This is an introduction to a business whose goal is to generate two billion dollars in revenue after the seventh year of our campaign and be awarded the Nobel Prize for Peace after the tenth year. OK, I'm aiming high. But this is actually not impossible. Keep reading.
Name & Mission The business is called "Vine & Fig Tree" (VFT). Its name is taken from the Old Testament Prophet Micah, who spoke of the cosmic imperative to beat our "swords into plowshares" so that all human beings can own property and live safely under their "vine and fig tree" (Micah 4:1-7). VFT was formed in 1979 and obtained its IRS non-profit tax-exempt status in 1982.

Program During the last 25 years, preparation has been undertaken to explore the implications of Micah's prophecy and to develop a program of personal transformation which will lead to action and social reconstruction to fulfill the prophecy. This program has been tested in schools and with the homeless. Now, with the advent of the Internet, the marketing vehicle has been created which can advance the humanitarian goals of Vine & Fig Tree. A daily coaching program. 365 lessons a year. A 3-year program (so far).
  • Prayer
  • Bible Study
  • Character Traits
  • Christian Foundation of Cultural and Scientific Progress in History:
    • World History
    • American History
  • Capitalism vs. Socialism
  • The Theological Training enjoyed by America's Founding Fathers (The Westminster Standards)
Revenue The business will build on a foundation of one million people around the world who will earn $1,000 each year by becoming members of the Nobel Prize-winning business, and share in the work that will earn that Prize. During the first year of our campaign, we will identify these one million members. Business Model: Physicians for Social Responsibility, winner of the Nobel Prize for Peace in 1985. VFT's Founder worked with the Executive Director of PSR-LA for five years running a shelter for the homeless.
  During our second year, these one million members will be trained in a daily program of personal education. Then, in the third year, the one million members of this business will begin earning their $1,000 by getting 20 friends, relatives, or acquaintances to become subscribers and commit to pursuing the goals of the business, paying $9.95 per month for the daily program. Half of that revenue will go to the business, and half will be paid in commissions to the members who enlist these 20 subscribers.
  • 1 member = 20 subscribers
  • 20 X $9.95/yr = +$2,000.00
  • 50% commission = $1,000.00 for member, +$1,000 for VFT
  • 1 million members = $1B for VFT, $1B in commissions
  • 20 million subscribers become members after completing year-long program, and enlist their friends as well.
Political Impact At the end of four years, we will have created an extraordinarily powerful political base that will begin to change the course of human history.  
Nobel Prize We'll never win the Nobel Peace Prize, of course. The Nobel Committee has a socialist bias. Look at a list of past winners. Mostly leftists. In 1990 the Prize went to communist Mikhail Gorbachev for ending the cold war. Clearly that honor should have gone to Ronald Reagan. In 1993, F.W. de Klerk shared the Prize with Nelson Mandela. Doesn't that show the Committee is not biased against right-wingers? No; de Klerk won where Reagan did not because de Klerk capitulated to Mandela the Marxist-Leninist. Reagan stood up to Gorbachev. Read more about the impossibility of our winning the Nobel Prize here.
  Still, most people look up the Nobel Prize for Peace as something admirable. Our goal is not to win the Prize, but to do something so admirable that people who don't realize how biased the Prize is will think we deserve to win it. Setting a laughably-high goal can also motivate one to work harder to achieve it, if only to avoid embarrassment by achieving partial but respectable sucess!
Core Market Our research indicates that more than 90% of 300 million Americans believe in God. A large percentage of those people would call themselves "Bible-believing" Christians. 270 million theists

