
War and poverty are caused, not by "selfish others," but by our own reactions to them. If we wish to change the world, we must first change ourselves.



Chapter 1. The Golden Rule
We are well aware that if we commit certain actions against our neighbors, fighting and impoverishment will result. Somehow we think these same actions create peace and plenty if applied to our community, state, nation, and world.

Chapter 2. Wealth Is Unlimited!
Wealth is created when we use existing resources in new ways. Since creativity is virtually limitless, wealth is too.



Chapter 3. Destroying Jobs
When we use aggression to increase the wealth of disadvantaged workers, we succeed only in making them poorer.

Chapter 4. Eliminating Small Businesses
"Only in America" could penniless immigrants become affluent by starting their own businesses. Today, our aggression keeps the disadvantaged from following in their footsteps.

Chapter 5. Harming Our Health
Licensing of health care services gives us the illusion that we are protected against selfish others who would defraud us. Instead, our aggression boomerangs back to us, costing us our wealth, our health, and our very lives.

Chapter 6. Protecting Ourselves to Death
By using aggression to avoid medications that might harm us, we lose access to life saving drugs.

Chapter 7. Creating Monopolies that Control Us
Most monopolies are not created by selfish others, but by our own aggression.

Chapter 8. Destroying the Environment
We are more likely to protect the environment when we own a piece of it and profit by nurturing it.

Chapter 9. Banking on Aggression
We established the "money monopoly" in the hopes of creating economic stability. By using aggression as our means, we created boom-and-bust cycles instead.

Chapter 10. Learning Lessons Our Schools Can't Teach
How can our children learn to abhor aggression when we teach them in a system built on it?

Chapter 11. Springing the Poverty Trap
When we use aggression to alleviate the poverty caused by aggresssion, we only make matters worse.

Chapter 12. By Their Fruits You Shall Know Them
It's just as well that our aggression creates poverty instead of wealth. Otherwise, we'd be eternally at war with each other!



Chapter 13. The Other Piece of the Puzzle
Justice does not consist of punishing the aggressor, but of making the victim whole.

Chapter 14. The Pollution Solution
Restoring what we have harmed is the best deterrent of all!

Chapter 15. Dealing in Death
Using aggression to stop drug abuse kills more people than the drugs themselves!

Chapter 16. Policing Aggression
We can protect ourselves from aggression only by refusing to be aggressors ourselves.

Chapter 17. Putting It All Together
The practice of non-aggression domestically creates a peaceful and prosperous nation.



Chapter 18. Beacon to the World
The most effective way to help poorer nations is to practice non-aggression.

Chapter 19. The Communist Threat Is All in Our Minds
Using aggression domestically creates a foreign enemy here at home.

Chapter 20. National Defense
The best defense against foreign aggression is the practice of non-aggression domestically.


Chapter 21. A New Age or a New World Order?
Once we understand how global peace and prosperity are created, we cannot be easily fooled.

Chapter 22. How to Get There From Here
If each of us works on the piece of the puzzle that appeals to us most, the final picture will reflect the composite of our dreams.

economy (NCPA)

govt (NCPA)

intl (NCPA)
legal (NCPA)

privacy (NCPA)
privatize (NCPA)
regulate (NCPA)
military (NCPA)
social (NCPA)

state (NCPA)

terror (NCPA)
trade (NCPA)

Budget and Taxes

State and Local Fiscal Policy


Civil Rights

Individual Rights
Property Rights
Racial Profiling


Constitutional Issues

Civil Rights

Economic Liberties
Election Law
Enumerated Powers

Political Philosophy
Rights Theory
Separation of Powers

1st Amendment (free speech, church and state)

4th Amendment (search and seizure)
5th Amendment (property rights)
9th Amendment (unenumerated rights)
10th Amendment (enumerated powers)
14th Amendment (privileges or immunities, due process and equal protection)


Criminal Justice and Law Enforcement

4th Amendment (search and seizure)

Criminal Procedure

Juvenile Crime

Prosecutorial Abuses


Defense and National Security

Air Force
Arms Control and Proliferation
Domestic Role of Military

Constitutional War Power

NATO and European Security
Marine Corps
Military Readiness


Weapon Systems Acquisition


Domestic Issues

Politics and Political Parties
Social Security


Education and Child Policy

Federal Education Policy

School Choice
Standards, Curriculum, and Testing




Energy Conservation
Natural Gas
Nuclear Power
Oil and Gasoline
Renewable Energy


Environment and Climate

Clean Air Act
Forests and Forestry

Environmental Health
Environmental Law and Regulation
Natural Resources

Property Rights, Eminent Domain and Takings
Public Lands


Waste Management and Superfund
Water Policy


Foreign Policy

General Strategy and U.S. Foreign Policy



Government and Politics

Campaign Finance
Election Law
Enumerated Powers
Politics and Political Parties
Public Opinion
Separation of Powers
Term Limits


Health Care

Employee Benefits
Environmental Health
FDA and Drug Regulation
Health Care Regulation and Tax Treatment
Managed Care
Medical Savings Accounts


International Economics and Development

Capital Controls
Development Economics

Economic Liberty
Financial Crises
Foreign Aid
International Debt
International Monetary Policy
International Pension Reform
Money Laundering
World Bank

Latin America


Law and Legal Issues

Asset Forfeiture
Campaign Finance
Civil Rights
Criminal Justice and Law Enforcement
Contract Law
Election Law
Environmental Law and Regulation
Gun Litigation
Judicial Appointments
Labor Law and Regulation
Product Liability
Property Rights, Eminent Domain and Takings
Sexual Harassment Law and Policies
Supreme Court
Term Limits


Libertarian Philosophy

Constitutional Theory and Limited Government


Monetary and Banking Policy

Banking Law and Regulation
Currency Regimes
Deposit Insurance
Exchange Rate Policy
Federal Reserve
International Economics and Development
International Monetary Policy
Monetary Policy
Money Laundering



Airline Deregulation
Banking Law and Regulation
Environmental Law and Regulation
FDA and Drug Regulation
International Regulation
Labor Law and Regulation
Postal Service
Regulatory Process
State and Local Regulations
Urban and Regional Growth


Science and Space

Environmental Health
Global Warming
NASA and Space Policy
Risk Assessment
Science and Public Policy


Social Security

Case for Privatization
Privatization and the Economy
Social Security and Women
Social Security and African-Americans
Social Security and the Poor
International Pension Reform
Politics of Reform


Tech, Telecom and Internet

Broadband Policy, Telecom Act and FCC Policy
Encryption and Wiretapping
Digital Divide & Universal Service
Free Speech, First Amendment and Technology
Intellectual Property
Internet Governance & Commercial Regulation
Internet and Telecom Taxation
Libertarianism and Technology
Open Access Regulation
Privacy Issues
Wireless and Spectrum Policy



Antidumping Law
China Trade
Cuban Embargo
Steel Protection
Technology and Trade
Trade Deficit and Imports
Trade Politics
U.S.-Canada Lumber Trade
World Trade Organization


Welfare and Workforce

Asset Building and Poverty
One-stops Welfare
Welfare and Workforce
Welfare-Workfare Bureaucratic Complex
Workforce Development and Intervention



Current Commentaries



China Trade
It is overwhelmingly in the US national interest to engage China in the global marketplace and encourage it to liberalize and reform its economy.

The Cuban Embargo
In 40 years, the Cuban embargo has forced no real change in Cuba, and its end would finally deny Castro his best, last alibi for the failures of socialist planning.

The Benefits of Globalization
The evidence is compelling that trade and investment liberalization increases competition and productivity and raises living standards in nations that open themselves to the global economy.

America's relative openness to immigration strengthens our economy by providing a growing and flexible workforce for U.S. industry, especially the dynamic high-tech sector. It also provides a haven for those fleeing poltical, religous or ethnic presecution.

Steel Protection
The steel industry is a poster-child for the abuse of U.S. trade laws, and its latest "crisis" is further proof that the interests of steel producers are furthered at the expense of consumers and steel-using industries.

Technology and Trade
Given that nations have devoted considerable time and energy to lowering barriers to international trade in other sectors, it only makes sense that they work to lock in the current beneficial state of affairs online.

Trade Deficit and Imports
Fears about the deficit spring from the mistaken belief that imports harm workers and industry. The current US trade deficit is not the cause of bad things in our economy but rather a result of rising investment and comsumer incomes.

Trade Politics
The traditional reciprocity model of trade negotiations is outdated and should be abandoned for a new model of "coordinated unilateralism." Also: Is your Congressman a free trader?

U.S. Antidumping Law
The U.S. antidumping law is one of the "dirty little secrets" of U.S. trade policy, unfairly punishing foreign firms for unexeptional business practices routinely engaged in by American companies.

U.S.-Canada Lumber Trade
Trade in softwood lumber is the United States' largest trade dispute with its largest trading partner. The current softwood lumber agreement (SLA) should be allowed to expire in 2001.

Unilateral Sanctions
In today's fluid global marketplace, the failure of unilateral sanctions has become apparent: sanctions alter trade patterns at the expense of U.S. producers without altering the behavior of the target nation.

The World Trade Organization
The WTO encourages our own government and governments abroad to reduce restrictions on trade and investment flows, without compromising U.S. sovereignty.

71. Caught in the Seamless Web: Does the Internet's Global Reach Justify Less Freedom of Speech?, by Robert Corn-Revere (July 24, 2002)

70. Farm Subsidies at Record Levels As Congress Considers New Farm Bill by Chris Edwards and Tad DeHaven (October 18, 2001)

69. Watching You: Systematic Federal Surveillance of Ordinary Americans by Charlotte Twight (October 17, 2001)

68. The Failed Critique of Personal Accounts by Peter Ferrara (October 8, 2001)

67. Lessons from Vermont: 132-Year-Old Voucher Program Rebuts Critics by Libby Sternberg (September 10, 2001)

66. Lessons from Maine: Education Vouchers for Students since 1873 by Frank Heller (September 10, 2001)

65. Internet Privacy and Self-Regulation: Lessons from the Porn Wars by Tom W. Bell (August 9, 2001)

64. It's the Spending, Stupid! Understanding Campaign Finance in the Big-Government Era by Patrick Basham (July 18, 2001)

63. A 10-Point Agenda for Comprehensive Telecom Reform by Adam Thierer (May 8, 2001)

62. Corrupting Charity: Why Government Should Not Fund Faith-Based Charities by Michael Tanner (March 22, 2001)

61. Disparate Impact: Social Security and African Americans by Michael Tanner (February 5, 2001)

60. Public Opinion and Campaign Finance: A Skeptical Look at Senator McCain's Claims by David M. Primo (January 31, 2001)

59. Lessons of Election 2000 by John Samples, Tom G. Palmer, and Patrick Basham (January 2, 2001)

58. Will the Net Turn Car Dealers into Dinosaurs? State Limits on Auto Sales Online by Solveig Singleton (July 25, 2000)

57. Legislative Malpractice: Misdiagnosing Patients' Rights by Greg Scandlen (April 7, 2000)

56. "We Own the Night" Amadou Diallo's Deadly Encounter with New York City's Street Crimes Unit by Timothy Lynch (March 31, 2000)

55. The Archer-Shaw Social Security Plan: Laying the Groundwork for Another S&L Crisis by Andrew G. Biggs (February 16, 2000)

54. Nameless in Cyberspace: Anonymity on the Internet by Jonathan D. Wallace (December 8, 1999)

53. The Case against a Tennessee Income Tax by Stephen Moore and Richard Vedder (November 1, 1999)

52. Too Big to Fail?: Long-Term Capital Management and the Federal Reserve by Kevin Dowd (September 23, 1999)

51. Strong Cryptography: The Global Tide of Change by Arnold G. Reinhold (September 17, 1999)

50. Warrior Cops: The Ominous Growth of Paramilitarism in American Police Departments by Diane Cecilia Weber (August 26, 1999)

