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Wow! You have almost made it! I will try to come see you in Washington. Thanks and appreciation to the person who does the web site. It is wonderful! Cynthia Caddell
Cynthia Caddell <>
Collingswood, NJ - Monday, January 31, 2000 at 22:49:12 (EST)
HAPPY BIRTHDAY GRANNY!!!! Thanks to you and all the people who give their time to this cause. You truly have my gratitude. Campain finance is the root of many of the problems government has buzzing around it like flies on a road kill 'possum. These men and women know the finance rules are corrupt and I don't believe any of them would feel it a matter of free speech if they did not directly benifit from it. Hey, if they truly believe it's a matter of free speech and they don't think it's buying favors, mabey they could find enough backbone to pass a law making all contributions annonomus. They could also make it illigal to give,seek or recieve any information that may in any way identify a contributer. If they could muster that much backbone we would soon see just how many big contributers really care about what's best for America. Granny, if you do get an audiance with the great and powerful OZ,when they start to wrap themselves in the flag and use those silver toungs,call them to the carpet and call them once for me too!! THE BEST WISHES,YOUR FRIEND Wes Wygant
Wes Wygant <>
Ney, Oh - Monday, January 31, 2000 at 21:20:13 (EST)
You are the very spirit of America. Go, granny!
Mara Ashelman <>
Berkeley Springs, WV - Monday, January 31, 2000 at 20:58:16 (EST)
Thank you so much for yr. courage and conviction, Granny D. May you never be lonely in them. I support you all the way.
Chris Rich <>
Asheville, NC - Monday, January 31, 2000 at 19:21:38 (EST)
Thank you Granny D!
Majid Allan <>
Madison, WI - Monday, January 31, 2000 at 17:59:05 (EST)
keep up the good work, we middle class are tired of having our voices drowned out by the big money that chooses candidates for us, espcially here in nevada where casinos dominate
henry w. simms <>
las vegas , nv - Monday, January 31, 2000 at 17:47:05 (EST)
You exhibit more bravery and conviction than every Politician in Washington. Thank you.
Gil Gillman <>
Pittsburgh, PA - Monday, January 31, 2000 at 11:51:56 (EST)
You are truly an inspiration...thank you for your efforts and for never giving up!
Kelli Tungate <>
- Monday, January 31, 2000 at 10:59:55 (EST)
Doris, you are my inspiration. !!!!!!!!!MANY HAPPY RETURNS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am sending your birthday present to Speaker Hastert, an old sneaker. God bless you on your pilgrimage! Graeme
Graeme Sephton <>
Shutesbury, MA - Monday, January 31, 2000 at 10:25:58 (EST)
Go Girl... what an inspiration you are..
Shirley Skerness <>
Bedford, OH - Monday, January 31, 2000 at 07:38:48 (EST)
You are true inspiration. May peace be with you!
Shana Cassidy and Joe Gilroy <>
Sierra Madre, CA - Monday, January 31, 2000 at 02:04:34 (EST)
On your birthday, somebody told you that you were barking up the wrong tree because "The Supreme Court has ruled SEVERAL times that money is a free speech issue in campaigns. I find it ironic that you would exercise your rights under the First Amendment rights in order to try to exclude me from exercising mine!" It's so hillarious the way Conservatives and Republicans swear BY the Supreme Court when it is WRONG (confusing Bribery with Free Speech) and swears AT the Supreme Court when it is RIGHT, (recognizing the right of people to have differing views on the morality of abortion!) It is true that giving money is like speech. So is black-mail and pointing a gun a people like speech. But far from being "free" speech, it is unfair speech and in the context of democracy, it ought -- like bribery, black-mail, and extortion -- to be ILLEGAL. So GO, GRANNY, GO ! God love you!...................... And as for you "Reform Party" people, if your leaders REALLY wanted Campaign Finance Reform, they would have urged you to put your weight behind all the Democrats who fought for and almost passed it in Congress several times since Perrot made such a fuss about it.......... But then, of course the Democrats would be seen as the heroes of reform, and Perrot wouldn't be able to say "both major parties stink". The next time Democrats make a big push for it, why don't you show you really want it by putting your shoulders to the wheel as well?!?
Rev. Ray Dubuque <>
East Haven, - Sunday, January 30, 2000 at 22:35:04 (EST)
On your birthday, somebody told you that you were barking up the wrong tree because "The Supreme Court has ruled SEVERAL times that money is a free speech issue in campaigns. I find it ironic that you would exercise your rights under the First Amendment rights in order to try to exclude me from exercising mine!" It's so hillarious the way Conservatives and Republicans swear BY the Supreme Court when it is WRONG (confusing Bribery with Free Speech) and swears AT the Supreme Court when it is RIGHT, (recognizing the right of people to have differing views on the morality of abortion!) It is true that giving money is like speech. So is black-mail and pointing a gun a people like speech. But far from being "free" speech, it is unfair speech and in the context of democracy, it ought -- like bribery, black-mail, and extortion -- to be ILLEGAL. So GO, GRANNY, GO ! God love you! And as for you "Reform Party" people, if your leaders REALLY wanted Campaign Finance Reform, they would have urged you to put your weight behind all the Democrats who fought for and almost passed in Congress several times since Perrot made such a fuss about it. But then, of course the Democrats would be seen as the heroes of reform and Perrot wouldn't be able to say "both major parties stink".
Rev. Ray Dubuque <>
East Haven, - Sunday, January 30, 2000 at 22:32:32 (EST)
A real American hero you are! What courage and integrity to do this. Resolution of this matter is central to the perpetuation of a democracy. Go Granny Go!
Gayle Rothrock <>
Tacoma, WA - Sunday, January 30, 2000 at 20:36:16 (EST)
Go, Granny!! We Reform Party members support you 100%. We're proud of you and all you've done. Thank you for the good of my children.
Mike Hicks <>
Dallas, TX - Sunday, January 30, 2000 at 20:29:09 (EST)

Tom Dyrdahl <X>
Minneapolis, MN - Sunday, January 30, 2000 at 16:07:32 (EST)

Amy Vruno <>
New York, NY - Sunday, January 30, 2000 at 16:06:47 (EST)
The C&O Canal between Seneca and Great Falls is beautiful and so are you! My friend Linda Zimmer(walked with you in W.Va.) wrote how you inspired her. May the knowledge that you've given so much to so many help your breath easier. JTK
J. T. Klevins <>
Potomac, Md. - Sunday, January 30, 2000 at 15:46:30 (EST)
Go Granny Go!! Thanks for doing sometime for all of us. God bless your every step.
Larry Ritsch <>
Galt, Ca - Sunday, January 30, 2000 at 15:38:11 (EST)
Good luck Doris. Our love and thoughts are with you. Wish we could be in Washington to meet you. But I am alerting some folks.
Mary L. Sherburne < >
Charlotte , NC - Sunday, January 30, 2000 at 12:22:59 (EST)
true democracy will continue to ellude this questionably great country as long as we, the people, permit corporations and monied interests to run it. love to you and your spirit granny d!
james m. dennis <>
troy, ny - Sunday, January 30, 2000 at 09:59:49 (EST)
See you in Washington.
Judith Shingleton <>
canton, oh - Sunday, January 30, 2000 at 08:27:22 (EST)

Tom Shingleton <>
Canton, OH - Sunday, January 30, 2000 at 08:24:11 (EST)
A belated happy birthday!! You are an inspiration to us all. Especially those of us who sit and complain about the current state of politics and campaigning and yet don't have the courage to get off our duffs and do something. We are truly blessed to have someone as yourself leading the charge. May our collective voices be heard. It's been wonderful following your travels and we are sorry to have missed you when you travelled through New Mexico. May we suggest you write a book chronicling your trip. Congratulations and God bless you. Please add our names to your petition.
Maureeen Halas and Winston Benally <winston@cyberport>
Waterflow, NM - Saturday, January 29, 2000 at 23:45:53 (EST)
Bless You. You have shown this will never be fixed unless people quit whining and work!
G. Winters <>
IN - Saturday, January 29, 2000 at 22:26:57 (EST)
Bless You. You have shown this will never be fixed unless people quit whining and work!
G. Winters <>
IN - Saturday, January 29, 2000 at 22:11:16 (EST)
You go girl!
Janet Brown <>
Reseda, CA - Saturday, January 29, 2000 at 20:02:45 (EST)
good job GRANNY
janetzamora <>
custer, wa - Saturday, January 29, 2000 at 19:58:15 (EST)
The slate of candidates and would-be candidates appears to support the premise that the Presidency (and all Congressional seats) are for sale to the highest bidder: What qualifications other than money do Steve Forbes, Warren Beatty (another actor); Ted Turner have? Why can't we have psychological and intellectual testing to qualify candidates to run. Or better yet change to a lottery that allows all Americans a fair shot? Our current system is an abyssmal failure--a sellout to vested interest--and in no way representative "of the people, for the people and by the people." I am so proud of Granny D for her courage and her convictions--She is a wonderful role model for all Americans. She will prevail if we have any sense of justice left.
Carol A. Scholp <>
Hot Springs, AR - Saturday, January 29, 2000 at 19:48:51 (EST)
The slate of candidates and would-be candidates appears to support the premise that the Presidency (and all Congressional seats) are for sale to the highest bidder: What qualifications other than money do Steve Forbes, Warren Beatty (another actor); Ted Turner have? Why can't we have psychological and intellilectual testing to qualify candidates to run. Or better yet change to a lottery that allows all Americans a fair shot? Our current system is an abyssmal failure--a sellout to vested interest--and in no way representative "of the people, for the people and by the people." I am so proud of Granny D for her courage and her convictions--She is a wonderful role model for all Americans. She will prevail if we have any sense of justice left.
Carol A. Scholp <>
Hot Springs, AR - Saturday, January 29, 2000 at 19:47:46 (EST)

Rob Goodspeed <>
Cumberland, ME - Saturday, January 29, 2000 at 17:08:20 (EST)
I wish I could afford to take year off work to join you! I'm with you!!!
Maria R. Gaeta-Uribe <schleprock123>
Reseda, CA - Saturday, January 29, 2000 at 15:57:56 (EST)
I think it's great what you are doing. Thank you for stopping by my school it made a very big difference!
Jessica Van <>
Cumberland , MD - Saturday, January 29, 2000 at 15:06:59 (EST)
Gaye Carlson <>
Redwood City, CA - Saturday, January 29, 2000 at 14:49:03 (EST)
Bottom line....It's money and votes that drive everything indside the beltway in Washington D.C..Let's help Granny D create a greater public awareness and get true and lasting campaign finance reform!!!!
John Romano <>
Miami, FL - Saturday, January 29, 2000 at 13:42:08 (EST)
Bottom line....It's money and votes that drive everything indside the beltway in Washington D.C..Let's help Granny D create a greater public awareness and get true and lasting campaign finance reform!!!!
John Romano <>
Miami, FL - Saturday, January 29, 2000 at 13:41:51 (EST)
Dearest Granny D, Thank you for being. We've been wanting this reform for a decade. It has to happen first before we can do anything else.
Barrie Higgins <>
Santa Fe, NM - Saturday, January 29, 2000 at 12:42:25 (EST)
My son David ("Copperfield") Cooper walked with you in Kentucky and West Virginia, and subsequently made me aware of your cause. Your views about the harms and dangers of campaign finance excesses are exactly on target. Your skills at communicating these views are literate and effective. And your determination deserves great admiration. May your Washington visit culminate in greatly increased national attention to this serious problem. Keep going!
Sanford L. Cooper <COOPERSL@HOME>
Osprey, FL - Saturday, January 29, 2000 at 11:15:33 (EST)

Richelle Wojtczak <>
Dearborn, MI - Saturday, January 29, 2000 at 09:00:52 (EST)
From Northern Ireland, where we are trying to establish a democracy and where money and violence plays its part to in undermining democracy, I wish you well and I hope all those young people who aimlessly surf the net in the USA, find your site and exercise the one weapon available to them, their vote, to transform the blow dried, sound-bite ridden beltway politics into a real participant democracy. Go Granny D, Go!!
John Foster <>
Lisburn , Co. Down - Saturday, January 29, 2000 at 02:16:45 (EST)
You are such an inspiration! If there was any way I could be in D.C. for your arrival, I would be there. But I will definitely be there in spirit. You renew my faith in people! You are wonderful.
Pauline Boehm <>
Clifton Park, NY - Friday, January 28, 2000 at 23:27:50 (EST)
Belated birthday greetings. God bless you and may your efforts succeed in changing the way campaigns are financed.
Jean <>
NewCumberland, PA - Friday, January 28, 2000 at 23:25:51 (EST)

hanpup <>
Hanover, Ma - Friday, January 28, 2000 at 23:25:21 (EST)
Belated birthday greetings. God bless you and may your efforts succeed in changing the way campaigns are financed.
Jean <>
NewCumberland, PA - Friday, January 28, 2000 at 23:23:07 (EST)
Nothing like a 90 year old woman with the courage to stand up against the tyranny of big money to cure your apathy. Go Granny Go!
Peter Taglia <>
Madison, WI - Friday, January 28, 2000 at 23:22:11 (EST)

B.Atkins <>
San LuisObispo, ca - Friday, January 28, 2000 at 22:12:33 (EST)
I think we all wait for leadership. And now GrannyD stands up to lead. Put us on the list to help.
tim Maloney <>
louisville, ky - Friday, January 28, 2000 at 22:03:03 (EST)
Can I sign twice? Just wanted to take this opportunity to wish you belated but no less heartfelt congratulations on your birthday! Have good skiing downhill to Washington--go Granny, go!
Vikke Andersen <>
South Haven, MI - Friday, January 28, 2000 at 21:09:30 (EST)
Happy 90th birthday. Our family is praying for you that you will arrive in Washington D.C. on February 29 to show those politicians that we the people can change the way this country is run. The politicians need to know that they belong to the people and not to corporations. You are an inspiration to our family. We are not afraid to get old because we have you as our mentor. We love you.
Arnie & Mary Ellen Schultz < >
Schenectady, NY - Friday, January 28, 2000 at 20:52:37 (EST)
Best wishes on you last stretch to Washington. The entire world supports you.We all try to do our part, but you have done a world class job. Let us hope it has an impact on the politicians, to force them to sit up and take notice. Perry M. Benson Senior Senator California Senior Legislature
Perry M. Benson <>
Valley Center, CCA - Friday, January 28, 2000 at 20:37:17 (EST)
Dear Granny D, I've heard you on WRPI radio from Troy, N.Y. I think what you're doing is great and I wish all the best. I to agree with you and think campaign finance reform is what we need in this country. I'll be listening for more updates about how you're doing and where you are. If you're ever in Wynantskill stop by Willow Lane.
Marlies Palka <>
wynantskill, N.Y. - Friday, January 28, 2000 at 19:10:03 (EST)
I am a great admirer of Granny D's. I have been tracking her progress for a long, long time and have had my fingers crossed all the way. Now that the trip is about over, my biggest hope is that she is able to sway the right-wing congress and make them admit the need for campaign reform. Good luck, Granny D and may God bless you. -- With kindest regards, Dave
David A. Neighbors <>
Cedar Park, TX - Friday, January 28, 2000 at 18:30:48 (EST)
Thank you for your inspirational work, proving wrong the pundits who think that "average Americans" don't care about who pays for our public servants' campaigns. Guess I'd better get off my duff and help you!
Jerome Harris <>
Brooklyn, NY - Friday, January 28, 2000 at 17:10:55 (EST)
Granny, You are an inspration to all generations. I strongly encourage you, however, to add Ford to your list of evil companies. The Ford family, via Ford Motor Corporation, contributed heavily to The Third Reich during World War II via a cover company the Fords established in Cologne. Ford supported Hitler - and the genocide: Ford and his son hated Jews. Each has published his Anti-Semetic views. At the time of such decisions, Ford was still under family control. Some details of the Ford-Hitler connection has come to light in Europe, but the company still denies liability and refuses to release papers from before 1956 - which is when Ford Motor Company went public. People who do good are never afraid to let others read about their choices - much like you. Thanks for the inspiration: you are a blessing.
Mobeen Shirazi <>
Columbus, OH - Friday, January 28, 2000 at 17:03:08 (EST)
Go, Granny D! -- You're absolutely right. Write a letter to Congress and you WILL get back rubber-stamp drivel. Thanks for fighting for our great country and against special interests buying our elected officials. I admire you. May God bless you.
Ruth C. Clay <>
Indianapolis, IN - Friday, January 28, 2000 at 16:53:48 (EST)
Keep on trucking Granny, we're with you in heart and spirit.
David M. Sander <>
Indianapolis, IN - Friday, January 28, 2000 at 16:40:04 (EST)
The following letter was emailed to newspapers across the country today, 1/28/00 Doris "Granny D" Haddock celebrated her 90th birthday this week as she completed 3000 miles of her cross country journey, protesting campaign finance abuse. Physically diminutive, but intellectually acute, this gritty oracle for truth and justice provides a voice for millions of Americans who no longer believe their opinions matter. Hammering away at the soft money corruption that robs the voting power of our citizens and gives justification to a growing cynicism, Granny D, suffering from arthritis and emphysema, has been walking ten miles a day for an entire year as she closes in on the citadel of power in Washington D.C. From California to the Capital, she has blazed a trail that few half her age could handle. Speaking in Cumberland, Maryland on her birthday this week, the ever eloquent great grandmother spoke from the back of a caboose at a historic train station as hundreds of schoolchildren and adults cheered, "Go Granny Go." She spoke of the "intoxicating poisons of power and money. Distractions that blind the vision and corrupt the souls of those within the Beltway in an epidemic of disdain for the American People, whom they take as a mere market for their political products." This past summer, my wife and I had the distinct honor of playing host to Granny D as she and scores of supporters gathered in our home to pay tribute to someone whom I believe is a national treasure. Her passion, dedication, and fiery oratory was spellbinding to all in attendance. No, she's not doing it for money, nor is she running for office. All she expects from her arduous, pain filled journey, is a reawakening of America's values and a commitment that our children and grandchildren will not be robbed of their heritage by a cabal of greedy, selfish Plutocrats. God speed, Granny. We're lucky to have you on our side. Submitted by: Bob Weir, 3208 Druid Way, Flower Mound, TX 75028 972-355-0388
Bob Weir <>
Flower Mound, TX - Friday, January 28, 2000 at 16:31:50 (EST)

Susan Shaw <>
Jersey City, NJ - Friday, January 28, 2000 at 16:07:50 (EST)
let's take the county back!
Barry Focha <>
san jose, ca - Friday, January 28, 2000 at 14:29:57 (EST)

Jay Rasmussen <>
Kearney, NE - Friday, January 28, 2000 at 14:06:35 (EST)
Great Birthday speech, Doris. Cheers to you from all the WAND members in Arkansas. Hope to see you in Washington!
Jean Gordon <>
Little Rock, AR - Friday, January 28, 2000 at 13:06:31 (EST)

Fred Davidson <>
- Friday, January 28, 2000 at 13:04:53 (EST)
Dear Granny D: You are democarcy in action. You are leading the fight against one of the most dangerous scourges in this country, legalized government corruption. God bless.
Gregory L. McNair <>
Los Angele, CA - Friday, January 28, 2000 at 12:56:31 (EST)
Granny D's 90th Birthday speech made me relize how much I love this country and what's at stake. I plan to be with her in DC on February 29th and hope that my 9 year old daughter can meet a true American hero. Sincerely, Allen Perrel Suffolk, Virginia
Allen E. Perrel <>
Suffolk, VA - Friday, January 28, 2000 at 11:01:20 (EST)
I fully support campaign finance reform and applaud Granny D's efforts to raise awareness. I will vote for the presidential candidate who makes the strongest case for campaign finance reform. Right now, it's John McCain.
Curtis Rock <>
Richardson, TX - Friday, January 28, 2000 at 10:10:34 (EST)

Janet Shea <>
- Friday, January 28, 2000 at 09:18:22 (EST)
GrannyD represents democracy in action and the voice of people who do not have the gumption to do what she is doing.
James Barsimantov <>
Washington, DC - Friday, January 28, 2000 at 08:57:31 (EST)

Russell S. Thomas <>
Nelson, NH - Friday, January 28, 2000 at 08:21:53 (EST)
Thanks for drawing nationwide attention to the scandal of current campaign financing. Only when enough Americans are willing to speak up -- or even better, act -- can we hope to achieve reform.
Carol Jolly <>
Olympia, WA - Friday, January 28, 2000 at 00:57:11 (EST)
I heard about you from Jim Hightower's radio show and have been so moved with admiration that I have just sent you a donation to help you with your expenses. You make a difference!!
Kaye Beth <>
Santa Cruz, CA - Thursday, January 27, 2000 at 23:27:47 (EST)
I love what you are doing to put the pressure on for Campaign Finance Reform. I hope our leaders in DC listen to you and all your supporters! Good Luck.
Ralph Lindop <>
Chicago, IL - Thursday, January 27, 2000 at 23:02:22 (EST)
Right on, Granny! Learned about your courageous & inspirational walk on the BBC, & like the presenter Frederick Dove, I'd vote for you! /// By boycotting the big corps, & the deep pocket politicos, we can make our voices hear & turn things around. /// Happy Birthday & Happy Walking!
june magnaldi <june.m@eudoramail>
santa cruz , ca - Thursday, January 27, 2000 at 21:13:57 (EST)
Right on, Granny! Learned about your courageous & inspirational walk on the BBC, & like the presenter Frederick Dove, I'd vote for you! /// By boycotting the big corps, & the deep pocket politicos, we can make our voices hear & turn things around. /// Happy Birthday & Happy Walking!
june magnaldi <june.m@eudoramail>
santa cruz , ca - Thursday, January 27, 2000 at 21:13:35 (EST)
Right on, Granny! Learned about your courageous & inspirational walk on the BBC, & like the presenter Frederick Dove, I'd vote for you! /// By boycotting the big corps, & the deep pocket politicos, we can make our voices hear & turn things around. /// Happy Birthday & Happy Walking!
june magnaldi <june.m@eudoramail>
santa cruz , ca - Thursday, January 27, 2000 at 21:13:03 (EST)
Right on, Granny! Learned about your courageous & inspirational walk on the BBC, & like the presenter Frederick Dove, I'd vote for you! /// By boycotting the big corps, & the deep pocket politicos, we can make our voices hear & turn things around. /// Happy Birthday & Happy Walking!
june magnaldi <june.m@eudoramail>
santa cruz , ca - Thursday, January 27, 2000 at 21:12:35 (EST)
My heart is filled with so much admiration for you and what you are doing! You are making such a difference with your life! I am sending all my friends your website address so they can be a part of this incredible journey !!!!!
Ms Jerry Newsom <>
Co Springs, CO - Thursday, January 27, 2000 at 19:02:56 (EST)
I'm so proud of you and impressed by you. I am encouraged to make a difference. You are amazing! God Bless you!
Amy Freer <>
Los Angeles, CA - Thursday, January 27, 2000 at 16:16:58 (EST)
Go get em Granny. I wish I could be there with you.
Vincent Sturgal <>
Platteville, Wi - Thursday, January 27, 2000 at 14:24:44 (EST)
Forgive me for signing twice, but CROSS-COUNTRY SKIING now, is it!? You look wonderful, in your element. Go, Granny, Go!
Gail McGowan Mellor <>
Louisville, KY - Thursday, January 27, 2000 at 14:24:19 (EST)
I would like to thank you for coming to my school, Bishop Walsh Middle/High School. Bro. Anthony loves your work and wants to know if he can go for a walk with you sometime. Good Luck with the rest of trip stay safe! love, Dale Smith
Dale Smith <>
Cumberland, MD - Thursday, January 27, 2000 at 14:18:53 (EST)
I admire your comittment and strength. in turn your spirit has encouraged me to pursue becoming more active in the affairs that affect me and all of us on this planet. Thank you for your special gift. Many blessings to you Granny D and belated but sincere Happy Birthday wishes. Safe journeying on the rest of your trip. You are in my thoughts and prayers. Sincerely, Lynette Mauge Marshall
Lynette Mauge Marshall <>
Boulder, CO - Thursday, January 27, 2000 at 12:15:59 (EST)

Angela McCracken <>
Reedsville, WV - Thursday, January 27, 2000 at 11:54:12 (EST)
If only more of us had the sommittment and courage of you granny d. Best wishes.Eleanor Lukazewski League of Women Voters Geneva/St.Charles,Il.
eleanorlukazewski <elanorlukazewski@hotmail>
geneva, il - Thursday, January 27, 2000 at 11:36:38 (EST)

Susanne M. O'Connor <>
Kalispell, Mt - Thursday, January 27, 2000 at 11:01:38 (EST)
Anne and I really enjoyed helping you celebrate your birthday in Cumberland. You are a powerful inspiration both physically and intellectually. Sorry we couldn't have been more supportive in terms of walking with you. Maybe down the road, once you know your route, before you get to Washington,we can be of some help. In the meantime if any of the volunteers that arrive to DC need a place to stay, they are welcome to stay with us. We are right down the street from David and Betty Lawrenz at 46 Grafton Street, Chevy Chase, Md. 20815, (301)657-3953. Keep on trucking, Love, Anne and Larry Heilman
Larry and Anne Heilman <>
Chevy Chase, Md - Thursday, January 27, 2000 at 10:55:47 (EST)
Cheers to you. Good luck. I support your cause 100%!!
Angela Ridgel <>
Huntington, WV - Thursday, January 27, 2000 at 08:41:29 (EST)
Keep truckin', Granny. We're watching over here in Hong Kong and looking forward to Leap Day.
Peter Fredenburg <>
Hong Kong, - Thursday, January 27, 2000 at 06:58:12 (EST)
Happy 90th Birthday! Thank you for your efforts to reclaim our government, and best wishes for the rest of your journey.
Rosemary Howley <>
Oakland, CA - Thursday, January 27, 2000 at 05:21:20 (EST)
I have had my last Coke, spoken my last on AT&T, shopped my last at KMart!!! We need campaign & prison reform NOW!!!!!
Meghan Raelyn Reach <>
Pismo Beach, Ca - Thursday, January 27, 2000 at 00:57:04 (EST)
Granny D! You are a great woman! We need more dedicated people like you in this country. Only then will we be able to establish a democracy responsive to the needs of the people. Bless you!
Robert Leedy <>
Oakland, CA - Wednesday, January 26, 2000 at 23:01:55 (EST)
Wow, Granny, I admire your strength. Not only for taking on such a treck across our country, but for taking on such a difficult issue. I'm behind you 100% of the way. Keep up the good work!!!
Barbara Blair <>
Wheat Ridge, CO - Wednesday, January 26, 2000 at 22:56:25 (EST)
Great presentation in Cumberland.
William F. Young, Jr. <>
Harrisonburg, VA - Wednesday, January 26, 2000 at 22:03:26 (EST)
Dear granny i hope you read this i am one of the 6th graders at Bishop Walsh middle/high school. im the one that was asking you questions and showed you my friends.I would like to be updated if you could e-mail me. thanks alot granny
Eric Dillon <>
Cumberland, Md - Wednesday, January 26, 2000 at 21:22:22 (EST)
Keep up the wonderful campaign! We need more grannies like you to put their feet ono the line.With you in spirit. Roberta
Dr. Roberta Ahlquist <>
CA - Wednesday, January 26, 2000 at 21:10:49 (EST)

Uniontown, PA - Wednesday, January 26, 2000 at 19:24:03 (EST)
We are with you all the way!!
Uniontown, PA - Wednesday, January 26, 2000 at 19:23:14 (EST)
I have already signed your petition, but I want to ask that you visit our NY Governor Pataki who has made a sham statement that he wants campaign reform but refuses to follow up, submit any bill to the Legislature and wont ask the Republican Senate to sponsor any bill, so this is a fraud. He needs to have a letter or better yet a vist from you to tell him to stop obfuscating and get with it. NY is a hell-hole of finance corruption. one of the worst though we have many activists who are working to get even a little progress in Albany. Everyone is taking and few legislators seem able to do anything . you would be a ray of sunshine. Please consider flying n here to give the governor a talking-to. Also I think you should run for the US Senate where the main trouble resides. you could certianly win in any state. Thanks again for your determination and your wonderful message. I hope to meet you in Washington on Feb29th. Lisa Barron
Lisa Barron <>
Loudonville, , NY - Wednesday, January 26, 2000 at 17:54:30 (EST)
- Wednesday, January 26, 2000 at 17:09:28 (EST)

Rich Bauer <>
Chapel Hill, NC - Wednesday, January 26, 2000 at 16:43:16 (EST)

Cheryl Huxford <>
Chapel Hill, NC - Wednesday, January 26, 2000 at 16:42:53 (EST)
I support what you are doing, Doris. "Soft-money" is a crime against democracy.
Carlos Saavedra <carlos_saavedra>
Amherst, MA - Wednesday, January 26, 2000 at 13:24:56 (EST)

Charles Belz <>
Texas City, Tx - Wednesday, January 26, 2000 at 11:59:52 (EST)

Radine Robinson <>
Atlanta, GA - Wednesday, January 26, 2000 at 10:37:03 (EST)
A British citizen living in Holland, I indulge myself every morning by listening to the BBC world service. Your interview yesterday was more than indulgence, it was sheer delight and inspiration. I am telling everyone I know about the grannyd website. Thank you for your conviction, grit, determination, caring and love.
karen whitburn <>
- Wednesday, January 26, 2000 at 05:15:03 (EST)
Dear Granny, I am British, not an American, but your address to your people in Dearborn on July 23, 1999, made me an American in spirit. What is happening in America is happening everywhere, but unfortunately most people feel powerless to change it. Your optimism is wonderful and I sincerely hope that you can help to change America, because America was founded on the hope of creating a New World. We are all waiting for that New World. May your dream sow the seed of regeneration in the garden of our minds.
Peter Preston <>
Zielona Gora, PL, - Wednesday, January 26, 2000 at 01:45:20 (EST)
Happy 90th birthday, Granny, and thank you for the inspiration to get off our backsides and get involved! Keep up the great work!
Nana D. <>
Sacramento, CA - Wednesday, January 26, 2000 at 00:37:34 (EST)
I am sad to see that several of the biggest offenders call Georgia home. Best of luck.
Rebecca Bradley <>
Atlanta, GA - Wednesday, January 26, 2000 at 00:25:17 (EST)

