Missouri's 7th District, U.S. House of Representatives




Congressional Issues 2010

Kevin Craig is "Pro-Life"

  • The intentional killing of an innocent, defenseless person is murder. This has to be the most basic foundation of a humane society.
  • An unborn child is a separate person, not a "part" of the mother. The unborn child has a unique genetic makeup and DNA fingerprint, different from the mother's.
  • There is something tragically wrong when a nation's mothers kill their own babies a million times a year; four thousand babies are killed every day in America.
  • Polls indicate Americans oppose 90% of all abortions which take place. (e.g., "I got a new bikini I wanted to wear this summmer.")
  • It is never necessary to intentionally kill a baby in order to save the life of a mother.
  • A human being should not be put to death because her father is a rapist or has committed incest.
Kevin Craig is "Pro-Choice"
  • Government force -- fines, imprisonment, or execution -- is not the solution to abortion.
  • If a pregnant woman is pressured to get an abortion by her abusive so-called "boyfriend," by her status-conscious parents, and by a greedy abortionist, she should not then be locked up in prison with a carjacker and a prostitute.
  • The government says it is "unconstitutional" to teach students that human beings are created in the image of God, and that God says not to kill them. Threatening such mal-educated students with jail will not cause them to respect life.
  • Here's how to stop abortion without raising taxes to support an army of anti-abortion "jackbooted thugs."

The 112th Congress should:

Murder is the intentional killing of another human being without justification.
Abortion is Murder.

The Libertarian Case Against Abortion

To explain and defend our case, LFL argues that:

  1. Human offspring are human beings, persons from fertilization.
  2. Abortion is homicide -- the killing of one person by another.
  3. There is never a right to kill an innocent person. Prenatally, we are all innocent persons.
  4. A prenatal child has the right to be in the mother's body. Parents have no right to evict their children from the crib or from the womb and let them die. Instead both parents, the father as well as the mother, owe them support and protection from harm.
  5. No government, nor any individual, has a just power to legally depersonify any one of us, born or preborn.
  6. The proper purpose of the law is to side with the innocent, not against them.

For details, please read LFL's literature.

Proposed Justifications for Abortion


An unborn baby is as unable to care for herself as President Woodrow Wilson was on October 3, 1919, or Ronald Reagan on June 1, 2004. Without the care of others, all three would starve to death. The intentional killing of either an unborn baby or an incapacitated President is certainly murder, regardless of their ability to make a "meaningful contribution" to society, or converse with loved ones.

The government does not allow a mother to kill her 18-month old child by dropping the child in the middle of a national park. That baby will not be able to live outside the womb or home of the mother. This lack of "viability" does not justify the killing of 18-month old children. Nor does it justify the killing of the unborn.

"Her Body"

Proponents of abortion say "it's my body."
-- the body of a genetically distinct individual -- begins at conception. A mother has no more of a right to kill the life that's nursing  in "her body" than she does to kill a life that's nursing  on "her body."

The "right to abortion" is essentially the right to have sex without consequences and without personal responsibility. The "right to abortion" is the creation of "the sexual revolution."

Abortion Changes You

Libertarian Perspectives:

According to the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), 50 million abortions are performed around the world every year. That's an average of 136,986.3 abortions every single day.
Summary - The State of World Population 2000

Abortion: Number One Killer of Blacks

"Preserving the life of the mother"

Abortion is never necessary to "preserve the life of the mother."

If a pregnancy is not developing normally and the mother's life is in imminent danger, then the baby's life is also in danger; if the mother dies, so will the baby. If the baby must be removed from its present location to save the mother's life, the baby can be re-placed somewhere where growth can continue, if not in the mother, then in an incubator. Attempting to preserve the baby's life at this point will not endanger any mother. Deliberately killing the baby is never necessary. Every attempt should be made to preserve the life of the baby. The death of an unborn baby should always be a tragic and unfortunate consequence of underdeveloped medical technology, never an intentional choice.  [return]

The Girl Who Was "Born" Twice - CBS News

Many pro-abortionists say that abortion should be "safe, legal, and rare." Why should the exercise of a "constitutional right" be "rare?" This is like a government censor saying freedom of the press should be "rare," or a pro-lynching KKK member saying trials by jury should be "rare." Abortions should be rare because they are murder.

Abortion Exceptions?

Should abortion be illegal even in cases of rape and incest? Yes, emphatically. A person should not be put to death because her father is a rapist. Nor should a person be put to death because his father committed incest.

Today in Planned Parenthood abortion facilities across the country, there are girls under 18 who are getting abortions. They were statutorily raped by men over 18. Planned Parenthood does not care. They tell these girls not to disclose the age of their rapist. Aggressors against women use the mentality of the rape- or incest-exeption to destroy evidence of their crimes.

For these reasons, there should not be any exception to a general prohibition on abortion on the grounds of rape or incest.

Jo Scott writes:

Abortion for rape emboldens the rapists, puts women at a higher risk for rape, multiplies her suffering and increases the rapist population.