49. Mr. Smith, Welcome to Washington by Roger Pilon (July 30, 1999)

48. The U.S. Postal Service War on Private Mailboxes and Privacy Rights by Rick Merritt (July 30, 1999)

47. Social Security Reform Proposals: USAs, Clawbacks, and Other Add-Ons, by Darcy Ann Olsen (June 11, 1999)

46. Speaking the Truth about Social Security Reform, by Milton Friedman (April 12, 1999)

45. Bank Regulation: Will Regulators Catch Up with the Market? by Randall S. Kroszner (March 12, 1999)

44. The Costs of Reducing Carbon Emissions: An Examination of Administration Forecasts, by Peter VanDoren (March 11, 1999)

43. The Perils of Government Investing, by Michael Tanner (December 1, 1998)

42. The Myth of Superiority of American Encryption Products, by Henry B. Wolfe (November 12, 1998)

41. Term Limits and the Republican Congress, by Aaron Steelman (October 27, 1998)

40. The Working Poor and Social Security Privatization, by Carrie Lips (September 29, 1998)

39. Union Workers Should Support Social Security Privatization, by Michael Tanner (September 7, 1998)

38. Greater Financial Security for Women with Personal Retirement Accounts, by Darcy Olsen (July 20, 1998)

37. Silicon Valley versus Corporate Welfare, by T.J. Rogers (April 27, 1998)

36. ATM Surcharges and the Expansion of Consumer Choice, by John Charles Bradbury (March 19, 1998)

35. The Specter of Pervasiveness: Pacifica, New Media, and Freedom of Speech, by Jonathan D. Wallace (February 12, 1998)

34. The Fast Track to Freer Trade, by Daniel T. Griswold (October 30, 1997)

33. Internet Domain Names: Privatization, Competition, and Freedom of Expression, by Milton L. Mueller (October 16, 1997)

32. Anti-dumping Laws Trash Supercomputer Competition, by Christopher M. Dumler (October 14, 1997)

31. Campaign Reform: Let's Not Give Politicians the Power to Decide What We Can Say about Them, by Douglas Johnson and Mike Beard (July 4, 1997)

30. Money, Politics, and the First Amendment, by Major Garrett (June 19, 1997)

29. Reforming Universal Service: Competitive Bidding or Consumer Choice, by Peter K. Pitsch (May 7, 1997)

28. Federal Aid to Dependent Corporations: Clinton and Congresss Fail to Eliminate Business Subsidies, by Stephen Moore and Dean Stansel (May 1, 1997)

27. The Value of Welfare: Cato vs. CBPP, by Michael Tanner and Naomi Lopez (June 12, 1996)

26. The Establishment Strikes Back: Medical Savings Accounts and Adverse Selection, by Peter Ferrara (April 4, 1996)

25. What Would a School Voucher Buy? The Real Cost of Private Schools, by David Boaz and R. Morris Barrett (March 26, 1996)

24. "V" is Not for Voluntary, by Robert Corn-Revere (August 3, 1995)

23. Public Schools: Make Them Private, by Milton Friedman (June 23, 1995)

22. Temporizing on Term Limits: The Speaker Likes 12 Years, Not 6, by James Bond (February 7, 1995)

21. An Antidote to Federal Red Ink: Term Limits, by Stephen Moore and Aaron Steelman (November 3, 1994)

20. Missouri's Hancock II Amendment: The Case for Real Reform, by Dean Stansel (October 17, 1994)

19. Patient Power: The Cato Institute's Plan for Health Care Reform, by Brink Lindsey (October 4, 1993)

18. Are Quality Circles Illegal? Global Competition Meets the New Deal, by Charles W. Baird (February 10, 1993)

17. The Davis-Bacon Act: Let's Bring Jim Crow to an End, by David Bernstein (January 18, 1993)

16. Super Boondoggle: Time to Pull the Plug on the Superconducting Super Collider, by Kent Jeffreys (May 26, 1992)

15. A Consumer's Guide to Taxes: How Much Do You Really Pay in Taxes? by George Nastas and Stephen Moore (April 15, 1992)

14. Why Political Scientists Oppose Term Limits, by Mark P. Petracca (February 18, 1992)

13. Our Next Criminal Class: Milk Bootleggers, by James Bovard (June 14, 1991)

12. Secretary Kemp and the Housing Policy Shell Game, by Cassandra Chrone Moore (April 16, 1991)

11. Ending the Free Airplane Rides of Infants: A Myopic Method of Saving Lives, by Richard B. McKenzie and Dwight R. Lee (August 30, 1990)

10. Market Squabbles: SEC v. CFTC, by Charles M. Seeger (June 13, 1990)

70. Unsavory Bedfellows: Washington's International Partners in the War on Drugs, by Ted Galen Carpenter (August 1, 2002)

70. The New Homeland Security Apparatus: Impeding the Fight against Agile Terrorists, by Eric R. Taylor (June 26, 2002)

69. Robust Response to 9/11 Is Needed but Poking the Hornets’ Nest Is Ill-Advised, by Ivan Eland (December 18, 2001)

68. The Anti-Terrorism Coalition: Don’t Pay an Excessive Price, by Charles V. Peña (December 11, 2001)

67. Argentine Endgame: Couple Dollarization with Free Banking, by Steve H. Hanke (December 4, 2001)

66. Going Too Far: Bush's Pledge to Defend Taiwan by Ted Galen Carpenter (May 30, 2001)

65. The Rogue State Doctrine and National Missile Defense by Ivan Eland with Daniel Lee (March 29, 2001)

64. Instability in the Philippines: A Case Study for U.S. Disengagement by Doug Bandow (March 21, 2001)

63. The Great Game, Round 2: Washington's Misguided Support for the Baku-Ceyhan Oil Pipeline by Stanley Kober (October 31, 2000)

62. A Hollow Debate on Military Readiness by Ivan Eland (October 17, 2000)

61. Constitutional Problems with Enforcing the Biological Weapons Convention by Ronald D. Rotunda (September 28, 2000)

60. From the Sea: National Missile Defense Is Neither Cheap Nor Easy by Charles V. Peña (September 6, 2000)

59. Korean Détente: A Threat to Washington’s Anachronistic Military Presence? by Doug Bandow (August 17, 2000)

58. Let's Make National Missile Defense Truly "National" by Ivan Eland (June 27, 2000)

57. "Isolationism" as the Denial of Intervention: What Foreign Policy Is and Isn’t by Earl C. Ravenal (April 27, 2000)

56. The Greening of the World Bank: A Lesson in Bureaucratic Survival, by James M. Sheehan (April 12, 2000)

55. East Timor and the “Slippery Slope” Problem, by Leon T. Hadar (December 20, 1999)

54. Repairing the Lender-Borrower Relationship in International Finance, by Ian Vásquez (September 27, 1999)

53. Special Operations Military Training Abroad and Its Dangers, by John Rudy and Ivan Eland (June 22, 1999)

52. A Dollarization Blueprint for Argentina, by Steve H. Hanke and Kurt Schuler (March 12, 1999)

51. Ballistic Missile Proliferation: Does the Clinton Administration Understand the Threat? by Timothy M. Beard and Ivan Eland (February 11, 1999)

50. Does U.S. Intervention Overseas Breed Terrorism? The Historical Record, by Ivan Eland (December 17, 1998)

49. The Case for a Russian Currency Board System, by Steve H. Hanke (October 14, 1998)

48. Time to Terminate the ESF and the IMF, by Anna J. Schwartz (August 26, 1998)

47. Subtract Unneeded Nuclear Attack Submarines from the Fleet, by Ivan Eland (April 2, 1998)

46. NATO Expansion Flashpoint No. 3: Kaliningrad, by Stanley Kober (February 11, 1998)

45. NATO Expansion Flashpoint No. 2: The Border between Hungary and Serbia, by Ted Galen Carpenter and Pavel Kislitsyn (November 24, 1997)

44. NATO Expansion Flashpoint No. 1: The Border between Poland and Belarus, by Ted Galen Carpenter and Andrew Stone (September 16, 1997)

43. The World Bank's Procurement Myth, by John G. Thibodeau (September 4, 1996)

42. The Domino Theory Reborn: Clinton's Bosnia Intervention and the "Wider War" Thesis, by Ted Galen Carpenter (August 15, 1996)

41. Smoke and Mirrors: The Clinton-Hashimoto Summit, by Ted Galen Carpenter (May 16, 1996)

40. Instinct for the Capillary: The Clinton Administration's Foreign Policy "Successes", by Jonathan G. Clarke (April 5, 1996)

39. The Nunn-Lugar Act: A Wasteful and Dangerous Illusion, by Rich Kelly (March 18, 1996)

38. NATO Expansion and the Danger of a Second Cold War, by Stanley Kober (January 31, 1996)

37. Holbrooke Horror: The U.S. Peace Plan For Bosnia, by Ted Galen Carpenter (October 27, 1995)

36. The United States and Future Bosnias, by Jonathan G. Clarke (August 8, 1995)

35. The Misleading Military "Readiness Crisis", by David Isenberg (July 25, 1995)

34. Killing with Kindness: The UN Peacekeeping Mission In Bosnia, by John F. Hillen III (June 30, 1995)

33. America's Misguided Policy of Dual Containment in the Persian Gulf, by Barbara Conry (November 10, 1994)

32. Faulty Repairs: The Law of the Sea Treaty is Still Unacceptable, by Doug Bandow (September 13, 1994)

31. The Real Lesson of the Oslo Accord: "Localize" the Arab-Israeli Conflict by Leon Hadar (May 9, 1994)

30. U.S. Troops in Macedonia: Back Door to War? by Ted Galen Carpenter (March 17, 1994)

29. Do Not Endorse the Law of the Sea Treaty, by Doug Bandow (January 27, 1994)

28. European Monetary Reform: The Pitfalls of Central Planning, by Kevin Dowd (December 27, 1993)

27. Loose Cannon: The National Endowment for Democracy, by Barbara Conry (November 8, 1993)

26. Declaring an Armistice in the International Drug War, by Ted Galen Carpenter (July 26, 1993)

25. Soft Assistance for Hard Russian Reform, by Karen LaFollette (June 3, 1993)

24. North Korea and the Risks of Coercive Nonproliferation, by Doug Bandow (May 4, 1993)

23. Providing a Haven for Refugees: An Alternative to U.S. Military Intervention in the Balkans, by Jeffrey R. Gerlach (April 12, 1993)

22. Politics and the National Defense: The 1993 Defense Bill, by Jeffrey R. Gerlach (January 20, 1993)

21. The Eurocorps: A Fresh Start in Europe, by Jonathan G. Clarke (December 28, 1992)

20. Setting a Dangerous Precedent in Somalia, by Ted Galen Carpenter (December 18, 1992)

19. Foreign Policy Masochism: The Campaign for U.S. Intervention in Yugoslavia, by Ted Galen Carpenter (July 1, 1992)

18. The Sins of Security Assistance Programs, by David Isenberg (February 27, 1992)

17. Currency Convertibility: A Self-Help Blueprint for the Commonwealth of Independent States, by Steve H. Hanke and Kurt Schuler (January 22, 1992)

16. The Case for U.S. Strategic Independence, by Ted Galen Carpenter (January 16, 1992)

15. Washington's Iron Curtain against East European Exports, by James Bovard (January 7, 1992)

14. Defusing the Korean Bomb, by Doug Bandow (December 16, 1991)

13. Let the Soviet Jews Come to America, by Sheldon Richman (October 3, 1991)

12. U.S. Military Presence in the Philippines: Expensive and Unnecessary, by Ted Galen Carpenter (July 29, 1991)

11. Dump Our Anti-Dumping Law, by Michael S. Knoll (July 25, 1991)

10. Countdown to Disaster: The Threat of Ballistic Missile Proliferation, by Channing R. Lukefahr (July 14, 1991)

9. A Mexican View of North American Free Trade, by Roberto Salinas-Leon (May 21, 1991)

8. Government Loans for the Soviet Union: A Disservice to U.S. Taxpayers and the Soviets Alike, by Karen LaFollette (April 26, 1991)

