If This Isn't Heaven, I Don't Know What Is

Biblical Reasons Why We Should
And Practical Suggestions on How We Can

Create Heaven on Earth

Arguments against preterism usually end with this: "Are you saying we're now in heaven?"

There's a certain logic here.

After all, if preterists believe that "the Last Days" means "the last days of the Old Covenant," the Antichrist was revealed during the days of the Apostles, the Great Tribulation happened in the destruction of Jerusalem in AD 70, the Second Coming and even the Rapture occurred during the first century, and if preterists are willing to believe that all 101 "any moment" texts in the New Testament really did mean "any moment" and really did occur within the lifetime of "this generation," then that can only mean that the resurrection also occurred before the end of the first century, and we must be in heaven.


More and more Christians are admitting that the Hal Lindsey hermeneutic for Matthew 24 is a failure. A Biblical interpretation of Matthew 24 takes into consideration the Old Testament language used, and concludes that the entire chapter was fulfilled in the AD70 destruction of Jerusalem.