You SHOULD Be Worried!
If you're worried that "The Christmas Conspiracy" is a dangerous cult that deviates from Christian orthodoxy and will seduce the ignorant masses away from Holy Mother Church, you're probably an "ordained" office-holder in the institutional church. Your livelihood depends on people believing that they must "attend church," which in turn depends on their belief that the institutional church has something worthwhile or necessary to offer them.
"The Christmas Conspiracy," on the other hand, has no need for and makes no claim to "monopoly position." We don't threaten eternal damnation to all who will not read our web page. All we do is set forth the claims and promises of the King Who was born on that first Christmas.
These claims and promises are so extraordinary and vibrant that the cold irrelevance of "orthodoxy" and the mindless me-centered entertainment of institutional churches cannot compete.
As the Prince of Peace and the King of kings, the Christ of Christmas indicts all institutionalized violence. The violence of the United Nations, the World Bank, and other instruments of "The New World Order" of the Bush-Clinton regime are murdering millions and subjecting billions to poverty. The institutional church says nothing.
Seated at the Right Hand of God, Christ promises to make Christmas a reality. The churches ignore these promises, insisting that Satan and his "New World Order" are really in charge, and that Christmas was a failure. The churches promise a "rapture" for the "good guys" and nuclear war for the "bad guys."
The imperialism and mass-murder of the State, about which churches are silent, does not arise in a void. Millions of Americans cheer at the death of Iraqi soldiers because they believe their deaths insure low gasoline prices. Millions of Americans put materialism and personal pleasure above human life. Four thousand babies are murdered each day to protect the idols of materialism. Churches say nothing about global violence and tyranny because they know the "laymen" are addicted to violence and materialism, and preaching like Christ would lose contributors.
"The Christmas Conspiracy" is a bold denunciation of statism and political violence which is rooted in a personal confrontation of our own idols and addictions. We are able to overthrow the State because the Christ of Christmas is already overthrowing idols in our own lives. As co-conspirators, we denounce the State's oppression of the poor because we ourselves exercise hospitality. We denounce the killings of the State because we have already forgiven our own enemies. We become more truly human as we speak the Truth to power because we are already being set free by the Truth.
Churches do not deliver freedom. Not in the lives of individuals; not in the lives of nations. Churches deny the message of Christmas: "Peace on Earth, goodwill toward men." Churches promise war and tribulation among nations, and warm fuzzies among the "laymen." The "New World Order" is not limited to political oppression, but also depends on churches to suppress the message of Christmas. "The Christmas Conspiracy" is a threat to both church and State.
Vine & Fig Tree
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The Home Page of "The Christmas Conspiracy"Your comments on this page to Kevin4VFT@aolcom.
The Christmas Conspiracy
Vine & Fig Tree
Paradigm Shift
Vine & Fig Tree
12314 Palm Dr. #107
Desert Hot Springs, CA 92240