Carol Gold <>
Fairfax, CA - Wednesday, January 26, 2000 at 00:14:18 (EST)

Ruth L. Schafer <>
Ukiah, CA - Tuesday, January 25, 2000 at 23:20:09 (EST)
Granny D I admire your strength. You are making a great impact regarding this important issue of finance reform. You have influenced and persuaded myself and many people along your journey. Thank you for your efforts. Thanks for your effort.
Daren O'Brien <>
Wheat Ridge, CO - Tuesday, January 25, 2000 at 22:47:41 (EST)
As the gap between the rich and poor in our country becomes greater, only strict finance reform laws can protect our democracy from being purchased in the ultimate corporate takeover. What an inspiration Doris Haddok is for young and old--a reminder that one person CAN make a difference.
Karen Fowdy <>
Monroe, WI - Tuesday, January 25, 2000 at 21:46:01 (EST)
Dearest Granny D, Thankyou For "Walking The Talk". You are my Hero! God Bless and Keep You. Thanks For caring. Love, Peggy Woodward
Peggy Woodward <>
Long Beach, Ca - Tuesday, January 25, 2000 at 21:23:42 (EST)
Our hearts walk with you. God keep and God speed.
Ted Dooley <>
St, Paul, MN - Tuesday, January 25, 2000 at 21:16:36 (EST)
I am a student at ST. John Neumann. I think you are fantastic. Thank you for caring for my future!
Gabby Torres <>
Augusta, WV - Tuesday, January 25, 2000 at 20:44:42 (EST)
Godspeed Granny D, I wish that you and all of us that support you will win back democracy.
Risha Meledandri <>
Austerlitz, NY - Tuesday, January 25, 2000 at 20:25:22 (EST)
Granny, you are right on the money! CAMPAIGN FINANCE REFORM is the most critical issue facing U.S. citizens today, whether we realize it or whether we choose not to. Our very voices and our power in this republic are slowly evaporating due to the onslaught of big money and big special interests. Our elected leaders must start listening to the citizens for a change. Thank you and God bless you Granny D!
Lee Boutell <>
Eugene, OR - Tuesday, January 25, 2000 at 20:24:16 (EST)
It was a wonderful experiance walking with you on the National Pike. Happy Birthday and on to Washington!
David Roebuck <>
Lancaster, OH - Tuesday, January 25, 2000 at 20:11:27 (EST)
You are amazing! Campaign Finance Reform is a mandate. I hope your crusade has touched many citizens and will make this a pivotal criteria in elections. Greatness doesn't call attention to itself unless absolutely necessary. The greatness of your effort is well deserved and necessary.
Rudy Urban <>
Chester, Ct - Tuesday, January 25, 2000 at 18:25:58 (EST)
My dear young lady, you are an inspiration to us all. Although not an American, I understand the issue that concerns you. From over here many of us view your system with alarm. Well done! John Dervan (originally from Dublin, Ireland)
John Dervan <>
London, UK - Tuesday, January 25, 2000 at 18:17:17 (EST)
How come I only heard about you via Canadian Public Broadcasting? How come you weren't featured domestically? OOoooooohhhhh, I get it. Granny D. You give me great hope. Sigue luchando!!
Justin Brown <>
Burlington, VT - Tuesday, January 25, 2000 at 17:45:28 (EST)
God bless you! I will pray that the media will let more people what you are doing for our country. You are an inspiration to all citizens to participate more in our democracy
Lynn C. Meyers <meyerslc>
Hannawa Falls, NY - Tuesday, January 25, 2000 at 17:35:00 (EST)

Mildred Ramos Majoros <>
West Hollywood, CA - Tuesday, January 25, 2000 at 16:27:35 (EST)

Charlotte Goerlich <>
Glenside, PA - Tuesday, January 25, 2000 at 16:26:28 (EST)

Jean C. Walker <>
- Tuesday, January 25, 2000 at 16:24:41 (EST)

Jean C.WWalker <>
- Tuesday, January 25, 2000 at 16:22:43 (EST)
You're an inspiration to all of us...there's no substitute for passion or involvement.
Nancy Conley <>
North Little Rock, AR - Tuesday, January 25, 2000 at 15:43:26 (EST)

Carol Castile Walker <>
- Tuesday, January 25, 2000 at 15:30:29 (EST)
Thank you Granny D. for your valiant efforts on this, the most central issue for American Democracy. I can't help but notice that many of your "Dirty Thirty" are dirty for other reasons, too. Perhaps they need to spend big cash in order to compensate for their lack of corporate citizenship? HOORAY FOR GRANNY D!!!!!
Ian M. Camera, R.N. <>
Cleveland, OH - Tuesday, January 25, 2000 at 13:46:39 (EST)

Stephanie Fagan Hemelings <>
- Tuesday, January 25, 2000 at 13:16:03 (EST)

Stephanie Fagan Hemelings <>
- Tuesday, January 25, 2000 at 13:16:01 (EST)
Thanks to my parent eduacator Ruth Beaghole I found out about your story,she advise me to look up information in the Internet. Now I hve been wrote an essay about you and will be given a presentation today. "Thank's alot for your inspiration". And your right one person could make a more thing Happy Birthday.
glrnda linares <>
los angeles, ca - Tuesday, January 25, 2000 at 13:02:53 (EST)
You're great Granny D and I am wishing you luck on your journey. I agree we need campaign finance reform desperately.
Victoria McOmie <>
Ashland, OR - Tuesday, January 25, 2000 at 12:38:37 (EST)
We appreciate that you, (in the every sense of the words), walk your walk and talk your talk! We admire and salute you. A simple "thank you" doesn't seem enough...! HAPPY, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! We'll spread the word about the "dirty thirty". Blessings to you and your support people. Carl& Gabriela, as well as Diane R. and Rose P.
Carl & Gabriela Petty <>
R.V., CA - Tuesday, January 25, 2000 at 12:14:28 (EST)
Instead of calling this bill/legislation the Campaign Reform Act, can't we just be honest and call it the "Bribery Reform Act"? Anytime a legislator takes money and then votes on legislation that effects the person giving money, it's a bribe. I look forward to joining you in Washington, DC.
Thomas McCray <>
Columbia, MD - Tuesday, January 25, 2000 at 12:14:04 (EST)
We appreciat that you, (in every sense of the words) walk your walk and talk your talk. We have deep appreciation and gratitude towards you. A simple thank you doesn't really seem enough...! HAPPY, HAPPY BIRTHDAY and a wonderful, blessed year and many, many more! All the best, Carl and Gabriela, as well as friends: Diane R., and Rose P.
Carl & Gabriela Petty <>
R.V., CA - Tuesday, January 25, 2000 at 11:37:43 (EST)
You have inspired me to go to work.
John S. (Sam) and Kathy Ensley <>
Blairsville, GA - Tuesday, January 25, 2000 at 11:32:55 (EST)
WDear Granny D., We truly appreciate that you (literally)walk your walk and talk your talk. With much thanks and admiration, Carl, Gabriela, and friends: Diane R. nd Rose P. We wish you a very Happy Birthday (we know that it was yesterday actually). Blessings to you and your support system.
Carl & Gabriela Petty <>
CA - Tuesday, January 25, 2000 at 11:22:48 (EST)
Dear Granny D - My father told me about your website and I am absolutely amazed at your conviction to get your reform message across - literally - America! I have bookmarked your page and I'll let everyone I know about it too - our congresswoman included! Best Wishes, Happiness & Warmth to you and your fellow walkers, Kalai
Kalai Kennedy Vincent <>
santa Barbara, CA - Tuesday, January 25, 2000 at 11:17:57 (EST)
They have labeled us "Generation X", the self-absorbed, in active generation, but who are the self-absorbed one's really- those who have created us. Yes, I do have fears that pressing issues in need of change, such as campaigne finance reform, will not be addressed and resolved do to the somewhat stagnant point our society has reached. But, we will overcome! Rock-on Granny! You're inspriation is beyond words!!!! Than you!
Melissa Bandes <>
Cortlandt Manor, NY - Tuesday, January 25, 2000 at 11:09:41 (EST)
Granny D, you are an inspiration. May we all learn to act on our convictions.
Susan Riederer <>
Boulder, CO - Tuesday, January 25, 2000 at 11:07:55 (EST)
I appreciate your amazing crusade for campaign finance reform which is really all about restoring democracy in these United States. Unless we take the poison of special interest money out of the system, we are likely to see a parade of errand boys for special interests as "candidates." Exhibit "A", that overage frat boy, Gov. George W. Bush of Texas. Stay warm and dry on the final leg of your cross-country march! Craig Reisser Omaha, NE
Craig Reisser <>
Omaha, NE - Tuesday, January 25, 2000 at 11:02:28 (EST)
Thank you, Granny, for leading the way to a greater awareness among U. S. citizens; we can do something about the incredible power and influence wielded by major corporations and other powerful entities who are corrupting our election process. For all who have become resigned to influence peddling or who have dropped out of the democratic process (and I include myself), you are an inspiration to all of us. God speed and thank you for sounding the clarion call to awake and take action.
Chris Enerson <>
Garden Grove, CA - Tuesday, January 25, 2000 at 11:00:02 (EST)
signed your petition before but wanted to make a comment to you. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!! albeit one day late tried to get on last nite couldn't. Others have told you in better words than I how much you mean to our spirit and heart!You are the embodyment of "what we want to be" "Namaste" means I honor the place in you in which the entire universe dwells. I honor the place in you which is love, truth and peace.When you are in that place in you and I am in that place in me--we are one.You are indeed the best in me!!! Am going to E-mail or write FEC Board and congressmen.What will we do without you granny when you "retire' home! I hope we can chat with you then
Linda Coons <>
Keizer, OrSigned your petition before - Tuesday, January 25, 2000 at 10:18:45 (EST)
You go girl!
Bunny Brooks <bunnybrooks>
Grosse Pointe Farms, MI - Tuesday, January 25, 2000 at 10:07:42 (EST)
I admire your courage, beliefs, and determination. Such a role-model. Stay warm and keep on trucking!
Diana Damelio <>
Sarasota, FL - Tuesday, January 25, 2000 at 09:29:47 (EST)
You are inspiring! Thanks for representing us.
Fran Kaplan <>
Sarasota, FL - Tuesday, January 25, 2000 at 09:26:37 (EST)
Dear Granny D--we want to wish you a Happy Birthday and to wish you all the best to reach Washington soon. The children enjoyed your speech at our school in November and they all send their best. Hang in there you are almost there. Be careful in the snow!!! All our very, very best to you---I know you had a Dream and it is coming true. Walden School, Louisville, Kentucky
Cathie Mueller/Walden School <>
Louisville, , KY - Tuesday, January 25, 2000 at 09:06:36 (EST)

Janet Goff <>
- Tuesday, January 25, 2000 at 08:26:40 (EST)
Dear Granny D, Grace and peace to you -- and thank you! Your determination and clarity are extraordinary gifts for our nation. I just read the series of emails that you received after criticizing G.W. Bush. They brought to mind the words of playwright Howard Barker: "The only way you know that you have told the truth in this world is that you are punished for it." Way to go, Granny! You lead us in your truth telling and in your weary miles of walking. My prayers go with you.
The Rev. John A. Nelson <>
Gloversville, NY - Tuesday, January 25, 2000 at 07:04:13 (EST)
I think you are retarded and just trying to get attention. You should be at home tending to the grandkids,and why are you walking for something like campaign finance reform. I think that your judgement is clouded by your old age. You should walk for something worthwhile, like something to do with kids or school, or military pay raises. Besides, do you think the fat, rich, lawmakers are going to change because some old granny walked across the country. You may get into the Guiness book, maybe, but you aren't going to change the way those fellows fill their pockets with cash. Let all those years you lived be as a council to you and wisen up.
Nate D. <>
Bitburg, GE - Tuesday, January 25, 2000 at 04:49:34 (EST)
Doris, from a 62 year old to a 90 year old, I salute you! You are an inspiration to me. And I certainly agree with you about finance reform.
Monna Wier <>
Gig Harbor, WA - Tuesday, January 25, 2000 at 04:39:12 (EST)
you are one of the good and brave. it is good to know that there are still people around who have the courage of their convictions and are willing to do something to effect change, particularly in the muddy field of politics. i am a british mother of 2 living and working in germany, i am unwilling to exercise my vote in the uk as my husband and i do not live there nor do we pay taxes there. in germany we do not have the right to vote despite our paying 45% income tax-we are disenfranchised and could not change the political system of this country if we wanted to. u.s. citizens, exercise your right to vote and to active protest by boycotting the dirty 30.!!!!! i heard of your actions and your website via bbc world service radio who interviewed you today-my children are aware of your courage and action, i shall be telling everyone i know. God bless you and keep you and may His face shine upon you.
sandie lees <mslees@snafu>
berlin, germany, - Tuesday, January 25, 2000 at 04:29:23 (EST)
what you are doing is not just for america - its appreciated everywhere. Happy birthday for yesterday!
m.p. <>
borken w. germany, - Tuesday, January 25, 2000 at 03:32:37 (EST)
I am from a little country in the Pacific called New Zealand and I would really like to support you in your campaign. We look at America from Down Under and what has been happening there for years now, and realise that it is happening here on a smaller scale...but that is what happens...the world follows the USA. Even tho' we don't agree it creeps in to our politics good luck with your camopaign, your feet and your lungs! I think you are amazing and I hope it inspires people all over the world to realise that each of us in our own way can do something to change things. With all these big takeovers of companies if we don't act about 3 or 4 corporations will rule the world. Look at the genetic engineering as an example. Good on you Granny are an inspiration. Jo
Jo Mahar <>
Auckland, NZ - Tuesday, January 25, 2000 at 03:27:45 (EST)

Tamara Munzner <>
Redwood City, CA - Tuesday, January 25, 2000 at 03:17:09 (EST)
Way to go Granny! Your amazing. Your an inspiration to all americans. Give them hell in Washington!
Alpman Ilker <>
Berkeley, CA - Tuesday, January 25, 2000 at 03:10:49 (EST)
I wanna quote a bumper sticker "stay in school learn the system change the system"
nick moyer <>
asheville, nc - Tuesday, January 25, 2000 at 03:02:10 (EST)
Go GRANNY D. There are a lot of us out here who respect and admire your spirit as well as agreeing with your position on campaign reform. I have followed your progress on NPR and the BBC. Best wishes. Joe G
Joseph M. Geiger <>
Ponce De Leon, FL - Tuesday, January 25, 2000 at 02:59:58 (EST)
Boston supports your journey! People have noticed. The world has noticed. (BBC Radio) You are an inspiration, the epitome of what America should be. Thank you for making me proud to be American!
Brooks Garner <>
Boston, MA - Tuesday, January 25, 2000 at 02:57:17 (EST)
I am a new grandmother for the first time. You have shown me how much can still be accomplished. Your spirit is infectious.
Oakland, CA - Tuesday, January 25, 2000 at 01:43:04 (EST)
Well done Granny. I support your campaign and wish all of us have your energy to do the things we want to change.
Teo Soh Lung <>
Singapore, Singapore - Tuesday, January 25, 2000 at 01:23:01 (EST)
Granny, I've already signed the petition, but I wanted to email you again & wish you a happy birthday. I know I'm just one of many, but all the good wishes add up to a lot of support for what you're doing. You are one beautiful person!!! Ron Beyna (a.k.a. Mr. Cub)
Ron Beyna <>
Cumberland, ME - Tuesday, January 25, 2000 at 00:54:52 (EST)
Go Granny go! Thanks so much for taking a stand on this issue. Thanks to you I have been informed about campaign finance reform. I will boycott these companies. Thanks again.
Aimee Font <>
Tampa, FL - Tuesday, January 25, 2000 at 00:43:55 (EST)
Go Granny go! Thanks so much for taking a stand on this issue. Thanks to you I have been informed about campaign finance reform. I will boycott these companies. Thanks again.
Aimee Font <>
Tampa, FL - Tuesday, January 25, 2000 at 00:39:26 (EST)
Granny, I am sooooo proud of you! I saw your photo tonight in the snow between West Virginia and Maryland, and I began to cry. I hope as you read this you are warmer, and have had some hot soup or something wonderful. You certainly have warmed my heart! Love, Mary Ellen in Florida.
Mary Ellen Spring <>
Tarpon Springs, FL - Tuesday, January 25, 2000 at 00:13:57 (EST)
Congratulations on your 90th birthday. I am coming from northern California to walk with you in Washington, D.C. See you there. You are our hero.
Richard Leamon <>
Potter Valley, CA - Tuesday, January 25, 2000 at 00:08:00 (EST)
Are we, the US public, "getting the best President MONEY CAN BUY"? Are the people of the USA "getting the best ELECTED officials MONEY CAN BUY"?
Lester F. Stein <>
Tucson, AZ - Monday, January 24, 2000 at 23:52:03 (EST)
Enough is enough! Corporations are undermining our democracy, and the politicians are for sale. Republicans and Democrats represent the same interest$$$. Let's get a move on! Go Granny!
Emil Bartok <>
Pasadena, CA - Monday, January 24, 2000 at 23:06:17 (EST)
Phoenix <>
Paradise Valley , AZ - Monday, January 24, 2000 at 23:05:52 (EST)

John Enquist <>
Thomaston, GA - Monday, January 24, 2000 at 22:50:34 (EST)
I heard you today with Amy Goodman and was so inspired by what you are doing. Go for it! We all need to wake up to what is eroding this potentially great country. Thank you for making a difference.
Patricia Earnest <>
Easton, CT - Monday, January 24, 2000 at 22:27:02 (EST)
Well, as the youngsters say "You GO, girl" Thanks for being a stirring [and non-greedy] example of loving one's country. I wont defile your ears by mentioning some of their names. many thanks... Arthur Kennedy
Arthur Kennedy <>
Isla Vista, CA - Monday, January 24, 2000 at 22:04:13 (EST)

Deborah Gomez <>
Oakland, CA - Monday, January 24, 2000 at 21:49:05 (EST)

Joyce W. Reddish <>
Tampa, FL - Monday, January 24, 2000 at 21:11:30 (EST)
GrannyD. I heard you speak on your reason for going to Washington D.C. and I belive in that cause & belive even more that it will happen because of the spunk that you are showing that people at age 9 or 90 can have to wake up others that are too lazy to do anyting about what the goverment are doing to the l'il men/women of the USA. Keep on the good job isn't done, but on its way!
Linda Daugherty <>
Mineral Wells,, WV - Monday, January 24, 2000 at 20:29:14 (EST)
I appreciate the help in identifying the companies that are in need of changing their ways. How can we find out who are all of their subsidieries? What Grannyd is doing has inspired me to re-commit myself to spending more time on a daily basis to researching this subject. I think she is like the pebble tossed in the pond, the ripples are far-reaching. I want to know how she is dressing and caring for her feet. She is a real heroine! Thanks!!!:-)'s Maggie DeMoss
Margaret L. DeMoss <>
Hayden, ID - Monday, January 24, 2000 at 20:28:35 (EST)
Keep on rockin'!! Thanks Granny D!!
Amy McCarville <>
Lawrence, Ks - Monday, January 24, 2000 at 20:06:05 (EST)
We are all with you. Thank you and good luck.
Cynthia Fleischer <>
Sonoma, Ca - Monday, January 24, 2000 at 19:33:49 (EST)
Happy birthday!!!! We are cheering for you!
Rod and Maria Geer <>
Albuquerque, NM - Monday, January 24, 2000 at 19:14:50 (EST)
I admire your energy and courage. Keep on going!!!
Leah Geer <>
Albuquerque, NM - Monday, January 24, 2000 at 19:08:12 (EST)
I had the incredible honor of walking with you today on your 90th birthday in Cumberland, MD. Thank you, thank you, Granny D, for your dedication to and your passion for TRUE DEMOCRACY. I am so proud to be an intern at Common Cause this semester because of how much support they have for you. I can't wait for February 29!!!! Washington won't be able to ignore such an amazing woman as you.
Katie Adamson <>
Cincinnati, OH - Monday, January 24, 2000 at 18:57:18 (EST)
Read "The Iron Heel" by Jack London.
dean coley <>
- Monday, January 24, 2000 at 18:23:37 (EST)
Happy Birthday! Thank you for your sacrifice. You go girl!
Debra L. Oliver <>
Albuquerque, NM - Monday, January 24, 2000 at 18:18:03 (EST)

Louie Sisneros <lsisneros@netscape>
Albuquerque, nm - Monday, January 24, 2000 at 18:12:57 (EST)
Your commitment, your stamina, and your simple belief that people will listen and people do care is an inspiration to all. Campaign finance reform is the single biggest issue on the political horizon and the problems it seeks to combat are dangerous to democracy. Love that New Hampshire spirit, and we would be with you in Washington if we could. The Wards from Tucson, Anne, Sam, Tim and Geoffrey, with fond memories of Dundee
Anne Ward <>
Tucson, AZ - Monday, January 24, 2000 at 17:55:23 (EST)
Happy Birthday! I smile everytime I think of your determination and VISION. DJ
Donna Jump <>
Los Angeles, CA - Monday, January 24, 2000 at 16:48:00 (EST)
go girl go
linda brunner <>
- Monday, January 24, 2000 at 16:40:52 (EST)
You are an inspiration.
Sean Marquet <>
New York City, NY - Monday, January 24, 2000 at 16:10:32 (EST)
We certainly need a law to curb big money from influencing the out come of the elections. It is because of this influence that I'm not particularly interested in politics. I hate listening to some of the two faced politicians.
Roy Ellis <>
Escondido,, CA - Monday, January 24, 2000 at 16:06:38 (EST)

Judy Peterson <>
Minnetonka, MN - Monday, January 24, 2000 at 16:01:37 (EST)
Happy Birthday! Your quest has awakened many people. Things NEED to change.
Jacob Kogan <>
Albany, NY - Monday, January 24, 2000 at 16:00:33 (EST)
Give DEMOCRACY a chance.
Paula Egan <>
San Francisco, CA - Monday, January 24, 2000 at 15:59:31 (EST)
I'd like to be proud of my country, so Campaign Finance Reform is the most plausable idea. You are a great example to us all.
Prabhakar Jeyapathy <>
Woodbridge, NJ - Monday, January 24, 2000 at 15:58:49 (EST)

Judy Peterson <>
- Monday, January 24, 2000 at 15:57:33 (EST)
I admire you! Happy Birthday and God Bless! We're behind you all the way!
Tanya Kogan <>
Albany, NY - Monday, January 24, 2000 at 15:56:11 (EST)
Happy Birthday!!! You are doing a heroic thing! Hope, we all achieve our goals of changing our presidential campaigning system!
Olga Prabhakar <>
Woodbridge, NJ - Monday, January 24, 2000 at 15:54:26 (EST)
I am an irritated voter and strongly support the passage of the McCain-Feingold Bill to ban the currupting practice of soft money contributions.Such corruption of our democratic process has undermined the confidence and trust the American people have in the impartiality and honesty of our elected officials.I hereby also strongly support Granny D's Pitition.
John Haugen <>
Napa, CA - Monday, January 24, 2000 at 15:24:58 (EST)
Granny D--you go girl! Happy Birthday and God Bless!
Sandra Duncan <>
Tampa, FL - Monday, January 24, 2000 at 15:16:03 (EST)
Campaign Finance Reform is, in my opinion, THE most important issue in the US. Thank you, Granny D., for fighting for this cause. You're my hero!
Bob Kevess MD <>
Oakland, CA - Monday, January 24, 2000 at 15:05:11 (EST)
Happy Birthday Granny D! I just signed your petition, but I didn't realize the comment section was also the place to send you our encouragement, so I'm signing again. I just heard you on "Democracy Now" with Amy Goodman. Thanks for the inspiration both political and personal.
Kelcey Jacobsen <>
Santa Rosa, CA - Monday, January 24, 2000 at 14:59:11 (EST)
Let's stop trying to convince people we have a democracy and make a real democracy.
Kelcey Jacobsen <>
Santa Rosa, CA - Monday, January 24, 2000 at 14:52:12 (EST)
Granny - I think campaign reform is a very important issue, I hope I am doing something as equally important when I turn 90. Happy Birthday and keep on trucking.
Liz Norton <>
Ithaca, ny - Monday, January 24, 2000 at 14:42:03 (EST)
I am an American living in Belgium and I heard about you for the first time today on the BBC. Good for you! I am so amazed at your courage and convictions. I have sent emails to my representatives telling them that I am on your side and want campaign finance reform NOW!!! I have often thought about the issue, but you made me see that it takes action, not just thoughts to make things happen! Good luck, and I, along with thousands of others, will be with you in spirit when you hit Washington next month!!
Marianne Johnston <>
Chapel Hill, NC - Monday, January 24, 2000 at 14:41:17 (EST)

Marianne Johnston <>
Chapel Hill, NC - Monday, January 24, 2000 at 14:37:21 (EST)
Happy 90th Birthday Granny D!! You were terrific on Good Morning America today. Keep on truckin' ... you are an inspiration to all. Our thoughts and prayers are with you. Love & Peace, Barbara Wiedner, Director - Grandmothers for Peace Int'l
Elk Grove, CA - Monday, January 24, 2000 at 14:31:21 (EST)

Elk Grove, - Monday, January 24, 2000 at 14:28:26 (EST)

- Monday, January 24, 2000 at 14:28:01 (EST)
Despite the Canadian address, I am an American citizen who would like to see the cost of campaigns reduced, as well as the political power of corporations.
Christopher Greene <>
peterborough, Ontario - Monday, January 24, 2000 at 14:27:33 (EST)
Despite the Canadian address, I am an American citizen who would like to see the cost of campaigns reduced, as well as the political power of corporations.
Christopher Greene <>
peterborough, OntarON - Monday, January 24, 2000 at 14:25:27 (EST)
There should be more people out there like you. We pray all goes well for you. The best of luck to you.
Charlie & Emily Witham <>
Grantham, NH - Monday, January 24, 2000 at 14:11:50 (EST)
It is the only way to get honest government back into the House, Senate and the White House.
Pierce Baugh <>
Grantham, NH - Monday, January 24, 2000 at 14:01:08 (EST)
May God bless you, Granny D, on your 90th birthday , As a 30 year member of Common Cause, I have spent a lot of time and money promoting Campaign Finance Reform, and Granny D., we celebrate you for putting us all to shame for not doing MORE to preserve our democracy for the generations to come! By acting the part of the Good Samaritan and actually coming to the rescue to our democracy, you shame all of us who are acting the part of the priest and the Levite to stop giving excuses and to get out into the public arena and fight off the rich thieves who are bribing our public officials right under our noses. Granny D, What do you think of this extremely simple reform: a. Let contributors express their "free speech" by contributing whatever they like to the parties and/or candidates, BUT b. Require that they do so ANONYMOUSLY, so that the gifts no longer function as BRIBERY. (Why would donors resist this idea, except that it would deny them the rewards that they expect to GET in exchange for whatever they GIVE to public officials?) c. The only hitch is that it's not beyond THIS Supreme Court declaring that BRIBERY is a Constitutional Right. d. Every donor should be required to use a check or credit card (and make all their donation through one such) through a government agency such as the Federal Election Commission, which would regularly report the number and size of gifts, and totals given from the most "generous" sources, but not the sources. e. This would greatly reduce the total amounts given, the buying of influence from BOTH parties, and it would enable the public to know which side is being supported by the rich, and which by the public. P.S. Granny D., Let's stop falling for the trap that politicians set for us when they dare us to show which of their votes have been bought. The rich don't have to worry about buying an official's every last vote, if and when they have the power to buy THEIR SEAT! When seats of power cost millions of dollars, then only those with that kind of money need apply. The Republicans have hundreds, if not thousands of people with infinitely better credentials than George W. Bush to be President, but none of them stood a chance against the Fat Cats' super candidate. God help the country if people can't see through all the advertising we are going to be deluged with for months on end.
Rev. Ray Dubuque <>
New Haven, CT - Monday, January 24, 2000 at 13:37:19 (EST)
Thank you for your superhuman efforts to bring a huge issue to the attention of the American public!
Scott Luxor <>
Boulder, CO - Monday, January 24, 2000 at 13:33:45 (EST)
I support you fully and completely. Keep marching! I am right there with you. You deserve all the support and attention you can get!
Hayley Sapp <>
Tumwater, WA - Monday, January 24, 2000 at 13:28:20 (EST)
DORIS...Im already on the list...HAPPY BIRTHDAY from Larry Roberts, WCMH-TV Columbus, Ohio reporter.
larry roberts <>
beaumont, tx - Monday, January 24, 2000 at 13:27:48 (EST)
You are an inspiration to all Americans!
Deborah Fields <>
- Monday, January 24, 2000 at 13:26:57 (EST)
We are studying Martin Luther King, Jr. and practicing acts of kinsness and justice in his honor. We think your act of justice is really neat. Good Job, Granny! "I am very proud of you. Have a Happy, Happy Birthday! Where do you sleep?" Love, Sophia, age 7 "How many miles have you walked?" Dylan, Age 7
Kids at Fall Creek Homeschool <fallcreek@cruzers. com>
Felton, CA - Monday, January 24, 2000 at 13:19:02 (EST)
It makes me ashamed that I do nothing more than I do to promote campaign reform when I see what you are doing. I have written Sen. Paul Coverdell several times asking about campaign reform and can get no response other than a form letter thanking me for contacting his office.
John S. (Sam) Ensley <>
Blairsville, GA - Monday, January 24, 2000 at 13:17:32 (EST)
My heart hurts to think of her in the snow. Won't someone in Washington pay attention!
Janice L. Weber <>
Louisville, KY - Monday, January 24, 2000 at 13:01:03 (EST)
Your exuberant love of life,our great country,and transcontinental walk for truth and honesty in government is an inspiration.I'm with you in spirit all the way.If you ever run for President you'll have my vote!
Christopher Evans <>
Healdsburg, CA - Monday, January 24, 2000 at 12:45:59 (EST)
Good for you, Granny D! I hope to be able to walk with you on February 29. Did you hear about the Supreme Court decision? That should help us and destroy Mitch McConnell. Please stay in DC for a while. We need you.
Margaret C Unsworth <>
Ithaca, NY - Monday, January 24, 2000 at 12:45:24 (EST)
Happy Birthday, Granny D! Campaign finance reform not only affects the US government but every government in the world. You have gotten to the very core of what is most wrong with most governments. Thank you for your work and God Speed!
Tom Cahill <>
Fort Bragg, California - Monday, January 24, 2000 at 12:17:55 (EST)
Congratulation on your birthday. I'm so impressed by your determination particularly because you are doing this with COPD. You are you an inspiration to senior citizens, activists, and people with lung disease. I fit in all those categories. Thank you for your commitment. Teri Neilson
Teresa A. Neilson <>
culver city, ca - Monday, January 24, 2000 at 12:16:34 (EST)
'HAPPY BIRTHDAY' DORIS, In the early forties BETTY GRABLE was the poster girl renown for her 'LEGS' championing the fight for DEMOCRACY. This year and in coming years 'DORIS HADDOCK' will be the poster girl renowned for her 'LEGS' championing the cause of CAMPAIGN FINANCE REFORM. love, Ralph, Maria & Mac Upland, Ca.
Ralph Langley <>
Upland, CA - Monday, January 24, 2000 at 12:13:25 (EST)

