updegraph at 399, 402-4-3,406-407
From David Barton, Original Intent, pp. 52-54
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