Anti-Communist Negro Makes This Appeal: Please Don't Help Glorify Martin
Luther King
Julia Brown, former Communist Party member turned spy, explains why Martin
Luther King with his Communist connections should not be put on a
For America: Let Negroes Give Thanks - November 1965
Explains how despite the Civil Rights mantra, Black Americans have attained
great successes and have much to be thankful for.
The Wagon That Broke Down - January 1966
This article by George Schuyler explains the regrettable progression of
American newspapers from arenas of free expression to purveyors of special
interests and mediocrity, controlled by Big Government and
"managed" news.
Reds and I - March 1968
The author explains how there is no contradiction between being
conservative and Black.
on the Loose - January 1969
George Schuyler, writer for American Opinion, laments over the rapid
moral and ethical degradation of our country.
Letter to the South - September 1956
Robert Welch explains how federally-legislated desegregation is more harmful
and less effective than voluntary desegregation.
Jackson: Problem Profiteer - August 14, 2000
For more than three decades, Jackson played an important part in one of
the Establishment's most successful strategies: The creation of conflict as a
pretext for a tyrannical "solution."
the King Myth - January 4, 1999
Most Americans dont realize that the Martin Luther King they honor as a
national hero is a blatant myth
File on M. L. King - January 13, 1986
Since Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. maintained advisors affiliated with the
Communist Party and had other controversial allegations charged against him, a
national holiday in his name should not have been established.
Americus Story - February 1970
Tells how a local JBS chapter in Georgia kept the murder of one white boy
from being blamed on and retaliated against the entire black community.
Passing of an American
Hero - July 22, 1996
Reverend Delmar Dennis risked his life to expose the murderous hatred of
the Ku Klux Klan
Delmar Dennis Story - March 21, 1994
The inspiring and courageous story of Delmar Dennis has been all but
ignored by the mainstream media
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