7. U.S.-Japanese Security Relations: Adjusting to Change, by Christopher A. Preble (March 14, 1991)

6. The Volunteer Military: Better Than a Draft, by Doug Bandow (January 8, 1991)

5. Time for Congress to Vote on the Issue of War in the Gulf, by Christopher Layne and Ted Galen Carpenter (December 14, 1990)

4. Do We Need to Go to War for Oil? by David R. Henderson (October 24, 1990)

3. Banking on Poverty: An Insider's Look at the World Bank, by Michael H. K. Irwin (September 20, 1990)

2. The Rise of the Middle Eastern Bogeyman: Sliding Toward Post-Cold-War Interventionism, by Leon T. Hadar (September 5, 1990)

1. NATO in the 1990s: Burden Shedding Replaces Burden Sharing, by Rosemary Fiscarelli (June 26, 1990)

18. The Looming Trade War over Plant Biotechnology (August 1, 2002)

17. Safety Valve or Flash Point? The Worsening Conflict between U.S. Trade Laws and WTO Rules (November 6, 2001)

16. Safe Harbor or Stormy Waters? Living with the EU Data Protection Directive (October 30, 2001)

15. Trade, Labor, and the Environment: How Blue and Green Sanctions Threaten Higher Standards (August 2, 2001)

14. Coming Home to Roost: Proliferating Antidumping Laws and the Growing Threat to U.S. Exports (July 30,2001)

13. Free Trade, Free Markets: Rating the 106th Congress by Daniel Griswold (March 26th, 2001)

12. America's Record Trade Deficit: A Symbol of Economic Strength by Daniel Griswold (February 9, 2001)

11. Nailing the Homeowner: The Economic Impact of Trade Protection of the Softwood Lumber Industry by Brink Lindsey, Mark A. Groombridge, and Prakash Loungani (July 6, 2000)

10. China’s Long March to a Market Economy: The Case for Permanent Normal Trade Relations with the People’s Republic of China by Mark A. Groombridge (April 24, 2000)

9. Tax Bytes: A Primer on the Taxation of Electronic Commerce by Aaron Lukas (December 17, 1999)

8. Seattle and Beyond: A WTO Agenda for the New Millennium by Brink Lindsey, Daniel T. Griswold, Mark A. Groombridge, and Aaron Lukas (November 4, 1999)

7. The U.S. Antidumping Law: Rhetoric versus Reality by Brink Lindsey (August 16, 1999)

6. Free Trade, Free Markets: Rating the 105th Congress by Daniel T. Griswold (February 3, 1999)

5. Opening U.S. Skies to Global Airline Competition by Kenneth J. Button (November 24, 1998)

4. A New Track for U.S. Trade Policy by Brink Lindsey (September 11, 1998)

3. Revisiting the "Revisionists": The Rise and Fall of the Japanese Economic Model by Brink Lindsey and Aaron Lukas (July 31, 1998)

2. America's Maligned and Misunderstood Trade Deficit by Daniel T. Griswold (April 20, 1998)

1. U.S. Sanctions Against Burma: A Failure on All Fronts by Leon T. Hadar (March 26, 1998)

From The Cato Institute Policy Analysis Series

New Asylum Laws: Undermining an American Ideal by Michele R. Pistone (3/24/1998)

Market Opening or Corporate Welfare? "Results-Oriented" Trade Policy toward Japan by Scott Latham (4/15/1996)

The Myth of Fair Trade by James Bovard (11/1/1991)

Why Trade Retailiation Closes Markets and Impoverishes People by Jim Powell (11/30/90)

The Collision Course on Textile Quotas by Thomas Grennes (9/12/1990)

The Perils of Managed Trade by Susan W. Liebeler and Michael S. Knoll (8/12/1990)

Economic Sanctions: Foreign Policy Levers or Signals by Joseph G. Gavin III (11/7/1989)

The Reagan Record on Trade: Rhetoric vs. Reality by Sheldon Richman (5/30/1988)

Our Trade Laws Are a National Disgrace by James Bovard (9/18/1987)

What's Wrong with Trade Sanctions by Bruce Bartlett (12/23/1985)

Other Publications

Immigration: The Demographic and Economic Facts


15. Rethinking the Export-Import Bank by Aaron Lukas and Ian Vásquez

14. Steel Trap: How Subsidies and Protectionism Weaken the U.S. Steel Industry by Dan Ikenson (3/1/02)

13. America's Bittersweet Sugar Policy by Mark Groombridge (12/04/01)

12. Missing the Target: The failure of the Helms-Burton Act by Mark Groombridge (6/5/01)

11. The Case for Open Capital Markets by Robert Krol (3/15/01)

10. WTO Report Card III: Globalization and Developing Countries by Aaron Lukas (6/20/00)

9. WTO Report Card II: An Exercise or Surrender of U.S. Sovereignty? by William H. Lash III and Daniel T. Griswold (5/4/00)

8. WTO Report Card: America’s Economic Stake in Open Trade by Daniel T. Griswold (4/3/00)

7. The H-1B Straitjacket: Why Congress Should Repeal the Cap on Foreign-Born Highly Skilled Workers by Suzette Brooks Masters and Ted Ruthizer (3/3/00)

6. Trade, Jobs, and Manufacturing: Why (Almost All) U.S. Workers Should Welcome Imports by Daniel T. Griswold (9/30/99)

5. Trade and the Transformation of China: The Case for Normal Trade Relations, by Dan Griswold, Ned Graham, Robert Kapp, and Nicholas Lardy (7/19/99)

4. The Steel 'Crisis' and the Costs of Protectionism by Brink Lindsey, Daniel T. Griswold, and Aaron Lukas (4/16/99)

3. State and Local Sanctions Fail Constitutional Test by David R. Schmahmann and James S. Finch (8/6/98)

2. Free Trade and Human Rights: The Moral Case for Engagement by Robert A. Sirico (7/17/98)

1. The Blessings of Free Trade by James K. Glassman (5/1/98)

From The Cato Institute Briefing Papers Series

The Myth of Superiority of American Encryption Products (11/12/98)

The Fast Track to Freer Trade by Daniel T. Griswold (10/30/1997)

Anti-dumping Laws Trash Supercomputer Competition by Christopher M. Dumler (10/14/1997)

Washington's Iron Curtain against East European Exports by James Bovard (1/ 7/1992)

Dump Our Anti-Dumping Law by Michael S. Knoll (7/25/1991)

A Mexican View of North American Free Trade by Roberto Salinas-Leon (5/21/1991)

Banking on Poverty: An Insider's Look at the World Bank by Michael H. K. Irwin (9/20/1990)

Mixed Signals on Trade Barriers (7/30/02)

The Embargo Harms Cubans and Gives Castro an Excuse for the Policy Failures of His Regime (5/27/02)

Our Immigration Laws (5/21/02)

Risky Amendments Threaten Fast Track (5/10/02)

"Should the U.S. Reduce by 50% the Number of Legal Immigrants and 'Immigrant' Students?" (4/23/02)

There You Go Again (4/16/02)

U.S. Protectionism Imperils Free Trade Talks With Latins (3/22/02)

Social Insecurity (3/02)

Forum Follies, No news from Porto Alegre (3/1/02)

Immigrants Have Enriched American Culture and Enhanced Our Influence in the World (2/18/02)

Globaloney Dying (2/5/02)

Steel and its Protection Boss (1/25/02)

Promoting Afghanistan (1/23/02)

Import Curbs Would Delay Reforms, Hurting Consumers and Steel Users (1/13/02)

How Argentina Got Into This Mess (1/09/02)

Sugar Program Brings Bitter Taste to Holiday Season (1/07/02)

It's Time, Finally, to End the Cuban Embargo (12/14/01)

Free Trade and Our National Security (12/5/01)

Trade Authority Promotes America's Economy and Security (11/27/01)

Poor Choice (11/01/01)

Don't Blame Immigrants for Terrorism (10/23/01)

Industry at Front of Corporate Welfare Line (10/22/01)

Closing the Net Tax Debate: Taxing Digital Downloads (10/17/01)

Closing the Net Tax Debate: The Myth of the Level Playing Field (10/5/01)

Have You No Shame Sirs? (10/2/01)

Labor and Environment Sanctions Would Poison Trade Talks (9/28/01)

The Last Totalitarians (9/28/01)

America Still the Villain (9/18/01)

Continued Truck Ban a Roadblock to Trade (8/23/01)

Dump Antidumping Regs (8/23/01)

Seven Moral Arguments for Free Trade (August, 2001)

China's Accession to the WTO: A Winning Outcome for Both China and the United States (7/24/01)

House Vote Erects Roadblock to U.S.-Mexican Trade (7/10/01)

Lessons for Europe from the Quebec Trade Summit (7/19/01)

A Wall of Steel (7/8/01)

How to Open Markets by Example (7/6/01)

China Trade Expedience...and Angst (6/27/01)

Respect Us! (Or Else) (6/27/01)

Steel Trap (7/9/01)

Time To End the War Against Yugoslavia (6/11/01)

Bush Turns Protectionist For Steel Companies (6/7/01)

Steel’s Deal (6/6/01)

Among the Fringers by Aaron Lukas (5/21/01)

Congress Plays Jepoardy with the Net's Next Tax Battle (4/24/01)

Clueless in Quebec (4/18/01)

The First Test for Bush's Trade Policy (4/11/01)

Policymakers Dumping on Trade (4/7/01)

Roasting Starbucks (3/26/01)

Antidumping Laws Hurt American Consumers (3/7/01)

America's Record Trade Deficit: A Symbol of Economic Strength (2/21/01)

NAFTA Means Better Future for Mexicans (2/21/01)

States Do Nicely Without Web Tax (2/21/01)

Good Riddance to Managed Trade (1/11/01)

The Coming Trans-Atlantic Trade Tussle (12/13/00)

Going Alone on Economic Sanctions Hurts U.S. More than Foes (11/27/00)

InsightSymposium: Has Clinton’s China policy put U.S. national security at risk? (11/6/00)

Trade Winds (book review) (November, 2000)

The Perpetual Steel "Crisis" (10/23/00)

Is America Losing Its High-Tech Edge? (10/17/00)

FAIR Ads Unfairly Blame Immigrants for Urban Sprawl (10/4/00)

State-Owned Enterprises Continue to Hinder Chinese Growth (9/21/00)

Sen. Hollings aims at Germany, Hits U.S. (9/11/00)

The Blessings and Challenges of Globalization (9/1/00)

Enroll Buchanan in Econ 101 (8/24/00)

The VAT-Man Cometh? (8/21/00)

Against the Grain: How Lumber Quotas Hammer Home Buyers (8/11/00)

Explaining the Seattle Debacle (7/5/00)

Whatever Happened to "the Giant Sucking Sound"? (6/6/00)

A Vote for PNTR is a Vote for the U.S. Economy and Chinese Reform (5/28/00)

California Prosperity and Chinese Reform (5/23/00)

Extend the Internet Tax Moratorium (5/20/00)

China: Constructive Partner or Emerging Threat? (5/10/00)

Trade with China: Business Profits or Human Rights? (5/5/00)

WTO Membership Good for California, U.S. Economy (4/16/00)

Globalphobia in the Streets -- Again (4/15/00)

Time to End the Cap on H-1Bs? (3/16/00) from IntellectualCapital.com

Kick Me, I'm for Free Trade (2/22/00)

Business Sells Out on Internet Taxes (2/21/00)

A Presidental Scorecard on Trade (1/16/00)

WTO Critics Trade Away Truth for a Sound Bite (1/3/00)

Seattle Shouldn't Delete Free E-trade (12/20/99)

WTO Bashers Would Slam The Door On The World's Poor (12/2/99)

Bringing Economic Sanity to Agricultural Trade (12/1/99)

Two Sides to China's WTO Membership (11/22/99)

Anti-dumping law is discriminatory (11/12/99)

Leavitt's 'no new taxes' is creative Clinton-speak (10/10/99)

A new financial architecture for China (9/21/99)

Brussels Sins, Cheese Lovers Do Penance (8/2/99)

China: Risky... or Worthy WTO Bid? (7/26/99)

To Promote U.S.-China Trade, Repeal Jackson-Vanik (7/14/99)