100 million Americans

Plus a growing global audience

  The presentation you are now reading is not directed to our core market (Christian "extremists"), but to key entrepreneurs and internet specialists who might be enticed to help us achieve our goals, even though they do not completely share our Biblical convictions and religious worldview. You are invited to help us, regardless of your creed. Consider this the next step in human evolution. Even if you do not share our faith, your world and the world of your grandchildren will be immeasurably better if Vine & Fig Tree succeeds in its goals.  
Iraq War as Test Case Tragically, most "Bible-believing Christians" supported the recent war in Iraq. America's Founding Fathers would have viewed "Operation Iraqi Freedom" as an unconstitutional and criminally vainglorious abomination. During the Bush-Clinton-Bush years, the U.S. chose to kill over 2 million people in Iraq at a cost of nearly a trillion dollars, in an effort to overthrow a dictator (who permitted Christian churches and missionary work in his country) and replace his regime with an Islamic theocracy (where "Christian churches are under attack and Christians are no longer safe"). And this war was one of the least destructive of all the world's wars during the last 100 years. If Hillary is elected, we will speak of the Bush-Clinton-Bush-Clinton years.

Congressman Ron Paul: Christians in Iraq.

  Thankfully, there is growing awareness among Bible-believing Christians that U.S. foreign policy does not measure up to Christian standards.  
  We believe there are approximately one million committed Bible-believing Christians in America (1% of the total) who are already primed to take action to replace secular fascism with a Christian libertarianism. These Christians can exert an influence over an additional 20 million Christians that will likewise move them from fascism to "Vine & Fig Tree." Each time these Christians enlist new subscribers to go through our year-long daily coaching program, their force for peace multiplies, ultimately having a revolutionary global effect. John Birch Society

Chalcedon Foundation

Constitution Party

Covenant News

The Last American Revolution Only about one-third of Americans actively supported the American Revolution: one-third were Tories and the other third were apathetic middle-of-the-roaders. America's Founding Fathers were willing to risk "our lives, our fortunes and our sacred honor" to promote the ideal of "Liberty Under God." The goal of Vine & Fig Tree is to create an even greater level of commitment to the fulfillment of Micah's prophecy, in numbers and in passion.
  In 1776, America's Founding Fathers issued a "Declaration of Independence," which was based on a core of "self-evident truths," which can also be called "the laws of Nature and of Nature's God." These "self-evident truths" were not some vague, feel-good New Age mumbo-jumbo. These were concrete Biblical principles, and those who drafted the Constitution for this new nation were people steeped in The Good Book. Not a single person who signed the Constitution could fairly be called a "deist." Not one. Every one of them would vigorously oppose today's secular fascism. Ideas Have Consequences
  In the 19th century, the United States Supreme Court declared very forcefully that America was officially and legally "a Christian nation." The Court's unanimous opinion began with Columbus and the Mayflower and continued through all the major founding charters of America. Holy Trinity Church v. United States (1892)
  That case was overruled in the 20th century, and America became an officially and legally secular nation. In 1776 every civilized nation on earth was officially and legally a Christian nation. By 1976, the world's superpowers were all functionally atheistic, and the 20th century had become the most violent century in the history of the human race, with an average of nearly 10,000 people being intentionally killed on average each and every single day during this century (not including abortions) by governments that had repudiated the Christian foundations of Western Civilization.


Congressman Ron Paul: War on Christianity


  The secular architects of this century of war believe it is necessary to kill several times more people during the 21st century: thousands per hour.  
  The goal of supporters of Vine & Fig Tree is to counter and reverse this process of secularization and militarization, and return to the "self-evident truths" that made America the most prosperous and admired nation in the history of the world.  
  Vine & Fig Tree repudiates all violent efforts to achieve one's goals -- even the American Revolution. Genocide and tyranny cannot be eliminated by violence, but only by persuasion. Vine & Fig Tree believes in regeneration, not revolution.
  Vine & Fig Tree markets ideas. We have already registered over 100 top-level domains to reach selected niches with Micah's vision of "swords into plowshares." These domains are listed here, and that page is essential reading to understanding the full breadth of the Vine & Fig Tree worldview. It begins with certain "self-evident truths. . . ." [Go there now]  

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