Missouri's 7th District, U.S. House of Representatives




Congressional Issues 2010
Blueprint for Afghanistan

Today the U.S. federal government is a mirror image of the Soviet Union in the 1980's, before its collapse. I take no delight in saying this, but both domestically and internationally, the federal government has transformed America from a Christian Republic to a secular empire which is indistinguishable from the Soviet Union. Notice the striking parallels between U.S. policy in Iraq and Soviet policy in Afghanistan during the 1980's:

[T]he Russians . . . pursued the very same strategy we are employing – installing a "secular" regime with ideological pretensions of being "democratic," aided by a small, Westernized, secular elite and an uneasy coalition of racial-religious minority groups. The result in our own case is doomed to be identical to that which befell the Russians and their Afghan sock puppets: utter defeat.
Justin Raimondo

The U.S. is attempting to "rebuild" Afghanistan -- after bombing it relentlessly.

How would America's Founding Fathers undertake the task of rebuilding Afghanistan? (First of all they would reject this as a legitimate task for the government under the Constitution.)

Please see our page on Iraq for details on how a Christian nation like America should think about the subject of rebuilding a nation.

The federal government failed to protect the United States on 9-11. This was its most fundamental duty. This was the main reason the states created the federal government and bound themselves together under the Constitution in 1789.

But it's worse than mere failure. The federal government ignored the counsel of the great statesmen who created it. The original centerpiece of America's foreign policy was to become a "city upon a hill" and take advantage of its natural geographic safety to avoid the turmoil of conflicts across the ocean.

The great rule of conduct for us, in regard to foreign nations is in extending our commercial relations to have with them as little political connection as possible."
— Washington, Farewell Address (1796) [Washington’s emphasis]

I deem [one of] the essential principles of our government, and consequently [one] which ought to shape its administration,…peace, commerce, and honest friendship with all nations, entangling alliances with none.
— Jefferson, First Inaugural Address (1801) 

The federal government did not follow this advice in Afghanistan, Asia and Europe. "Insiders" -- the powerful architects of America foreign policy in the last 80 years (and I consider Presidents Bush and Obama to be more of a "puppet" than an "architect") -- completely reject the principles of America's Founding Fathers. The United States federal government built Al queda as a means of destabilizing the Soviet Union. The same federal government that failed to protect America on 9-11 did not appreciate the long-term dangers of giving military aid to Islamic terrorists thirty years ago when these terrorists were "freedom fighters" against Communism.

The CIA has learned nothing from it funding of Isalmo-fascist fundamentalists in Afghanistan. Today it is funding anti-AlQueda warlords in Somalia:

Here are links and more links on Afghanistan:

next: Defense

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