VFT PeaceProject.org

Dear Internet Marketing Guru:

You are reading this page because I believe you are the kind of person who might be interested in helping me build a business I started many years ago.

I am not a businessman. I am full of ideas which have often been called "impractical." After researching many executive coaches and business mentors, I have concluded that you know what I need to know.

I have a massive website that nobody is directly searching for on Google, but once they find it, they can't stop reading it.

They either love it or they hate it, and even those who say they hate it   say they can't stop reading it. My webpages have become a source of answers for many people with questions on their mind. I believe you know what I need to know to make contact with the people who will read my webpages, get their questions answered in an online forum, and then take action.

I haven't made one red cent off my website. In fact, I haven't been paid more than a few hundred dollars in my entire life. I can tell by some of the books you mention that you are aware of the principle of the tithe: that we should give back to God 10% of what He gives to us. Perhaps one way of giving back would be to give me a scholarship to your coaching program.

I believe a talented marketing expert can help me set up my already-existing webpages in a form that can be sold to many readers for a small membership fee. The internet provides a way to reach many people, and my goal is not to make a lot of money, but to change a lot of lives.

If I succeed in my goal, with the help of a business-savvy marketer, I believe the non-profit organization I founded 25 years ago can accomplish results worthy of a Nobel Prize for Peace.