Advancing Human Rights In China (7/10/99)

Steeling from steel consumers (7/7/99)

An Internet Tax Nightmare (6/30/99)

A Gray World: Review of "False Dawn" (6/15/99)

Clinton's China Blunder (5/28/99)

Anti-dumping law doesn't compute (5/13/99)

Steel quotas will harm US (5/11/99)

A special-interests victory (4/26/99)

Should Internet Sales Be Taxed? (4/12/99)

Normalize Trade with China (4/5/99)

There Is No Steel 'Crisis' (3/15/99)

Don't Meddle in the Steel Market (3/1/99)

Visclosky's SISTA Isn't Pretty (2/16/99)

Few Free Traders In Congress (2/9/99)

Improving Human Rights In China (2/8/99)

Protectionism Hurts Consumers (2/4/99)

Corporate America On the Dole (2/3/99)

The U.S. Government's No-Win War on Imported Steel (2/1/99)

Fast Track Impasse (2/1/99)

Chile Takes a Bold Step Toward Freer Trade (1/15/99)

China's Spontaneous Order (1/7/99)

Free Trade In the Dumps (12/30/98) In PDF format, from Regulation, Winter 1998

Open U.S. Skies to Global Global Competition (12/23/98)

A Taxing Time of Year? (12/23/98)

Yes, We Sell No Bananas (12/2/98)

Little Need for Government In E-Commerce (11/23/98)

A Better Strategy for Burma (11/16/98)

A Global Intervention Crisis (11/11/98)

Free Trade Nationalism (11/9/98)

A New Global Financial Architecture? (11/4/98)

Industry Sets Steel Trap for U.S. Economy (10/23/98)

Sanctions Backlash in Balkans (10/7/98)

Japan-Bashing Redux (9/28/98) In PDF format, from Regulation, Spring 1998

A Rotten Tomato Deal at Commerce (9/10/98)

The Other Tobacco War (8/24/98)

Revisiting the Revisionists (8/20/98)

Grant China MFN (7/21/98)

Trading with the Hungry Bear (6/25/98)

A Personal Overview of U.S. Trade Policy (6/24/98)

Exporting Fair Play With a Global Investment Treaty (6/17/98)

Pat Buchanan: The Great Contradiction (6/1/98)

Japan's Weakness Is No Threat (5/29/98)

Two Cheers for India Sanctions (5/22/98)

End Semiconductor Industrial Policy (5/8/98)

Dropping the Sanctions Ball on Kosovo (4/28/98)

Will the Sun Ever Set On Anti-dumping Orders? (4/15/98)

Wanted: Free-Market Internationalists (3/15/98)

Five Goals for U.S. Trade (3/11/1998)

A Silver Lining in Cloud Over Asia? (3/12/1998)

Consumers See Red (tomatoes) (3/3/1998)

Stuck In Sanctions: U.S. Needs Way Out of Policy Morass (2/9/1998)

Weighing Alternative Approaches to Trade (2/1/98)

Antidumping Laws Trash Supercomputer Competition

Free Trade Empowers Americans to Better Their Lives

Lift the Congressional Quota on High-Skilled Workers

Protectionism with a Green Face and a Union Bug

Admit China To The WTO, But Don't Bend The Rules

"Free Trade Agreements" -- Regulation Volume 14, Number 1, Fall 1991

El Cato - Libre Comercio (En Español)

446. How Constitutional Corruption Has Led to Ideological Litmus Tests for Judicial Nominees, by Roger Pilon (August 8, 2002)

445. Fixing Argentina, by Kurt Schuler (July 16, 2002)

444. Escaping IDEA: Freeing Parents, Teachers, and Students through Deregulation and Choice, by Marie Gryphon and David Salisbury (July 10, 2002)

443. Breaking the Vicious Cycle: Preserving Our Liberties While Fighting Terrorism, by Timothy Lynch (June 26, 2002)

442. Empty Promises: Why the Bush Administration's Half-Hearted Attempts at Defense Reform Have Failed, by David Isenberg and Ivan Eland (June 11, 2002)

441. Online Travel Services: The Antitrust Assault on Orbitz—and on Consumers, by James V. DeLong (June 4, 2002)

440. There Goes the Neighborhood: The Bush-Ashcroft Plan to "Help" Localities Fight Gun Crime, by Gene Healy (May 28, 2002)

439. Building Leverage in the Long War: Ensuring Intelligence Community Creativity in the Fight against Terrorism, by James W. Harris (May 16, 2002)

438. Policing Pirates in the Networked Age, by Stan Liebowitz (May 15, 2002)

437. Restraining State Attorneys General, Curbing Government Lawsuit Abuse, by Michael DeBow (May 10, 2002)

436. Pakistan in America's War against Terrorism: Strategic Ally or Unreliable Client? by Leon T. Hadar (May 8, 2002)

435. Welfare Reform That Works: Explaining the Welfare Caseload Decline, 1996–2000, by Michael J. New (May 7, 2002)

434. Responding to the Threat of Smallpox Bioterrorism: An Ounce of Prevention Is Best Approach, by Veronique de Rugy and Charles V. Peña (April 18, 2002)

433. Arbitration under Assault: Trial Lawyers Lead the Charge, by Stephen J. Ware (April 18, 2002)

432. FDIC Reform: Don't Put Taxpayers Back at Risk, by George G. Kaufman (April 16, 2002)

431. International Tax Competition: A 21st-Century Restraint on Government, by Chris Edwards and Veronique de Rugy (April 12, 2002)

430. Fighting the War against Terrorism: Elite Forces, Yes; Conscripts, No, by Doug Bandow (April 10, 2002)

429. Old Folly in a New Disguise: Nation Building to Combat Terrorism, by Gary T. Dempsey (March 21, 2002)

428. Befriending Saudi Princes: A High Price for a Dubious Alliance, by Doug Bandow (March 20, 2002)

427. Should the United States "Weaponize" Space? Military and Commercial Implicatons, by Charles V. Peña and Edward L. Hudgins (March 18, 2002)

426. The Effect of Campaign Finance Laws on Electoral Competition: Evidence from the States, by Thad Kousser and Ray LaRaja (February 14, 2002)

425. A Plan to Liquidate Amtrak , by Joseph Vranich, Cornelius Chapman and Edward L. Hudgins (February 8, 2002)

424. Time to Overhaul Federal Energy R&D, by Ronald J. Sutherland and Jerry Taylor (February 7, 2002)

423. The Digital Dirty Dozen: The Most Destructive High-Tech Legislative Measures of the 107th Congress, by Wayne Crews and Adam Thierer (February 4, 2002)

422. Evaluating the Case for Renewable Energy: Is Government Support Warranted?, by Jerry Taylor and Peter VanDoren (January 10, 2002)

421. Reforming a Defense Industry Rife with Socialism, Industrial Policy, and Excessive Regulation, by Ivan Eland (December 20, 2001)

420. Limiting Government through Direct Democracy: The Case of State Tax and Expenditure Limitations, by Michael J. New (December 13, 2001)

419. Help Passenger Rail by Privatizing Amtrak, by Joseph Vranich and Edward L. Hudgins (November 1, 2001)

418. Report from Havana: Time for a Reality Check on U.S. Policy toward Cuba, by Jonathan G. Clarke and William Ratliff (October 31, 2001)

417. Election Reform, Federalism, and the Obligations of Voters, by John Samples (October 23, 2001)

416. Simplifying Federal Taxes: The Advantages of Consumption-Based Taxation, by Chris Edwards (October 17, 2001)

415. The Corporate Welfare Budget: Bigger Than Ever, by Stephen Slivinski (October 10, 2001)

414. The Arizona Scholarship Tax Credit: Giving Parents Choices, Saving Taxpayers Money, by Carrie Lips and Jennifer Jacoby (September 17, 2001)

413. Assessing the Term Limits Experiment: California and Beyond, by Patrick Basham (August 31, 2001)

412. How FDA Regulation and Injury Litigation: Cripple the Medical Device Industry, by Charles A. Homsy (August 28, 2001)

411. Medical Savings Accounts: Progress and Problems under HIPAA, by Victoria Craig Bunce (August 8, 2001)

410. Broadband Deployment and the Digital Divide: A Primer, by Wayne A. Leighton (August 7, 2001)

409. Economic Security: A National Security Folly? by Donald Losman (August 1, 2001)

408. Why Canning "Spam" Is a Bad Idea, by Clyde Wayne Crews Jr. (July 26, 2001)

407. More Government for All: How Taxpayers Subsidize Anti–Tax Cut Advocacy, by John Samples, Christopher Yablonski, and Ivan G. Osorio (July 10, 2001)

406. California's Electricity Crisis: What's Going On, Who's to Blame, and What to Do, by Jerry Taylor and Peter VanDoren (July 3, 2001)

405. The Antitrust Terrible 10: Why the Most Reviled "Anti-competitive" Business Practices Can Benefit Consumers in the New Economy, by Clyde Wayne Crews Jr. (June 28, 2001)

404. The Birth of the Property Rights Movement, by Steven J. Eagle (June 26, 2001)

403. The Case against Capital Controls: Financial Flows, Crises, and the Flip Side of the Free-Trade Argument, by Christopher A. Hartwell (June 14, 2001)

402. Why Policymakers Should Ignore Public Opinion Polls, by Robert Weissberg (May 29, 2001)

401. Needless Entanglements: Washington's Expanding Security Ties in Southeast Asia, by Doug Bandow (May 24, 2001)

400. Pistol Whipped: Baseless Lawsuits, Foolish Laws, by Robert A. Levy (May 9, 2001)

399. Reducing a Common Danger: Improving Russia's Early-Warning System, by Geoffrey Forden (May 3, 2001)

398. Fiscal Analysis of a $500 Federal Education: Tax Credit to Help Millions, Save Billions, by Darcy Ann Olsen, Carrie Lips, and Dan Lips (May 1, 2001)

397. Waist Deep in the Balkans and Sinking: Washington Confronts the Crisis in Macedonia, by Ted Galen Carpenter (April 30, 2001)

396. Parent Power: Why National Standards Won't Improve Education, by Sheldon Richman (April 26, 2001)

395. No Confidence: An Unofficial Account of the Waco Incident, by Timothy Lynch (April 9, 2001)

394. Death Knell for NATO? The Bush Administration Confronts the European Security and Defense Policy, by Christopher Layne (April 4, 2001)

393. Making the World Safer for Incumbents: The Consequences of McCain-Feingold-Cochran, by John Samples (March 14, 2001)

392. Toward Market Education: Are Vouchers or Tax Credits the Better Path?, by Andrew J. Coulson (February 22, 2001)

391. Fiscal Policy Report Card on America's Governors: 2000, by Stephen Moore and Stephen Slivinski (February 12, 2001)

390. "Big Oil" at the Public Trough? An Examination of Petroleum Subsidies, by Ronald J. Sutherland (February 1, 2001)

389. Arrogance of Power Reborn: The Imperial Presidency and Foreign Policy in the Clinton Years, by Gene Healy (December 13, 2000)

388. Reclaiming Our Schools: Increasing Parental Control of Education through the Universal Education Credit, by Darcy Ann Olsen and Matthew J. Brouillette (December 6, 2000)

387. Are We Prepared for Terrorism Using Weapons of Mass Destruction? Government's Half Measures, by Eric R. Taylor (November 27, 2000)

386. "Edupreneurs": A Survey of For-Profit Education, by Carrie Lips (November 20, 2000)

385. Microsoft's Appealing Case, by Robert A. Levy and Alan Reynolds (November 9, 2000)

384. A Policy toward Cuba That Serves U.S. Interests, by Philip Peters (November 2, 2000)

383. More Than Grades: How Choice Boosts Parental Involvement and Benefits Children, by Philip Vassallo (October 26, 2000)