Michael Carley <>
East Palo Alto, CA - Monday, January 24, 2000 at 12:13:06 (EST)
Thank you for bringing attention on such a serious issue. My thoughts and prayers. Happy birthday.
Jason Lim <>
New York City, NY - Monday, January 24, 2000 at 11:31:01 (EST)
Granny D, you are now my hero. I am starting a new marketing business at age 69. I will never again let my aches,pains etc get me down. You are a great inspiration and also I would love to know how you got the passion that you have for this. Please let me know what made you have a burning desire to take this journey. I WANT IT TO. Thanks for everything, We the citizens love you. Don Russell
Donald M Russell <>
Pompano Beach Q-6, fl - Monday, January 24, 2000 at 11:27:46 (EST)
On Monday 24th January: All good wishes for a wonderful 90th birthday and celebration from a fan in the Midwest. I loved the MLK speech. You're doing great work!
Sally Koplin <>
Minneapolis, MN - Monday, January 24, 2000 at 11:22:16 (EST)
We just watched you walk past Park Place UM. Church in La Vale, Md., good luck on your Birthday and God Bless You!
Russell Bucy <>
La Vale, Md - Monday, January 24, 2000 at 11:20:21 (EST)

Elaine C. Thiesmeyer <>
Penn Yan, NY - Monday, January 24, 2000 at 11:14:19 (EST)
Happy Birthday ma'am! You're working towards a great american goal, and we're all with you..! Best Wishes,
John M Steele <>
Austin, TX - Monday, January 24, 2000 at 11:02:48 (EST)

Muriel J. Bergman <>
Fullerton, CA - Monday, January 24, 2000 at 10:48:40 (EST)
Happy Birthday Granny. Keep up the good work. Hope to see you in D.C.
Ukali Jordan=Caw <>
Washington, DC - Monday, January 24, 2000 at 10:37:23 (EST)
Happy Birthday Granny. Keep up the good work. Hope to see you in D.C.
Ukali Jordan=Caw <>
Washington, DC - Monday, January 24, 2000 at 10:33:06 (EST)
Happy Birthday Granny. Keep up the good work. Hope to see you in D.C.
Ukali Jordan=Caw <>
Washington, DC - Monday, January 24, 2000 at 10:31:40 (EST)

Kelly Wester <>
Kent, OH - Monday, January 24, 2000 at 10:22:41 (EST)
Granny D., you're one of the good one's. Don't let anything get you down, and let no one stand in your way. Good luck to you! --Megan Seaman.
Megan Marie Seaman <>
Lakewood, OH - Monday, January 24, 2000 at 10:19:35 (EST)
What A Gal!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Laura Neuwirth <>
Houston, Tx. - Monday, January 24, 2000 at 10:16:46 (EST)
From one Granny to another: GO GIRL!
Barbara Lorie <>
Pittsboro, NC - Monday, January 24, 2000 at 10:09:14 (EST)
Granny D, you are an inspiration to us all.
Joshua Goldman <>
College Park, M D - Monday, January 24, 2000 at 10:06:43 (EST)
You are amazing! In addition to agreeing to have a dollar or two of my income tax used to fund elections, I would cheerfully pay a few dollars more in taxes if I could be assured that your quest to eliminate soft money would be successful. Happy Birthday!
Marilyn A. Mihal <>
Nashville, TN - Monday, January 24, 2000 at 10:03:43 (EST)
Happy Birthday Granny D!
Robin Lowry <>
Fitzwilliam, NH - Monday, January 24, 2000 at 09:58:02 (EST)
I saw you on ABC this morning, and was saddened. It is a shame that you are wasting your time on such an ill advised scheme as Campaign Finance Reform. The Supreme Court has ruled SEVERAL times that money is a free speech issue in campaigns. I find it ironic that you would exercise your rights under the First Amendment rights in order to try to exclude me from exercising mine! Secondly, If you are a member of a group such as AARP then you are a member of a P.A.C. P.A.C.’s are a good thing, they give a group of small people the voice of a giant. I wish you would spend more time educating yourself and stop trying to abridge my rights. Please accept this in the good spirit that I send it. I think you are a fine woman and encourage you to put your energy to better use. If you wish to write me I can be reached at Sincerely, Allan R. Whitaker
Concerned Citizen <>
- Monday, January 24, 2000 at 09:32:26 (EST)
stay well and god speed.
margaret western <>
amityville, ny - Monday, January 24, 2000 at 09:16:06 (EST)
A true Citizen activist - she is a genuine inspiration to all potential citizen activists! She inspires me!
Ruth Benson <RFBhome>
Staten Island, NY - Monday, January 24, 2000 at 09:15:49 (EST)
Sounds like a good cause.
Margie Philhower <>
West Orange, NJ - Monday, January 24, 2000 at 09:03:43 (EST)
My goodness, what will you do to top this for your 100th birthday? Remember walking with you on US50 your first day of rain. Touch your Topaz angel and think of Rosie. God bless Granny D. and keep her strong and focused on her incredible, wonderful mission. Thank you for touching my life and the reassurance that one person can make a difference. YOU GO GIRL! HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Rosie from McArthur, Ohio. (My friend, Joy, is letting me use her computer to send this, as the library computers don't receive E-mail)
Rosalie Guttermuth-Rinehart <>
McArthur, OH - Monday, January 24, 2000 at 08:16:15 (EST)
Hey Granny When you get done with your guys over there,you better come down under and sort out our mob Warmest regards David Austin
David Austin <>
Australia, - Monday, January 24, 2000 at 08:13:27 (EST)
my deepest respect and prayers to you to finish with flying colors. i walked 60 miles in october for the avon breast cancer walk and i was so must be too..god bless you each and every mile
malibu, ca - Monday, January 24, 2000 at 03:30:43 (EST)

- Monday, January 24, 2000 at 03:20:30 (EST)

- Monday, January 24, 2000 at 03:20:25 (EST)
Richard Schoellhorn <>
- Monday, January 24, 2000 at 01:31:03 (EST)
Congratulations on reaching four score and ten! Not far in Frederick town, another American heroine was immortalized by John Greemnleaf Whittier who wrote "Up rose old Barbara Frietchie then, Bowed with her fourscore years and ten; Bravest of all in Frederick town, She took up the flag the men hauled down."
Oak Park, Il - Monday, January 24, 2000 at 01:27:34 (EST)
In this dark age when mass media exludes any person either past the age of 35 or has something meaningful to present to the public, I'm very grateful that you can so graciously represent those silenced voices. You obviously are encountering many on your travels and website. Best of luck helping a cause we know in our hearts to be critical to our future.
Joseph Rocco Balsamo <>
Boulder, CO - Monday, January 24, 2000 at 00:26:10 (EST)
You are in inspiration to all of us who just think about doing something about the state of the union!!! You go girl!!!
Judi Allen <>
Mobile, AL - Sunday, January 23, 2000 at 23:56:47 (EST)
You give new meaning to "Carpe Diem"!!
Alice-Anne Birch <>
Bethesda, MD - Sunday, January 23, 2000 at 23:41:43 (EST)
Our spirits walk with you. We couldn't agree more on your great and gracious gift of example...Indeed you are walking with Washington, Jefferson, Thoreau, Emerson, Anthony, Douglass, King as we move this country towards the great dream of fuller democracy.
Henry and Jean Kroll <>
San Francisco, CA - Sunday, January 23, 2000 at 23:36:12 (EST)
Keep it up! You are an inspiration.
Ken Smedley <>
Fillmore, CA - Sunday, January 23, 2000 at 23:10:19 (EST)
Dear Doris: I admire your courage and your stamina, not to mention your conviction to a better society for all. Stay Warm! Lisa Thurman, NC Social Worker and Community Activist
Lisa Thurman <>
Hendersonville, NC - Sunday, January 23, 2000 at 20:38:57 (EST)
Welcome to Cumberland and Happy Birthday! We'll be there to sing to you and show our support. God's peace.
Penny and Abbie Zimmerman <>
Cumberland, MD - Sunday, January 23, 2000 at 20:28:56 (EST)
You go, girl!!! I admire you for what you are doing and welcome you to CUMBERLAND, MD. HAPPY BIRTHDAY and many more!
Nora Buser <>
Cumberland, MD - Sunday, January 23, 2000 at 19:35:00 (EST)
Granny D is a true American hero! Corporations and special interests shouldn't be able to buy votes and buy Congressmen.
Christopher Sasiadek <>
Buffalo, NY - Sunday, January 23, 2000 at 19:07:02 (EST)
Happy birthday to a lady willing to put her shoeleather where her mouth is. You challenge those of us half your age (and less) to pay attention and DO something.
Charlie Reed-Mundell <>
Cleveland Hts, OH - Sunday, January 23, 2000 at 18:49:49 (EST)
Happy birthday to a lady willing to put her shoeleather where her mouth is. You challenge those of us half your age (and less) to pay attention and DO something.
Charlie Reed-Mundell <>
Cleveland Hts, OH - Sunday, January 23, 2000 at 18:49:24 (EST)
Happy Birthday, GrannyD! In Oregon we are just beginning to gather petition signatures for a campaign finance reform measure in November. You are an inspiration to us all. Come visit Oregon!
Alice L <>
- Sunday, January 23, 2000 at 18:32:40 (EST)
Thank you so much for bringing this campaign to our attention in such a courageous way. I support you in everything and campaign finance reform will affect the way I vote in 2000.
Judy Bailey <>
Canton, MI - Sunday, January 23, 2000 at 17:12:07 (EST)

JoAnn Walker <>
Cumberland, MD - Sunday, January 23, 2000 at 15:25:43 (EST)
Happy Birthday and GOOD LUCK!
Nora <>
Georgetown, IL - Sunday, January 23, 2000 at 15:25:32 (EST)
God Bless you and keep you in good health. Write a book when you get home. It will be better than Travels with Charley - one of my favorites. Dorothy B. Mitchell PO Box 932 Grantham, NH 03753
Dorothy B. Mitchell <>
Grantham, NH - Sunday, January 23, 2000 at 15:14:44 (EST)
Granny D, you are an inspiration to everyone on earth and a true patriot of our great country. It's people like you who lend hope to us and let us know the American spirit is still there, though it seems to be carried on just your strong will. And it is carried so well! Thanks Teddy Roosevelt and thank you, my lady.
Robert Fierke <>
Edmore, MI - Sunday, January 23, 2000 at 14:56:20 (EST)
i am starting political clubs , we will go all out for membersship year round, run our own people for office, and put to a end people we dont know and those who want vote for justice and are nothing but pimps for the rulling class. gene shepherd.
gene shepherd <>
red boiling springs , tenn - Sunday, January 23, 2000 at 14:04:53 (EST)
I have been to see Mark Green my congressman about Campaign Finance Reform.He was not in agreement with the present bill,thinks it's not important to most voters.I disagreed vehemently to no apparent avail. Will keep trying. Thank you for what you are doing.
Joe Pels <>
Green Bay, Wi. - Sunday, January 23, 2000 at 13:41:12 (EST)
I dont really have any comments yet but I'm trying to get Granny-D's E-mail or some other sort of comunacation so my Grandmother (Dot Kastner) can talk to her. If you read this can you E-mail me back.
Collin Smith(Dot Kastners grandson) <>
Antrim, NH - Sunday, January 23, 2000 at 11:28:42 (EST)
i am inspired and awed by your dedication to a cause that you believe in. if only our politicians had your sense of committment and justice this country would be a better place. thank you thank you thank you.
carol schneiderman <>
tucson, az - Sunday, January 23, 2000 at 10:58:36 (EST)
I will not support any candidate for any elected office who receivies large amounts of money from corporations or special interest groups.
Arnold Schultz <>
Schenectady, ny - Sunday, January 23, 2000 at 09:56:43 (EST)

Nina Klippel <>
New York, NY - Sunday, January 23, 2000 at 09:51:18 (EST)
As a grandma, as a woman, as an activist, you make us all proud!
Bobbi Nesheim <>
San Clemente, CA - Sunday, January 23, 2000 at 01:44:48 (EST)
I am greatrful to you for your effort to bring to the attention of the people of this country the great need for campaign finance reform. The present system is certainly very corrupting and a great threat to our democracy. I was especially shocked when I discovered that our senior senator, a man of great influence in the government and serving his fifth term accepted 43% of his campaign contributions from outside the state of New Mexico. This despite the fact that he was certain of reelection and has been consistently reelected with majorities of 65 to 70%! Again, I want to express my gratitude for your efforts.
John F. Kephart <>
Los Alamos, NM - Sunday, January 23, 2000 at 01:12:45 (EST)
Happy Birhday, Doll! I am gratefulfor your courage & tenaciy. Know that your action is producing results!
Pamela Cleary <>
Antrim, NH - Sunday, January 23, 2000 at 00:58:37 (EST)
i support granny d and her cause 100 %!!!!!
christine kesterson <>
broken bow, ok - Sunday, January 23, 2000 at 00:50:21 (EST)

nicholas bakowsky <>
san jose, ca - Sunday, January 23, 2000 at 00:38:19 (EST)

Rebecca Munroe <>
Santa Rosa, Ca. - Sunday, January 23, 2000 at 00:03:28 (EST)
I want to wish you a happy birthday Granny D. I thought of you as I looked out at the snow from my nice warm house and I hope you are managing to take care of yourself. Good luck in Washington. I wish I could be there.
Pat Perkins <>
Carrollton, Ky. - Saturday, January 22, 2000 at 23:24:42 (EST)
Happy Birthday Granny D. You are an inspiration.
Suzanne Cogen <>
Occidental, CA - Saturday, January 22, 2000 at 22:28:15 (EST)

Regina R. Taylor <>
Long Beach, CA - Saturday, January 22, 2000 at 22:06:25 (EST)
As far as we are concerned, it is nothing more than blackmail...$$$$ to do my cause or you are dead meat!! The whole system stinks to high heaven.
Drew & Susan Terramorse <>
Grantham, NH - Saturday, January 22, 2000 at 21:07:56 (EST)
columbia, mo. - Saturday, January 22, 2000 at 19:28:02 (EST)

Jim Hansma <>
Grand Rapids, Mi. - Saturday, January 22, 2000 at 18:55:21 (EST)
This is a must issue, count me in.
Maury Swoveland <>
Mission Viejo, CA - Saturday, January 22, 2000 at 18:44:36 (EST)
Dear GrannyD, I think your efforts on behalf of Campaign Finance Reform are wonderful. And your expression of your thoughts and ideas is great. I'm giving copies of your talks to my friends. I am glad to have the list of the Dirty Thirty, so that I can sell the three that I own. Thanks very much for all you have done and are doing. Sincerely, Dorothy Ward
Dorothy D. Ward <>
Phoenix, AZ - Saturday, January 22, 2000 at 17:30:08 (EST)
The end is in sight! We are so proud of you! Thank you for doing all that you have done for us! Pat Kupinse
Patricia M. Kupinse <>
Easton, CT - Saturday, January 22, 2000 at 16:14:43 (EST)

Gail T. Burda <>
- Saturday, January 22, 2000 at 15:56:18 (EST)
What an inspiration you are. Washington has to listen to you!
Mary E. Harder, PhD <>
Punta Gorda, Fl - Saturday, January 22, 2000 at 14:56:35 (EST)

F. Tina Woodrit <>
Miramar, FL - Saturday, January 22, 2000 at 14:40:25 (EST)
Now that I've met you, my perspective has done 180. Oh, I don't mean political finance reform, that's been up front every day.--I mean when I stub my toe, burn the toast, get caught in slow traffic, I used to whine a lot. Now, I just think, you silly wimp! Try walking in Granny D's shoes, and then grow up! (I'm only 68, you see :)
Mrs. K. H. Stephens <>
Waleska, GA - Saturday, January 22, 2000 at 14:34:12 (EST)

Kathy Van Dame < >
Salt Lak, Ut - Saturday, January 22, 2000 at 14:31:48 (EST)
What an inspiration you are Granny D! I will write to my congressmen and join the boycott of the dirty 30.
David Cox <>
Ontario, OR - Saturday, January 22, 2000 at 14:31:24 (EST)
Heard your interview on Pacifica Radio. What a great spirit you are. The courage you show is a lesson for all. Thank you.
Janeane Vigliotti <JDV2122>
Los Angeles, CA - Saturday, January 22, 2000 at 13:56:50 (EST)
Thank you for specding your 90th year in showing our elected representatives that there are many people who want election reform. There are also many who want to see a return to morals and values in our politicians.
Tam Cordingley <>
Rutherfordton, NC - Saturday, January 22, 2000 at 13:30:09 (EST)

Marian I. Cox <>
Alexandria, VA - Saturday, January 22, 2000 at 13:19:20 (EST)
HAPPY BIRTHDAY, GRANNY D!! You are truly an inspiration for all of us. We are thinking about you on your trek. My parents are 87 and 91 years of age.
Janet Hanson <>
Kalamazoo, MI - Saturday, January 22, 2000 at 13:07:34 (EST)
I commend you Granny D. You are taking the time to do something we would all like to do, but don't bother. In this age of greed and dishonesty in politics it is sometimes easier to throw in the towel. Thank heavens you have not. Keep it up.
Jordan C. White <>
San Antonion, TX - Saturday, January 22, 2000 at 11:59:26 (EST)
Reform Now! Go get them GannyD. I will be watching this issue now. Respectfully, Brian McLaughlin
Brian McLaughlin <>
Erie, PA - Saturday, January 22, 2000 at 11:16:49 (EST)
It was an honor to meet you, to spend a bit of time with you, and to learn from you. Godspeed, Doris
peggy and ed santamaria <>
accident, MD - Saturday, January 22, 2000 at 10:34:25 (EST)
wonderful inspiration for the young. we were looking for her here in frankfort, the capitol of KY, where we need some campaign reform; actually we need a campaign. the crooks here ran unapposed
jack O'Donnell <>
frankfort, ky - Saturday, January 22, 2000 at 10:22:22 (EST)
what grace and fortitude! thanks for taking responsibility. love, digs
diggity <>
nowhere, Idaho - Saturday, January 22, 2000 at 09:38:27 (EST)
Carry on Granny D. I wish you the best of health and stamina for the remainder of your journey.
Joan Sellers <>
Salt Point, NY - Saturday, January 22, 2000 at 09:23:50 (EST)

Andy Goldschmidt <>
- Saturday, January 22, 2000 at 09:09:54 (EST)
I am in awe of your efforts and deeply grateful for helping to bring the issues of campaign reform to the attention of Americans. Sincerely E. B. Wolf
Esther B. Wolf <>
Seattle, WA - Saturday, January 22, 2000 at 05:14:12 (EST)
Love what your doing Granny ! If only more americans had the same additude as you the country would be a much better place. I tip my hat to you and what you are doing, especialy at your age. God be with you.
Edward F. Hartley <>
Wagram, NC - Saturday, January 22, 2000 at 04:54:38 (EST)
I heard about you through the Democracy Now network on the Internet, and from a neighbor. I admire your courage in getting across this vital message.
Bruce Maxwell <>
Santa Rosa, CA - Saturday, January 22, 2000 at 03:29:43 (EST)
Bravo to Granny and all her crew!
George Gordon Zaffle <>
Truckee, CA - Saturday, January 22, 2000 at 00:57:49 (EST)
Happy Birthday and thanks for the inspiration! Take care in the cold. God bless you. I am asking my Congressmen to sign the pledge. Carol
Carol N. Pond <>
Albuquerque, NM - Saturday, January 22, 2000 at 00:50:53 (EST)
Happy Birthday and thanks for the inspiration! Take care in the cold. God bless you. I am asking my Congressmen to sign the pledge. Carol
Carol N. Pond <>
Albuquerque, NM - Saturday, January 22, 2000 at 00:50:45 (EST)
Here is a brave, committed and uncynical woman whose simple but powerful political action is truly inspiring. Campaign finance reform is necessary if we are to move forward as a truly democractic and just society. Let's all stand up and take notice...and commit ourselves to her cause.
Lisa Mohan <>
Los Angeles, CA - Friday, January 21, 2000 at 21:46:36 (EST)
go get them granny
john mires <>
yreka, ca - Friday, January 21, 2000 at 21:33:47 (EST)
Thank you, Granny for walking the talk. We, the rest of the concerned citizens now demand that our elected representative members of government get on with truly effective campaign finance reform!
Jessie Fitzgerald <>
Corrales, NM - Friday, January 21, 2000 at 21:17:43 (EST)
You are an inspiration to us all! Keep it up!
Eileen Dunn <>
Bethlehem, PA - Friday, January 21, 2000 at 20:46:27 (EST)
I am a student of the Univ. of Virginia. I have no idea who I am going to vote for for President this year, but if it is a Gore-Bush race, I may vote for a sacrificial lamb candidate. Your cause is admirable. My uncle, Jim Lowther, walked with you for a while in West Virginia (near Auburn) and I see him as one of few people who are truly wise and I respect him very much. He is not prone to easily follow causes to my knowledge, and this is just one more glowing compliment to your already-impressive and admirable cause.
Chris Somerville <>
Charlottesville, VA - Friday, January 21, 2000 at 19:15:11 (EST)
Keep up the good work. We appreciate what you're doing for all of us.
Wallace Schultz <>
- Friday, January 21, 2000 at 18:54:30 (EST)
The idea that the people of the US do not care about campaign finance reform comes I believe from the phraseology. When asked if we are worried and angry about the role of BIG MONEY in politics or about the sell-out of American democracy to transnational corporations, we invariably say yes.
Gail McGowan Mellor <>
Louisville, KY - Friday, January 21, 2000 at 18:27:05 (EST)

Neil Fradenburgh <>
Austin, TX - Friday, January 21, 2000 at 17:49:50 (EST)
Don and I are keeping track of your progress. Please keep well. Happy 90th birthday. Our thoughts are with you and all our support.
Marie Ims <>
Milford, OH - Friday, January 21, 2000 at 17:49:07 (EST)
I see the photos of you in the snow and think what would happen if the Washinton politicians were out there with you too! Go Granny Go!! Happy Birthday a little early!
Rosemary White <>
worthington, ohio - Friday, January 21, 2000 at 17:42:58 (EST)
I am pleased to tell you that you have been included in a college course on Women Speakers. That's another vote for your cause. Good luck and stay healthy!! We're proud of you!
Nancy Clemente <>
Oil City, PA - Friday, January 21, 2000 at 17:15:16 (EST)
Hi, I can not remember if I had added my name to your petion, I have sent letters to my districts reps. I think of you and your progress every day. Proud Of You,Donna Hawkins
Donna J. Hawkins <>
Chillicothe, OH - Friday, January 21, 2000 at 16:59:15 (EST)

sandra lee clark <>
lakeland, FL - Friday, January 21, 2000 at 16:11:12 (EST)
Thank you Granny!!
Joyce Young <>
- Friday, January 21, 2000 at 16:08:45 (EST)
God bless you for having the courage to speak your mind and back it up with what it always takes to succeed at anything, hard work. Dave and Mariah
David and Mariah Stittsworth <>
Odessa, Tx - Friday, January 21, 2000 at 15:17:45 (EST)
Dear Granny: Let's hope your long trek helps to take the corporate and special interest cash our of campaigns. Lucky and Bill Marmon
Lucky & Bill Marmon <>
Chevy Chase, MD - Friday, January 21, 2000 at 14:35:16 (EST)
GrannyD, Best whishes for continued strength for me to thee You go, girl!!!
ernest drew <>
B'more, MD - Friday, January 21, 2000 at 14:21:55 (EST)
I heartily support your effort and thanks for bringing it to the public's attention.
Cecilia Dunstan <>
eldon, mo - Friday, January 21, 2000 at 14:10:21 (EST)
Hi, it was great to meet you and walk with you here, back on January 8. Your defense of American values stirred a lot of sympathy. Now, with your MLK speech, you are playing hardball. Pointing out that the civil rights movement withdrew patronage from segregationist institutions, you want us withdraw patronage and investments from certain large corporations which are allegedly subverting democracy. You name the "dirty thirty" corporations involved in soft money contributions, citing Federal Elections Commission information. You are calling for a boycott, although you don't use the word. Is this an extreme measure? I don't know. It will be seen as negative. It IS negative. And yet you are in spirit so positive, encouraging local community spirit and self-development. Your positive spirit is your strength. Must we resort to this confrontation? I'd like to think not, but perhaps you are right. Out of respect for Martin Luther King, and carefully considering your clearly nonviolent stand, I continue to stand and walk with you. I'm still hoping to slip over to Cumberland on Monday for your birthday. Bottom line: please continue to accentuate the positive, and resist the impulse to name-calling in the unwholesome tradition of our modern political system.
John Lozier <>
Morgantown, WV - Friday, January 21, 2000 at 11:52:29 (EST)
We started following you after the Pacifica radio broacast. Good Luck! I adore your sense of humor, especially to all those attacks from the Texas conservatives...I am from Texas and I am appalled by those horrible e-mails! My 13 year old doesn't quite understand about Campaign reform, even though I tried to explain it to him, but he thinks you're cool! A big smile and a wave coming your way!
Shawna Johnson <>
Rosenberg, TX - Friday, January 21, 2000 at 11:49:11 (EST)
You have shown us the very BEST of what an American can be. May the sun always shine upon you and the wind be at your back. P.S. I think I'm in love!
Commissioner: John Morgan Duty II <>
Spokane, WA - Friday, January 21, 2000 at 11:38:21 (EST)
I believe that each candidate should receive free and equal time on the tv for debate and the same on radio and newspapers--otherwise all campaigning should be illegal---this is the only way honest people will stand a chance of competing with the wealthy---these measures would "level the playing field", bring equality, and stop all the bribery/PAC $, $100 plate dinners for the rich etc. that now goes on. Abe Lincoln might stand a chance again! The way the system is now set up, only the wealthy can afford to run for office, and the more corrupt they are, the better chance they have. To call what exists now as a democracy is obscene. It really reminds me historically of the Taft era--the corruption and the monopolies/corporate power and greed. If people are to be free this must drastically change---and free and equal access is a key issue, as well as to make it illegal to receive PACS and other contributions.
Kathy Barnes <>
Sherwood, MI - Friday, January 21, 2000 at 11:00:28 (EST)
Campaign Reform is long, long over due. Thank Goodness someone is actually doing something to being attention to it!
Edna Kotrola <>
Newark, DE - Friday, January 21, 2000 at 10:52:37 (EST)
Your a couragous woman and I have much respect for you. I don't understand why the news would follow stories of trageties around the world but not follow yours, for you are a the next Susan B Anthony, a woman who will change the world. Thank you for your efforts and stamina. Carol
Carol Eloian <>
Lutz, Fl - Friday, January 21, 2000 at 10:07:49 (EST)

Bill Harty <>
Salt Lake City, UT - Friday, January 21, 2000 at 09:47:07 (EST)

Amie Chaudoir <>
- Friday, January 21, 2000 at 09:30:07 (EST)
Dear Granny D, you are a great example of diverse social comment and reform. Here's to you.
Ron Dunham <>
Erie, PA - Friday, January 21, 2000 at 09:29:45 (EST)

