In general, each of the characteristic Blessings of the Garden and of Man's Life in the Garden are reversed as man rebels against the Lordship of the Creator. We see the anti-parallels:

The Life of Man was characterized by the following:

  • Instead of God's Presence
  • Separation, "Hell on earth," alienation
  • Instead of water
  • Thirst
  • Instead of the Mountain
  • a desert Valley
  • Instead of the Botanical Garden
  • a Wilderness
  • Instead of Precious Stones
  • Clay, wood, stubble, asphalt

The Life and Nature of Man are also ruined by Man's rebellion

Instead of Dominion Man
Neanderthal Man
Instead of a Garden
"The Concrete Jungle"
Instead of Knowledge
Instead of Harmony with Nature
Conflict, Pollution
Instead of Freedom to Enjoy and Glorify God
Economic Scarcity
Instead of The Family
"Singles," "Careerism"
Instead of Long life-spans
Sickness, Death
Instead of Unmolested stewardship over land
Serfdom, slavery, IRS liens
Instead of Stability