382. A Foreign Policy Report Card on the Clinton-Gore Administration, by Jonathan G. Clarke (October 3, 2000)

381. India as a World Power: Changing Washington's Myopic Policy, by Victor M. Gobarev (September 11, 2000)

380. Microsoft's "Applications Barrier to Entry": The Missing 70,000 Programs, by Richard McKenzie (August 31, 2000)

379. Open Access, Private Interests, and the Emerging Broadband Market, by William E. Lee (August 29, 2000)

378. Four Years of Welfare Reform: A Progress Report, by Lisa E. Oliphant (August 22, 2000)

377. Facilitating Fraud: How SSDI Gives Benefits to the Able Bodied, by James M. Taylor (August 15, 2000)

376. Arms Control and Missile Defense: Not Mutually Exclusive, by Charles V. Peña (July 26, 2000)

375. The Return of the Living Dead: Federal Programs That Survived the Republican Revolution, by Stephen Moore and Stephen Slivinski (July 24, 2000)

374. Securities Markets Regulation Time to Move to a Market-Based Approach, by Dale Arthur Oesterle (June 21, 2000)

373. Dubious Anniversary: Kosovo: One Year Later, by Christopher Layne and Benjamin Schwarz (June 10, 2000)

372. 12-Hour School Days?: Why Government Should Leave Afterschool Arrangements to Parents, by Darcy Olsen (June 7, 2000)

371. Constitutional and Antitrust Violations of the Multistate Tobacco Settlement, by Thomas C. O'Brien (May 18, 2000)

370. OSHA's Ergonomics Litigation Record: Three Strikes and It's Out, by Eugene Scalia (May 15, 2000)

369. Green Wars: Making Environmental Degradation a National Security Issue Puts Peace and Security at Risk, by Paul Benjamin (April 20, 2000)

368. The United States Should Begin Work on a New Bomber Now, by Williamson Murray (March 16, 2000)

367. Averting a "New Kosovo" in Indonesia: Opportunities and Pitfalls for the United States, by Leon T. Hadar (March 9, 2000)

366. The Case for Public Access to Federally Funded Research Data, by Michael Gough and Steven Milloy (February 2, 2000)

365. Critiquing Sprawl's Critics, by Peter Gordon and Harry Richardson (January 24, 2000)

364. The Greatest Century That Ever Was: 25 Miraculous Trends of the Past 100 Years, by Stephen Moore and Julian L. Simon (December 15, 1999)

363. How and Why to Privatize Federal Lands, by Terry L. Anderson, Vernon L. Smith, and Emily Simmons (December 9, 1999)

362. Milking the Sacred Cow: A Case for Eliminating the Federal Dairy Program, by Kevin McNew (December 1, 1999)

361. Smart Growth at the Federal Trough: EPA's Financing of the Anti-Sprawl Movement, by Peter Samuel and Randal O'Toole (November 24, 1999)

360. Imperial Overreach: Washington's Dubious Strategy to Overthrow Saddam Hussein, by David Isenberg (November 17, 1999)

359. The Rise of Worker Capitalism, by Richard Nadler (November 1, 1999)

358. Executive Orders and National Emergencies: How Presidents Have Come to "Run the Country" by Usurping Legislative Power, by William J. Olson and Alan Woll (October 28, 1999)

357. Faulty Justifications and Ominous Prospects: NATO's “Victory” in Kosovo, by Christopher Layne (October 25, 1999)

356. Energy Efficiency: No Silver Bullet for Global Warming, by Jerry Taylor (October 20, 1999)

355. Strengthening the Biological Weapons Convention: Illusory Benefits and Nasty Side Effects, by Eric R. Taylor (October 18, 1999)

354. The Community Reinvestment Act: Looking for Discrimination That Isn't There, by George J. Benston (October 6, 1999)

353. Grave Robbers: The Moral Case against the Death Tax, by Edward J. McCaffery (October 4, 1999)

352. Microsoft Redux: Anatomy of a Baseless Lawsuit, by Robert A. Levy (September 30, 1999)

351. Fixing What Ain't Broke: The Renewed Call for Conscription, by Doug Bandow (August 31, 1999)

350. Corporate Welfare for Weapons Makers The Hidden Costs of Spending on Defense and Foreign Aid , by William Hartung (August 12, 1999)

349. Gambling America: Balancing the Risks of Gambling and Its Regulation, by Guy Calvert (June 18, 1999)

348. Replacing Potemkin Capitalism: Russia's Need for a Free-Market Financial System, by Kurt Schuler and George A. Selgin (June 7, 1999)

347. Restoring the Boundary: Tort Law and the Right to Contract, by Michael I. Krauss (June 3, 1999)

346. Speed Doesn't Kill: The Repeal of the 55-MPH Speed Limit, by Stephen Moore (May 31, 1999)

345. Blunder in the Balkans: The Clinton Administration's Bungled War against Serbia, by Christopher Layne (May 20, 1999)

344. Old Wine in New Bottles: The Pentagon's East Asia Security Strategy Report, by Doug Bandow (May 18, 1999)

343. The State Spending Spree of the 1990s, by Dean Stansel and Stephen Moore (May 13, 1999)

342. Is Readiness Overrated? Implications for a Tiered Readiness Force Structure, by James L. George (April 29, 1999)

341. The Increasing Sustainability of Conventional Energy, by Robert L. Bradley Jr. (April 22, 1999)

340. In Praise and Criticism of Mexico's Pension Reform, by L. Jacobo Rodríguez (April 14, 1999)

339. Sports Pork: The Costly Relationship between Major League Sports and Government, by Raymond J. Keating (April 5, 1999)

338. U.S. Assistance for Market Reforms: Foreign Aid Failures in Russia and the Former Soviet Bloc, by Janine R. Wedel (March 22, 1999)

337. National Missile Defense: Examining the Options, by Charles V. Peña and Barbara Conry (March 16, 1999)

336. Internet Gambling: Popular, Inexorable, and (Eventually) Legal, by Tom W. Bell (March 8, 1999)

335. Cars, Cholera, and Cows: The Management of Risk and Uncertainty, by John Adams (March 4, 1999)

334. Hard Choices: Fighter Procurement in the Next Century, by Williamson Murray (February 26, 1999)

333. Universal Preschool Is no Golden Ticket: Why Government Should Not Enter the Preschool Business, by Darcy Ann Olsen (February 9, 1999)

332. Tilting at Windmills: Post-Cold War Military Threats to U.S. Security, by Ivan Eland (February 8, 1999)

331. Time to Trash Government Intervention in Garbage Service, by Peter M. VanDoren (January 21, 1999)

330. The Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty: The Costs Outweigh the Benefits, by Kathleen C. Bailey (January 15, 1999)

329. Long Hot Year: Latest Science Debunks Global Warming Hysteria, by Patrick J. Michaels (December 31, 1998)

328. What Term Limits Do that Ordinary Voting Cannot, by Einer Elhauge (December 16, 1998)

327. Rethinking the Dayton Agreement: Bosnia Three Years Later, by Gary T. Dempsey (December 14, 1998)

326. Reviving the Privileges or Immunities Clause to Redress the Balance Among States, Indivdiuals, and the Federal Government, by Kimberly C. Shankman and Roger Pilon (November 23, 1998)

325. Encryption Policy for the 21st Century: A Future without Government-Prescribed Key Recovery, by Solveig Singleton (November 19, 1998)

324. Dismal Science Fictions: Network Effects, Microsoft, and Antitrust Speculation, by Stan Liebowitz and Stephen E. Margolis (October 27, 1998)

323. The Government's War on Mergers: The Fatal Conceit of Antitrust Policy, by William F. Shughart II (October 22, 1998)

322. The Case for a Free Market in Legal Services, by George C. Leef (October 9, 1998)

321. Washington's Kosovo Policy: Consequences and Contradictions, by Gary T. Dempsey (October 8, 1998)

320. The Deregulation of the Electricity Industry: A Primer, by Peter M. VanDoren (October 6, 1998)

319. In Defense of the Exclusionary Rule, by Timothy Lynch (October 1, 1998)

318. Impeachment: A Constitutional Primer, by Jason Vicente (September 18, 1998)

317. The Quadrennial Defense Review: Reiterating the Tired Status Quo, by David Isenberg (September 17, 1998)

316. Freedom from Union Violence, by David Kendrick (September 9, 1998)

315. A Fiscal Policy Report Card on America's Governors: 1998, by Stephen Moore and Dean Stansel (September 3, 1998)

314. Okinawa: Liberating Washington's East Asian Military Colony, by Doug Bandow (September 1, 1998)

313. Let Taiwan Defend Itself, by Ted Galen Carpenter (August 24, 1998)

312. Unlegislated Compulsion: How Federal Agency Guidelines Threaten Your Liberty, Robert A. Anthony (August 11, 1998)

311. Reasonable Doubt: The Case against the Proposed International Criminal Court, by Gary Dempsey (July 16, 1998)

310. Universal Service: The New Telecommunications Entitlements and Taxes, by Lawrence Gasman (June 25, 1998)

309. Theater Missile Defense: A Limited Capability Is Needed, by Charles V. Peña (June 22, 1998)

308. Free Rider: South Korea's Dual Dependence on the U.S., by Doug Bandow (May 19, 1998)

307. The Consequences of Kyoto, by Patrick J. Michaels (May 7, 1998)

306. Protecting the Homeland: The Best Defense is to Give No Offense, by Ivan Eland (May 5, 1998)

305. The Next Steps for Medicare Reform, by Peter J. Ferrara (April 29, 1998)

304. The United Nations Debt: Who Owes Whom? by Cliff Kincaid (April 23, 1998)

303. Private Regulation: A Real Alternative for Regulatory Reform, by Yesim Yilmaz (April 20, 1998)

302. The Hidden Burden of Taxation: How Government Reduces Take-Home Pay, by Dean Stansel (April 15, 1998)

301. Electric Avenues: Why "Open Access" Can't Compete, by Clyde Wayne Crews, Jr. (April 13, 1998)

300. Two Cheers for the 1872 Mining Law, by Richard Gordon and Peter VanDoren (April 9, 1998)

299. New Asylum Laws: Undermining an American Ideal, by Michele R. Pistone (March 24, 1998)

298. Money and School Performance: Lessons from the Kansas City Desegregation Experiment, by Paul Ciotti (March 16, 1998)

297. Flawed Democracies: The Dubious Credentials of NATO's Proposed New Members by Thomas M. Magstadt (March 6, 1998)

296. Microsoft and the Browser Wars: Fit to be Tied, by Robert A. Levy (February 19, 1998)

295. Privacy as Censorship: A Skeptical View of Proposals to Regulate Privacy in the Private Sector, by Solveig Singleton (January 22, 1998)

294. Homeschooling: Back to the Future? by Isabel Lyman (January 7, 1998)

293. Mounting Case for Privatizing Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae, by Vern McKinley (December 29, 1997)

292. The Inherent Flaws of HUD, by Howard Husock (December 22, 1997)

291. IOLTA: Interest without Principle, by Charles E. Rounds Jr. (December 18, 1997)

290. Restoring Health Freedom: The Case for a Universal Tax Credit for Health Insurance, by Sue A. Blevins (December 12, 1997)

289. The National Sales Tax: Who Bears the Burden? by Gilbert E. Metcalf (December 8, 1997)

288. Replace FDA Regulation of Medical Devices with Third-Party Certification, by Noel D. Campbell (November 12, 1997)

287. ISTEA: A Poisonous Brew for American Cities, by Randal O'Toole (November 5, 1997)

286. The High Cost of NATO Expansion: Clearing the Administration's Smoke Screen, by Ivan Eland (October 29, 1997)

285. The Advancing Nanny State: Why the Government Should Stay Out of Child Care, by Darcy Olsen (October 23, 1997)

284. Fighting Back: Crime, Self-Defense, and the Right to Carry a Handgun, by Jeffrey R. Snyder (October 22, 1997)

283. 10 Myths About Financial Derivatives, by Thomas F. Siems (September 11, 1997)

282. Campaign Finance 'Reform' Proposals: A First Amendment Analysis, by Lillian R. BeVier (September 4, 1997)

281. How the Budget Revolution Was Lost, by Stephen Moore (September 2, 1997)

280. Renewable Energy: Not Cheap, Not "Green", by Robert L. Bradley Jr. (August 27, 1997)

279. The End of Representation: How Congress Stifles Electoral Competition, by Eric O'Keefe and Aaron Steelman (August 20, 1997)

