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The perspective of the author of this Internet Monograph is that of "Free Market" Economics. The idea here is that voluntary cooperation among human beings is the best way to accomplish necessary social goals.

For example, the "Free Market" system holds that the best way to produce automobiles -- quality cars for the greatest number of people at the lowest price -- is to allow men to form systems of production and distribution freely, voluntarily. The Socialist believes that the State should organize the work, decide which cars will be produced and at what price they will be sold.

A consistent "Free Market" advocate does not believe that there is any area of human life and society which is more effectively taken care of by the State than by voluntary cooperation among people. Even the most basic necessities of life, such as milk for children, are taken out of the hands of the State and placed in the hands of voluntary associations of farmers, truckers, and grocers. Or people are allowed to raise their own cows or goats, and to produce and consume their own milk. The Socialist cries, "But the children may starve if the production and distribution of milk is left to greedy capitalists!" The Free Market adherent knows from history that no greater threat to children can be imagined than to trust their well-being to the State.

I have never met a Christian "patriot" who was a consistent Free Market adherent. They all believe in some degree of socialism. They all believe that there are some areas of human life and society which are more effectively taken care of by the State than by the Free Market.

Take "National Defense" as an example. The technology exists today for every American to have a small unit the size of an air conditioner on their roof, which would contain a laser beam device and be connected to a private radar network. Should the radar network detect a hostile incoming ballistic missile, any one of the home laser units could quickly dispose of the nuclear threat. In short, the Free Market could successfully defend itself from Socialists.

In fact, as Antony Sutton, research fellow at the prestigious Hoover Institute at Stanford University, has demonstrated, the militaries of socialist nations could not exist if they were not propped up by "Free Market" economies. The Soviet military benefited from indispensable military, technological, and financial aid from the U.S., Great Britain, France, and other so-called capitalist nations. (Of course, they are really socialist nations, helping out a friend.)

If you can think of any area of human life which must never, ever, be left to voluntary associations, and should only and always be entrusted to bureaucrats, please write me at and tell me what it is. I will cordially discuss your plea for socialism on this page.