The Ch Con and Sedition

Since I am not an attorney, I can’t give you legal advice, but you might be concerned about whether reading this book and acting on its advice (to give your ultimate allegiance to God rather than to the federal government) can get you arrested for sedition. Keep in mind that Jesus Christ was arrested and given the death penalty. Much of the New Testament was written behind bars. The New Testament word for “witness” is the Greek word from which we derive the English word “martyr.”

Are you ready to give your life for America and the Gospel?

Are you ready to be placed on some President’s “enemies list?”

Are you ready to be audited by the IRS, and have liens placed on your property, be forced to sell the family farm, and maybe live for a year in a Salvation Army homeless shelter because the government confiscated everything you own because you support some of the goals of the Christmas Conspiracy?