278. The Threat to Independent Education: Public Subsidies and Private Colleges, by Gary Wolfram (August 15, 1997)

277. With Friends Like These: Why Community Radio Does Not Need the Corporation for Public Broadcasting, by Jesse Walker (July 24, 1997)

276. Should Congress Transfer Federal Lands to the States? by Randal O'Toole (July 3, 1997)

275. Tobacco Medicaid Litigation: Snuffing Out the Rule of Law, by Robert A. Levy (June 20, 1997)

274. How Rent Control Drives Out Affordable Housing, by William Tucker (May 21, 1997)

273. Help or Hindrance: Can Foreign Aid Prevent International Crises? by Doug Bandow (April 25, 1997)

272. Emancipating America from the Income Tax: How a National Sales Tax Would Work, by David R. Burton and Dan R. Mastromarco (April 15, 1997)

271. Dereliction of Duty: The Constitutional Record of President Clinton by Timothy Lynch (March 31, 1997)

270. Chilling the Internet? Lessons from FCC Regulation of Radio Broadcasting, by Thomas W. Hazlett and David W. Sosa (March 19, 1997)

269. Vouchers and Educational Freedom: A Debate with Joseph L. Bast and David Harmer versus Douglas Dewey, (March 12, 1997)

268. Regulation in Newspeak: The FCC's Children's Television Rules, by Robert Corn-Revere (February 19, 1997)

267. U.S. "Global Leadership": A Euphemism for World Policeman, by Barbara Conry (February 5, 1997)

266. Amtrak at Twenty-Five: End of the Line for Taxpayer Subsidies, by Jean Love, Wendell Cox, and Stephen Moore (December 19, 1996)

265. Why Spy? The Uses and Misuses of Intelligence, by Stanley Kober (December 12, 1996)

264. How to Treat the Costs of Shared Voice and Video Networks in a Post-Regulatory Age, by Alfred E. Kahn (November 27, 1996)

263. EPA's Cancer Risk Guidelines: Guidance to Nowhere, by Michael Gough and Steven Milloy (November 12, 1996)

262. Beyond the Communications Decency Act: Constitutional Lessons of the Internet, by Solveig Bernstein (November 5, 1996)

261. Supply-Side Tax Cuts and the Truth About the Reagan Economic Record, by William A. Niskanen and Stephen Moore (October 22, 1996)

260. Uncle Sam as Investment Banker: The Failure of Washington's Overseas Investment Funds, by Doug Bandow (September 19, 1996)

259. The Political Revolution that Wasn't: Why We Need Term Limits Now More Than Ever by Doug Bandow (September 5, 1996)

258. Time Bomb: The Escalation of U.S. Security Commitments in the Persian Gulf Region, by Barbara Conry (August 29, 1996)

257. A Fiscal Report Card on America's Governors: 1996, by Stephen Moore and Dean Stansel (July 26, 1996)

256. Feminist Jurisprudence: Equal Rights or Neo-Paternalism, by Michael Weiss and Cathy Young (June 19, 1996)

255. Red Phoenix Rising? Dealing with the Communist Resurgence in Eastern Europe, by Roger W. Fontaine (June 13, 1996)

254. How Corporate Welfare Won: Clinton and Congress Retreat from Cutting Business Subsidies, by Stephen Moore and Dean Stansel (May 15, 1996)

253. A Miasma of Corruption: The United Nations at 50, by Stefan Halper (April 30, 1996)

252. Market Opening or Corporate Welfare? "Results-Oriented" Trade Policy toward Japan, by Scott Latham (April 15, 1996)

251. Venezuela: From Showcase to Basket Case, by Roger Fontaine (March 25, 1996)

250. Capital Crimes: Political Centers as Parasite Economies, by Richard K. Vedder (February 28, 1996)

249. The Smog-Reduction Road: Remote Sensing vs. the Clean Air Act, by Daniel B. Klein and Pia Maria Koskenoja (February 7, 1996)

248. The Sweet-and-Sour Sino-American Relationship, by Leon T. Hadar (January 23, 1996)

247. Privatizing Superfund: How to Clean Up Hazardous Waste, by James V. DeLong (December 18, 1995)

246. The Medical Monopoly: Protecting Consumers or Limiting Competition? by Sue A. Blevins (December 15, 1995)

245. Changing the Way We Do Business in International Relations, by Charles A. Schmitz (November 8, 1995)

244. Paternalism and Dependence: The U.S.-Japanese Security Relationship, by Ted Galen Carpenter (November 1, 1995)

243. Mexico: Policy Failure, Moral Hazard, and Market Solutions, by W. Lee Hoskins and James W. Coons (October 10, 1995)

242. The ABCs of the Capital Gains Tax, by Stephen Moore and John Silvia (October 4, 1995)

241. Archer Daniels Midland: A Case Study in Corporate Welfare, by James Bovard (September 26, 1995)

240. The Work vs. Welfare Trade-Off: An Analysis of the Total Level of Welfare Benefits, by State by Michael Tanner, Stephen Moore, and David Hartman (September 19, 1995)

239. The Western European Union as NATO's Successor, by Barbara Conry (September 18, 1995)

238. Campaign Finance Regulation: Faulty Assumptions and Undemocratic Consequences, by Bradley A. Smith (September 13, 1995)

237. A National ID System: Big Brother's Solution to Illegal Immigration, by John J. Miller and Stephen Moore (September 7, 1995)

236. Whose Pension Is It Anyway? Economically Targeted Investments and the Pension Funds, by Cassandra Chrones Moore (September 1, 1995)

235. Wrecking Ball: FDA Regulation of Medical Devices, by Robert Higgs (August 7, 1995)

234. Beyond the Grazing Fee: An Agenda for Rangeland Reform, by Karl Hess, Jr. and Jerry L. Holechek (July 13, 1995)

233. Time to Reopen the Clean Air Act: Clearing Away the Regulatory Smog, by K. H. Jones and Jonathan Adler (July 11, 1995)

232. New Age Comstockery: Exon vs. the Internet, by Robert Corn-Revere (June 28, 1995)

231. Highway Aggravation: The Case for Privatizing Highways, by Peter Samuel (June 27, 1995)

230. The Wrong and Right Ways to Reform Medicare, by Doug Bandow and Michael Tanner (June 8, 1995)

229. The 1995 Crime Bills: Is the GOP the Party of Liberty and Limited Government? by Jarett B. Decker (June 1, 1995)

228. 228. Medical Savings Accounts: Answering the Critics, by Michael Tanner (May 25, 1995)

227. Time to End the Alaskan Oil Export Ban, by Samuel A. Van Vactor (May 18, 1995)

226. A New Aid Policy for a New World, by Doug Bandow (May 15, 1995)

225. Ending Corporate Welfare As We Know It, by Stephen Moore and Dean Stansel (May 12, 1995)

224. SSI: The Black Hole of the Welfare State, by Christopher M. Wright (April 27, 1995)

223. Polluting Our Principles: Environmental Prosecutions and the Bill of Rights, by Timothy Lynch (April 20, 1995)

222. Why You Can't Trust the IRS, by Daniel J. Pilla (April 15, 1995)

221. Real Term Limits: Now More Than Ever, by Doug Bandow (March 28, 1995)

220. More Than a Theory: Medical Savings Accounts at Work, by Peter J. Ferrara (March 14, 1995)

219. The Fallacy of Economic Security, by Stanley Kober (January 24, 1995)

218. Crime, Police, and Root Causes, by William A. Niskanen (November 14, 1994)

217. Federal Ecosystem Management: A "Train Wreck" in the Making, by Allan K. Fitzsimmons (October 26, 1994)

216. Kids, Guns, and the Commerce Clause: Is the Court Ready for Constitutional Government? by Glenn Harlan Reynolds (October 10, 1994)

215. The World Bank's Finances: An International S&L Crisis, by Patricia Adams (October 3, 1994)

214. Draft Registration: The Politics of Institutional Immortality, by Doug Bandow (August 15, 1994)

213. Taming Leviathan: Are Tax and Spending Limits the Answer? by Dean Stansel (July 25, 1994)

212. Ending Welfare As We Know It, by Michael Tanner (July 7, 1994)

211. Why Health Care Costs Too Much, by Stan Liebowitz (June 23, 1994)

210. Nickles-Stearns Is Not the Market Choice for Health Care Reform, by Tom Miller (June 13, 1994)

209. The Futility of U.S. Intervention in Regional Conflicts, by Barbara Conry (May 19, 1994)

208. Prison Blues: How America's Foolish Sentencing Policies Endanger Public Safety, by David B. Kopel (May 17, 1994)

207. 70 Years of Federal Government Health Care: A Timely Look at the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, by Robert E. Bauman (April 27, 1994)

206. The Pentagon's Fraudulent Bottom-Up Review, by David Isenberg (April 21, 1994)

205. The Somali Crisis: Time for an African Solution, by George B. N. Ayittey (March 28, 1994)

204. Intrastate Trucking: Stronghold of the Regulators, by Cassandra Chrones Moore (February 16, 1994)

203. A Fiscal Policy Report Card on America's Governors: 1994, by Stephen Moore and Dean Stansel (January 28, 1994)

202. Wasting Resources to Reduce Waste: Recycling in New Jersey, by Grant W. Schaumburg, Jr., and Katherine T. Doyle (January 26, 1994)

201. Washington's Dubious Crusade for Hemispheric Democracy, by Ian Vasquez (January 12, 1994)

200. Taken to the Cleaners: A Case Study of the Overregulation of American Small Business, by Jonathan H. Adler (December 22, 1993)

199. Staying Out of Potential Nuclear Crossfires, by Ted Galen Carpenter (November 24, 1993)

198. NAFTA's Green Accords: Sound and Fury Signifying Little, by Jerry Taylor (November 17, 1993)

197. Laboratory Failure: States Are No Model for Health Care Reform, by Michael Tanner (September 23, 1993)

196. Paved with Good Intentions: The Mythical Infrastructure Crisis, by John A. Tatom (August 12, 1993)

195. The Cold War Navy in the Post-Cold War World, by Christopher A. Preble (August 2, 1993)

194. How to Balance the Budget by Reducing Spending, by William A. Niskanen and Stephen Moore (April 22, 1993)

193. The Economic Impact of Replacing Federal Income Taxes with a Sales Tax, by Laurence J. Kotlikoff (April 15, 1993)

192. The Futility of Raising Tax Rates, by Bruce Bartlett (April 8, 1993)

191. Present at the Re-creation: The Need for a Rebirth of American Foreign Policy, by Jonathan G. Clarke (March 25, 1993)

190. National Service: Utopias Revisited, by Doug Bandow (March 15, 1993)

189. Energy Conservation and Efficiency: The Case against Coercion, by Jerry Taylor (March 9, 1993)

188. The Myth of America's Underfunded Cities, by Stephen Moore and Dean Stansel (February 22, 1993)

187. Caveat Emptor: The Head Start Scam, by John Hood (December 18, 1992)

186. How Governors Think Congress Should Reform the Budget: Results of a Survey of U.S. Governors and Former Governors, by Stephen Moore (December 9, 1992)

185. The CIA as Economic Spy: The Misuse of U.S. Intelligence after the Cold War, by Stanley Kober (December 8, 1992)

184. Health Care Reform: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly, by Michael Tanner (November 24, 1992)

183. Doing What We Can for Haiti, by Ian Vasquez (November 5, 1992)

182. Crime of the Century: The 1990 Budget Deal after Two Years, by Stephen Moore (October 15, 1992)

181. Equal Protection for Economic Liberty: Is the Court Ready? by David Bernstein (October 5, 1992)

180. A Society of Suspects: The War on Drugs and Civil Liberties, by Steven Wisotsky (October 2, 1992)

179. American Forfeiture Law: Property Owners Meet the Prosecutor, by Terrance G. Reed (September 29, 1992)

178. Will the Gentlemen Please Yield?--A Defense of the Constitutionality of State-Imposed Term Limitations, by Neil Gorsuch and Michael Guzman (September 24, 1992)

