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Report of 70th General Assembly. Click here.

Are you looking for a church that is true to the Bible and speaks to the needs of our day? The search is complicated because of the variety of churches to be found in most communities. Some local churches are faithful to God’s Word, but many are not. Some think they are following the Bible but have fallen into serious error.

The Orthodox Presbyterian Church (OPC) is steadfastly committed to the glory of God. She has seen his hand guide, protect, and even reprove her in the short sixty-plus years of her existence. She was born out of persecution for the sake of the gospel, nurtured in adversity, and strengthened as she sought to fulfill her Master’s call. She strives to keep her eyes fixed on Christ Jesus, her Savior and Lord. By the strength of his Spirit she endeavors to live righteously in full obedience to his Word, her only rule for faith and life.

The information on this site has been compiled as a service to members and friends of the Orthodox Presbyterian Church and to all who are interested in learning more about her. It is intended as a ready reference for general information about the OPC, to the glory of our sovereign God.

“Unto him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus throughout all ages, world without end. Amen” (Ephesians 3:21).

A ministry of the
Committee on Christian Education
The Orthodox Presbyterian Church
Box P · Willow Grove, PA 19090
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