Honey Coan <>
Creston, NC - Friday, January 21, 2000 at 07:48:15 (EST)
I think what you are doing is fantatic as is th reason you are doing it! GOD BLESS YOU and HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!
julianne Spillman <>
Glendale, Ca - Friday, January 21, 2000 at 04:55:03 (EST)
I greatly respect your commitment and passion to the issue of Campaign Finance Reform. That you would put your everyday life on hold, weather the elements and possibly jepardize your health for this cause is a test of great concern. Thank you! I will let my congressmen know of my concern for this serious issue.
Debra Hinkson <>
Akron, OH - Friday, January 21, 2000 at 02:05:49 (EST)
Granny D is the greatest! Thank you for bringing attention to this critical issue. I hope everyone that sees this is registered to vote and makes their voice heard every opportunity they have. Our democracy is only as good as the people we let run it - in order to get campaign finance reform everyone must participate.
Paige Richardson <>
Cedar Crest, NM - Friday, January 21, 2000 at 01:41:46 (EST)
We are interested in helping with campaign reform.
Ann & Tom Devine <>
Millbrae,, Ca. - Friday, January 21, 2000 at 01:07:15 (EST)
Go, Granny, go!
Edwin Einstein <>
San Antonio, TX - Friday, January 21, 2000 at 00:45:26 (EST)
I read about your walk for politcal finance reform on the BBC News website. You are making news around the world! Best of luck to you, and I look forword to reading about you storming into D.C.
Jason E. Ruggles <>
San Francisco, CA - Friday, January 21, 2000 at 00:27:34 (EST)
I heard your interview on NPR news tonight as I drove home from Los Alamos. We're behind you 100 percent on campaign reform, it's long overdue. Good luck and best wishes to you. Lynn and Mike Kelly
Michael and Lynn Kelly <>
Santa Fe, NM - Friday, January 21, 2000 at 00:09:25 (EST)
Granny D, Bless Your Beautiful Political Heart. You walk the talk. Our love and admiration.
The Lozano-Windrem Family <>
Kelseyville, CA - Thursday, January 20, 2000 at 23:47:21 (EST)
Hellraiser award! Like Sojourner Truth, Mother Mary Jones, Paul Robeson, Noam Chomsky and too few others, Granny D dares to speak truth to the powerful. I believe that her example will help honest people recognize the power they do have. Maybe I'll today! It is in with the sprit of Granny D that perhaps we can set about healing our earth and eliminating terror and hunger during this next millenium. Raise Hell Granny D! Bundle Up!(as Granny would say to me...hee, hee)--Best Wishes, Steven Hunt
Steven Hunt <>
Mt. Plymouth, FL - Thursday, January 20, 2000 at 23:08:43 (EST)
Go Granny go!!
Alaina Giltz <>
Cuyahoga Falls, OH - Thursday, January 20, 2000 at 22:55:20 (EST)
down with corporate plutocracy! Ain't no power like the power of the people, 'cause the power of the people don't stop.
Eugene Polissky <>
Berkeley, CA - Thursday, January 20, 2000 at 22:45:12 (EST)
What an inspiration you are! Thank you for doing what needed to be done.
Connie Golla Schroller <>
Anaheim, CA - Thursday, January 20, 2000 at 22:32:50 (EST)
I guess it's up to New England to get things started. Safe return home.
David Coombs <>
Lincolnville, ME - Thursday, January 20, 2000 at 22:23:54 (EST)
We shouldn't have to buy Democracy! Go Dear.
Krystal Coombs <>
Lincolnville, ME - Thursday, January 20, 2000 at 22:18:43 (EST)
Bless You!
Dan Spilman <>
Albany, NY - Thursday, January 20, 2000 at 21:41:52 (EST)
Congratulations, dear Granny D, you are making a difference in our country. We all admire your courage and determination. right on!!
Betty Lussier <>
Staten Island, NY - Thursday, January 20, 2000 at 21:32:38 (EST)

veli kraai <>
college station, Tx - Thursday, January 20, 2000 at 20:59:30 (EST)
Thanks for reminding us that we can make a difference
LaRita B JAcobs <>
Winchester, VA - Thursday, January 20, 2000 at 20:39:48 (EST)

Margaret Collison <>
- Thursday, January 20, 2000 at 20:39:12 (EST)
Granny D makes the world a better place
Heidi Schwaninger <>
Harford, NY - Thursday, January 20, 2000 at 19:29:06 (EST)
Thanks Granny D! We wish we could be there with you and pray for sunshine and level ground
Ginger Tolman <>
ParkCity, UT - Thursday, January 20, 2000 at 19:27:20 (EST)

Cindy Mathews <>
- Thursday, January 20, 2000 at 19:22:15 (EST)
Four days and counting to your 90th year! The GOOD scotch is in storage and Larry has your straw. We're all awaiting your triumphant entry into Washington(We hope someone will find a copy of the triumphal march from Aida for you)and a long overdue visit to Minot. Nan has been making a list of movies that she wants to see, begining with the Cider House Rules(you know, the book Grampa refused to read). Happy Birthday! We Love You All of us at Indian Cove Farm
The Minot Haddocks <>
Minot , ME - Thursday, January 20, 2000 at 18:26:10 (EST)
Granny D, your an incredible inspiration.My thoughts are with you and Ihope to meet you in Washington. Happy Birthday!
Diane Bonaccorsi <>
Ithaca, NY - Thursday, January 20, 2000 at 17:59:14 (EST)
Granny D is tremendous!!
Jennifer Simon <>
Hiram, OH - Thursday, January 20, 2000 at 17:53:21 (EST)
Granny D, Your son, Jim, has kept me informed of your travel accomplishments on his visits the the video store in Peterborough. I'm sure you know how proud he is of you, but I'm here to tell you how he beams when he tells me of your locations. You are so strong!!Keep it going!!!
Robin Riley <>
Keene, NH - Thursday, January 20, 2000 at 17:51:59 (EST)
Granny D,
Robin Riley <>
Keene, NH - Thursday, January 20, 2000 at 17:47:39 (EST)

eileen schlosnagle <>
accident, MD - Thursday, January 20, 2000 at 17:33:51 (EST)

Ron Stillman <>
Scotts Valley, CA - Thursday, January 20, 2000 at 17:29:40 (EST)
Where are you, Granny D? I waited in the snow outside Grantsville this morning to wish you well and GodSpeed with your message for the corporate Club on Capitol Hill. Your treck represents the best that's in us. Unless your dream is transformed to reality, the rare politician capable of walking even one mile in the shoes of "we the people" will soon be kicked out of the Club. Then where will we be? With you, I suppose, out alone in the bitter cold.... Hope all those candles warm you on your birthday! With best regards and good wishes for many returns.
Steve Schlosnagle <>
Accident, MD - Thursday, January 20, 2000 at 17:23:13 (EST)
Up to now, I haven't had the confidence that the will of ANY number of private citizens could successfully control global corporate activities. The result of this woman's action will be very significant in the evolution of that opinion.
Dennis Trembly <>
Los Angeles, CA - Thursday, January 20, 2000 at 17:10:57 (EST)
Granny you're a real inspiration! YOU GO GIRL!!!! I've been boycotting those dirty thirty, and many more, as much as possible. Thank you for your dedication.
Kay Colgrove <>
Long Lake , MN - Thursday, January 20, 2000 at 16:55:02 (EST)
Keep on trucking!!:) What's next? What can we do to help?
Shannon D. Arce <>
Tampa, F - Thursday, January 20, 2000 at 16:49:22 (EST)
this is great what you are doing. I hope you get their attention and I am sure you will. Best wishes.
helen bontrager <>
Kansas City , ks. - Thursday, January 20, 2000 at 16:30:30 (EST)
You go Girl!!!
Beth Knight <>
Norwich, NY - Thursday, January 20, 2000 at 16:20:57 (EST)
Hi Granny, We met you in Tucson, and we're still with you. Wish we could be with you literally and walk with you, but we've been sending your message on to friends and writing to the rascals in Washington. Love your "dirty thirty" boycott. We've been boycotting those globals for quite some time, but together we will make a difference and get our democracy back where it belongs--with the people. Would love to meet you in Washington on the 29th. But if we're not there in person, we'll be there in spirit! Go Granny
sharon and John Olbert <>
Tucson, AZ - Thursday, January 20, 2000 at 16:12:30 (EST)
I learned about your inspiring walk last Fall, and have been following your remarkable progress and eloquent words ever since. You're right on the mark in pinpointing what's wrong with our "Democracy". I've e-mailed your words to many of my friends, and also sent the pledge request to my congressmen. I hope your campaign is spreading faster than the Melissa virus!! Unlike the virus, I believe you will not be stopped. I keep marveling every day at the power that a 300-mile walk by an 89-year old can generate!! My loving thoughts are with you!
Sylvia Zaage <>
- Thursday, January 20, 2000 at 15:29:04 (EST)
I learned about your inspiring walk last Fall, and have been following your remarkable progress and eloquent words ever since. You're right on the mark in pinpointing what's wrong with our "Democracy". I've e-mailed your words to many of my friends, and also sent the pledge request to my congressmen. I hope your campaign is spreading faster than the Melissa virus!! Unlike the virus, I believe you will not be stopped. I keep marveling every day at the power that a 300-mile walk by an 89-year old can generate!! My loving thoughts are with you!
Sylvia Zaage <>
- Thursday, January 20, 2000 at 15:27:30 (EST)
Dearest Granny: On this 20th day of January, 2000, I can't think of anyone in the USA who is doing as much as you are to take on the big money and stop corruption and graft in our political institutions. It's really sickening and scary to think that our children and grandchildren will grow up not realizing that greed is really the bottom line. You're also setting a marvelous example for all of us to get up off our backsides and start being healthy and happy. God bless you and your family always.
Ginni S. Rader <>
Shawnee, KS - Thursday, January 20, 2000 at 15:26:27 (EST)
go granny go!
Mark Hardigre <>
Houston, TX - Thursday, January 20, 2000 at 14:47:53 (EST)
Hi Granny, I heard you on Democracy Now this morning and felt a strong need to send you my "heartfelt thanks". Your efforts at campaing finance reform are helping to get the word out to the electorate that something really must, and can, be done to bring democracy back into the system. So, "Go, Granny, Go!!!". Hope, once again, springs eternal.
Doug Casner <>
Concord, CA - Thursday, January 20, 2000 at 14:03:53 (EST)
So many people talk about doing something, it is fantastic to see someone actually getting out and making a difference. Granny D for president!
Antony Neely <>
Los Angeles, CA - Thursday, January 20, 2000 at 13:20:36 (EST)
I hope to be like you when I reach 90! Go, Granny,GO!!!
Kaye McCrea DeBona <>
Tampa, FL - Thursday, January 20, 2000 at 13:18:31 (EST)
go grannyd go!
cheryl eifert <>
albany, ny - Thursday, January 20, 2000 at 13:00:09 (EST)
Happy Birthday to you, Granny. As a journalist and columnist, I have written quite often about what I call corporate bribes given to politicians. We used to have a democracy, now we have a "cashocracy." One request: How about a nice tight shot of your face on the Web site? I'd like to do a piece on you and use the photo. Russ Nichols, reporter, Daily Journal Corp.
Russ Nichols <>
Los Angeles, kCA - Thursday, January 20, 2000 at 12:54:48 (EST)

Kurt Kiebler <>
Overland Park, KS - Thursday, January 20, 2000 at 12:50:10 (EST)

Sue Reddell <>
Harrison, AR - Thursday, January 20, 2000 at 12:22:35 (EST)
Thank you for looking out for all of us. Take care of those feet!
Melissa Warren <>
Arlington, MA - Thursday, January 20, 2000 at 12:08:57 (EST)
You are doing a wonderful thing. Have a happy birthday and many spectacular years ahead!
Margarett Rogers <>
La Mirada, CA - Thursday, January 20, 2000 at 11:59:16 (EST)
God bless. Heard about you on democracy now. I will let everyone know what you are doing. Thank you. Don
Don and Helen Manson <>
New Bloomfield, MO - Thursday, January 20, 2000 at 11:34:13 (EST)
Your socking it to the plutocracy will be remembered by grateful people when all of today's presidential contenders are forgotten. What you are doing is what matters in the 2000 election.
Larry Yates <>
Arlington, VA - Thursday, January 20, 2000 at 11:29:02 (EST)
I hear you on Democracy Now and I am so happy that you are out there. I will tell all my friends about your site, and download a petition sheet, so that people may sign. Thank you for doing this.
Katharine Ellison <>
Houston, TX - Thursday, January 20, 2000 at 11:13:22 (EST)
You go, girl! My heart and prayers go with you.
John Holt <>
Carbondale, , IL - Thursday, January 20, 2000 at 10:16:21 (EST)
We absolutely need campaign finance reform so that the government is once again run by We The People and not corporations; so that We The People can once again begin to act with compassion towards our fellow humsns, our animal brothers and sisters and thnk and act intelligently about the environment and the planet as a whole. Thank you for your committment and your spirit. I pray that Spirit keeps you safe Granny D on your journey. :) Patty Maher
Patricia C. Maher <>
West Hills, CA - Thursday, January 20, 2000 at 09:51:52 (EST)
Campaign contributions are mostly used for 'propaganda' that no one should be dumb enough to take seriously anyway.
Joshua Scholar <>
San Diego, CA - Thursday, January 20, 2000 at 08:40:30 (EST)
Best wishes and prayers, Granny. And I hope your message about campaign finance and the influence of money on our" honorable" politicians gets through. -Pop
Pop Briggs <>
Spring, TX - Thursday, January 20, 2000 at 08:30:48 (EST)
I wish you all the luck in the world,keep yourself warm it is cold as you know this coming from NH. I wonder if we're related you have the determination that I see in my inlaws. God bless and Take Care
Yvette Haddock <>
- Thursday, January 20, 2000 at 06:27:03 (EST)
Keep on going Granny D. . .and while you're at it, camp out in front of the White House and remind the people inside who is really in charge in this country--the grandmothers, the sisters, the brothers, the fathers and mothers and all of their grandmothers, sister, mothers, brothers and fathers. Let them have it!
Sara Beth Parks <>
Pittsburgh, PA - Thursday, January 20, 2000 at 00:07:29 (EST)

Laura <>
- Wednesday, January 19, 2000 at 23:31:37 (EST)
I appreciate your making this great effort to upgrade the election process.
Prenda E. Cook <>
Harlingen, TX - Wednesday, January 19, 2000 at 23:29:59 (EST)

jack kesterson <>
broken bow, ok - Wednesday, January 19, 2000 at 23:21:35 (EST)
Our prayers, encouragement, and support are with you for success in your campaign and for the future of democracy in America
The Volz Family <>
Gilbert, AZ - Wednesday, January 19, 2000 at 21:46:19 (EST)
I really do care about campaign finance reform and I am so inspired by Granny D for walking that far. Thanks for inspiring all of us!!!
Becca Velarde <>
Albuquerque, NM - Wednesday, January 19, 2000 at 19:45:21 (EST)

Kristin Marshall <>
- Wednesday, January 19, 2000 at 19:09:10 (EST)
Granny "D"emocracy - you are the inspiration of the new century. Eliminate "soft" money contributions and give us more access to vote...... internet voting, phone-in by mail.....our political parties do not want a majority to vote because they can't afford to buy all those votes
Denny Slezak <>
Safety Harbor , FL - Wednesday, January 19, 2000 at 16:31:29 (EST)
Applause and Best Wishes for your struggle to publicize the struggle for campaign finance reform. Politicians universally agree that the system is evil, but each wants to keep an edge for himself.
Bert Golding <>
Houston, TX - Wednesday, January 19, 2000 at 15:49:24 (EST)
This is a very important witness for the US. I especially believe that people ARE the government.We get the government we deserve.
Gretchen Farwell <>
Madison, WI - Wednesday, January 19, 2000 at 15:38:06 (EST)

Joanne Elliott <>
Peterborough, N.H. - Wednesday, January 19, 2000 at 14:27:09 (EST)
Granny D!!!!!!!!! What's up with this site of yours!? It didn't print the question from my agent!! Let's try it again. Here is the question that my agent has for you. These are his words...Hello Granny D. I have a question for you that concerns your pledge which reads "I pledge my vote and full procedural support to ban soft money --the $100,000 contributions to state and federal political races that undermine our democracy." The question, Granny D, is this...What makes $100,000 wrong and $99,999 right? Thank you for your time and good luck on your endeavors. ........ Okay, D, like I said, I've been 'with this guy a while, but you say the word and he's mincemeat, D!!! Go, go DStyle!! GrannyD's walk is not being sponsored by Foot Locker!!!!
Tony Clifton <>
Las Vegas, NV - Wednesday, January 19, 2000 at 13:59:34 (EST)
GRANNYD!!!!!!!! Your pal TONYC here!!!!!!!!!! I'm sorry for not getting back to you sooner, D, but I ran into a bit of a problem in my HONK FOR GRANNYD! sign campaign on the strip here in Vegas. See, I didn't think I was attracting enough attention with just my sign alone (even with the lights that I retrofitted), so I thought I'd stand out on the strip with my sign wearing nothing more than my favorite pair of Speedo swimtrunks. Well, to make a long story longer (pardon the pun!), it turns out that the cops had a problem with my Speedo swimtrunks (or that's what they told me could be that the Vegas PD has somethin' against D!). Seems unfair that only the women near the swimming pools here in Vegas should get to appreciate me in my Speedo swimtrunks, D, but we all know how cruel and unfair life can be! Anyways, D, I got your message about the sparkly outfit that you'd like to see your pal Tony in, but I'm afraid that I'd have to go shopping at some of the better stocked 'big & tall' clothing suppliers here in Vegas to find exactly what you're looking for. Before we walk down that road together, though, I have been asked by my manager to pass along a question for you, D. See, my manager is a little leery of your campaign, and honestly, if I didn't have a 26 year relationship with the guy, I would have punched his lights out for you by now just for doubting your efforts, D! You know I would! Anyways, he doesn't want me to accompany you on the last thirty or forty feet of your walk -- hey whatever -- until you answer this question for him. This is exactly what he asked me to pass along: <<<<<>>>>>> Okay, now D, like I said, I've been wit' my agent for a long time now, but you say the word and I'll clean his clock! It's up to you, D! Fight the power!!!! Go go GrannyD!!! Travel Channel!!! Democracy Now whatever the heck that is!!! GrannyD is in 'da house!!!!!!!!!!
Tony Clifton <>
Las Vegas, NV - Wednesday, January 19, 2000 at 13:52:35 (EST)

James C. Fleming <>
TamPA, FL - Wednesday, January 19, 2000 at 12:25:50 (EST)
I was SOOO thrilled to read about you this morning for the first time. I do listen to NPR and occasionally watch national news, but I had not heard of you until I read excerpts of some of your speaches on the Sustainable Agriculture Network list I subscribe to. About 2 months ago, I started agitating members on the same list about campaign finance reform after it hit me one day how absolutely VITAL this issue is!! Since then, I have been so busy at work, that I haven't checked my email much. So, this morning, when I opened it and found the story about you I wanted to shout, "YIPPEE!" I will be sending all kinds of good thoughts for your success and wellbeing, and I will be looking for the best opportunities for me to participate in this issue as well. Thank you also for showing all of us what courage, hope, optimism, and determination can do to a body that is almost 90 years old. Yours is the kind of "old" age I aspire to!! Much love to you, Anita (34 in March)
Anita Graf <>
Athens, GA - Wednesday, January 19, 2000 at 11:47:51 (EST)
Right on! If we were all as good citizens as you, this country would have nothing to fear. With campaign finance reform maybe more people will be convinced that democracy can work and that their vote can make a difference.
Helen Davis Johnston <>
Francestown, NH - Wednesday, January 19, 2000 at 10:44:52 (EST)

Sue A. Sonday <>
Palm Harbor, FL - Wednesday, January 19, 2000 at 09:36:43 (EST)
God bless you, Granny D! We are already boycotting the dirty thirty. What you are doing is especially important now that the nation is poised to engage in its greatest electoral self-deception. Only through the kind of selflessness you demonstrate will we finally turn things around. Thank you.
Mark Miller & Ute Miller <>
Dallas, TX - Wednesday, January 19, 2000 at 01:06:31 (EST)
Granny, you're a true hero. Thank you.
Terje Langeland <>
denver, co - Tuesday, January 18, 2000 at 23:18:29 (EST)
Your lively smiling presence and well-worded speech were a treat at our New Hampshire Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Celebration. Nowadays, when so many people seem to be discouraged about our political process, your message is very important. Yes, we can directly affect change on the system through our efforts. It does take sacrifice on our part. We need to take the time to study issues, talk and work with others, and to take on some kind of personal action, whether it be letter writing, shopping elsewhere, or as you have walk the talk!!!! In NH, we have the unique opportunity to help educate presidential candidates about the importance of campaign finance reform and to work to elect ones committed to changing the process. It was especially wonderful to see so many young people at the program, listening intently to your message. They, like you,are chosing to make a difference. They spent their time on one of the most frigid days of the winter performing community projects throughout Manchester with the AMERICORP. Hopefully, they will chose to continue to follow in your footsteps for the next 60 or 70 years of their lives to work for a better, more just society. We wish you the best on the rest of your journey! Have a terrific birthday!!! We await your return to New Hampshire with thousands of children looking for positive ways to keep alive Dr. King's message of PEACE, JUSTICE, HOPE, and LOVE!!! We THANK YOU, GRANNY D!!!
Karolina Bodner <>
- Tuesday, January 18, 2000 at 21:00:24 (EST)
Thank you for doing this! It's time for meaningful reform and your work is bringing home the fact that campaign reform matters to each of us individual citizens - and we can make a difference!
Christine C. Menefee <>
Locust Grove, VA - Tuesday, January 18, 2000 at 19:33:42 (EST)
I totally agree with your stance on this. After this, the work needs to hit the lobbyists.
Debra L. Fisher <>
Maryville, TN - Tuesday, January 18, 2000 at 16:32:47 (EST)
Commen Cause has been trying for years to do what your're trying to do. I hope you have better luck. But thank you for trying.
Mary Jane and Don Dean <>
San Carlos, CA - Tuesday, January 18, 2000 at 15:41:19 (EST)
Carlos A. Lopez <>
Summerfield, Fl - Tuesday, January 18, 2000 at 14:59:40 (EST)
Elaine D. Lopez <>
Summerfield, Fl - Tuesday, January 18, 2000 at 14:52:42 (EST)

Shanna Lynne Takayama <>
San Clemente, CA - Tuesday, January 18, 2000 at 14:33:45 (EST)
Bravo Doris. A 3000 plus mile walk does start with a single step.
Pete Meadowcroft <>
Little Compton, RI - Tuesday, January 18, 2000 at 13:40:30 (EST)

Natalie Hotchkiss <>
Sandia Park, NM - Tuesday, January 18, 2000 at 13:04:33 (EST)
About 8 years ago I moved from working for the "good guys" (the federal Job Training Partnership Act) to starting a corporation that now owns and operates three sandwich shops in the Pacific Northwest. As a businessperson, I've learned that you never stop making choices--except when choices are taken away from you because someone has the money to buy corporate welfare because they've denigrated someone else's welfare either at home or abroad. Why? To please shareholders with a good bottom line. Sure, make a profit--don't do it by imperiling other human beings!
Benita G. Bowen <>
Bellingham, WA - Tuesday, January 18, 2000 at 11:27:48 (EST)
Thank you, Granny D, for your efforts on behalf of all Americans! Your words and actions are an inspiration. I hope to walk with you on February 29, to help take back our government from what it has become, the greatest government that money can buy, and put it on course to what it was intended to be: the greatest and best government possible. You are a true american hero!
Marshall W. Bugge <>
Seattle, WA - Tuesday, January 18, 2000 at 11:22:42 (EST)

Pat Smith <>
Houston, TX - Tuesday, January 18, 2000 at 09:10:31 (EST)
Please don't ignore Granny D and all the people whom such attention to integrity will affect!
connie nash <>
brevard, nc - Tuesday, January 18, 2000 at 01:40:46 (EST)
Granny D - my hat is off to you! Somehow we have to take back our country and what it stands for. Is there anyway that there could be more media coverage of your march to Washington? I have not seen one single thing about it until I opened up my email and started reading the one web site. I think it is important that the remaining portion of your march be celebrated and put before the American people. I am tired of being at the mercy of the monied, crooked, and the politicians. Go girll, GO!!!!
Betty Lee McLendon <>
Auburn, WA - Tuesday, January 18, 2000 at 00:40:21 (EST)
Granny D, I've been a supporter ever since I read your speech at the Reform Party convention in 1999. You are 100% correct; we must take OUR country back! Keep yourself well; we need true American heroes like you!
Dori DeSpain <>
Herndon, Va - Monday, January 17, 2000 at 21:38:31 (EST)
go granny go!!! thanks for the powerful statement and tremendous effort.
britt ihrig <>
san francisco, ca - Monday, January 17, 2000 at 20:31:30 (EST)
I heard you speak today in Manchester at the Martin Luther King, Jr. Day Celebration. When I filled out the assessment form, I featured you as the reason I went, along with having gone to every effort since 1987 when my younger daughter walked with high school students from Concord H.S. to NH's Statehouse. Really, today was so cold I would rather have not driven the hour-plus to be in Manchester. Except I thought: I will hear Granny D. and this, I don't want to miss. I also handed you my letter-to-the editor. I think you didn't understand that this is a protest vote, supporting campaign finance reform. I do not see you getting elected. But it is better than not going to the polls. I have a similar but different letter in today's (1/16) CONCORD MONITOR. I do intend to write in your name, which equals "campaign finance reform, please" as a message. Keep up the good work. You're a hero.
Lynn Rudmin Chong <>
Rumney, NH - Monday, January 17, 2000 at 19:32:10 (EST)

Fritz Efaw <>
chattanooga, tn - Monday, January 17, 2000 at 18:40:25 (EST)
Good luck and good health to you GrannyD. I appreciate you for being so public in your message and creating the opportunity of others to communicat as well.
Sherry Edwards <>
San Diego, CA - Monday, January 17, 2000 at 18:38:50 (EST)
I enjoyed and agree with your Martin Luther King e-mail. I am sure that if he were alive today, he would have marched with you at some time on your trip. I believe you have raised interest all over the country about campaign finance reform. I only hope our legislators and congressional representatives get the message. You have done a great service, and we who are interested in campaign reform owe you a great deal for your efforts.
Bob Holcomb <>
Sacramento, CA - Monday, January 17, 2000 at 18:17:49 (EST)
I am legislature chairman for the Stewart Memorial Hospital Auxilary. Every month I give a report on your progress.We think you and yours are GREAT1 We will make a difference.THANK YOU1
Arlene Christensen <>
Lake City, Ia. - Monday, January 17, 2000 at 17:42:57 (EST)
You are two times my age and have double my energy. Go, Granny, Go.
Joanne Hackney <>
Northfield, NJ - Monday, January 17, 2000 at 17:27:28 (EST)
What an amazing role model and inspiration you are. It warms my heart to see someone make such an extraordinary committment to her beliefs. I am walking with you in spirit! Thank you for the good fight. Your cause is just and very beneficial for our country. Your willingness to go to such amazing lengths to affect change will not go unnoticed by our lawmakers, I am sure. Stay hale and hearty!
Carol Keene <>
Marmora, NJ - Monday, January 17, 2000 at 16:54:16 (EST)
Granny D you are an inspiration to all of us. You will be in my prayers. God bless your courage.
H. Homampour <>
Yorba Linda, CA - Monday, January 17, 2000 at 16:05:53 (EST)
Granny D you are an inspiration to all of us. You will be in my prayers. God bless your resolve.
H. Homampour <>
Yorba Linda, CA - Monday, January 17, 2000 at 16:03:56 (EST)

Mattyna Burford <>
Coarsegold, CA - Monday, January 17, 2000 at 13:29:50 (EST)
Granny D, I want to congratulate you for the comments you made on this, Martin Luther King Jr. day. You continue to be an inspiration to so many Americans. Not only because of your efforts to support campaign finance reform, but because of your sensitive embodiment of all that is good and decent in the world. Having you as a guest in our home in Flower Mound, Texas, last summer was a proud moment for Annette and I. The following Op-ed article was printed today in the Philadelphia Inquirer and the Fort Worth Star Telegram, among other newspapers. On the eve of Martin Luther King Jr.'s birthday I'm reminded of a dreadful day, 32 years ago. April 4, 1968, is a day I'll never forget. I was working the four to midnight shift with my partner, Leroy, in the Bedford Stuyvesant area of Brooklyn. We were on radio motor patrol during an unusually warm spring evening in the predominantly African-American neighborhood. It would get a lot warmer before the night was over. We had worked together for about a year as the first black and white (referred to as salt and pepper back then) team in our precinct, and one of the first in the city. The tour of duty had been pretty much a routine affair during the first half; burglaries, robberies, vehicle accidents, etc. Then, about eight o'clock, a tragedy occurred that would change the course of history. It began for us when someone yelled over the police radio. "Martin Luther King was just shot in Memphis." Leroy, an African-American, who had often spoken proudly of the man who for many years had led the civil rights movement toward equality it America, sat in stunned silence. As I steered the car along the dark street on Sumner Avenue, I looked toward my partner and said, "Aw, don't believe that. It's some jerk with a depraved sense of humor." But a few minutes later a voice said, "King is DOA. A sniper got him." Leroy covered his face with his hands and shook his head slowly as if trying to block out the credibility of the message. Then came a few comments from the less than human segment of the department. "Whoopee!" One voice said. "It's about time!" Another commented. The pain on Leroy's face intensified with each racist remark from the faceless cowards, secure in their anonymity, but totally bereft of humanity. It was only moments later that the dreaded news swept the country, and the riots began. Calls for police response flooded the airwaves, as a segment of the population took to the streets, burning and looting in a mad frenzy of outrage and frustration. We spent the next 12 hours racing from one riot to another, chasing down looters, handcuffing them, then taking them to a central booking location so other officers could process them as we returned to the street. I don't remember how many arrests we made that night, but we worked continuously until 8 the next morning. Although the memories of that fateful day will live indelibly in my memory, the most unforgettable sight I witnessed was the intermittent tears that filled my partner's eyes as he struggled with his emotions, but did his job with a profound sense of courage and dignity. He berated those we caught looting, and condemned them for the larcenous behavior that besmirched the memory of Dr. King. Before that horrific night I hadn't the slightest idea of the impact the Nobel Peace Prize winner had on the hearts, souls, and minds of millions of African-Americans. I received an education that night, and became more proud than ever to call myself Leroy's partner. Submitted by: Bob Weir, 3208 Druid Way, Flower Mound, TX 75028 972-355-0388
Bob Weir <>
Flower Mound, TX - Monday, January 17, 2000 at 13:05:52 (EST)
Granny, Thanks for doing what needs to be done. This nation is asleep at the wheel, but hopefully you will wake enough of us up. I hope to join you on Feb. 29 for the walk into the belly of the beast. Godspeed!
Ted Markow <>
Brunswick, ME - Monday, January 17, 2000 at 12:26:25 (EST)