177. The "Green Peril": Creating the Islamic Fundamentalist Threat, by Leon T. Hadar (August 27, 1992)

176. The Burden of Government-Sponsored Enterprises: The Case of the Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation, by James F. Gatti and Ronald W. Spahr (August 13, 1992)

175. Sustaining Development and Biodiversity: Productivity, Efficiency, and Conservation, by Indur M. Goklany and Merritt W. Sprague (August 6, 1992)

174. The Permissible Uses of Forced Union Dues: From Hanson to Beck, by Charles W. Baird (June 30, 1992)

173. Crisis? What Crisis? George Bush's Never-Ending Domestic Budget Build-Up, by Stephen Moore (June 19, 1992)

172. America: What Went Right, by Richard B. McKenzie (June 1, 1992)

171. Pentagon Myths and Global Realities: The 1993 Military Budget, by Jeffrey R. Gerlach (May 24, 1992)

170. Foreign Aid and India: Financing the Leviathan State, by Shyam J. Kamath (May 6, 1992)

169. The Myth of Predatory Pricing, by Thomas J. DiLorenzo (February 28, 1992)

168. The Truth about Ozone and Urban Smog, by K. H. Jones (February 19, 1992)

167. A Fiscal Policy Report Card on America's Governors, by Stephen Moore (January 30, 1992)

166. Bigger Is Not Better: The Virtues of Decentralized Local Government, by Sam Staley (January 21, 1992)

165. The District of Columbia: America's Worst Government? by William A. Niskanen (November 18, 1991)

164. The Myth of Fair Trade, by James Bovard (November 1, 1991)

163. Replacing the Ruble in Lithuania: Real Change versus Pseudoreform, by Kurt Schuler, George Selgin, and Joseph Sinkey, Jr. (October 28, 1991)

162. False Dreams and Broken Promises: The Wasteful Federal Investment in Urban Mass Transit, by Jean Love and Wendell Cox (October 17, 1991)

161. Contrived Distinctions: The Doctrine of Commercial Speech in First Amendment Jurisprudence, by Jonathan W. Emord (September 23, 1991)

160. Sweden: From Capitalist Success to Welfare-State Sclerosis, by Peter Stein (September 10, 1991)

159. "Ancient History": U.S. Conduct in the Middle East since World War II and the Folly of Intervention, by Sheldon L. Richman (August 16, 1991)

158. The Americans with Disabilities Act: Time for Amendments, by Robert P. O'Quinn (August 9, 1991)

157. Alcohol Prohibition Was a Failure, by Mark Thornton (July 17, 1991)

156. The Drug War vs. Land Reform in Peru, by Melanie Tammen (July 10, 1991)

155. Only Freedom of Education Can Solve America's Bureaucratic Crisis of Education, by Jack D. Douglas (June 17, 1991)

154. Extricating America from Its Middle Eastern Entanglement, by Leon T. Hadar (June 12, 1991)

153. When Business "Adopts" Schools: Spare the Rod, Spoil the Child, by John Hood (June 5, 1991)

152. State Spending Splurge: The Real Story behind the Fiscal Crisis in State Government, by Stephen Moore (May 23, 1991)

151. The Poison of Professional Politics, by Mark P. Petracca (May 10, 1991)

150. Intelsat and the Separate System Policy: Toward Competitive International Telecommunications, by Milton Mueller (March 21, 1991)

149. Judging the 1991 Reform Effort: Do U.S. Banks Have a Future? by Catherine England (March 12, 1991)

148. How Rising Tax Burdens Can Produce Recession, by William C. Dunkelberg and John Skorburg (February 21, 1991)

147. The Profligate President: A Midterm Review of Bush's Fiscal Policy, by Stephen Moore (February 4, 1991)

146. Slower Is Better: The New Postal Service, by James Bovard (February 1, 1991)

145. What Now for U.S. Energy Policy? A Free-Market Perspective, by Robert L. Bradley, Jr. (January 29, 1991)

144. Long-Term Care: Why a New Entitlement Program Would Be Wrong, by Peter J. Ferrara (December 13, 1990)

143. Why Trade Retaliation Closes Markets and Impoverishes People, by Jim Powell (November 30, 1990)

142. Arabian Nightmares: Washington's Persian Gulf Entanglement, by Christopher Layne and Ted Galen Carpenter (November 9, 1990)

141. Term Limitation: An Idea Whose Time Has Come, by John H. Fund (October 30, 1990)

140. The Collision Course on Textile Quotas, by Thomas Grennes (September 12, 1990)

139. Aiding Eastern Europe: The Leveraged Harm of Leveraged Aid, by Melanie S. Tammen (September 10, 1990)

138. The Perils of Managed Trade, by Susan W. Liebeler and Michael S. Knoll (August 29, 1990)

137. Subsidies to the Arts: Cultivating Mediocrity, by Bill Kauffman (August 8, 1990)

136. Uncle Sam, Rock 'n' Roll, and Higher Education, by Charles J. Sykes (July 25, 1990)

135. Farm Bill Follies of 1990, by James Bovard (July 12, 1990)

134. The Illusion of Power: Aircraft Carriers and U.S. Military Strategy, by David Isenberg (June 8, 1990)

133. Perestroika and the Soviet Military: Implications for U.S. Policy, by Edward A. Corcoran (May 29, 1990)

132. Housing Policy in New York: Myth and Reality, by Cassandra Chrones Moore (April 4, 1990)

131. JTPA: Another Federal Training Fraud, by James Bovard (March 27, 1990)

130. National Service: The Enduring Panacea, by Doug Bandow (March 22, 1990)

129. Cut the Social Security Payroll Tax, by Daniel J. Mitchell (March 8, 1990)

128. Perilous Panacea: The Military in the Drug War, by Ted Galen Carpenter and R. Channing Rouse (February 15, 1990)

127. The Source of America's Housing Problem: Look in Your Own Back Yard, by William Tucker (February 6, 1990)

126. Education: Is America Spending Too Much? by John Hood (January 18, 1990)

125. Creating a U.S. Policy of Constructive Disengagement in the Middle East, by Leon T. Hadar (December 29, 1989)

124. Economic Sanctions: Foreign Policy Levers or Signals? by Joseph G. Gavin III (November 7, 1989)

123. The Promise of High-Definition Television: The Hype and the Reality, by Thomas Gale Moore (August 30, 1989)

122. The Farm Credit Quagmire, by James Bovard (July 27, 1989)

121. Thinking about Drug Legalization, by James Ostrowski (May 25, 1989)

120. Debt, Leveraged Buyouts, and Corporate Governance, by Barry E. Adler and Larry E. Ribstein (May 2, 1989)

119. Sequestration: Gramm-Rudman's Potent Weapon for Spending Restraint, by Daniel J. Mitchell (April 24, 1989)

118. The Pitfalls of U.S. Covert Operations, by David Isenberg (April 7, 1989)

117. Gorbachev and Glasnost--A New Soviet Order? Implications for U.S. Foreign Policy, by Thomas M. Magstadt (March 20, 1989)

116. To Reduce Military Tensions in Europe, Ban Conscription, by Stanley Kober (March 10, 1989)

115. Abolish Medicare Taxes on the Elderly, by Peter J. Ferrara (January 25, 1989)

114. U.S. Military Spending in the Cold War Era: Opportunity Costs, Foreign Crises, and Domestic Constraints, by Robert Higgs (November 30, 1988)

113. Inside Our Outdoor Policy, by Terry L. Anderson and Donald R. Leal (September 29, 1988)

112. Political Advertising Regulation: An Unconstitutional Menace? by Stephen Bates (September 22, 1988)

111. The Twilight of Government Growth in a Competitive World Economy, by Richard B. McKenzie (August 19, 1988)

110. More Defense Spending for Smaller Forces: What Hath DoD Wrought? by William A. Niskanen (July 29, 1988)

109. 109. Trust the People: The Case against Gun Control, by David B. Kopel (July 11, 1988)

108. Mandatory Family-Leave Legislation: The Hidden Costs, by Deborah Walker (June 8, 1988)

107. The Reagan Record on Trade: Rhetoric vs. Reality, by Sheldon L. Richman (May 30, 1988)

106. The Minimum Wage: Washington's Perennial Myth, by Matthew B. Kibbe (May 23, 1988)

105. The Canada-U.S. Free Trade Agreement: Now or Never, by Michael I. Krauss (May 3, 1988)

104. 104. Going with the Flow: Expanding the Water Markets, by Terry L. Anderson and Donald R. Leal (April 26, 1988)

103. After the INF Treaty: A New Direction for America's European Policy, by Christopher Layne (April 21, 1988)

102. The Slow Death of the U.S. Postal Service, by James Bovard (April 3, 1988)

101. The SEC's Insider Trading Proposal: Good Politics, Bad Policy, by Jonathan R. Macey (March 31, 1988)

100. Missing the Point: Why the Reforms of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Won't Improve U.S. Defense Policy, by David Isenberg (February 29, 1988)

99. The Semiconductor Industry and Foreign Competition, by Eugene Volokh (January 28, 1988)

98. Railroad Reregulation: Is the C.U.R.E. Cure Worse Than the Disease? by Robert B. Ekelund, Jr., and Robert E. Hbert (January 20, 1988)

97. Interstate Banking: The Reform That Won't Go Away, by Steven Horwitz and G. A. Selgin (December 15, 1987)

96. Korea: The Case for Disengagement, by Doug Bandow (December 8, 1987)

95. Modernizing Markets in Post-Mao China: On the Road to Capitalism? by David L. Prychitko (December 1, 1987)

94. An Alternative to Containment, by Earl C. Ravenal (November 25, 1987)

93. The Emergence of the Service Economy: Fact or Artifact? by Richard B. McKenzie (October 27, 1987)

92. The World Bank vs. the World's Poor, by James Bovard (September 28, 1987)

91. Our Trade Laws Are a National Disgrace, by James Bovard (September 18, 1987)

90. Where Angels Fear to Tread: The United States and the Persian Gulf Conflict, by Sheldon L. Richman (September 9, 1987)

89. The Real Superfund Scandal, by James Bovard (August 14, 1987)

88. Stumbling toward a U.S.-Canada Free Trade Agreement, by William A. Niskanen (June 18, 1987)

87. Communism between Marx and the Marketplace: Implications for U.S. Foreign Policy, by Thomas M. Magstadt (June 2, 1987)

86. Draft Registration: It's Time to Repeal Carter's Final Legacy, by Doug Bandow (May 7, 1987)

85. Nonbank Banks Are Not the Problem, by Catherine England (April 28, 1987)

84. The Disunited States: A Country in Search of an Efficient Transportation Policy, by Robert V. Delaney (March 10, 1987)

83. Foreign Manufacturers in the United States: Should They Be Told to Buy American? by Thomas J. DiLorenzo (February 24, 1987)

82. The Age Discrimination in Employment Act: Equal Opportunity or Reverse Discrimination? by Clint Bolick (February 10, 1987)

