Who You're Dealing With

I know who you are. I'm on your mailing list. I've read all your free reports. I've downloaded your audio/video files and have listened to or watched them. I undoubtedly need your coaching program to get my campaign running. But I need you to defer collection of your fee until you succeed in helping me succeed.

Here's who I am.

I was a Chalcedon Scholar at the foundation identified by Newsweek magazine as the "think-tank of the religious right."

B.A., political science/communication, USC,
M.A., law and theology, Simon Greenleaf School of Law,
I passed the California Bar Exam. I've been told California's is the toughest Bar Exam in the world.

Although I passed the California Bar Exam, I was denied a license to practice law because my allegiance to God is greater than my allegiance to the government. My final brief before the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals in San Francisco was written by three well-known professors of Constitutional Law and a former California Supreme Court Justice who took my case on a pro-bono basis. Details here: http://i.am/not-a-lawyer. (You may remember the Ninth Circuit's decision a couple of years ago to prohibit school children from saying the words "under God" in the Pledge of Allegiance.)







After passing the Bar Exam I began using my skills to help the homeless. I rented a 12-room house in a bad part of town and invited the homeless to stay in the extra rooms. I helped them get jobs, get off drugs, and fed thousands of people as a way of getting to know them and deciding who would make a good candidate for my program. For nearly ten years I obtained discarded food from grocery stores, hospitals, restaurants, and other charitable organizations. On a budget of about $40,000/yr (no tax dollars) and some dedicated volunteers, we served more people than government institutions with budgets 10-100 times as large. And during this time I took no salary. I was part of a radical anti-communist movement that began during the Great Depression, and has since become very left-wing.  
In my spare time while working with the homeless, I wrote about Micah's "Vine & Fig Tree" idea and created nearly 2,000 web pages using AOL screen names from people I knew who weren't using the webspace that came with their account. If you do a Google search for "Vine & Fig Tree," my non-profit organization will likely come up first.  
There's no vision like this on the web. Whether you're a Democrat, Republican, Libertarian, or anything else, on my web pages you will find things you agree with, things you disagree with, but always things that challenge your thinking. Well-written. Intelligent. Documented. There is an untapped market for these ideas. Here's a couple of emails I've received:

Subj: Great Stuff!
Date: 11/11/00 4:27:36 PM Pacific Standard Time
From: jerry.leonard999@yahoo.com (Jerry Leonard)
To: KEVIN.4VFT@aol.com

Hi Kevin

Tori told me about your web page months ago and I have been soaking it up ever since. It is the most awesome thing I've seen out there... and I had access to the web well before the public ever heard of it!

Subj: Excellent! 
Date: 3/3/2002 6:35:21 PM Pacific Standard Time
From: zae.lunas@excite.com
To: VFTinc@aol.com
Sent from the Internet

I just wanted to comment that this site is of incredibly quality. I find its intrinsic message to be "right on target." Your unique analysis provides amazing clarity on what I've been searching for. I really think the Vine & Fig Tree paradigm is truly the cure to this world's ills. I will start today implementing the Biblical virtues espoused on your site, and will try to become more active in uplifting the Community instead of attending a dead, obligatory Sunday-morning service. I wish you well and may you continue to serve God forever.

"Believe! Achieve!!" -Zaelunas Nightsky

More testimonials. Since I graduated from college, I have been giving to the community on a pro-bono basis. I do not have one single penny in my bank account. I do not have one penny in any retirement fund. I have no social security benefits coming to me. This is why I'm asking you to defer collection of your fee until I earn it through the marketing machinery you'll tell me how to create.

My credo is here: www.KevinCraig.info

Other websites:
Your future ability to make money on the Internet depends upon the success of the idea of "Liberty Under God." Our nation is rapidly moving away from free-market capitalism and toward socialism, which always impoverishes a nation by destroying the people's liberties.

Do you care about the future?

Or are you just using your internet marketing skills for the present?

We all need to invest a little in our future, sacrifice a little, like America's Founding Fathers did, and pledge something for the cause of "Liberty Under God."

Do all the research you want, and you will confirm that I am an honest and trustworthy person. You will get paid. I will pay you before I pay myself. I'm a wanna-be policy wonk, not a webmaster, and not an entrepreneur. I need mentoring on setting up the internet infrastructure necessary to market the idea of "Liberty Under God." I can't pay you until the structure is set up and the money is coming in. But I will be happy to pay you — happy because that will mean I'm getting subscriptions and the word is getting out.

Vine & Fig Tree may not win the Nobel Prize for Peace, but the human race needs millions of Christians in the United States to reign in the federal government, stop waving the banners of war, and pursue Micah's decentralized vision of social harmony. Somebody needs to do this, and so far nobody more qualified is standing up to bat. This will get the ball rolling. It's a start.