Lois J. Myoda <>
Wilmington, DE - Monday, January 17, 2000 at 11:06:37 (EST)
I agree totally -also the League of Women Voters. However,we might want to re-think ALL campaign financing-perhaps it should be totally public funding. Best wishes.
eleanorlukazewski <>
geneva, il - Monday, January 17, 2000 at 10:24:46 (EST)

Samuel T Posin <>
Wheeling, WWV - Monday, January 17, 2000 at 09:28:53 (EST)
I've never thought much about campaign finance reform. Just the fact that an 89 year old woman is doing so much for change is enough for me. I will look into this issue because of Granny's amazing effort.
Linda Seidel <>
Baltimore, MD - Monday, January 17, 2000 at 07:49:49 (EST)
Thank you for your important service. God bless you.
John Patterson <>
Hong Kong, PRC - Monday, January 17, 2000 at 03:39:06 (EST)
My name is already on this petition, but this seems to be the only way to post a message that may get to "Granny D." Granny D., you continue to be an inspiration with your walk and your to the point remarks. I was especially intrigued by your message posted for today, Martin Luther King's birthday, with the announcement of a boycott of companies that engage in the use of soft money. Boycott does seem like an effective tool; and I hope you and your supporters, particularly your supporters back here in New Hampshire, will consider a boycott of the presidential primary as a powerful statement for campaign finance reform. Please check out the web site of the Real Democracy Project at for more on this (and be sure to click several times on the cartoon). Granny D., you will be in Manchester, New Hampshire, later today; and I hope to meet you there and talk about the possibiliy of your supporting a boycott of the New Hampshire Primary.
David Diamond <>
Dover, NH - Monday, January 17, 2000 at 01:42:17 (EST)
We live not in a democracy, nor in a Republican government, but in a Plutocracy, where the wealthy, and the tools of the wealthy rule us.
William R. Furst <WF98271@MSN.COM>
Tacoma, WA - Sunday, January 16, 2000 at 23:30:12 (EST)
We live not in a democracy, nor in a Republican government, but in a Plutocracy, where the wealth, and the tools of the wealthy rule us.
William R. Furst <WF98271@MSN.COM>
Tacoma, WA - Sunday, January 16, 2000 at 23:29:51 (EST)
i support the petition
Linda L Pierson <>
beverly farms, ma - Sunday, January 16, 2000 at 23:15:09 (EST)
you go Granny D! I agree with what you are doing. campaign finance reform is needed very badly, especially with with the presidential elections coming up. kepp going and don't get too tired, we may need you again! Peace and stay warm!
Amanda Benedict <>
Sugar Land, TX - Sunday, January 16, 2000 at 20:21:37 (EST)
Go Granny,Go!
Marie McCarthy <>
New Hartford, NY - Sunday, January 16, 2000 at 16:41:12 (EST)
God bless you! You are an inspiration. Stay well and warm.
Linda Goertz <>
- Sunday, January 16, 2000 at 15:18:08 (EST)

James A.Ward <>
- Sunday, January 16, 2000 at 14:46:03 (EST)
GrannyD...only one issue matters to me in upcoming elections. Who supports Campaign Finance Reform?! That's who gets my vote!
Nancy Kirkland <>
Nashville, TN - Sunday, January 16, 2000 at 14:23:32 (EST)

peggy shirey <>
talladega, al - Sunday, January 16, 2000 at 13:54:09 (EST)

Harriet Roth <>
- Sunday, January 16, 2000 at 13:27:22 (EST)
What an inspiration you are to ALL people of ALL ages. Good luck in your mission. May the FORCE be with you.
Rev. Sandi Lee <>
N. Bethesda, MD - Sunday, January 16, 2000 at 09:28:40 (EST)
Your endeavor is surely worthwhile, and I support you 100%.
William N. White <>
Alamo, TX - Sunday, January 16, 2000 at 09:19:34 (EST)
Reform Now! Go Granny "D"!
Christian Stenquist <>
Bemont, California - Sunday, January 16, 2000 at 02:18:29 (EST)

Christian Stenquist <cstenquist>
- Sunday, January 16, 2000 at 02:17:42 (EST)

Christian Stenquist <>
Bemont, C - Sunday, January 16, 2000 at 02:16:59 (EST)
I hope at 89 to have the wisdom and ability to stand up (and walk) for what is right.
DAvid Yudkin <>
Portland, Or - Sunday, January 16, 2000 at 01:08:36 (EST)
Continued support... from Athens County... I had the opportunity to meet you and interview for our radio station's news... WAIS/WSEO... Our listeners have asked for periodic updates!!! We keep them informed..!!! Good Luck and God Bless!!!
Athens, OH - Saturday, January 15, 2000 at 21:10:12 (EST)
I'm busy recruiting folks to join you on the 29th. So far three of us are coming from California and I hope to collect some more before the BIG DAY GO GRANNY, but take care. We want YOU there healthy and in person on Leap Day. All you folks writing,why don't you join us????
Michal E. Feder <>
San Mateo, Ca - Saturday, January 15, 2000 at 19:57:34 (EST)
Good Luck...
Bart Browne <>
Vienna, VA - Saturday, January 15, 2000 at 18:09:38 (EST)
Virginia C. Li <>
Los Angeles, CA - Saturday, January 15, 2000 at 17:47:14 (EST)
Terrific! My deepest admiration
Leonardo Chait <>
Pacific Palisades , CA - Saturday, January 15, 2000 at 17:45:38 (EST)
I admire you for the effort you are putting in to this march to Washington, DC. May it accomplish all you wish it too. Thank you.
Kathleen Keith <>
Harrisville, WV - Saturday, January 15, 2000 at 15:42:10 (EST)
I certainly agree with you and the pledge. Will call my Senator and Representative to ask them to support it. Will you be walking in NY?
George R. Weber <>
Delmar, NY - Saturday, January 15, 2000 at 15:29:13 (EST)

George R. Weber <>
- Saturday, January 15, 2000 at 15:26:12 (EST)
I totally support your efforts and will petition my Senators and representatives as well. Thank you for your passion and dedication. You are an inspiraton.
maeleen thorius <>
Albuquerque, NM - Saturday, January 15, 2000 at 15:19:12 (EST)
Like you, GrannyD, I want campaign reform. Please keep up the Work. I can't believe that Amy Goodman did not know Peace Pilgrim, she has been my heroine, I "take" her through her book with me when I do my own ritual pilgrimage, ("The Most Precious Jewel, to help people remember how precious the Earth is,)and now I have added you to my closest family. dominique mazeaud (a daughter of Peace Pilgrim)
Dominique GW Mazeaud <>
Santa Fe, NM - Saturday, January 15, 2000 at 15:12:33 (EST)
Thank you,Granny D, for being the conscience of the U.S.A.
Jane Sutton <>
- Saturday, January 15, 2000 at 14:48:31 (EST)
Good luck....
Stefania Gambale <>
Saugus, MA - Saturday, January 15, 2000 at 14:42:40 (EST)
All other attempts at reform -- health care, budgetary, schools -- no matter, all will fail until we tackle this issue. Hang in there Ms. Haddock. May heart is with you.
Norman Council <>
Lansdowne, PA - Saturday, January 15, 2000 at 14:30:28 (EST)
We wanted to acknowledge your walk for political change. Much of what you are educating people about we are in stong agreement with. We just read your statement that was delivered to the people of Morgantown and we wanted to dialog with you about a particular issue if you would be so inclined to respond. Can we as "American citizens" really say that we have a "rightful place" in this country when we look at how the land was usurped from the indigenous people? The reality is that in the here and now the cost of our "freedom" is on the backs of the First Americans". Are the indigenous people of this country today free? Aren't they prisoners in their own land, being held on reservations? What are the deeper questions, we can ask as "occupants" of this land which we idealize as being "ours"? How can we attempt to amend the injustices which our ancestors set in motion? How can we coexist without acknowledging how we have wronged and come close to annihilating the FIRST PEOPLE? We look forward to dialoging with you and again, support your process and desire for accountability.
Rhonda Starling and Daniel Fritz <>
Olympia, WA - Saturday, January 15, 2000 at 14:26:18 (EST)
Dear Granny D: You have more courage and character than the pompous windbags that populate capital hill. It's time to liquidate "the finest government that money can buy" and with your arduous and honorable trek across this great country at your esteemed age, hopefully these fat cats will feel the hot blast of shame and snatch back our democracy from the jaws of those corporations that care only about the bottom line and literally nothing else. I salute you and Godspeed.
Hank Loya <>
La Puente, California - Saturday, January 15, 2000 at 14:20:01 (EST)

Janet Currier <>
- Saturday, January 15, 2000 at 14:14:10 (EST)
Granny D, you are an inspiration! Godspeed in your momentous journey.
Marilyn and Richard Kennedy <>
Madison, Ct - Saturday, January 15, 2000 at 14:08:25 (EST)
Go for it! We wish you the best of health and the best of luck!! We are happy to add our name to your petition!
Ann & Seymour Ad0off <>
Naples, Fl - Saturday, January 15, 2000 at 12:18:24 (EST)

Helen Sullivan <>
- Saturday, January 15, 2000 at 11:21:06 (EST)

Ken Maloney <>
Huntington Beach, CA - Saturday, January 15, 2000 at 10:06:28 (EST)
GO Girl!!!
Linda Garrett <>
Laguna Beach, CA - Saturday, January 15, 2000 at 01:18:51 (EST)
Would that I had a granny like you! Cheers.
Fibi Zola <>
Brooklyn, NY - Saturday, January 15, 2000 at 00:53:51 (EST)
It's time to stop soft money. Write and call your representatives and tell them you are mad as hell and want campain finance reform.
Paul Holzwarth <>
Sutton, MA - Friday, January 14, 2000 at 23:03:04 (EST)
I've been reading your progress reports and applaud your extraordinary efforts. Not just a pipe dream but a real American Citizen opening the eyes of the public. Keep up the great work and we are all praying for you.
Sherry Swiney <>
Alabaster, AL - Friday, January 14, 2000 at 22:10:44 (EST)
Dear Granny D, You are truly one of America's great patriots. I would like you to know that, although my contributions are meager compared to yours, I have made some small efforts on behalf of campaign finance reform. There are many like me, and you are adding to our rolls daily. This is the most important issue in America today. Even if I didn't believe so passionately in this issue, I couldn't help but admire your spirit and determination. Godspeed.
Alex Jacques <>
Kings Park, NY - Friday, January 14, 2000 at 22:09:08 (EST)
Dear Dorris, Thank you for your courage, you are a hero in my book. I have been sending reports of your progress to everyone I know and have been steadily gaining people on my list. My hope is that we will have a great turn out in Washington on the 29th. Our nation suffers from many ills, mostly at the hands of our own neglect. This is one small step in the right direction. It is a signal to those on the beltway that business as usual is no longer to be tolerated by the American people. You have blazed a trail for us all to follow. I will be there, Thank You. Sincerely, Richard A. Currier
Richard A. Currier <>
Wurtsboro, NY - Friday, January 14, 2000 at 21:40:42 (EST)

Lynne Ziegenhagen <>
San Francisco, CA - Friday, January 14, 2000 at 21:19:36 (EST)
Granny D. I have been following your progress since hearing about you on WAMU 88.5 here in the Washington area. I think you are sooooooooo brave and admirable. Hope to see you once you make it to our area. Happy B-Day just a little early. Best wishes, Jacqui
Jacqui Wolfe <>
Reston, VA - Friday, January 14, 2000 at 21:02:35 (EST)
The tide of big money interests is sweeping the county AND taking over the media as in the merger of AOL and TIME-WARNER. Save us!
michael savage <>
alexandria, VA - Friday, January 14, 2000 at 20:17:04 (EST)
helen savage <>
alexandria, va - Friday, January 14, 2000 at 19:50:35 (EST)
Your commitment is inspiring.
Lothar Struff <>
Mission Hills, Ca - Friday, January 14, 2000 at 19:35:17 (EST)
For many years I have been against the bribery (called soft money contributions) of our Congress. I greatly appreciate your amazing effort to force Washington to pass McCain-Fiengold. Bless you and God be with you. With my prayers, Bob
Bob Fooksman <>
Abuquerque, NM - Friday, January 14, 2000 at 18:45:59 (EST)
You are soooooo cool for doing this. We are debating campaign reform for a forensics tournament and I have learned so much from your courage in standing against a corrupt system. Thank you for providing hope to Americans across the nation that true heroes still exist. Your opponents may claim you to be an extremist, but as Barry Goldwater said, "Extremism in the defense of democracy is no vice!"
Ian Shin <>
CA - Friday, January 14, 2000 at 18:22:28 (EST)
Good for you and good luck on your journey!!
Melvin J McEwan <>
Hollister, Ca - Friday, January 14, 2000 at 17:38:14 (EST)
I with you all the way, God bless you........ Sam Chebaro.
Sam Chebaro <>
Columbus, Oh - Friday, January 14, 2000 at 16:58:10 (EST)
Go get 'em Doris - keep on truckin'- you are not alone!
Lori Gillies <leg0428@aol>
Clearwater, FL - Friday, January 14, 2000 at 16:57:40 (EST)
Go get 'em Doris - keep on truckin' you are not alone!
Lori Gillies <leg0428@aol>
Clearwater, FL - Friday, January 14, 2000 at 16:54:11 (EST)
I with you all the way, God bless you........ Sam Chebaro.
Sam Chebaro <>
Columbus, Oh - Friday, January 14, 2000 at 16:52:19 (EST)
Granny D, I first heard about your walk from an informative talk show 88.5 FM. I wanted to help and show my support but did not know how because I would be unable to get to Washington due to school. Yet I have figured out that maybe the best way to show my support is to send information about your campaign to the media here in Tampa and in Miami where political campaign and corruption run together. Floridians and the rest of the country need to know what is going on instead of just hiding. You have done justice to this country and have shown that there are many people who have not just handed their government to greedy politicians. All power to you, Granny D.
Patricia Hernandez <>
Tampa, Fl - Friday, January 14, 2000 at 16:44:09 (EST)
Granny D, thank you for your strength and commitment. I am privileged to teach 7-18 year old youngsters in San Francisco, and I can't wait to share the news of your project with them. Daily they struggle to create power and justice in their lives and in the world; you are a powerful role model. Natalie
Natalie Seer <>
Menlo Park, CA - Friday, January 14, 2000 at 16:32:38 (EST)
Congratulations! You are an inspiration to us 89 year olds (as well as every other thinking American). Hope I can join you in DC.
Edith L. Stinaff <>
akron , oh - Friday, January 14, 2000 at 16:12:07 (EST)
Fill the holes and stop wasting our money!
Joesph Wood <>
Philadelphia, PA - Friday, January 14, 2000 at 16:10:42 (EST)
Granny, If the folks in Washington had 1/10 of 1% of your commitment, Americans would be infinately better represented.
Greg Powell <>
Lexington, KY - Friday, January 14, 2000 at 15:56:25 (EST)

Rachel Locklin <>
Rochester, MN - Friday, January 14, 2000 at 15:10:15 (EST)

Joyce A. Hummel <>
Irvine, CA - Friday, January 14, 2000 at 14:05:48 (EST)
Keep up the good work!
Jon Winsor <>
Augusta, ME - Friday, January 14, 2000 at 13:54:09 (EST)
Literacy reigns, and you are an example of that. Thanks for the encouragement to believe in yourself and go beyond what is the "norm". If you travel to Houston, Texas, call us, you are welcomed to stay in our home.
phebe reasoner <>
Houston, TX - Friday, January 14, 2000 at 13:51:47 (EST)
Thanks for caring so much!
Jamee Fabian <>
Monahans, TX - Friday, January 14, 2000 at 13:18:25 (EST)
We think your cause is THE most important matter facing legislators and democratic executive/administrators, and by default, courts, in the USA and around the world. Government should be of,by, and for the People. Thanks for your efforts;you're a great example of what one person can accomplish: a truly wise "elder" for the communities around the country that you visit! Happy New Year!
Carolyn G. & Michael M. Carroll <>
Missouri City , TX - Friday, January 14, 2000 at 12:58:05 (EST)

Barry Broomberg <>
London, England, UK - Friday, January 14, 2000 at 12:37:03 (EST)

David Durant <>
- Friday, January 14, 2000 at 12:19:16 (EST)

Darlene J. Collier <>
Pittsburgh, PA - Friday, January 14, 2000 at 12:19:02 (EST)

Leslie Paolucci <>
Hinesburg, VT - Friday, January 14, 2000 at 11:08:32 (EST)
Hi, Granny! I was so energized to see a woman of your age and stature walking across the United States. Know I'll be thinking about you. Godspeed! Energetically yours, Arlene
Arlene Cassidy, CSJ <>
Baden, PA - Friday, January 14, 2000 at 11:02:14 (EST)
Dear Granny D, After hearing about you this morning on our local public radio station, I went to your website and was profoundly moved by the passion and eloquence that you bring to your worthy cause. Your statement, "If money is speech, then those with more money have more speech, and that idea is antithetical to democracy," is a perfect, concise rebuttal to the apologists of the current system. As a businessperson I am frequently appalled by the naive and also frequently cynical use of "the market" as an excuse for indefensible behavior. Reading your comments, I was reminded of an editorial from the Economist (May 30, 1998) that I keep pinned up in my office. I think it describes the mindset of the conservative opponents of reform, and coming from a fairly conservative publication, its criticism of "two tenets of modern American business" is especially harsh: "The first is the perception that a businessman's value to society lies solely (as opposed to chiefly) in being a good businessman, in starting companies and making better products. . . The more dangerous second idea is the notion that America's rich owe their wealth entirely to their own brilliance, when in fact they also owe much of it to the system that allows and encourages great wealth to be created." These are the same people who believe they have a right to buy the bullhorns that drown out true democratic debate. Unfortunately they still have willing accomplices in Washington. Thank you for calling attention to this scandal.
Doug Frank <>
Pittsburgh, PA - Friday, January 14, 2000 at 10:46:54 (EST)
Yeah, Granny!! What an example! Thank you for the courage and commitment--you are an inspiration to all Americans! You'll arrive in D.C. on my BIRTHDAY! You're in my prayers! Sr. Pat Phillips
Patricia Phillips, CSJ <>
Pittsburgh, PA - Friday, January 14, 2000 at 10:39:10 (EST)
Good for you!!!
Ian Watson <>
Washington, dc - Friday, January 14, 2000 at 10:25:18 (EST)
I urge passage of the McCain Feingold bill to limit the excessive influence of money on American election campaigns.
Charles H. Bennett <>
Croton-on-Hudson, NY - Friday, January 14, 2000 at 09:51:20 (EST)

William J. Ritter, Jr. <>
Murrysville, PA - Friday, January 14, 2000 at 09:40:36 (EST)
I'm also in favor of having no ads at all, or extremely limited paid ads. Radio and TV are universal enough so that public service debate time for true discussions would very much better serve the public interest (and not 30-second responses to canned questions).
Audrey Greve <>
Lincoln, NNE - Friday, January 14, 2000 at 09:36:42 (EST)
Hi Doris "Granny D," I saw a short story on your walk on the Travel Channel, and had to write to offer all support I can. I also put a link to this site from my newest dossier at, in "Betrayal of Public Trust." I had tears in my eyes after seeing the efforts you are making to bring this to the attention of the American public at large. You are beautiful, and a definite inspiration to me. Now, whenever I let the cynicism get to me, threatening to overwhelm me, I think of you, walking along the highways with your flags,a dn your hope, and I get back to work. Peace, and love, Preston Peet
Preston Peet <>
NYC, NY - Friday, January 14, 2000 at 09:33:03 (EST)

Preston Peet <>
NYC, NY - Friday, January 14, 2000 at 09:25:26 (EST)
Go Granny D. Good Luck My paryers are with you.
Pamela Kijowski <>
South Amboy, NJ - Friday, January 14, 2000 at 08:10:19 (EST)

Mary E. Juneau <>
Kerhonkson, NY - Friday, January 14, 2000 at 06:42:07 (EST)
Granny, thanks for doing what we wish we had the guts to do! You are showing us what real democracy is! Best of luck.
Cheryl Lorene Guerbaoui <>
Redondo Beach, CA - Friday, January 14, 2000 at 01:54:07 (EST)

Cheryl Lorene Guerbaoui <>
Redondo Beach, CA - Friday, January 14, 2000 at 01:46:51 (EST)
Granny D is a true testament to Patriotism!
Jay F. Ham <>
Douglasville, GA - Friday, January 14, 2000 at 01:28:35 (EST)
You're doing a great thing! Are you passing through or very near Gettysburg? Let me know. Jeff Stokes
Jeff Stokes <>
San Diego, CA - Friday, January 14, 2000 at 01:27:50 (EST)
The light at the end of the tunnel is the twinkle in Granny "D"'s beautiful eyes and heart. Hang in there! Love always.
Belinda Vozenilek <>
Costa Mesa, CA - Friday, January 14, 2000 at 00:40:53 (EST)

Tom Edson <>
Huntington Beach, CA - Friday, January 14, 2000 at 00:31:56 (EST)
What you are doing is inspirational. I'm writing my Congressmen to support your efforts. Give 'em hell in DC!
Nils Brubaker <>
Chapel Hill, NC - Thursday, January 13, 2000 at 22:59:11 (EST)
We admire your effort on behalf of all citizens in the USA.
Frank and Joan Goebels <>
- Thursday, January 13, 2000 at 22:59:08 (EST)

Anthony Curzi <>
Sherman Oaks, CA - Thursday, January 13, 2000 at 22:25:27 (EST)
Margot Woodrough <>
St. Petersburg, FL - Thursday, January 13, 2000 at 21:08:46 (EST)
You go girl --------
james Schultz <>
Pacific City, Or. - Thursday, January 13, 2000 at 20:40:43 (EST)
Hey! I'm a 14 year old girl who just heard about your journey today in my civics class and was immediately interested! Best of luck to you and God Bless!
Tiffany <>
St.Paul, MN - Thursday, January 13, 2000 at 19:32:47 (EST)

Rollie M. Bland <>
Orange, Ca. - Thursday, January 13, 2000 at 18:11:44 (EST)
Thank you for your courage. Godspeed.
Linda Crowley RN <>
Franklin, Ma - Thursday, January 13, 2000 at 17:30:39 (EST)
I support your efforts to bring campaign reform to the attention of the people our nation and the world. Good on ya!
Paula Dawson <>
San Jose, CA - Thursday, January 13, 2000 at 16:49:20 (EST)
I think what you're doing is great!
Debra S Bowman <>
New Salem, PA - Thursday, January 13, 2000 at 16:39:54 (EST)
You're a wonderful person! Thank you for your dedication and hard work in a great cause. I heard about you through Amy Goodman's program on Pacifica Radio.
Jenny White <>
San Francisco, CA - Thursday, January 13, 2000 at 15:40:57 (EST)
More power to this fine woman who believes in the old-time policies,when a person running for office was judged on other qualities than the amount of money he could raise. The future generations will be deprived of good candidates, if the ante keeps going up, in order to offer oneself to a voter!
Mary Jane Grossma <>
Cleveland, OH - Thursday, January 13, 2000 at 15:25:17 (EST)
Granny, It is inspiring to see someone so committed to her cause. I wish you good luck and god speed. Thank you for making yourself heard on behalf of all of us who would like to see this issue addressed.
Joanne Hall <>
Redondo Beach, CA - Thursday, January 13, 2000 at 15:19:49 (EST)
Keep up the good work Granny, Good luck in D.C.
Jessica Stuckert <>
Boston, MA - Thursday, January 13, 2000 at 14:47:46 (EST)
Thank you for focusing the bright beam of truth on the dark corner where all the crud grows. I have a piggy bank on my kitchen counter. Think I'll empty it and use the $ in there as a "starter" (like sourdough) for a travel fund to join you in DC. If every one who feels the same would write one letter, make one phone call, the wind would be knocked out of those so called big guys in a hurry. Thanks for giving us one issue to use to get a grip on 'em.
Sylva Blackstone <>
Los Angeles, CA - Thursday, January 13, 2000 at 14:46:34 (EST)
Go Granny Go! You carry the hopes of America with you.
Forrester & Judith Nicolson <>
Wellesley, MA - Thursday, January 13, 2000 at 14:11:45 (EST)
You are doing great work. On behalf of many citizens I thank you for your tremendous effort. I tell your inspiring story to as many people as I can. I am an 84 year old yoga teacher. Love and namaste, Phil
Philip L. Nightingale <>
Cincinnatin, OH - Thursday, January 13, 2000 at 13:24:04 (EST)
Go Granny, Go! Thanks for taking the time to do this. I am with you.
Albert Kaufman <>
Seattle, WA - Thursday, January 13, 2000 at 13:22:22 (EST)
Great to see that one individual can do so much. Truly an inspiration to those of us who have been disappointed with our elected officials. Renews our enthusiasm for constructive and systematic change in political campaigning. Keep up the fight.
John Flannigan <>
library, pa - Thursday, January 13, 2000 at 13:07:00 (EST)
Thursday, January 13, 2000
Thank you Granny D for walking across the United States in support of campaign finance reform!! You are an inspiration to me and I plan on sending your web sites to my grandparents in IL in hopes of inspiring them to stop voting the Republican party line and instead, begin supporting alternative candidates that speak in favor of campaign finance reform!! Thanks again!!

***Vote Ralph Nader for President in 2000***

Sincerely, Mark O’Melia

Mark O'Melia <>
Minneapolis, MN - Thursday, January 13, 2000 at 12:57:02 (EST)
Thursday, January 13, 2000 Thank you Granny D for walking across the United States in support of campaign finance reform!! You are an inspiration to me and I plan on sending your web sites to my grandparents in IL in hopes of inspiring them to stop voting the Republican party line and instead, begin supporting alternative candidates that speak in favor of campaign finance reform!! Thanks again!! ***Vote Ralph Nader for President in 2000*** Sincerely, Mark O’Melia
Mark O'Melia <>
Minneapolis, MN - Thursday, January 13, 2000 at 12:55:52 (EST)
Those confused enough in this country to put money power before community are destroying this society. I guess they don't realize that eventually even the fabric of their lives will be torn too. Thanks from the bottom of my heart, Granny D! What you have done awakens in the the ideal American spirit and keeps us going forward!
Sharon E. Jokela <>
Laytonville, CA - Thursday, January 13, 2000 at 12:42:38 (EST)

Jeff Granger <>
Chicago, IL - Thursday, January 13, 2000 at 12:24:32 (EST)
We are fighting the same battle at the local level that Granny D. is fighting at the state and national level. We want to stop developers from contributing tens of thousands of dollars to city council candidates, and thus "buying" council seats for the developers' representatives!
Jack D. Wallace <>
Roseville, CA - Thursday, January 13, 2000 at 12:20:04 (EST)
Thank you for your wonderful effort in the name of campaign finance reform. We must stop the special interests. The US Constitution says that government shall be of the people, by the people, and for the people. No where does the Constitution say that government shall be of the special interests, by the special interests, or for the special interests.
John E. Emry <j.emry@laps.losalamos,>
Los Alamos, nm - Thursday, January 13, 2000 at 12:16:57 (EST)

Kristin Hunter <>
- Thursday, January 13, 2000 at 11:57:04 (EST)

John E. Emry <>
Los Alamos, NM - Thursday, January 13, 2000 at 11:37:48 (EST)
Hi Granny D., I heard you on Pacifica's Democracy Now radio program yesterday. You sounded great! You are such an inspiration to people everywhere. Keep up the good work!
Lydia Westbrook <>
Houston, TX - Thursday, January 13, 2000 at 10:58:51 (EST)
thank you, granny d, for inspiring so many of us across the country to do something about campaign finance reform! (i heard your interview on democracy now! with amy goodman)
jackie starbird <>
minneapolis, mn - Thursday, January 13, 2000 at 10:55:29 (EST)

David Adoff <>
Washington, VA - Thursday, January 13, 2000 at 10:45:36 (EST)
People like you are what makes America great! Thank you for your tireless efforts to expell the evils from our government. If only more of us were as brave and dedicated as you...
Lori Morgan <>
Houston, TX - Thursday, January 13, 2000 at 10:19:15 (EST)

janet lenz <>
DeSoto , MO - Thursday, January 13, 2000 at 10:02:41 (EST)
You go, Granny!!
J.Chisom <>
Austin, TX - Thursday, January 13, 2000 at 09:31:57 (EST)

Kendra Nelsen <>
Austin, TX - Thursday, January 13, 2000 at 09:24:32 (EST)
Thank you for what you are doing. You are, indeed, a real server.
Julie Ford-Maloney <>
Huntington Beach, CA - Thursday, January 13, 2000 at 08:50:18 (EST)
Granny D, you go girl! Campaign finance reform is THE MOST IMPORTANT ISSUE today. The voice of the American People is being drowned out by a moneyed chorus of multinational corporations. Our leaders in Washington are no longer listening to us. We need a leader of pure spirit and conscience, with the courage of his/her convictions to change this discouraging situation. Good luck to you Granny D, in pushing our elected officials to change their wicked ways! And congratulations to Common Cause for standing behind you!
Jan Allyn <>
Largo, FL - Thursday, January 13, 2000 at 08:41:01 (EST)

Lynne Levinson <>
Austin, TX - Thursday, January 13, 2000 at 08:28:58 (EST)
Granny D proves that we are not just consumers in an economy, with governments for sale to the highest bidder, but that we can be citizens in a true, working democracy who make change through passionate spirit, intelligence, and creativity. Way to go Granny! You are an inspiration to us all--the old cynics and the young pessimists--that there is beauty and power in the human spirit. Good luck and godspeed on your journey. . .
Sharon McGill <>
San Francisco, CA - Thursday, January 13, 2000 at 02:58:54 (EST)