81. Better Now Than Never: Economic and Social Reforms in South Africa, by Peter J. Spiro (January 27, 1987)

80. A Fortress Built on Quicksand: U.S. Policy toward Pakistan, by Ted Galen Carpenter (January 5, 1987)

79. Professional Licensure and Quality: The Evidence, by Stanley J. Gross (December 9, 1986)

78. Fiddling While the GATT Burns, by Martin Wolf (September 25, 1986)

77. The Failure of Federal Job Training, by James Bovard (August 28, 1986)

76. Privatization: The Worker Buy-Out Option, by Peter Young (July 28, 1986)

75. Market Solutions to the Education Crisis, by Myron Lieberman (July 1, 1986)

74. U.S. Aid to Anti-Communist Rebels: The "Reagan Doctrine" and Its Pitfalls, by Ted Galen Carpenter (June 24, 1986)

73. Deductible IRA's Are Best for Workers, by Peter J. Ferrara (June 3, 1986)

72. Compassion vs. Control: FDA Investigational Drug Regulations, by Dale H. Gierenger (May 20, 1986)

71. Global Interventionism and a New Imperial Presidency, by Ted Galen Carpenter (May 16, 1986)

70. Emigration and Citizenship: Implications for Soviet-American Relations, by Thomas M. Magstadt (May 2, 1986)

69. An "Industrial Policy" for Space? by Alan Pell Crawford (April 25, 1986)

68. Does More Technology Create Unemployment? by R. H. Mabry and A. D. Sharplin (March 18, 1986)

67. Pursuing a Strategic Divorce: The U.S. and the ANZUS Alliance, by Ted Galen Carpenter (February 27, 1986)

66. The Bonneville Power Administration: The Worst Mess, by a Dam Site by Peter D. Cooper (February 6, 1986)

65. The Continuing Failure of Foreign Aid, by James Bovard (January 31, 1986)

64. What's Wrong with Trade Sanctions, by Bruce Bartlett (December 23, 1985)

63. The U.S. Campaign against Narcotics Trafficking: A Cure Worse than the Disease, by Ted Galen Carpenter (December 9, 1985)

62. Averting the Medicare Crisis: Health IRAs, by Peter J. Ferrara (October 31, 1985)

61. Totalitarian Global Management: The UN's War on the Liberal International Economic Order, by Doug Bandow (October 24, 1985)

60. The Case for Free Banking: Then and Now, by G. A. Selgin (October 21, 1985)

59. Day-Care Regulation: Serving Children or Bureaucrats? by Karen Lehrman and Jana Pace (September 25, 1985)

58. The United States and Third World Dictatorships: A Case for Benign Detachment, by Ted Galen Carpenter (August 15, 1985)

57. Dairy Policy and the Public Interest: The Economic Legacies, by James F. Thompson and W. Frank Edwards (July 30, 1985)

56. Government Crop Programs: High Cost and Few Gains, by Clifton Luttrell (July 9, 1985)

55. What Is the 1985 Farm Problem? by J. Bruce Bullock (July 2, 1985)

54. Private Deposit Insurance: Stabilizing the Banking System, by Catherine England (June 21, 1985)

53. Contradictions of Centralized Education, by Lawrence A. Uzzell (May 30, 1985)

52. An Agenda for the Economic Summit, by Bruce Bartlett (April 29, 1985)

51. Individual Rights and Majoritarianism: The Supreme Court in Transition, by Geoffrey R. Stone (March 29, 1985)

50. U.S. Catholic Bishops and the Pursuit of Justice, by Paul Heyne (March 5, 1985)

49. Poverty, Politics, and Jurisprudence: Illegalities at the Legal Services Corporation, by James T. Bennett and Thomas J. DiLorenzo (February 26, 1985)

48. The Myth of Government Job Creation, by Thomas J. DiLorenzo (February 19, 1985)

47. The Last Dinosaur: The U.S. Postal Service, by James Bovard (February 12, 1985)

46. The United States and the Persian Gulf, by Sheldon L. Richman (January 10, 1985)

45. Deficits and Taxes: Federal Budget and Fiscal Policy in the 1980's, by Thomas S. McCaleb (December 19, 1984)

44. The Rapid Deployment Force: The Few, the Futile, the Expendable, by David Isenberg (November 8, 1984)

43. Mondale Tax and Budget Plan, by David R. Burton (October 26, 1984)

42. The Federal Election Commission: A Case for Abolition, by Mary Meehan (October 23, 1984)

41. The Tightening Grip of the Poverty Trap, by Arthur B. Laffer (August 30, 1984)

40. The First Amendment versus Municipal Regulation of Cable Television, by William E. Lee (August 7, 1984)

39. Indexation and the Inflation Tax, by Michael R. Baye and Dan A. Black (July 12, 1984)

38. Value and Opportunity: The Issue of Comparable Pay for Comparable Worth, by Deborah Walker (May 31, 1984)

37. Reagan, National Security, and the First Amendment: Plugging Leaks by Shutting Off the Main, by Frederick W. Whatley (May 8, 1984)

36. The Price Anderson Act: Is It Consistent with a Sound Energy Policy? by Barry P. Brownstein (April 17, 1984)

35. The United States in Lebanon: A Case for Disengagement, by Sheldon L. Richman (April 3, 1984)

34. Cable Television: An Unnatural Monopoly, by Clint Bolick (March 13, 1984)

33. Efficiency and Adjustment: The Impact of Railroad Deregulation, by Michael W. Babcock (January 31, 1984)

32. Taking America for a Ride: The Politics of Motorcycle Tariffs, by Daniel Klein (January 12, 1984)

31. Panic in Silicon Valley: The Semiconductor Industry's Cry for Help, by Scott Palmer (December 21, 1983)

30. Tedious Fraud: Reagan's Farm Policy and the Politics of Agricultural Marketing Orders, by Michael McMenamin (December 6, 1983)

29. The Military Industrial Firm--Private Enterprise Revised, by John E. Ullmann (November 9, 1983)

28. The WPPSS Default: Not the Only Off Budget Boondoggle, by James T. Bennett and Thomas J. DiLorenzo (October 14, 1983)

27. The Farming of Washington: How U.S. Agricultural Policies Affect the American Farm, by Don Doig (August 24, 1983)

26. Are American Schools Working? Disturbing Cost and Quality Trends, by Edwin G. West (August 9, 1983)

25. Forecasting the Economy: Do Presidents Get It Right? by Randolph H. Boehm (June 30, 1983)

24. Deficits and the Economy, by Joe Stilwell (May 26, 1983)

23. The Causes and Risks of Excessive Foreign Lending, by Mark Hulbert (April 20, 1983)

22. He Who Pays the Piper: Federal Funding of Research, by Don Doig (March 17, 1983)

21. Antitrust Policy: Reform or Repeal? by D. T. Armentano (January 18, 1983)

20. Natural Gas Regulation: Throwing Out Supply and Demand, by Nolan Ezra Clark (December 1, 1982)

19. The Underground Federal Government: Bane of the Balanced Budget? by James T. Bennett and Thomas J. DiLorenzo (October 21, 1982)

18. Competition, Regulation, and the Market Process: An "Austrian" Perspective, by Israel M. Kirzner (September 30, 1982)

17. Gold, Paper, or...: Is There a Better Money? by David Friedman (September 23, 1982)

16. The Gold Standard: An Analysis of Some Recent Proposals, by Joseph T. Salerno (September 9, 1982)

15. Precision-Guided Munitions and the Neutron Bomb, by Robert C. Aldridge (August 26, 1982)

14. Dairy Price Supports: Still Milking the Public, by Michael McMenamin (August 19, 1982)

13. The Reagan Budget: The Deficit That Didn't Have to Be, by David Boaz (August 10, 1982)

12. Deregulation and Re-regulation of Transportation, by Thomas Gale Moore (July 8, 1982)

11. Property Rights in Radio Communication: The Key to the Reform of Telecommunications Regulations, by Milton Mueller (June 3, 1982)

10. Reagan's 1983 Defense Budget: An Analysis and an Alternative, by Earl C. Ravenal (April 30, 1982)

9. The Social and Economic Effects of Nuclear War, by Arthur M. Katz and Sima R. Osdoby (April 21, 1982)

8. Inflation and the Federal Reserve: The Consequences of Political Money Supply, by Lawrence H. White (April 15, 1982)

7. The Savings and Loan Industry: Averting Collapse, by Joe Stilwell (February 15, 1982)

6. Reagan's Nuclear Defense Strategy: Myth and Reality, by Fred Kaplan (January 30, 1982)

5. Immigration Policy: A New Approach, by Jennifer Roback (October 20, 1981)

4. Unemployment: Causes and Cures, by Farrell E. Block (October 10, 1981)

3. An Alternative Analysis of Mass Belief Systems: Liberal, Conservative, Populist, and Libertarian, by Stuart A. Lilie and William S. Maddox (August 24, 1981)

2. Monetization Practices and the Political Structure of the Federal Reserve System, by R. H. Timberlake, Jr. (August 12, 1981)

1. Can Conscription Work? by Roger Nils Folsom (May 15, 1981)

D. An Analysis of the District of Columbia Education Tax Credit Initiative, by E. G. West (October 27, 1981)

C. The Federal Election Commission, by Mary Meehan (November 1, 1980)

B. Can Nonintervention Survive Afghanistan? by Earl C. Ravenal (June 1, 1980)

A. A Step Toward Feudalism: The Chrysler Bailout, by David R. Henderson (January 15, 1980)


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Essays, Broadsides, and Rants



  1. A Guide to Education Books
  2. A Reader's Guide to Libertarian Theory
  3. Abuses in Law Enforcement
  4. American History
  5. An Essay on Austrian Economics
  6. Austrian Economics
  7. Ayn Rand
  8. Ayn Rand Video Interviews
  9. Ayn Rand on Altruism, Egoism, and Rights
  10. Charles Murray
  11. Children & the Family
  12. Civil Rights & Wrongs
  13. Critical Review
  14. David Kelley
  15. Drug Policy
  16. Economic History
  17. Economics
  18. Educational Policy
  19. Electoral Madness
  20. Ending the War on Drugs
  21. Environmental Politics
  22. F.A. Hayek
  23. Failure of the Welfare State
  24. Fiction & Science Fiction
  25. Founding Fathers & the Constitution
  26. Frederic Bastiat
  27. Free Speech
  28. Free Trade & International Issues
  29. Free-Market Environmentalism
  30. Gun Rights
  31. H.L. Mencken
  32. Health Policy
  33. Henry Hazlitt
  34. History
  35. Homeschooling
  36. Humor & Satire
  37. Individualist Feminism
  38. Investing-General
  39. Investing-Stocks, Bonds, etc.
  40. John Stossel
  41. Language & Learning
  42. Law
  43. Libertarian Thought
  44. Ludwig von Mises
  45. Mark Skousen
  46. Milton Friedman
  47. Money and Banking
  48. Monopoly and Antitrust
  49. Murray N. Rothbard
  50. Music, Art & Writing
  51. Nathaniel Branden
  52. Personal Health
  53. Philosophy
  54. Political Philosophy
  55. Politics & Politicians
  56. Price Controls
  57. Privacy
  58. Reading American History
  59. Richard Epstein
  60. Science & Technology
  61. Self-Help
  62. Taxation
  63. The Classics of Liberty
  64. Thomas Sowell
  65. Thomas Szasz
  66. What Is Individualist Feminism?
  67. Why Is Science Fiction Important to Libertarians?



Chapter 1: Reforming Social Security by David C. John (PDF 146K)

Chapter 2: Improving and Preserving Medicare for Tomorrow’s Seniors by Robert Moffit (PDF 139k)


Chapter 3: Improving Education for Every American Child by Nina Shokraii Rees (PDF 111k

Chapter 4: Implementing Welfare Reform and Restoring Marriage by Robert Rector (PDF 169k)

Chapter 5: Reviving America’s Central Cities by Ronald D. Utt (PDF 251K)


Chapter 6: Improving Regulatory Decisions to Enhance Safety, Health, and Innovation by Angela Antonelli (PDF 182k)

Chapter 7: Reducing Taxes and Reforming the Tax Code by Daniel J. Mitchell (PDF 251K)


Chapter 8: Solving the Health Insurance Problem for Working Americans – by Stuart M. Butler and Grace-Marie Arnett (PDF 115k)


Chapter 9: Defending America from Missile Attack by Baker Spring (PDF 167k

Chapter 10: Building and Maintaining the Strength of America’s Armed Forces by Jack Spencer (PDF 253k


Chapter 11: Restoring Perspective and Priorities in U.S. Relations with China by Stephen Yates (PDF 112k)

Chapter 12: Refocusing U.S. Russian and Eurasian Policy on American Interests by Ariel Cohen, Ph.D. (PDF 162k)

Chapter 13: Restructuring the U.S. Role in NATO and European Defense by John C. Hulsman (PDF 112k)


Chapter 14: A New Trade Agenda for America by Denise Froning (PDF 139k)

Chapter 15: Reforming International Financial Institutions by Brett D. Schaefer (PDF 159k)