Often an underage young woman that has been raped is taken to the abortion mill by the rapist. Many times he is a member of her own family. Her rapist convinced her, long before they ever darken the door of the abortuary that it would be in her best interest never to speak of her abuse. At the mill no questions are asked, she’s aborted and she’s sent home with the rapist, only to be assaulted again. No authorities are contacted, the outward evidence of her abuse is destroyed, and no one is the wiser, leaving her with no way out. Upon leaving the mill she’s been violated and traumatized once again, only this time it’s been done “legally” by the abortionist.

The abortion mill is the pedophile’s insurance policy. He knows that if he impregnates his young victim that abortion will destroy the evidence of his crime. Therefore he is free to abuse the young woman with impunity and the abortionist is his accomplice. Abortion for rape and incest only encourages the rapist to repeat his crime.

If prolifers sponsor bills that include the rape and incest exceptions we must understand that we are directly attacking the personhood of the child, and the sacredness of all life. We are also leaving young women without protection while we legislate their innocent children to death. All of which will embolden the rapist and increase the number of rapists among us.

Although these exceptions should be eliminated, any state legislation which eliminates some but not all exceptions should still be supported as a stepping-stone to eliminating all exceptions.

The Republican Party is Not a Pro-Life Party

Judiciary Crisis Resolution

WHEREAS, seven of the nine current United States Supreme Court Justices have been nominated by Republican Presidents; and

WHEREAS, Justice Clarence Thomas has written his opinion that he would allow the government to permit the killing of unborn children; and

WHEREAS, Justice Antonin Scalia has publicly stated that he would strike down any law that prohibited abortion in all fifty states; and

WHEREAS, not a single justice on the Republican U.S. Supreme Court defends the personhood and right to life of the unborn; and

WHEREAS, the pro-abortion Roe v. Wade decision was written by a Republican Justice, and

WHEREAS, Roe v. Wade was passed by a Republican majority on the U.S. Supreme Court, and

WHEREAS sixty percent of the United States federal judiciary has been nominated by Republican presidents; and

WHEREAS the federal judiciary is overwhelmingly pro-abortion, now, therefore

BE IT RESOLVED by the Colorado Republican Party that we recognize a moral crisis in the federal judiciary, and that our own Colorado Republican Party and our National Republican Party are significantly to blame for America's judicial moral crisis, and that to address this crisis, the Colorado Republican Party should support personhood and the God-given right to life of the unborn as the strategy toward ending legitimized child killing in America.

(Resolution recommended by Colorado Right To Life, 1535 Grant Street #303, Denver Colorado 80203)

       The end of abortion is not a quick fix. It has taken 500 years for Christendom to be unraveled completely and it may take another 500 years, if God so wills it, for a new Christendom to fully arise. This rebirth entails a moral and spiritual dynamics, not a political and judicial one. For a Christian the most evil element of abortion is the mortal sin of the perpetrators - not the death of the infant, as sorrowful as that is. It is the spiritual death of this country and the choking out of authentic Christianity that is the essential evil we must confront. It wouldn't matter if all abortions were outlawed tomorrow, abortion would still remain and the evil that emanates from a decadent populace and an omnipotent state would continue to increase.
       Fight abortion not by feeding the State leviathan so it can gobble up the saved unborn 18 years later in a draft or sooner in some other form of indentured servitude or indoctrination or incarceration; but rather by strengthening the autonomy of the family, the community, and the natural and sociological regions of this country. Fight abortion by reestablishing the sacrosanct status of the home, which is itself the womb of community and Christianity. Fight it by being uncowed by the police state. Fight it by rejecting legal positivism, the ideology that holds that just because the state declares something to be legal or illegal it is. Fight it by studying truth, especially the ancient truth of our Western Christian civilization. Fight it by becoming virtuous and holy. Fight it by heroically preaching the Gospel in lifestyle and words. Fight it by the prophetic witness even if it includes "civil disobedience." Fight it by being open to life and valuing of all human life even when those lives are deemed to be "enemies" or "non-persons" by the state. Fight it by establishing families united in sacrosanct indissolubility. Fight abortion by fighting the ungodly regime in Washington that rapaciously seeks to supplant both faith and family.
       Dear Christians, refuse to offer a pinch of incense by refusing to punch the ballot for either official Republican-Democratic Axis candidates. Refuse to offer tribute to the gods of American socialism, totalitarianism, and imperialism and their incarnation in the president. Resist participation in this sham election. The USA is the most powerful and hence the most dangerous nation in the history of the world. Its potential for evil is absolutely unprecedented. If there is not a reversion to the constitution then totalitarianism is inevitable. If this reversion does not occur the only hope for our country will be in those willing to give their lives as witnesses to Christ against the antichrist of the State. Whoever occupies the Whitened Sepulcher House this January is a tool of the powers and principalities of this world and of the devil. And all who facilitate the legitimacy of this sham election are, at best, the devil’s dupes, at worst his minions.
~ Christians and the Pro-Life Ploy | G.C. Dilsaver, October 23, 2008

next: Bio-Ethics

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