William Peter Aven III <>
Van Nuys, CA - Thursday, January 13, 2000 at 02:56:59 (EST)
Go, Go, Granny D!!! I will distribute your petition to everyone I know. We have to accomplish Campaign Reform before the Presidential Election! I will also contact my Congressional Representatives, and urge my friends and neighbors to do the same.
William M.C. Bradford <>
Carlsbad, Ca - Thursday, January 13, 2000 at 02:50:53 (EST)
Many thanks to you Granny D for the wake up call. We really need to bring this issue to the people and the politicians NO MORE TALK! You are my hero You WALK THE WALK! You've inspired me into action. Have a Happy Birthday and a triumphal march into Washington All the best, Scott Sharot
Scott Sharot <>
Albuquerque, NM - Thursday, January 13, 2000 at 02:34:42 (EST)

Michael Popowits <>
chicago, IL - Thursday, January 13, 2000 at 02:29:41 (EST)

Xerxes Whitney <xerxw>
Inverness, Ca - Thursday, January 13, 2000 at 02:15:27 (EST)
Go for it Granny. Get those hilly billies off their "okole."
Fata Simanu-Klutz <>
Honolulu, HI - Thursday, January 13, 2000 at 02:00:28 (EST)

Rebecca Rohan <>
Fort Collins, CO - Thursday, January 13, 2000 at 01:57:57 (EST)

Brian Cairns <>
Fort Collins, CO - Thursday, January 13, 2000 at 01:57:32 (EST)
Sweet Granny D, you go "one up" on J.C. He merely walked on water (probably wine he zapped from water) whilst you walk a continent for our collective sin of Thanatos to the "powers (perverts) that be." When I look at that word power I see, for example, electricity or I see Christ power giving without measure until it is gone. When I look at the common political and economic "power" that takes and keeps on taking I see a perversion of power. The first power is virtue; the other "power" is perversion. One spans the millennia, the other just "spoils the nest" making life chaotic for a while. But our political sphere is supposed be an exhaled service, and not defiled by corruption. A healthy political life means that citizens are involved in the "balancing act" just like as all the cells of an organism are involved in the homeostasis which keeps it alive. The political is the noble human task of balancing the human mind with the reality of nature. I love your gracious tenacity Granny D. Thank you for your loving heart, your precious persona. And may you live several more millennia.
David Kristopher Faubion <>
Ventura, CA - Thursday, January 13, 2000 at 01:45:48 (EST)
Thank you,Granny, for reminding us that one person can make a difference. Thanks to NPR for bringing your wonderful story to many who can also make a differnce.
Joanne Keane <>
Albuquerque, NM - Thursday, January 13, 2000 at 00:24:47 (EST)
We are with you, Granny D! This evening after work, I heard you on Democracy Now via the internet. You are marvelous! Several of my friends and I plan to walk with you, joining up behind you somewhere in Maryland, I think. People from all over the country will undoubtedly join in behind you on that last day. In each of the fifty states people are likely to charter several buses to meet at some point where we can all join in your walk eight hundred thousand strong. For the last ten miles, why not several million strong? We could fill the streets surrounding the capitol twenty to thirty people deep. The sound system experts can have sound piped to all points on the street so that all can hear what you have to say when you arrive. You will have walked over 3,000 miles, so what about the rest of us in America walking that last ten miles. Let's see twenty loaded buses from every state in the union, folks! This is worth a day off work! This time is NOW! The word is GO! Walk with Granny D!
Muriel L. Bonine <>
Alexandria, VA - Thursday, January 13, 2000 at 00:04:07 (EST)

Christie Woodring <>
St. Petersburg, FL - Thursday, January 13, 2000 at 00:01:36 (EST)

cherridan rambally <>
philadelphia, pa - Wednesday, January 12, 2000 at 23:54:06 (EST)

John Kevin Cugini <>
Philadelphia, PA - Wednesday, January 12, 2000 at 23:52:16 (EST)
Heard about you just bychance while listening to Democracy Now this afternoon. I know everyone says so, but you are just amazing. I hope those thieves in Washington are moved to reform, but think most of them just pay lip service to both Democracy and their non-corporate voting constituents. Maybe you could add a few words in some of your interviews against the impending wholesale irradiation of the nation's meat supplies. It's going to hurt a lot of people in the future. Anyway, keep up the fight, and maybe a few of us will get off our butts to make this a participatory democracy!!!
Clem Wilkes <>
Laytonville, CA - Wednesday, January 12, 2000 at 23:43:46 (EST)
Good luck, Granny D!
Eric Carson <>
New Haven, CT - Wednesday, January 12, 2000 at 23:43:17 (EST)
Granny D, I heard you speak today with Amy Goodman on Democracy Now! As Amy gave us your website, I have been exploring it section by section. Your speeches should be printed and framed! By your very act of walking, you are, perhaps more than any other single person, giving "legs" to the now rapidly growing movement for meaningful campaign finance reform. Congratulations to the great people of Common Cause who know a champion when they see one. Congratulations to all the people who are supporting you in your great effort. But most of all, CONGRATULATIONS TO YOU, Granny D, for this most amazing effort on behalf of the people of this country and of our democracy! You have it all together: the astounding physical stamina to walk across this entire nation, your riveting speaking ability (you credit your years at Emerson for this -- three cheers for Emerson), and the intellectual and perceptive acumen that you obviously have honed well. You understand and can use the power of the word as well as the power of the walk. Where are the pollsters on this issue? And where is the corporate media on this issue and on your heroic effort? Hesitant, no doubt, to publish much about you and about campaign finance reform, as it could likely annoy their corporate owners and advertisers. You speak for at least 73 percent of America. We are beginning to realize what this corrupt system is really costing us moneywise, not yet speaking of its cost as a dangerous deterioration of our democracy. When corruption in any country becomes as pervasive as is our system of electoral bribery, the bottom ninety percent of the people pay the immense cost of that corruption until they eventually become impoverished beyond hope of recovery. One need not be a history scholar (though a bit of weekend reading through the history of nations certainly doesn't hurt), one can simply find out what is going on in such countries throughout the world today. Corporations and their wealthy owners have gained enormous power in our government over the past twenty-five years. They now in truth run our government and rule this country. They establish political and economic policies that are in their own interests. These interest seldom coincide with the well-being of the rest of the people in the country. It was not always this way (Read FDR's "Economic Bill of Rights" at We must take our country back or lose not only our standard of living, but our very freedom. You are leading the way, Granny D! I will appreciate the honor of joining you in your walk as you approach Washington, D.C., and, if possible, for the last two of three days of your great and heroic journey. I know that people from all over the country will join you on that last great day as you walk into the nation's capital! You are the prophet who speaks for us at the very time of need; you are a true grandmother to the people of the country; and you are the heroine of our nation. ...and I loved your answer to Mitch McConnell.
Rita Marie Goering <>
Arlington, VA - Wednesday, January 12, 2000 at 23:27:46 (EST)
Well,when I came into work today, one of my co-workers showed me your website which he had heard about through NPR... I've just spent the last hour perusing your site and I have to say you're an inspiration through and through Granny D! Personal responsibility, social activism, and giving a d*** about the political state of our country are all theories I support... But after reading your thoughts and comments on finance reform--well, suffice to say it's a kick in the rear to get my own gears turning! Best wishes, jng
Judy Ng <>
Sarasota, FL - Wednesday, January 12, 2000 at 23:11:03 (EST)

Sandra Music <>
- Wednesday, January 12, 2000 at 23:08:07 (EST)
Just wanted you to know I heard you on our local Pacifica radio station, KPFT, today(1/12/00) and I like your spunk! It takes courage and commitment to do what you are doing, my hat is off to you. Thanks for the reality check. Terri
Terri Hudler-Hull <>
Houston, TX - Wednesday, January 12, 2000 at 22:51:42 (EST)

katedevore <>
chicago, IL - Wednesday, January 12, 2000 at 22:41:22 (EST)
Thank you Granny D! You are a hero to me. Campaign finance reform is one of the key issues in our country today. The people who have the power to change things will not. We, as a people, must start to add pressure. Thanks.
SteveTobin <>
Los Alamos, NM - Wednesday, January 12, 2000 at 22:26:56 (EST)
You Are my Hero, can I adopt you as my Granny? I lived in New Hampshire for 2 Years and never met anyone like you, no less even a progressive liberal as yourself. That IS a compliment!
Ken R. Warfield <>
Anaheim, CA - Wednesday, January 12, 2000 at 22:25:41 (EST)
Congratulations Granny D! Most people just talk about what's important to them. You're doing something about it. I support you!
Sandy Tobin <>
Los Alamos, NM - Wednesday, January 12, 2000 at 22:23:44 (EST)

Dave Dowling <>
- Wednesday, January 12, 2000 at 21:52:53 (EST)

Molly Rysman <>
Los Angeles, CA - Wednesday, January 12, 2000 at 21:45:05 (EST)
Granny D is a great American who speaks for the will of the people. Listen to her! We want campaign finance reform now!
Donna Fierke <>
Pinellas Park, FL - Wednesday, January 12, 2000 at 21:16:47 (EST)
You are a true inspiration to us all.
Chris Tokarz <>
Melrose, NY - Wednesday, January 12, 2000 at 21:11:30 (EST)

lisa marquardt <>
stone mountain, ga - Wednesday, January 12, 2000 at 21:03:15 (EST)
Thanks for the inspiration you've given me. Your spirit, your speaking and your writing are the best of America. Good luck as you finish your journey.
Gillie W. Campbell <>
Alexandria, VA - Wednesday, January 12, 2000 at 20:57:40 (EST)

Daniel Fritz <>
Olympia, WA - Wednesday, January 12, 2000 at 20:53:23 (EST)
hey, my dad heard about you on the radio so we came to check out the site. You're doing a way kool thing. You go Granny D!
Autumn <>
WA - Wednesday, January 12, 2000 at 20:50:21 (EST)
I heard about your walk on Pacifica radio on my way home from work. You go girl! My daughter graduated from Emerson in 1998, and I just e-mailed her about you.... Carry it on...and a very happy Birthday!!!!!
Jo Ann Levin <>
Ukiah , CA - Wednesday, January 12, 2000 at 20:42:08 (EST)
Mira Cantrell <>
Culver City, CA - Wednesday, January 12, 2000 at 20:33:08 (EST)

Barbara Hilyer <>
Ashland, Oregon - Wednesday, January 12, 2000 at 20:24:36 (EST)
nice to know people like you exist and it's not too difficult to get surrounded by like thinkers. keep your feet moving, there are alot of us out here. Jah Bless!
eduardo jones <>
corrales, nm - Wednesday, January 12, 2000 at 20:13:32 (EST)
Go girl Go!
Charles Stevenson <>
Mendocino, CA - Wednesday, January 12, 2000 at 20:09:44 (EST)
i totally support what you are doing. you give hope and inspiration to all of us. lets bring america back to its people and out of the corporate control that buys our government officals.
heather wilcoxon <>
sausalito, ca - Wednesday, January 12, 2000 at 20:08:34 (EST)
Way to go, Granny D!
Jerry Juhl <>
Caspar, CA - Wednesday, January 12, 2000 at 20:01:26 (EST)
Granny D. and Co. Thank you so much for the interview today (Herald-Standard Uniontown paper). It truly was an honor meeting you and a pleasure talking with you. Good Luck and Godspeed to Washington.
Katie Long <>
Morgantown, WV - Wednesday, January 12, 2000 at 20:00:19 (EST)
Go Granny D I beleive in what your doing, you are more exciting than all those debates. Seen you on the Travel Channel & I'm keeping up with you on the local radio stations.
Iris Graham <>
Clovis, Ca - Wednesday, January 12, 2000 at 19:55:57 (EST)
You have my support. A Canadian
Derek rayson <>
Georgetown, On - Wednesday, January 12, 2000 at 19:29:00 (EST)
I am a college instructor of American History. I am comvinced that our great founding fathers; the men who pledged their fortunes and their very lives to form this nation, never meant for public office to be bought by the candidates able to raise the largest amount of money. It sickens me to think that we have allowed their democratic vision to deteriorate to the marketplace.
linda tepera <>
houston, tx - Wednesday, January 12, 2000 at 19:14:31 (EST)
Just heard about you on Democracy Now. Way to go Granny D!
Sabert Lewis <>
Albuquerque, NM - Wednesday, January 12, 2000 at 19:01:15 (EST)
YOU GO, GIRL!!!! I hope I'm as fiesty when I hit 89! You're a credit to all of us !!
Jo Anne Fleming <>
Houston, TX - Wednesday, January 12, 2000 at 18:59:49 (EST)
Great job Granny D....thanks for "fighting the good fight"!
Amy Hornbrook <>
Paris, IL - Wednesday, January 12, 2000 at 18:51:39 (EST)
Granny -- I listened to you today on our public radio station here in Houston and was so inspired by your story and what you are accomplishing by your walk across America. You are a very special lady. Good luck and God bless you.
Dorothy Daigle <>
Houston, TX - Wednesday, January 12, 2000 at 18:44:22 (EST)
I heard your story on Pacifica radio this morning. I'd like to let others know about your sojourn by printing some of your website material in our local progressive newspaper here in Sacramento. Keep on truckin'! I'm so inspired by women like you.
Travis Silcox <>
Sacramento, CA - Wednesday, January 12, 2000 at 18:41:27 (EST)
This is "the" number one issue of our time...It relates either directly or indirectly to all reform issues!!!!!!
Jack Wyles <>
Oakland, CA - Wednesday, January 12, 2000 at 18:24:43 (EST)

NANCY A Morgan <>
- Wednesday, January 12, 2000 at 18:10:05 (EST)

Jenifer Swearingen <>
Houston, TX - Wednesday, January 12, 2000 at 18:02:58 (EST)
I admire your committment,GrannyD, if more people had your comittment it wouldn't have degraded this far in the first place.
David Morrison <>
Fairmont, WV - Wednesday, January 12, 2000 at 17:43:06 (EST)
I heard you today on our great listener sponsored radio station, WORT. Wonderful story. Keep up the good work. I e-mailed my activist West Virginian friends.
Joe Mirenna <>
Madison, WI - Wednesday, January 12, 2000 at 17:28:26 (EST)
Dear Granny: Thank You so much for all your hard work. I am happy to see that there are role models out there like you supporting honesty and truth. Having two young children, I sometimes find it difficult finding present day heros for them to look up to! Keep up all that wonderful walking! We'll be thinking about you on January 24th, my own daughter will turn eight on the 25th. We'll be singing Happy Birthday to you too. May you be safe and protected from all harm. May you be happy and peaceful of heart and mind. May you be strong and healthy of body. May you live with ease of well-being. Thank You.
Monika DuBois <>
Petaluma, CA - Wednesday, January 12, 2000 at 17:18:25 (EST)
GRANNYD!! TONYC HERE!! Thank you so much for your encouraging words on my HONK FOR GRANNYD! sign campaign here on the strip in Vegas!! It was really a shot in the arm for your old friend Tony Clifton!! But, alas, D, I have some bad news. We have a traitor in our midst, D. His name is Pete Pearlman, and I don't think we can trust him. I think he's a Republican. Anyways, keep up the good fight, GrannyD! You 'da bomb!! Go go GrannyD!! Walk the good walk!! You're like Cain from Kung Fu only with a more important mission!! God bless GrannyD!!!!!!!
Tony Clifton <>
Las Vegas, NV - Wednesday, January 12, 2000 at 17:08:05 (EST)

Caroline Miros <>
Mill Valley, CA - Wednesday, January 12, 2000 at 16:57:05 (EST)
I think Granny D is wonderful See you in Washington
jeannie cassells <jeanniecassells@hotmail,com>
Falls Church, Va - Wednesday, January 12, 2000 at 16:22:11 (EST)
I think Granny D is wonderful
jeannie cassells <jeanniecassells@hotmail,com>
Falls Church, Va - Wednesday, January 12, 2000 at 16:21:04 (EST)
I think Granny D is wonderful
jeannie cassells <jeanniecassells@hotmail,com>
Falls Church, Va - Wednesday, January 12, 2000 at 16:21:02 (EST)
blessings for you and your walk.
sunshine weismehl <>
san anselmo, ca - Wednesday, January 12, 2000 at 16:19:26 (EST)

Pete Pearlman <>
Sherman Oaks, CA - Wednesday, January 12, 2000 at 16:02:05 (EST)

Karen Wollenburg <>
Pardeeville, WI - Wednesday, January 12, 2000 at 16:01:59 (EST)

Broady Richardson <>
Buffalo, ny - Wednesday, January 12, 2000 at 15:50:45 (EST)

Kerry M. Weir <>
Fresno, CA - Wednesday, January 12, 2000 at 15:50:04 (EST)

Joan Allekotte <>
Albany, CA - Wednesday, January 12, 2000 at 15:45:25 (EST)
Three cheers for Granny D! I heard you on Democracy Now this morning and was inspired! You have renewed my energy. Sometimes I feel like giving up because our society is going to hell in a handbasket; its quite depressing! But you have renewed my hopes. We are not alone! Thank you Granny D!!!
Linda Romero <>
Redlands, CA - Wednesday, January 12, 2000 at 15:43:40 (EST)
How inspiring! It's makes my heart quicken just to think of the commitment you have made to such a worthy cause. Thank you for giving me the inspiration to do my part to help.
John Papp <>
Brandon, FL - Wednesday, January 12, 2000 at 15:42:52 (EST)

Dori Denning <>
Hermosa Beach, CA - Wednesday, January 12, 2000 at 15:40:59 (EST)
I heard your story today on Democracy Now. Thanks to you and KPFA and WBAI for showing us how to live and preserve our DEMOCRACY.The candidates of the Green Party are committed to CFR and do not take corporate $$. Thank you Granny-long may you wave!
Leslie Bonett <>
Oakland, CA - Wednesday, January 12, 2000 at 15:37:42 (EST)
I just finiahed reading the irate responses to your comments about the money sloshing around in the Bush campaign. I guess memory for some folks is both short-term and selective. Does anyone remember the Senate hearings, under Sen. Fred Thompson, investigating campaign fund raising in the then just completed election? Certainly there was a lot of not nice stuff raised about Clinton and company but then, suddenly, the hearings were brought to a close. Haley Barbour, Chairman of the Republican National Committee at the time, was forced to reveal his meeting (on a yacht in Hong Kong harbor) with various Asian interests. According to Mr. Barbour, the money that the Committee received was just a loan. At this point panic set in among the Republicans on the Committee, who decided that it would be best to conclude the hearings immediately. Nevertheless, a lot of dirty stuff still made it into the press (often in the back pages), including Sen. Dan Burton's anger at a representative from a foreign nation (Pakistan--a model of representative government) because the campaign contribution which he had received was not large enough. Then, of course, the Gingrich follies became an embarassment to everyone. I could go on, but you get my point. I hold no brief for Mr. Clinton,, but I have to admit that I don't blame the Republicans for being angry. Clinton beat them at their own game.
Joseph B. Leach <>
Kailua-Kona, HI - Wednesday, January 12, 2000 at 15:36:27 (EST)
Granny D you go girl give them politicians a real whirl travelling over hill and dell to tell'em Democracy's not theirs to sell from sea to shining sea you’ve stepped to learn’em till their properly prepped so they know though the PACs might moan and the lobbyists may howl all the soft money still smells foul Granny D you go girl politics is a spoiled shellfish but you’re a Pearl KLR 01-12-2000
Ken Rafanan <>
Menlo Park, Ca - Wednesday, January 12, 2000 at 15:20:38 (EST)

Monika Gries <>
Minneapolis, MN - Wednesday, January 12, 2000 at 15:17:56 (EST)
Government buy the people... NO! Govenment BY the people.
Paul Vincent Landau <>
New Market, MD - Wednesday, January 12, 2000 at 14:47:51 (EST)
Granny D - you're my hero! My mother is 88 and seems to have lost her zest - it's wonderful to see you have not lost yours - you go girl.
Jo Ann Jennings <>
SLC, UT - Wednesday, January 12, 2000 at 14:40:49 (EST)
I truly admire your spirit. My best wishes on your journey.
Berkeley Sanjay <>
santa monica, ca - Wednesday, January 12, 2000 at 14:39:33 (EST)
Thanks for giving your personal time to such an important issue. I offer my support in the "de-corporatization" of America by encouraging our politicians to listen to the people and limit campaign contributions.
Joelle Dickson <>
Salt Lake City, UT - Wednesday, January 12, 2000 at 14:37:22 (EST)
Cheers! You are doing a great service to the people and one that is long overdue. Keep on keeping on!
Kemper & Jo Simmons <>
FL - Wednesday, January 12, 2000 at 14:36:47 (EST)
What will we do when the people of Granny D's generation are not here to remind us of the importance of democracy? We will be left with the Boomers who seem to believe that posterity is waxing their SUVs once a week to keep the resale value up. If every citizen in America fought 1/4 as hard as Granny D. for democracy and a better world, imagine how different our lives would be.
Lynne Goldhammer <>
- Wednesday, January 12, 2000 at 14:34:09 (EST)

Marta Teegen <>
Hollywood, CA - Wednesday, January 12, 2000 at 14:33:57 (EST)

Jennifer Farnum <>
Salt Lake City, UT - Wednesday, January 12, 2000 at 14:25:53 (EST)
inspiring "walk your talk"!
Terry Garthwaite <>
- Wednesday, January 12, 2000 at 14:25:20 (EST)
best of luck! You are a truely inspiring woman. Enjoyed your radio interview.
lisa A. Schamel <>
salt Lake city, ut - Wednesday, January 12, 2000 at 14:24:01 (EST)
Thank you for your commitment to true respresentative democracy!
Dan Marelli <>
St. Petersburg, FL - Wednesday, January 12, 2000 at 14:21:39 (EST)
I'm going to email all my friends and ask them to visit your web site and sign the petition. I hope thousands of people show up in D.C. to walk with you.
Tamadhur Al-Aqeel <>
Los Angeles, CA - Wednesday, January 12, 2000 at 14:15:44 (EST)

Edwin A. Dunn <>
Canyon Country, CA - Wednesday, January 12, 2000 at 14:15:41 (EST)
I heard you on Democracy Now this morning. Thank you for showing the difference that one person can make by following their convictions. You are an inspiration!
Reverend Nada Velimirovic' <>
Berkeley, CA - Wednesday, January 12, 2000 at 14:08:29 (EST)

Lori Nairne <>
SF, CA - Wednesday, January 12, 2000 at 14:03:49 (EST)

Lori Nairne <>
SF, CA - Wednesday, January 12, 2000 at 14:03:21 (EST)

Lori Nairne <104270.277>
SF, CA - Wednesday, January 12, 2000 at 14:02:03 (EST)
Glad your there....Gracious....
Robert Melcher <>
san rafael, ca - Wednesday, January 12, 2000 at 13:57:12 (EST)
If only more people could step up and follow your example!!!
Amanda Parks <>
Minneapolis, MN - Wednesday, January 12, 2000 at 13:54:40 (EST)
Dear Granny D - you have created something I very much want - a life that is significant, meaningful, and inspiring.
Eileen M. Crean <>
Berkeley, CA - Wednesday, January 12, 2000 at 13:45:08 (EST)
I heard about you on Amy Goodman's show 'Democracy Now' this morning. You are wonderful and inspiring! Love & Power, chandra redack.
Chandra l. Redack <>
san francisco, ca - Wednesday, January 12, 2000 at 13:44:13 (EST)

Amber Melcher <>
San Rafael, ca - Wednesday, January 12, 2000 at 13:41:08 (EST)
This is the most important issue of our day. Granny D is right; without campaign finance reform we do not have a true democracy.
Jayne Keller <>
Cambridge, MA - Wednesday, January 12, 2000 at 13:35:43 (EST)
You have been an inspiration. I have walked my neighborhood in a recent election campaign and have tremendous admiration for your determination and persistence. Good luck.
Joan M. Dunn <>
Canyon Country, CA - Wednesday, January 12, 2000 at 13:34:53 (EST)

Amy E. Vaughan <>
Indian Rocks Beach , FL - Wednesday, January 12, 2000 at 13:33:40 (EST)
I heard you speak on KPFA, and am inspired by your courage. Keep Going and give Campaign Finance in Washington what-for!
Kerry Schwartz <>
Novato, ca - Wednesday, January 12, 2000 at 13:26:35 (EST)
You are an inspiration to us all...You bring a tear to my eye...If only I would be as couragous as you..What a different life I would live...I just found out about you today on Tampa's 88.5 radio station and will follow you the rest of the way...Wishing you the greatest in ever moment.. Craig
Craig Fields <>
Punta Gorda, FL - Wednesday, January 12, 2000 at 13:25:18 (EST)
I just heard the interview on Democracy Now. Granny you are an inspiration to me. I will send this web site to my friends. Good luck and I'll be rooting for you.
Marian Cruz <>
Hollister, CA - Wednesday, January 12, 2000 at 13:24:28 (EST)
We need this reform at all levels of Government Thanks for the efforts Granny
Edwin A. Dunn <>
Canyon Country, CA - Wednesday, January 12, 2000 at 13:20:41 (EST)

Marian Cruz <>
Hollister, - Wednesday, January 12, 2000 at 13:19:51 (EST)
Thank you for a lifetime of protest. This action will reaffirm that people can enact change and democracy without being a corporation, conglomerate, or monied interest. Keep up that voice!
micah messenheimer <>
sf, ca - Wednesday, January 12, 2000 at 13:14:11 (EST)
Go Granny Go! Thank you for your will and strength. You are an inspiring woman.
Eric Wesoff <>
LaHonda, CA - Wednesday, January 12, 2000 at 13:13:39 (EST)

Matt Tietjen <>
San Jose, CA - Wednesday, January 12, 2000 at 13:10:34 (EST)

Doris Goldman <>
Los Angeles, CA - Wednesday, January 12, 2000 at 13:07:34 (EST)
Your one hell of a woman garanny!
Aaron Kierbel <>
Rohnert Park, CA - Wednesday, January 12, 2000 at 13:04:27 (EST)

