Missouri's 7th District, U.S. House of Representatives




Kevin Craig - Election 2002

Missouri's 7th District, U.S. House of Representatives

One sentence:
I am running for Congress to help restore "Liberty Under God."

     I am running for Congress to help restore "Liberty Under God."
     As the Libertarian candidate I believe I most closely represent the fundamental values of the Constitution:
          • Liberty, but not license;
          • Freedom AND personal responsibility.
     Too many Americans -- and most Congressmen -- have forgotten the values for which our Founding Fathers risked their lives and which made America great.  Unconstitutional government destroys our liberties and encourages irresponsibility; it stifles productivity and breeds dependence. I would like to abolish bureaucracy and ever-increasing taxes and help guarantee "the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity."

2 minutes

     I am running for Congress because I cannot be an attorney.

     I see this as a symptom of the disease that is fast becoming an epidemic.

     I cannot be a lawyer because I believe in "Liberty Under God."

     The same court which declared the Pledge of Allegiance to be "unconstitutional" told me I could not have a license to practice law because I believe America must return to the values of our Founding Fathers and become a nation of "Liberty Under God."


     By "Liberty" I mean "binding the government down by the chains of the Constitution" (Jefferson) and protecting our God-given rights; I mean using persuasion rather than government force if my neighbor smokes too much or engages in a tasteless lifestyle.

     As the Libertarian candidate I believe I most closely represent the fundamental values of the Constitution:
          • Liberty, but not license;
          • freedom AND personal responsibility.
     Too many Americans -- and most Congressmen -- have forgotten the values that the Founding Fathers risked their lives for and which made America great.  Unconstitutional government destroys our liberties and encourages irresponsibility; it stifles creativity and productivity and breeds slavish dependence.

"Under God" 

    When the Framers of the Constitution spoke of America as being a nation "Under God" they meant a nation that obeys moral absolutes such as found in the Ten Commandments: "the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God." These are the values that keep our streets safe, make high SAT scores possible, fuel a vibrant economy, and will make America once again the most admired nation on earth.

     I believe any government that will not be "under God" is a government that thinks it is god.

     My allegiance to God is greater than my allegiance to the government, and courts across this nation have ruled that "extremists" with this "attitude" cannot be lawyers, teachers, or even American citizens.

     America is no longer a "city upon a hill," a beacon of liberty and morality to the world.

     The only way to restore America's greatness is not by more laws and government intervention, but by getting government out of the way of Americans who believe in "Liberty Under God."

Why I Am Running for Congress -- Ten Minute Version