5 things you like to do |
5 things you hope to do in the next 12 months. |
5 things that make 2004 better than 1804 |
The 5 greatest achievements of the human race
in the next 200 years. (2004-2204) |
5 things you look forward to doing throughout
all eternity. |
- quilting
- cooking
- seeing my kids
- looking at the view
- walk with spouse after dinner
- eating the dinner my spouse cooks
- reading my favorite magazine
- listening to music
- writing without quill and ink
- traveling
- eating chocolate
- watching special effects in movies
- live sports TV
- collecting shells at the beach
- amusement park rides
- going fishing
- flying my Cessna
- organizing my garage
- bubble baths
- repairing things for friends
- golfing
- eating out
- get-out-the-vote
- dancing
- see the birth of my granddaughter
- get the house sold
- teach a baby to talk
- learn to use computer
- promotion on job
- sing on stage
- take vacation
- make more $$
- go to Disneyland
- open presents at Christmas
- leisurely train trip up north
- steak at my favorite steak house
- find true love
- enjoy good health
- pass exam
- [other destinations, menu choices, etc.]
- medicine
- longer life
- electricity
- automobiles
- airplanes
- increased leisure time
- takes less time to work for things I need
- access to information
- sanitation
- flush toilets
- television
- movies
- visco-elastic foam mattress
- personal computer
- cell phone
- communicating over distances
- glad I don't have to wear corsettes
- end of segregation
- dishwashers
- microwaves
- crossing borders
- seminars and educational opportunities
- anesthesia
- running water
- hot water
- women voting
- air conditioning
- missed all the wars from 1804-2004
- Starbuck's lattes
[many answered that end will come, or
that things will get worse]
- space travel
- free energy
- cure for cancer
- no pollution
- "no more liberals"
- knowledge of Lord covers the earth
- longer lifespans
- "beam me up"
- no more wrinkles
- videophone
- housecleaning robots
- reunion with loved one
- getting puzzling questions answered (e.g., how Grand Canyon was formed)
- knowing as we are known
- fellowship with God
- perfect fellowship with others
- no negatives
- enjoy perfect work
- no fatigue
- no physical limitations
- no IRS record-keeping.
- no more tears
- getting youthful appearance back
- seeing the face of God
- singing
- worshipping
- looking at my mansion
- going fishing with [deceased pet]
- no pain
- no sickness
- don't have to deal with sinful people
- serenity [ironically, inserenity said to be caused by items in first two
- no arguments
- see new colors
- no failure