Brenda Kennard <>
- Wednesday, January 12, 2000 at 13:03:41 (EST)
GOOD FOR YOU, GRANNY D!!! Here's some more info that might interest you: If this information is true, we have been grossly taken advantage of by our own government, an entity in which we should be able to invest trust. I am investigating this further. Thusfar it appears to be true. I am passing this along to those about whom I care, because I believe that everyone should have this information in order to formulate his or her own educated opinion. "The world is a dangerous place to live; not because of the people who are evil, but because of the people who don't do anything about it." ~ Albert Einstein Please read the following: from: IRS Special Agent Resigns Finds IRS Has No Laws To Collect Tax From Dave Champion 3-4-99 Dear Friends, A few days ago, I sent out a piece which contained information regarding Joe Banister. Joe is, or more accurately was, an IRS Special Agent working in the Criminal Investigation Division of the Internal Revenue Service. 14 Months ago, Joe began to communicate with several "tax protesters". In a rare occurrence, representatives from Freedom Law School and the Free Enterprise Society, along with Bill Conklin, Attorney Larry Becraft, Devvy Kidd and Bill Benson were able to convince Joe (whose job it was to put people like them in jail) to actually evaluate the information that was so objectionable to the IRS. For the next 14 months, Joe poured over the information. A few weeks ago, he submitted a 90 page report to his superiors at IRS. In his report, Joe informed his superiors that he had found the following information to be legally accurate and factual (partial list): 1) There is no federal law requiring an American Citizen, working and living in one of the 50 states, to file an income tax return or pay income tax. 2) The 16th Amendment did not provide Congress with any new taxing authority, but merely reversed an earlier US Supreme Court decision, thus placing the income tax forever within the category of a "privilege tax" (i.e. a tax for doing something that you have no natural right to do as a Citizen). 3) The so-called 16th Amendment was never properly ratified and therefore, having never received the blessings of the Union states, it is only a federal law which applies to Washington D.C. and its territories. 4) The United States operated each year EXCLUSIVELY by loans provided by the Federal Reserve (which is a 100% private banking institution and is not a government agency) and not one penny of income tax goes to the US Treasury, but rather 100% of the tax collected goes directly to the Federal Reserve banks. In short, the IRS acts EXCLUSIVELY as the collection department of the Federal Reserve banking system. Below, you will see Joe's most recent e-mail to the Patriots he now considers his friends. Dave ------------------------------------------------- Letter From IRS Agent (Former) Joseph R. Banister Dear Friends: Well, the day of reckoning has arrived. On February 11, 1999, in my capacity as a Special Agent and federal law enforcement officer sworn to support and defend the Constitution of the United States, I submitted a "preliminary report" to the Chief of the IRS Criminal Investigation Division for the Central California District. My report summarized my findings regarding allegations that the income tax and filing of federal income tax returns is voluntary, that the 16th Amendment was never ratified, and that income taxes are not used to pay for daily government operations. In order to ensure that unnecessary and unwarranted delay would not occur, I requested that my report be forwarded to top officials in the IRS up to and including Commissioner Charles O. Rossotti, and I respectfully requested that the Commissioner or his designee respond to the evidence in my report within 30 days. Today, my Chief called me into his office and gave me a memorandum. The memorandum dated February 17th, 1999, read in part: The Internal Revenue Service will not be responding to your request and will provide you with the necessary paperwork to tender your resignation. You will be placed on administrative leave effective upon receipt of this memorandum for a period of seven calendar days to consider what actions you wish to take. I was told that officials at the highest levels of the Internal Revenue Service were consulted regarding a response to my report. Apparently, I have now joined the ranks of every other taxpayer who ever was ignored or otherwise rebuffed by the Internal Revenue Service when they petitioned the IRS for a reasonable explanation. The only conclusion that I can reach is that those officials thought it was better to rebuff my request and pass up a golden opportunity to prove my research wrong than to have to admit that so-called "tax-protesters" and other supporters of the U.S. Constitution have been right all along. Ironically, had the IRS taken the time to address my concerns, or perhaps perform the simple task of proving the allegations wrong, I would have gladly been their spokesman advising taxpayers not to fall for these untrue allegations for the rest of my career. As the memorandum states, I have until Friday, February 26th, 1999, the day after the 86th anniversary of the alleged ratification of the 16th Amendment, to tender my resignation. This is certainly a sad day in my life. Although I was hoping for a better result, I learned today after over two years of investigation that the Internal Revenue Service is everything that the so-called "tax protesters" said it was; non-responsive, unable to withstand scrutiny, tyrannical, and an agency oblivious to the rule of law and the U.S. Constitution. May God help us all. Joseph R. Banister -------------------------------------------------- And here is another note on Joe Banister from attorney Steffan Bertsch: CID Agent, Joe Banister Resigns from the IRS From Steffan M. Bertsch Washington State Bar number 8650 to all who seek to end the fraud that Congress has perpetrated through the IRS. On Thursday, February 25, 1999, Joe Banister voluntarily relinquished (which is not to be confused with "voluntary compliance") his title as a special agent for the Internal Revenue Service. He no longer works for the Criminal Investigation Division of that agency because he presented his superiors with various discoveries he made concerning fraudulent implementation of the income tax laws. His superiors refused to address any of the issues, so Joe did what you would expect of a person of integrity, he resigned. Joe researched the income tax code, as many of us have, and was unable to discover the law that made ordinary Americans subject to the income tax. Before he joined the IRS, Joe had been accredited as a certified public accountant, so his search for the elusive statute which would make Americans subject to the income tax was most certainly a professional endeavor. It is Joe's professional opinion, as a CPA and a former special agent, that there is no such law. And, as an attorney, I have conducted a similar search, and like Joe, have also concluded that there is no such law. For those who wish to know more about Joe Banister, click onto his site at: You can also send him an e-mail, but please realize that he could be too swamped to personally respond to your message.
NT <>
- Wednesday, January 12, 2000 at 13:00:05 (EST)
Heard you on KPFA - You're fantastic!
Todd Berman <>
San Francisco, CA - Wednesday, January 12, 2000 at 12:55:06 (EST)
When soft money goes away, I can say goodbye to industry giving money to congresspersons. I can say goodbye to logging road subsidies in National Forests. And I can say hello to environmental protection that the people want. Hopefully. Good job, Granny!!!
Sam White <>
Cumberland, Md - Wednesday, January 12, 2000 at 12:23:24 (EST)
Wow! I just read your responses to the letters sent by (supposed) Bush supporters regarding his fundraising. It taught me some real lessons about how to best handle someone elses anger, especially when directed at you. I often find myself in that very anger mode in reverse. You´ve clearly demonstrated the real power of compassion.
Peter Vahle <>
Barcelona, SPAIN - Wednesday, January 12, 2000 at 12:20:45 (EST)

christine fraley <>
washington, DC - Wednesday, January 12, 2000 at 12:11:17 (EST)
Dear Granny D. Our Alliance for Democracy chapter in Mendocino County, CA has wanted to do a ten mile walk as you ask for some time but then we got all involved with WTO and Seattle. At our meeting on Monday we set February 12, 2000(Lincoln's Birthday) to do our Walk. We will be able to mail in our shoes before you get to Washington, D.C. God speed Granny D.
Richard Leamon <>
Potter Valley, CA - Wednesday, January 12, 2000 at 12:01:19 (EST)
Keep on going.
Frank Hill <>
North Hollywood, CA - Wednesday, January 12, 2000 at 11:42:02 (EST)
I heard you on the radio this morning from a program on the Goddard College station. Great Job! I might catch up with you along the line but if not I will be with you in spirit. thanks, Ken
Ken Tonnissen <>
Midddlesex, VT - Wednesday, January 12, 2000 at 11:34:35 (EST)
Go Granny! I don't know you, but, believe me, I love you. You are a true patriot!!!
William Jumper <>
Ellenville, NY - Wednesday, January 12, 2000 at 11:31:49 (EST)
You are an Insperation to everybody that cares and has witnessed the corperate take over of the Goverment they will go for the world next.
Ron Garrison <>
Freeport, TX - Wednesday, January 12, 2000 at 11:10:00 (EST)
To GrannyD: So sorry I wasn't aware of your journey when you went through Texas. Otherwise, I would have come to find you and thank you personally for your effort. I, too, am an activist and will alert my network to your fantastic, inspirational, sacrifice and commitment. Best wishes.
Jackie Armstrong <>
Houston, TX - Wednesday, January 12, 2000 at 11:03:31 (EST)
You are a true inspiration..Keep on Trucking Granny!! it's about time someone stands up for getting the government back to the people. As a union organizer we are constantly faced with campaign finance reform bills. Which I am all for, as long as Big Business is also bound by the same restrictions. Let's level the playing field and get our government back to all THE PEOPLE, not just the grossly rich ones! great job granny
Rhonda Stalker <>
San Diego, CA - Wednesday, January 12, 2000 at 10:49:20 (EST)
You inspire me!
Diana Gallant <>
Lafayette, CO - Wednesday, January 12, 2000 at 10:37:39 (EST)
Go Granny Go! You have inspired me, thanks.
Tom D. Hutzley <>
Simi Valley, CA - Wednesday, January 12, 2000 at 10:28:21 (EST)
i'm for campaign finance reform, john mccain, active senior citizens and granny d!
janet griffin <>
san diego, - Wednesday, January 12, 2000 at 10:28:09 (EST)
Go Granny Go! You have inspired, thanks.
Tom D. Hutzley <>
Simi Valley, CA - Wednesday, January 12, 2000 at 10:25:21 (EST)
Go Granny D! The monied interests of the corporations are destroying all the democratic institutions of this country.
Don Bonsteel <>
Hyattsville, MD - Wednesday, January 12, 2000 at 10:22:34 (EST)
You hear; read & see the history of America, but not hardly when someone is pulling for A One America. I wish you God's strength and protection. love; PHILLIP
Phillip L. Avila <>
Norwalk, CA - Wednesday, January 12, 2000 at 10:19:53 (EST)
Dear GrannyD., You are an inspiration to many people. We have a petition going here. Keep up the good work!!!
Anthea Estergard <>
Crystal Lake , Il - Wednesday, January 12, 2000 at 10:13:46 (EST)

Richard L Norman <>
- Wednesday, January 12, 2000 at 10:10:12 (EST)
Can't wait to meet you in Washington! Cheers!
Paul Roochnik <>
Silver Spring, MD - Wednesday, January 12, 2000 at 09:54:06 (EST)
Jacob Croke <>
Clinton, NY - Wednesday, January 12, 2000 at 09:13:16 (EST)
Good going Granny D!!! You are indeed an inspiration and a great role model to all. Keep up the good work, you are almost there!
Peggy Tucker <Mt Poet NH @>
Epsom, NH - Tuesday, January 11, 2000 at 23:47:11 (EST)

kevin spicher <>
sf, ca - Tuesday, January 11, 2000 at 23:04:46 (EST)
Our political system is sick with big money & and no system pretending to democratic values can afford the plutocratic fallout. Granny D reminds us what Americans are about.
Clarke Kemp <>
Jackson, MS - Tuesday, January 11, 2000 at 22:03:52 (EST)
God bless you for your strong voice and spirit. I feel sure that our cause will triumph - it must for our democracy to endure. Keep on truckin'.
Jim Valk <>
South Daytona, FL - Tuesday, January 11, 2000 at 21:44:03 (EST)
I believe this just may be the most memorable birthday I have had in years! To be surprised by you and your fellow walkers, in song, at my home this morning just made my day, my year. And I do share your love of chocolate. Thanks to you, and Nick and Mary and Laura. It was such a treat to have you all at our home. We miss you already. Those three days went by far too quick. I hope to see you on your birthday in Cumberland. Keep up your noble effort. You are such an inspiration. I wanted to quit my job and join you full time, really.
Martha Murray <>
Morgantown, WV - Tuesday, January 11, 2000 at 21:35:56 (EST)
Heard You on the Jim HightowerShow.Thank you for helping us remeber who we are and what WE CAN DO!!!!!
Regina McKinney <>
Black Canyon City , AZ - Tuesday, January 11, 2000 at 20:41:39 (EST)
You were just a name in the paper until that day when my mom brought you and your group to stay with us. I may be just a mere 18, but I learned more politics from what you're doing than I could ever in school. By the Way, Great Job. I don't think I could make it through the snow 10 miles a day. Happy (Late) Birthday~
Amy Davis <>
Smiths Grove, KY - Tuesday, January 11, 2000 at 20:03:13 (EST)
We're 100% behind Granny D's enlightened challenge to the continuing oligarchy. Could freedom and democracy, like Spring, be blowing in the wind? Thanks for everything!!
Gabriel and Mary DesHarnais <>
Cedar Grove, NC - Tuesday, January 11, 2000 at 19:58:58 (EST)
I can"t begin to express my admiration for you. Wish I could be with you on 2/29/00. Great Job.Granny D.
Doris Silva <>
Richmond, Ca - Tuesday, January 11, 2000 at 18:05:54 (EST)
I support your campaign and am REALLY IMPRESSED
doris c strange <>
takoma park, md - Tuesday, January 11, 2000 at 17:18:07 (EST)
Without campaign reforms, democracy as it's supposed to be is threatened.
Andrew J. Danzig <>
Chattanooga, TN - Tuesday, January 11, 2000 at 17:04:18 (EST)

David Matthews <>
San Jose, Ca - Tuesday, January 11, 2000 at 16:21:27 (EST)
Dearest Doris, Every once in awhile we meet someone in life that touches us in a special way...someone we will never forget and whom we will carry a piece of with us the rest of our lives. I must admit, in the beginning, you were merely another news story for me to cover..By the way, my co-workers made fun of the video of me walking and interviewing you going into Chillicothe, they said it looked like I had a hard time keeping up. Anyhow, after I met you and read some of your thoughts on your cause, I must say, I am impressed. So many people these days just go from day to day, living..not caring enough to get involved.. they just take what comes their way. You are an inspiration!! You're almost there! I'll never forget you. Love, Larry Roberts ,news reporter.
larry e. roberts <>
beaumont, tx - Tuesday, January 11, 2000 at 15:58:50 (EST)
we like your veiws
Clara Nichols <>
fairmont, wv - Tuesday, January 11, 2000 at 15:58:13 (EST)
God bless you and keep you safe.
Joyce L. Harris <>
Ft. Worth, TX - Tuesday, January 11, 2000 at 15:46:30 (EST)
God bless you. We need more citizens in America who are willing to be citizens who will fight for regaining our democracy instead of proclaiming themselves republicans or democrats. The leadership of the U.S congress declared themselves Free Market zealots in 1994. Since then both parties have placed the value of U.S. and global corporations/markets above human life. These men and women have no soul, Granny. It is time to make politicians accountable for their barbaric and immoral behavior. We support you.
Emma <>
OH - Tuesday, January 11, 2000 at 15:42:54 (EST)
"The granite of New Hampshire" shows through from Pacific back to Atlantic. Thank goodness.
Bruce Ryan <>
Pacific City, OR - Tuesday, January 11, 2000 at 12:03:52 (EST)
Reform! Reform! Reform!
Daniel N. Adams <>
Athens, GA - Tuesday, January 11, 2000 at 10:42:30 (EST)
I support you 100% Granny D! God bless you for what you are doing. What a courageous lady. I saw a show about you on the Travel channel. You've got guts. Best wishes.
Christie Abraham <>
Newbury Park, CA - Tuesday, January 11, 2000 at 10:25:02 (EST)

Joan Widner <>
- Tuesday, January 11, 2000 at 09:20:53 (EST)

Eunice Luebke <>
Hot Springs Village, AR - Tuesday, January 11, 2000 at 01:57:03 (EST)

Paul T. Luebke <>
Hot Springs Vlg., AR - Tuesday, January 11, 2000 at 01:55:46 (EST)
I hope to make it when you reach Washington. Great cause!! Granny D is an incredable person.
Richard Hajinlian <>
Billerica, MA - Monday, January 10, 2000 at 23:49:50 (EST)
Granny D is an inspiration. In Oregon we have many people interested and hope to refer campaign finance reform to the voters next year.
George & Irene Starr <geostarr@>
Portland, OR - Monday, January 10, 2000 at 23:33:37 (EST)
I would like the US to go back to being a democracy rather than remaining a plutocracy.
John Ginsberg <>
Washington, DC - Monday, January 10, 2000 at 20:10:05 (EST)

Hope Erickson <>
Austin, TX - Monday, January 10, 2000 at 19:55:33 (EST)
Our hopes go with you on the home-stretch of your crusade. I plan to join you this Saturday somewhere east of Morgantown, and join you in Washington on February 29.
Gerald Pops <>
Morgantown, WWWVWV - Monday, January 10, 2000 at 18:55:17 (EST)
Good going Granny.
Nannette Volpe <>
Montverde, Fl - Monday, January 10, 2000 at 17:38:06 (EST)
I saw the segment on the Travel Channel. My hat's off to you on your campaign. A great cause which sorely needs fixing.
Rick Cassel <>
Chalfont, PA - Monday, January 10, 2000 at 17:28:06 (EST)
RALEIGH, NC - Monday, January 10, 2000 at 16:31:17 (EST)
Three cheers! Stay healthy. Take good care of yourself.
Sylvia A. Merrill <>
San Antonio, TX - Monday, January 10, 2000 at 15:21:43 (EST)
One person one vote!
Cynthia A. Wyman <>
Canyon Lake, TX - Monday, January 10, 2000 at 12:41:46 (EST)

Eugenia A. Bonyun <>
Austin, TX - Monday, January 10, 2000 at 12:04:02 (EST)
I wish there had been more publicity. I think this is just the sort of "part of the solution" activity this country needs to see more of. If you're ever in Pgh...anyway I will try to be there on the 29th.
Andrea Jones <>
Pittsburgh, PA - Monday, January 10, 2000 at 11:40:15 (EST)
If we do not achieve campaign finance reform, our elected representatives will have to spend more time raising money for re-election than for attending to the public interest,and they will have little incentive to do the latter.
Carl M. Shy <>
Chapel Hill, NC - Monday, January 10, 2000 at 11:24:26 (EST)
MEDIA, PA - Monday, January 10, 2000 at 11:14:04 (EST)
Way to go, Granny D.!!!!!
Ms. Judy Schwartz <>
Miami, FL - Monday, January 10, 2000 at 10:48:23 (EST)
Was fortunate to see you on the Travel Channel Saturday Evening. What luck, as I never watch that channel. How terribly inspiring you are. I will do everything I can to carry your message. God Bless and watch over you on your journey. Please give DJ a hug for me.
Karen Vaughan <>
Lincoln, NE - Monday, January 10, 2000 at 10:36:29 (EST)

Kay Parker <>
Four Oaks, nc - Monday, January 10, 2000 at 09:40:09 (EST)

Eileen Sarkissian <EileenS774@AOL>
Stratford, CT - Monday, January 10, 2000 at 07:09:45 (EST)
We 76 yr olds walked/supported this remarkable human being for 30 miles between Sweetwater & Abilene, TX in early June. We were impressed with Doris then. But now, wow!
Ted & Dot Beland <>
Sacramento, CA - Monday, January 10, 2000 at 02:40:30 (EST)
We 76 yr olds walked/supported this remarkable human being for 30 miles between Sweetwater & Abilene, TX in early June. We were impressed with Doris then. But now, wow!
Ted & Dot Beland <>
Sacramento, CA - Monday, January 10, 2000 at 02:39:41 (EST)
With George Washington's leadership, we liberated ourselves from the tyranny of the kings and queens of England. With Granny D.and Common Cause, we'll liberate ourselves from the tyranny of the would be kings and queens of Washington D. C.
Almeta Garner <>
Mandeville, , La - Monday, January 10, 2000 at 01:51:10 (EST)
It is indeed a privilege to be included on this petition. I hope that there are still enough legislators remaining who have not sold their souls to special interests, who will recognize the critical importance of this mission and HAVE THE COURAGE TO ACT IN A POSITIVE WAY ON IT.
S. Arthur Rybeck, Jr., D.D.S. <>
Wheeling, WV - Sunday, January 09, 2000 at 23:56:46 (EST)
Keep up the good work for campaign finance reform!
Dora Moraine <>
Shell Beach , CA - Sunday, January 09, 2000 at 23:38:46 (EST)
Keep up the good work for campaign finance reform!
Dora Moraine <>
Shell Beach , CA - Sunday, January 09, 2000 at 23:38:18 (EST)
My thoughts will be with you. Good luck.
Sally Drell <>
Delray Beach, FL - Sunday, January 09, 2000 at 23:12:46 (EST)

Stella Logan <>
Austin, Tx - Sunday, January 09, 2000 at 22:58:36 (EST)
Way to go, Granny!! If you were coming to Maine, I'd walk with you.
Carol Beyna <>
Cumberland, ME - Sunday, January 09, 2000 at 21:22:39 (EST)
I have emailed my two senators and representative to let them know that I want to see campaign reform passed, including a ban on soft money. Thanks for all your efforts. You are indeed a role model to many!!!
Ron Beyna <>
Cumberland, Maine - Sunday, January 09, 2000 at 21:20:33 (EST)
The way to go.
Celia Martin <>
Edgewater, FL - Sunday, January 09, 2000 at 21:07:01 (EST)

Natalie Andre <>
Boca Raton, FL - Sunday, January 09, 2000 at 21:03:08 (EST)

Amy <>
San Francisco, ca - Sunday, January 09, 2000 at 18:52:42 (EST)
We are with you every step of tne way....You are an inspiration to us all..Will be watching the news for you...Pace don't race..
Julie and Andy Buchan <>
Schenectady, NY - Sunday, January 09, 2000 at 18:49:23 (EST)

arnold belkin and mildred belkin <>
pittsburgh, pennsylvania - Sunday, January 09, 2000 at 17:23:19 (EST)

Glenn Francis Sykes <>
portland, or - Sunday, January 09, 2000 at 17:06:01 (EST)

Tammy colleen Sykes <>
Portland, or - Sunday, January 09, 2000 at 17:05:05 (EST)
Just heard your interview with Chris Moore in Pittsburgh. Happy Birthday and let's hope the national media will give you the coverage you deserve. Thanks, Diane
Diane Poole <>
Monessen, PA - Sunday, January 09, 2000 at 17:03:04 (EST)
Just read about your mission in "The Hightower Lowdown." You are my hero. I will think of you as I struggle to find ways to be a better citizen.
Barbara Griffith <>
dearborn, mi - Sunday, January 09, 2000 at 14:05:08 (EST)

Larry Garlitz <>
Terra Alta, WV - Sunday, January 09, 2000 at 13:33:59 (EST)

John M. Morgan <>
Beallsville, OH - Sunday, January 09, 2000 at 13:26:58 (EST)
Best wishes on your walk, and you have my support in this worthy cause!
Glynn Miller <>
Berrien Springs, MI - Sunday, January 09, 2000 at 13:11:58 (EST)

Glynn Miller <glnmiller>
- Sunday, January 09, 2000 at 13:11:08 (EST)
Granny D. Thank you for your time, energy, and effort. You are truly the "spirit of America." You remind me of my beloved grandmother, who was the most important person in my life. Last year I "retired" from teaching ninth grade earth science after 28 years in the classroom here in Ames, Iowa. I have no desire to retire! I invented a nonprofit endeavor to restore a starry, dark night sky over America by the year 2020 because I am an amateur astronomer and grew up watching the Milky WAy here in Iowa. Now, my students and others can barely see the Milky Way in most of America. Last year, before hearing of your walk, I thought of walking the USA to save the Milky Way! I'm still planning on doing so beginning this summer. I know you are very busy, but I would be honored to talk with you and ask you some questions about walking across America. I'm 57 years old, in good health, and extraordinarily passionate about my cause. I have a Web site I created for my students to use when I was still teaching. I hear from adults and students the world over from my Web site on astronomy. At present I am creating a new Web site about Saving the Milky Way. It should be done by February. My Web site is at: Again, I would like to talk to you about a walk across the US. If you have time to do so, please call me collect at Jack Troeger, 515-232-2317. I wish I could be there with you in Washington, DC, but since I quit teaching, we have been living on my wife's salary as an educational assistant here in Ames, and can't afford a trip right now. We know you will be successful in your effort and applaud you every step of the way and beyond. Thank you for you time and may you always have clear, dark, star-slathered skies saturated with Milky Way light! Jack Troeger 1009 - 16th Street Ames, Iowa 50010 515-232-2317
Jack Troeger <>
Ames, Ia - Sunday, January 09, 2000 at 12:59:52 (EST)
Looking forward to walking with you in DC.
Miriam Willis <>
Newark, DE - Sunday, January 09, 2000 at 12:11:49 (EST)
Looking forward to walking with you in DC.
Miriam Willis <>
Newark, DE - Sunday, January 09, 2000 at 12:07:41 (EST)
thank you granny d for presenting this issue in a clear and meaningful way. I had been for campaign finance reform before, but now I understand what is truly at stake - that this is THE issue, the foundation of all other issues and the way to reinstate our true democracy. You have inspired me!See you on Feb. 29!
ann altland <>
freeland, md - Sunday, January 09, 2000 at 11:50:52 (EST)

ann altland <>
freeland, md - Sunday, January 09, 2000 at 11:38:48 (EST)
thank you very much granny d. you are an inspiration for us all. man, woman, young and old!!!! continued good wishes for you, and Happy 90th Birthday. :)
Mark Hudson <>
nashville, tn - Sunday, January 09, 2000 at 10:57:44 (EST)
thank you very much granny d. you are an inspiration for us all. man, woman, young and old!!!! continued good wishes for you, and Happy 90th Birthday. :)
Mark Hudson <>
nashville, tn - Sunday, January 09, 2000 at 10:57:37 (EST)
thank you very much granny d. you are an inspiration for us all. man, woman, young and old!!!! continued good wishes for you, and Happy 90th Birthday. :)
Mark Hudson <>
nashville, tn - Sunday, January 09, 2000 at 10:56:07 (EST)
We are very proud of you Doris.. We will help to spread the good word. Your web site informs people of good things - Nice work on your web pages. We have setup an on-line voting booth at We wish you the very best. Jeff & Kathy Smith
Jeff & Kathy Smith <>
Algonquin, IL - Sunday, January 09, 2000 at 09:39:38 (EST)
We are very proud of you Doris.. We will help to spread the good word. Your web site informs people of good things - Nice work on your web pages. We have setup an on-line voting booth at We wish you the very best. Jeff & Kathy Smith
Jeff & Kathy Smith <>
Algonquin, IL - Sunday, January 09, 2000 at 09:39:02 (EST)
Granny D - I am a good friend mof Morgantown's mayor, Frank Scafella. More power to you!!! Hope I do get to meet you - you are an inspiration to all
Carolyn Hampson <>
Morgantown , WV - Sunday, January 09, 2000 at 09:22:42 (EST)
Good luck Granny D. Our prayers are with you and we support your cause.
Susan Garmon and Family <>
Haymarket, va - Sunday, January 09, 2000 at 08:34:14 (EST)
I was driving south on I-79 north of Clarksburg WV in an 18-wheeler and passed you on 1/4/00. Sorry I didn't honk, but I was by you before I put it all together. Good luck anyway
Gary Efaw <>
Stuart, Va - Sunday, January 09, 2000 at 08:07:21 (EST)
It is time. We need to stop the soft money and stop the Business people from being able to directly lobby our elected representatives. The constitution does not give business the right to ask of the Senate or the Congress to help them. This should be done through the department that handles businesses.
Kenneth E. Biggs <>
San Jose, CA - Sunday, January 09, 2000 at 03:34:27 (EST)
What an American cause. God speed Granny D.
John Blackford <>
Sidney, OH - Sunday, January 09, 2000 at 03:04:53 (EST)
Your a fantastic lady. We just saw you on t.v. then I went to your web page, how exciting. Why people half your age need to get off their backside, you are an inspiration. God Bless!! Karen Johnson, Coquille, Oregon
Karen Johnson <>
Coquille, Or - Saturday, January 08, 2000 at 21:28:05 (EST)

Anita <>
Summerville, SC - Saturday, January 08, 2000 at 20:48:29 (EST)
You GO Granny, You're an inspiration and our HERO. Thank you,
Daniel J. & Ellen <dan11elle@aol>
Swarthmore, PA - Saturday, January 08, 2000 at 20:28:59 (EST)
You GO Granny, You're an inspiration and our HERO. Thank you,
Daniel J. & Ellen <dan11elle@aol>
Swarthmore, PA - Saturday, January 08, 2000 at 20:28:58 (EST)
I just saw your segment on the Travel Channel,campaign finance reform is an important issue for the American people to consider.The problem is,most American people,place more importance on what brand of toilet tissue to buy,than what goes on in goverment.Taking issue with a cause,only when it`s politically correct,or when it makes them FEEL important,or better about themselves.I,for one American,salute my fellow American,GRANNYD and wish you GOD`SPEED and all my prayers. P.S. If you want to run for president,you`ve got my vote. I think we need more American politicans who think like you. Where did they all go?
Allen Mooty <>
Lilburn, GA - Saturday, January 08, 2000 at 20:23:00 (EST)

Christopher Pokrana <>
Cambridge, MA - Saturday, January 08, 2000 at 20:19:38 (EST)
Good Luck and God Bless.
Jen Bradley <>
Campobello, SC - Saturday, January 08, 2000 at 20:17:53 (EST)
Hi Granny-You sure are an amazing lady at your age and doing a great thing for the people, as far as walking 10 miles a day-your great, I'm 60 and lucky to walk from the door to the car. Keep going and I'm sure you will make alot of people proud even if nothing changes. I'm sure with the people you meet on your trec that you will live forever. I'm up in the Adirondack Foot Hills known as St. Lawrence Valley and we have to see things on TV because we are forgotten up here in this small community. Even the local newspapers forget us most of the time. I sure wish you the best!!!! Sincerely, Granny 11 times!!!
A. McCarthy <>
Canton, NY - Saturday, January 08, 2000 at 20:05:46 (EST)

Elizabeth Elliott <weelliott@compaq. net>
Wendell, NC - Saturday, January 08, 2000 at 20:02:21 (EST)
Go Granny D!
Joe Celli <>
Encino, CA - Saturday, January 08, 2000 at 19:57:24 (EST)

Cathy Bieterman <>
- Saturday, January 08, 2000 at 19:51:02 (EST)
What a wonderful example you are setting for anyone who has ever had a dream or goal that they thought was unattainable. Keep up the great work I'll be checking back regularly to check on your progress. Say hi to DJ for me.
Tami Cornell <>
Las Vegas, NV - Saturday, January 08, 2000 at 19:48:15 (EST)
Hope to see you in Washington. Keep up the good work. You are such an inspiration
Kelly Carr <>
philadelphia, pa - Saturday, January 08, 2000 at 19:47:03 (EST)
Keep up the good work Granny. Perhaps those folks who like to sit back and be critical of your position ought to get out their hiking boots and stand up for the way they feel! Looking forward to having you back in the great state of New Hampshire!
Duane Smith <>
Hooksett, NH - Saturday, January 08, 2000 at 19:44:31 (EST)
I think what you are doing is great. Thank You!
Kay Kaczmarek <>
Memphis, TN - Saturday, January 08, 2000 at 19:43:51 (EST)

Renee Brown <>
Hanover, NH - Saturday, January 08, 2000 at 19:43:39 (EST)
This is very important! When did we loose "of the people, by the people and for the people"? Have we replaced "people" with "corporations"?
Clare S. Logan <>
Cincinnati, OH - Saturday, January 08, 2000 at 19:40:45 (EST)

Nancy McCollum <>
- Saturday, January 08, 2000 at 19:39:54 (EST)
You are an inspiration Granny D! I was born in Peterborough and my family is from Hancock. Good luck neighbor! If you are walking my way please know you are all welcome--DJ too!
Hailey Klein <>
Newburyport, MA - Saturday, January 08, 2000 at 19:37:32 (EST)
Go Granny, Go!!!
Tina Drummond <>
Warrensburg, MO - Saturday, January 08, 2000 at 19:35:58 (EST)

Debra E. Bastian <>
Hilbert, WI - Saturday, January 08, 2000 at 19:34:46 (EST)
Bart Drummond <>
Warrensburg, MO - Saturday, January 08, 2000 at 19:34:05 (EST)

Leo Steffens <>
Bedford, NH - Saturday, January 08, 2000 at 19:33:17 (EST)
Good luck, Mrs. Haddock!
Anne Boyle <>
chesapeake, va - Saturday, January 08, 2000 at 19:32:04 (EST)

Bryan Kaczmarek <>
Memphis, TN - Saturday, January 08, 2000 at 19:29:20 (EST)
God's speed Granny D
Gregory W. Bastian <>
Hilbert, WI - Saturday, January 08, 2000 at 19:28:36 (EST)

Kristy Sweet <>
Medford, MA - Saturday, January 08, 2000 at 19:27:09 (EST)
I much admire your extraordinary effort in a cause which I share. I have written my Senators and Congressman several times in the past in support of McCain/Feingold but have received waffling answers. I will write again asking them to sign the pledge you are offering and walk with you on the last mile or so as I shall do.
Paul K. Stahnke <>
McLean, VA - Saturday, January 08, 2000 at 16:43:40 (EST)
you are a hero. i am curious how we can get the specifics of what campaign finance reform is to the general public
patrick crowley <>
Medford, MA - Saturday, January 08, 2000 at 16:13:45 (EST)
You go, girl.
Stefanie Cohen <>
Cambridge, MA - Saturday, January 08, 2000 at 16:10:44 (EST)
Show the politicians what COURAGE really is!
George Hoffmann <>
Cambridge, MA - Saturday, January 08, 2000 at 16:09:53 (EST)
Thank you for your efforts. I wish you every success in your endeavor. Bert Davis
Bert Davis <>
Holiday, FL - Saturday, January 08, 2000 at 15:24:58 (EST)

Gary Perisian <>
Buffalo, MN - Saturday, January 08, 2000 at 14:12:45 (EST)
Today I had the honor of walking with GrannyD. Young and old have the power to change our course for the better, we must all work together as a team to succeed. GrannyD has helped link the entire country to bring about awareness and support for campaign finance reform, and I am glad to be a part of it!!
Scott Reilly <>
Morgantown, WV - Saturday, January 08, 2000 at 13:51:38 (EST)
We want a government serving the CITIZENS, not a government bought by special interest groups!
Rokki Leigh Reeves <>
Jackson, MS - Saturday, January 08, 2000 at 11:42:14 (EST)

