Missouri's 7th District, U.S. House of Representatives




Congressional Issues 2008
The Right to Life

The Theme of this campaign is "Liberty Under God," which brings life, protects life, and enhances life. The opposite of Liberty Under God -- atheistic socialism -- brings death.

America's Founding Fathers recognized that atheism brings death. Thomas Jefferson said there are some ideas which

to men of certain ways of thinking would be to annihilate the blessing of existence; to contradict the giver of life who gave it for happiness

These "certain ways of thinking" are those

which the bill of rights has made inviolable and for the preservation of which our government has been charged.

We are endowed by our Creator, "the Giver of life," with life. The right to life is also given to "our posterity." The Constitution says that the right to life extends to our descendants:

We the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.
      Human beings have value.
      They have value because they are created in the Image of God.
      They have value because God commands us to value them.
      Human beings do not have value if they are meaningless conglomerations of chemicals and water, randomly mutated when acted upon by the blind collision of impersonal forces of the universe over billions of years.
      If I am my own god, and I chose not to value other human beings, then they have no value. They are dead meat if I choose to exterminate them. Human beings have no value if "Smith" -- a meaningless conglomeration of chemicals and water -- chooses to rearrange the molecules of another meaningless and blind conglomeration of chemicals and water -- "Jones" -- from a state of being which we call "life" to a state of being which we call "death." This meaningless re-arrangement of molecules has no real significance in a cold, random, blind, impersonal universe.

As governments become influenced by atheistic socialism, they work to destroy our posterity, not secure the blessings of liberty for our posterity.

Murder is obviously a violation of the "right to life."

chbook.gif (22217 bytes)iraqmed.jpg (8977 
bytes)Across the globe, for millions, maybe even billions of people,
the federal government of the United States is a threat to life:

Government has the duty to acknowledge the "giver of life."
Any government that refuses to do this is a threat to life.

see also: Abortion

next: Liberty