Bob Gannaway <>
Brevard, NC - Saturday, January 08, 2000 at 09:56:26 (EST)
We're behind you all the way! We're very grateful for the inspiration you have provided our family. We'd love to join you in Washington, D.C.
Anne Marie Selaya <>
Wake Forest, NC - Saturday, January 08, 2000 at 09:54:02 (EST)
Hello, granny.You are truly amazing as you keep on going. We're having a wild flu epidemic here in NYC which has kept me really busy the past 2 weeks. Two ideas I've had this AM as I read through your site and all the interesting messages you've received include: 1)Forget the politicians voting out their privleges, so how about a move towards a Constitutional Amendant. Has Ralph Nader or Public Campaign made any comment or suggestion in this direction. 2)The media is a major part of the problem. We 've had a virtual blackout on your walk here in NYC. I see here that you've been on the travel network, and that's great, but something as special as your walk gets drowned out by the flood of commercial garbage that makes up our present day TV and radio. An excellent book on the corruption/corporate takeover of the media is McChesney's Rich Media, Poor Democracy. I recommend that concerned folks read it. I had heard of pirate radio, but there was an interesting article recently in The Nation about Pirate TV in Eastern Europe. We should be thinking about that here to get the message out, not to mention, take back the airwaves. Good luck to you and I will try to be with you on your arrival into DC. Be Well.
joe hederman,m.d. <jhedmed>
staten island, ny - Saturday, January 08, 2000 at 07:13:32 (EST)
Thank you Granny D. You're an inspiration to us all.
Karen Koval <>
Andover, NJ - Saturday, January 08, 2000 at 01:32:19 (EST)
I'm thinking about joining you on your victory walk into Washington in February. I don't understand why so few people seem to care about the fact that our elected officials work for big business and other special interests -- NOT US!
Scott Hahn <>
Richmond, VA - Saturday, January 08, 2000 at 00:06:37 (EST)
Good luck on your journey, and thanks for summoning the courage that we all need in order to reform government.
Matthew Yates <>
Schererville, IN - Friday, January 07, 2000 at 23:02:12 (EST)
Heard you on the radio today (thurdsay the 7th of January). I will be writing my senators (Byrd and Rockefeller) to urge them to vote for campaign reform. Thanks for "carrying the torch". Have a happy birthday. Scott
Scott Miller <>
Hinton, WV - Friday, January 07, 2000 at 22:56:33 (EST)
I am behind you 100%. It's time our representatives represented us, the average family, and not big business. As it stands I can't afford to have MY voice heard in Washington.
MAry Gayle Miller <>
Hinton, WVA - Friday, January 07, 2000 at 22:48:44 (EST)

jess belot <>
- Friday, January 07, 2000 at 22:21:06 (EST)
You Go Granny!!!!!!!!!!!
Desria Crutchfield <>
Lebanon, TN - Friday, January 07, 2000 at 22:10:21 (EST)
walk on granny!
sabrina reisinger <>
brooklyn, ny - Friday, January 07, 2000 at 20:46:02 (EST)
Granny God Bless You. I have followed you on Jim Hightower's Show since the beginning of your trip. I wish you could empty Washington, D.C. of about 99% of the corrupters. I will certainly do all I can here to help your cause. You are right on target.
Charles W. Buckner, Jr. <>
Lakeland, FL - Friday, January 07, 2000 at 18:19:53 (EST)

Margaret W. Addington <>
Hillsboro, OH - Friday, January 07, 2000 at 17:09:34 (EST)

William Terry Barnhart <>
Charlotte, MI - Friday, January 07, 2000 at 16:47:18 (EST)

Mary Susan Sewell <>
- Friday, January 07, 2000 at 15:07:42 (EST)
Thanks. Campaign finance is at the root of all our political problems.
Clifford P. Frey <CPFREY@MMM.COM>
Afton, MN - Friday, January 07, 2000 at 14:58:36 (EST)

Deborah Gwin <>
- Friday, January 07, 2000 at 14:52:24 (EST)
Way to go!!!!!!!!!!!! WAY TO GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Walking the walk as well as talking the talk. Your admirer, W. Cherry Livingston, octogenarian
William Cherry Livingston <>
New Bern, NC - Friday, January 07, 2000 at 13:48:51 (EST)
Thanks for your contribution to our nation. With efforts such as yours, it may just put a spark into the people to regain their rightful power as citizens who send representatives not replacements to congress. I know you will make a difference! Thank You
Winchester, VA - Friday, January 07, 2000 at 13:22:22 (EST)
GrannyD!! It's your pal, Tony Clifton!! I'm depressed today, D. I stood out on the strip last night for almost two hours last night with my HONK FOR GRANNYD! sign, but only got one lousy honk. Can you believe that, D? Even with all of the sparkles that I glued to the sign!! Anyways, your pal Tony was pretty tired after standing on his feet for two hours straight, so I called it a night and vowed to try to come up with some kind of lighting mechanism for my sign. Go-go Granny D!! I saw you on the Travel Channel!!
Tony Clifton <>
Las Vegas, NV - Friday, January 07, 2000 at 13:16:54 (EST)
Go getem GrannyD!
Joshua Prentice <>
Alexandria, VA - Friday, January 07, 2000 at 10:55:17 (EST)
i believe we can do with people like you leading the way! good luck! i hope to join you on the 29th, keep me posted.
Martha Ray <>
Nutley, NJ - Friday, January 07, 2000 at 08:39:30 (EST)

Linda Diane Coons <>
- Friday, January 07, 2000 at 02:23:53 (EST)
Dear Granny D, it was George Ripley who brought you, your walk, and your address to Common Cause Tennessee to my attention. My deepest gratitude for the incredible efforts you have put to the single most worthy political cause in the U.S. today. I especially thank you for your vigilant efforts in Boston on 17 November 1999, as the funding of our new state Clean Election Law hung in the balance. I have worked fervently since 7 November 1995, on the Massachusetts Clean Elections Law, and I am so very happy that you have been bringing this very same message all across our great country. This is to wish you great health and strength for what will be a crowning and glorious moment in Washington, DC on Leap Day 2000. I will send the pledge to my US Senators and Congressmen, and I will share with you their responses. May the good Lord keep and Bless you on your upcoming 90th Birthday.
Bob Feuer <>
Stockbridge, MA - Thursday, January 06, 2000 at 22:46:25 (EST)
Dear Granny D, It was George Ripley who brought you, your walk, and your address to Common Cause Tennessee to my attention. My deepest gratitude for the incredible efforts you have put to the single most worthy political cause in the U.S. today. I especially thank you for your vigilant efforts in Boston on 17 November 1999, as the funding of our new state Clean Election Law hung in the balance. I have worked fervently since 7 November 1995, on the Massachusetts Clean Elections Law, and I am so very happy that you have been bringing this very same message all acroos our great country. This is to wish you great health and strength for what will be a crowning and glorious moment in Washington, DC on Leap Day 2000. I will send the pledge to my US Senators and Congressmen, and I will share with you their responses. May the good Lord keep and Bless you on your upcoming 90th Birthday.
Bob Feuer <>
Stockbridge, MA - Thursday, January 06, 2000 at 22:44:02 (EST)
You are absolutely awesome and will serve as an inspiration for both young and old for many years to come.
Erin Sullivan <>
Omaha, NE - Thursday, January 06, 2000 at 22:35:15 (EST)
Rock on, Granny D! Your efforts give me hope that one day soon we will have a more representative system of government than we do now, and you inspire me (and others, no doubt) to get involved. Keep up the good work!
Matt Cuddy <>
Amherst, MMA - Thursday, January 06, 2000 at 22:29:30 (EST)
Keep up the great work!
Judy Dickman <>
Sacramento, CA - Thursday, January 06, 2000 at 22:10:37 (EST)
Keep up the good fight. Hoefully we will see you in D.C. Happy New Year
art lowen <>
absecon, nj - Thursday, January 06, 2000 at 21:50:44 (EST)
YES! Lets take the money out of politics and put the care of our country and each other back. And while we are at it...lets make it the World as in Really Love Each Other. Why can't we walk side by side instead of having a winner or looser?
Wayne Kling <>
Concord, CA - Thursday, January 06, 2000 at 21:39:34 (EST)
Thank you Granny D. I am inspired and gladdened and will send off a letter to my senators, my representative and a copy to my newspaper today. You are terrific.
Jean Jackman <>
Davis, CA - Thursday, January 06, 2000 at 21:36:16 (EST)
First I'd like to say that you are doing a great job. I work for a company called No Son of Bush. We love what you are doing and if you'll let us, we'd like to give you a NOSOB(No Son of Bush) survival kit, which includes a t-shirt, hat, button, mug, and sticker. Please check our web page out and email me back if you are interested with your size information. Thank You and keep up the good work. ;)
Shahnaz LaCaze <>
Los Angeles, CA - Thursday, January 06, 2000 at 21:27:02 (EST)
We are very proud of you Doris.. We will help to spread the good word. Your web site informs people of good things - Nice work on your web pages. We have setup an on-line voting booth at We wish you the very best. Jeff & Kathy Smith
Jeff & Kathy Smith <>
Algonquin, IL - Thursday, January 06, 2000 at 19:56:16 (EST)
I agree with you on soft money, and also think we need to go a bit further as Public Campaign suggests. (Seee
Ralph Litwin <>
Mendham, NJ - Thursday, January 06, 2000 at 19:52:24 (EST)
Dear Granny D., Thank you for your efforts to make campaign finance reform a reality. Campaign contributions have gotten out of hand. Campaign finance reform is and should be a top priority for everone in this country. THANKS !! Lisa
Lisa Plante <>
Fall River, MA - Thursday, January 06, 2000 at 19:41:49 (EST)
Granny D is an inspiration to all those who feel that one person cannot make a difference in the world. Go Granny!!!!
Caroline Schacht <>
Greenville, NC - Thursday, January 06, 2000 at 19:31:48 (EST)
GrannyD!! TonyC here!! Just wanted to let you know that I'm doing my part here in Vegas!! I made a huge HONK FOR GRANNYD! sign and stood out on the strip for about three hours this afternoon!! I got 16 honks!! I figure I can get maybe twice that many if I glue some of those glittery sparkle things to the sign tomorrow!! You go, girl!! God bless GrannyD!!
Tony Clifton <>
Las Vegas, NV - Thursday, January 06, 2000 at 19:24:45 (EST)

J. and Barbara Scarlett <>
you go girl!!!, Va. - Thursday, January 06, 2000 at 19:08:41 (EST)
You are the "greatest" in your effort to take on the issue of the political outrage of the century, buying the politican's votes. Will make my voice known. Thank you again.
Dave Robinson <>
Pensacola, FL - Thursday, January 06, 2000 at 19:06:21 (EST)
Congratulations, GrannyD, for giving us all the feeking that we, too, CAN do something for our country.
Loraine C. Zinck <>
Farmington, Me - Thursday, January 06, 2000 at 19:03:41 (EST)
What a wonderful thing you are doing Granny D! Any politician who doesn't notice the support behind you is missing the boat - and probably losing the next election.
Kathleen Severino <>
Mesa, AZ - Thursday, January 06, 2000 at 18:54:59 (EST)
Thank you Granny D. The angels are walking with you. Blessings, Marianne Waugh
Marianne Ross Waugh <>
- Thursday, January 06, 2000 at 18:49:43 (EST)
Dear Granny D., Thanks for doing such a remarkable and inspirational job bringing this complex yet simple problem to the American people. And thanks for blowing apathy out of the water!!!!
Laura L. Delaney RN CS <>
Boston, MA - Thursday, January 06, 2000 at 18:19:26 (EST)
GrannyD!! Your pal Tony Clifton here!! Just wanted to let you know that I believe the rumors of your walk being completely underwritten by Foot Locker to be 110% false!! How dare those people!! Anyways, I just wanted to make sure that you don't take any rides with John McCain in the private jet supplied by his campaign donors!! We shouldn't have faith in him, but hey -- faith in his legislation is another matter entirely!! Go Granny!! Go Granny!!
Tony Clifton <>
Las Vegas, NV - Thursday, January 06, 2000 at 17:22:52 (EST)
Yay Granny!!!
Nuli Ibrahim <>
San Francisco, CA - Thursday, January 06, 2000 at 17:18:38 (EST)
You go girl! It was such a pleasure to meet you in Clarksburg. My father George (the one in the Uncle Sam suit and guitar) and I really enjoyed your talk at the press conference. You are so thoughtful and articulate and you are certainly putting YOUR money where your mouth is. Best wishes for a safe journey to Washington. Nancy D.
Nancy Daugherty <>
Charleston, WV - Thursday, January 06, 2000 at 17:16:02 (EST)

Nancy Daugherty <>
Charleston, WWWV - Thursday, January 06, 2000 at 17:10:06 (EST)

Fred Bosley <>
Fairmont, WV - Thursday, January 06, 2000 at 16:35:31 (EST)
Go Granny go! see you in Washington on Leap Day!
Kitty Thomas <>
Bethesda, MD - Thursday, January 06, 2000 at 16:01:40 (EST)
GO Granny GO! A true hero.
Gregory G. Hazard <>
Jackson, MI - Thursday, January 06, 2000 at 15:59:04 (EST)
Blessings on your good efforts!
Betsy Crofts <>
Newtown, PA - Thursday, January 06, 2000 at 15:21:33 (EST)
Go granny go, been watching you since last spring!
Patrick Barnhart <>
New York, NY - Thursday, January 06, 2000 at 14:15:01 (EST)
Hi. Am following your profress with humilit and pride. Humility that you are doing this for us all and pride that I know you personally. I am not suprised at some of the ugly relies that you receive. Aside from differences of opinion, everyone must practice civility. Your civil replies to their ugliness are wonderful. Good luck and health as you pursue this worthy cause for us all.
Virginia Derderian <>
- Thursday, January 06, 2000 at 13:58:00 (EST)

Rosemary Munsey <>
Morgantown, wv - Thursday, January 06, 2000 at 13:01:31 (EST)

Janet Moffat <>
- Thursday, January 06, 2000 at 12:01:32 (EST)
I am with Alliance for Democracy. I have been following Granny D. since Texas. She is my newest hero.
Richard N. Leamon <>
Potter Valley, CA - Thursday, January 06, 2000 at 10:59:24 (EST)
I'm with you 100%
erin sullivan <>
ferndale, mi - Thursday, January 06, 2000 at 10:41:10 (EST)

Amy Edelstein <>
Stevensville, MT - Thursday, January 06, 2000 at 10:37:55 (EST)
GrannyD!! It's me again! Your pal Tony Clifton!! I just wanted to let you know about the funny thing that happened to me in the casino tonight. I'd just finished doing a show and thought I'd play the slots for a while. This guy sits down at the machine next to me and the next thing you know, we're talkin' politics. I mention you and the walking thing and the money thing -- hey whatever -- and then this guy says to me, "Politicians fix themselves? Corporate America will continue to throw money at the parties that seek to regulate them or offer them subsidies. The only way you're going to get money out of politics is to vote it out." I don't know where this clown was comin' from, GrannyD, but you know what I did? I punched him in his wise-crackin' face. That's what your pal Tony did. I punched that smart guy in the face for YOU, GrannyD!! You just keep fightin' the good fight!! Go get 'em!! Semper Fi, GrannyD!! Way to go!! Keep up the good work!! Stars and stripes!! Eye of the Tiger!! God bless GrannyD!!
Tony Clifton <>
Las Vegas, NV - Thursday, January 06, 2000 at 01:11:18 (EST)
GREAT JOB Campaign finance reform is very much an environmental issue. When extractive industry's access to politicians is limited then less damage to public land by logging, mining, and grazing will take place.
Francis D. Slider <>
Middlebourne, WV - Wednesday, January 05, 2000 at 21:03:52 (EST)

Toni DeMoss <td3519999@aol.comm>
- Wednesday, January 05, 2000 at 20:54:25 (EST)
This is an amazing enterprise - keep going and lets hope someone in Washington is taking notice!
Felicity Spector <>
cambridge, MA - Wednesday, January 05, 2000 at 20:25:41 (EST)
Hello, Granny D you grandest of all the old ladies of the good USA. You have been one of my inspirations and one of the reasons why yesterday my campaign was officially announced to run under the Reform Party for the District 17 Congressional seat opposing the incumbent Charles Stenholm, who loves money from everywhere and who is going for his 12th term. Wish me luck, Granny, and keep it up. The country needs you. Pete
Pete Julia <>
Abilene, TX - Wednesday, January 05, 2000 at 19:42:13 (EST)
We are with you all the way Granny. We only walked ten miles (Benton to Little Rock, Arkansas) with you however continue to be with you in spirit. We really feel that you are making it happen. God love you.
Richard W. Pease <>
Hot Springs Vlg, AR - Wednesday, January 05, 2000 at 18:28:10 (EST)
God bless you! I thought about doing such a thing; but you did it! We Grannies need to help make this Country be what it was supposed to be, and you have taken huge step in the right direction. May the rest of us be able to do some small steps that can add up to some big changes. Love, Peace, and Joy to you, Gloria
Gloria Stangeland <>
Marysville, CA - Wednesday, January 05, 2000 at 18:17:31 (EST)
keep going granny d our thoughts and prayers are with you. We think you are doing a great thing. Sharna and family
sharna marie porter <>
Farmington, wv - Wednesday, January 05, 2000 at 17:03:31 (EST)
This past New Year's weekend I was heading back home from Florida. We pulled into a hotel for the night and I switched on the tv as I got into bed. There you were. I was simultaneously captivated, teary-eyed and awestruck. I've read about you and was so happy to have caught your special on the Travel channel to learn more about you. Your strength and pure beauty is incredible. You've tapped a part of your soul that we should all be able to reach. You are a beacon of light and strength for me and I'm sure countless others. I admire you and my prayers are with you every single day. I am walking with you in spirit on your journey and hope to see you in D.C. to kick Campaign Finance Reform into action! Give that pup of yours a big kiss from me! Thank you for following your dreams.
Tara D Pontani <>
Brooklyn, NY - Wednesday, January 05, 2000 at 16:29:04 (EST)
Thank you, Granny D., for your part in cleaning up our federal elections. As a student, I have personally witnessed the disaffection with government among young people--which stems primarily from feelings that leaders are bound to PACs and not the people. Thank you.
Adam Milasincic <>
Butler, PA - Wednesday, January 05, 2000 at 11:12:03 (EST)
GO GRANNY!!! I support your goal wholeheartedly!!
Nancy Jenkins <>
Alexandria, VA - Wednesday, January 05, 2000 at 11:07:37 (EST)
I sit here at my computer in a house that's somewhat warm. I'm 44 and think, how incredible that a woman with a90 year old body is doing this journey. God bless you! I admire your push. Personally I have just a dusty taste in my mouth when it comes to politicians/politics. I don't think it's ever been kosher. My hat is off to you though and If nothing should change immediatley in the gov. there will be people that are changed by your ambition and drive and so then eventually there will be a change in our gov., standards. So you are making a great wave! I have to say i'm embarrassed that with my 44 year old body I have done nothing to alter or enhance our gov. onetime I did start the morning at this day care for a friend (she owned it and couldn't get there in time, so I opened the day) The children were saying the pledge of allegiance and had no idea of what they were saying and most of them didn't even know the words. So I stopped them and said " do you know what your saying?" and they replied," no" and then I asked them why they were saying it then and they answered," because we have to " So I asked them a final question, " so what are you going to do? For the rest of your life are you going to do what people tell you to do?" And then the owner walked in and said "what are you doing? you can't say that to them." And I went on to say it's the truth, why don't we tell them some truths? And of course I was fnever asked to do that job again. Maybe they'll remember. Any way stay warm and remember who really walks this body. Sincerely, m
jmw <>
morgantown, wv - Wednesday, January 05, 2000 at 10:54:57 (EST)

Scott Daigle <>
Somerset, MA - Wednesday, January 05, 2000 at 10:49:41 (EST)

Brandon Law <>
Morgantown, wv - Wednesday, January 05, 2000 at 09:26:59 (EST)
What a great inspiration. Keep up the great work. I feel guilty that I haven't done anything to change finance reform.
Barry Vingle <>
Fairmont, WV - Wednesday, January 05, 2000 at 06:53:43 (EST)
Granny D, all of America should thank you for the awakening taking place concerning campaign money. Big business needs to mind their business in the office, not in the politicians' pocket. Money from business has been the downfall of too many politicians. KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK !!!!!!
Debra S. King <>
Fairmont, WV - Wednesday, January 05, 2000 at 04:41:43 (EST)
I sent you a $l00.00 check via your son in N.H. in about July. Tell Jim to cash it to help defray your expenses. I am still rooting for you, and am in awe. Take care..don't trip over any snails. A.H-R
Anne Hannah-Roy <>
Berkeley, CaI - Wednesday, January 05, 2000 at 03:57:18 (EST)
What a courageous and dedicated person you are. Congratulations. It is inspiring to the rest of us!
Daniel Angerstein <>
Hendersonville, NC - Wednesday, January 05, 2000 at 00:01:20 (EST)
It was a great thrill to see you on the way to Fairmont when our Greyhound passed your group on 2000/January/03. I think you will really make a difference. Hope you can keep going strong!
Jerry R. LeMasters <>
Akron, OH - Tuesday, January 04, 2000 at 23:41:44 (EST)
I will be the guest speaker sat.Jan 8th at the College of Complexes in Chicago. The title of my talk is "THE NEW AGE OF AMERICAN. PLUTOCRACY AND THE CORRUPTION OF POLITICS, AND THE STORY OF GRANNY D' I hope to spread the word and get some signatures for the petitions.
arthur S Golab <>
oak park, Il - Tuesday, January 04, 2000 at 21:42:05 (EST)
Hang in there. Good to see you at courthouse on your stop here. You had a few nights in Athens, I understand, and my daughter, Liz, and girlfriends were excited to see you, in Belpre/Parkersburg. Sounds like you are moving from US50 to US 40--don't blame you. I drove 50 once. Hang in there too Nick.
Reid B Sinclair <>
Athens , OH - Tuesday, January 04, 2000 at 20:05:49 (EST)
Thank you Granny D. for the great work you are doing. Your the greatest
Frederick K. Greathead Jr. <>
North Andover, MA - Tuesday, January 04, 2000 at 17:53:13 (EST)
Fabulous and courageous model of witness for all of us. You have my full support, thanks and best wishes.
Maxwell Aley <>
Paonia, CO - Tuesday, January 04, 2000 at 17:36:58 (EST)
Keep going. You are great. We believe in what you are doing. We are members of St. Marks Church and hear about your trip via your daugther.
Kathryn and Jack Richards <>
Arlington, Va - Tuesday, January 04, 2000 at 17:34:53 (EST)
Just wanted to say hello to Aunt Doris and wish her good luck upon the completion of her journey. Way to go...we try to catch every TV spot about you. Keep it up!! Tommy (Merle's son), Linda, Darcy and Tadd Peary Laconia, NH
Darcy Peary <>
Laconia, NH - Tuesday, January 04, 2000 at 16:27:53 (EST)
We have nothing but admiration for your feat and all good wishes for your spirit. It is a pleasure to visit your site and at least have that much contact with you. Wish we could join you.
Frederick and Mary Goodrich <>
Medford, OR - Tuesday, January 04, 2000 at 16:26:08 (EST)
Hello GrannyD!! My name is Tony Clifton!! I just wanted to give you a big thumbs-up!! Everyone in America is right behind you in getting the fatcats out of Washington!! You've got what it takes!! Stick it to 'em!! Show 'em who's boss!!
Tony Clifton <>
Las Vegas, NV - Tuesday, January 04, 2000 at 15:22:49 (EST)

Carol J. Ashman <>
- Tuesday, January 04, 2000 at 13:11:39 (EST)
Dear Granny D, You are a shining example to us all, and I wish you great success in your march on the capital. I think you are right that campaign finance reform is the greatest issue facing us today. Many of us feel disenfranchised from our government, including our representatives, and rightly so; as long as our government is being paid for by moneyed interests our government is representing them and only indirectly, if at all, us. Our freedom is in jeopardy and our voices have been dulled. It will not be easy to convince these politicians to change the law and give up their ill gotten gains. (Soft money used to be called "bribery" didn't it?) Exposing their antics to the American people and getting their statements on record on your web site will go a long way towards rectifying this atrocity. I wish you all the luck in the world. Please keep us informed in your fight against corruption. Sincerely, Will Ashman P.S. If a politician were to firmly believe in your principles and use your speeches in their campaign I have no doubt that he or she would be elected by a landslide! If campaign finance reform passes not only will a political environment have been created in which more good candidates will be inspired to run for office, but also they will have a better chance of being elected. We are with you 100%!
William H. Ashman <>
Powell, OH - Tuesday, January 04, 2000 at 13:07:10 (EST)
When I saw the segment on the Travel Channel, I was shamed that at 41 I have only had the energy to complain about the situation. My hat's off to Granny D, who at 89 has the energy to do something about it. I hope that if I live to be 89, I can provide the same kind of motivation and inspiration to all Americans.
Karan Ten Broeck <>
Ocala, FL - Tuesday, January 04, 2000 at 10:47:28 (EST)
Thomas Clayton <>
Shinnston, WV - Tuesday, January 04, 2000 at 09:08:11 (EST)
Granny D has done more by walking to bring attention to Finance Reform, she makes me feel like there still is a chance to be a proud American again after 55. Be in the walk on Washington on February 29,2000 to show support for Granny D's mission. She is going after the root of all that's evil in our once great Government, soft money from special interests. God's speed dear lady. Neil & Tom & Dan & Pat
Neil Thorsen <>
Newfoundland, PA - Monday, January 03, 2000 at 20:59:14 (EST)
When i saw your segment on the travel channel i felt my heart fill with faith and inspiration. You taught me that age is only a number, you're never too old for anything. You also taught me to stand up for what you believe in, to fight for the right for democracy and freedom. People such as you make me so proud to be an american. May you always have good health and happiness.
ami dholakia < >
- Monday, January 03, 2000 at 20:22:19 (EST)
Just finished watching a short clip on the Travel Channel about you and your cause, and all I can say is "Good for you Granny D." You have a drive and a spirit that I wish I had at 42 years of age, and enough Moxie for 10 people. Your cause is a just one and your on target with what is wrong in Politics today. Give em hell.
Michael K. Anderson <>
Charlotte, NC - Sunday, January 02, 2000 at 22:59:06 (EST)
Doris - Just a note to say how much I enjoyed walking and getting acquainted with you and the other wonderful people who have been walking. First, I am inspired to do more walking in general. But of course I would never have joined you just to walk. I have long believed campaign finance reform is so crucial to democracy, spurred on by a column of Molly Ivins and her speech here a few years ago. Secondly I have been so impressed by the energy you have to interact with people, endlessly, day after day. You are so good about taking time with people who join the walk for a mile, drive up in their cars and ask for your autograph, or want your attention for any number of things. I don't think I have that much people patience. Third, I am overwhelmed with the amount of popular support you walk is mobilizing. The other day when we were walking an African American worker drove up in his truck, got out to shake your hand a press a crumpled bill into it, offering his support. The honks, the people who stop, the excitement I have seen from people who get energized by your walking and by the idea that someone still cares and has thought of something constructive to do - it's really amazing. The publicity in all the small town papers is testimony to the fact that people understand what you are doing and care about the issue. And thanks to Nick who stays out of the limelight but provides much needed logistical support. I have been an organizer for over 30 years and I know the behind the scenes work necessary to pull it all off. YOu are doing a fine job and doubtless learning skills it would otherwise take decades to acquire. Hopefully your life has been changed and will continue in an activist path. Hope to see you again in the next week or two or surely in Washington. "Failure is impossible!" (Susan B. Anthony)
Jan Griesinger <>
OH - Sunday, January 02, 2000 at 22:17:35 (EST)
Dear Granny D, Thank you for your tireless efforts on behalf of campaign finance reform. I read about your efforts in Jim Hightower's newsletter. You are a true inspiration to all generations!
Stephanie Weigel <>
Fort Collins, CO - Sunday, January 02, 2000 at 21:43:46 (EST)
You are a very strong woman to be doing such a thing that is / will touch so many lives. I pray for you and hope that you reach your goal. P.S. My mother sent this to me just 2 days after driving from Indpls. In to Auburn,CA. I know how this was from my car. I can't imagine the strenght you and I'm only 1/3 of your ago. God Bless You Granny D.....
Beth Hughes <RAVEN030>
Auburn, CA - Sunday, January 02, 2000 at 09:56:06 (EST)
We pray for you every night and have not forgotten you.
Mary Alice and Allan <maajf @>
Frostproof , FL - Sunday, January 02, 2000 at 07:48:05 (EST)

Brian MAcCormack <>
Radcliff, KY - Sunday, January 02, 2000 at 00:29:25 (EST)
I think it is wonderful what Granny D is doing. It is very inspiring to hear about dedicated people like her, Julia Hill and Ghandi. I support her 100%. Lisa Thurman
Lisa Thurman <>
Hendersonville, NC - Saturday, January 01, 2000 at 20:53:47 (EST)
Dear Granny D: I was sent your speech in Pecos as a gift from a friend on New Year's day. It really feels like a gift too--one I needed today, right now.I am in the process of taking the pain from the end of a long and painful relationship and turning all that 'stuff' into beauty. The furnace of the heart can melt diamonds I think,and I am going through that process now. I am a painter and a writer (with of course a straight job to support my habits!) and I thank you for sharing your heart with all of us. I will bookmark this site and send it to others, I am proud to be part of the grass roots' grass fire, spreading across the country,one little burning blade at a time. May you walk in love and health and may the blessings of the universe fall on your every step. Thank you for you.
Roxanna Goves Bracey <>
Lacey, WA - Saturday, January 01, 2000 at 12:42:01 (EST)

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