Hi Laura,

I wanted to tell you about a new label I've come up with for what I want to do, which may help me earn a little money doing it. It's not a real change in what I do, only a change in how I package it, or how I sell it, and hopefully I'll be able to pay the rent if my mom dies and my dad's pension dies with her.


Before I graduated from college I was a "Chalcedon Scholar," working for the Chalcedon Foundation, identified by Newsweek magazine as the "think tank" of the Religious Right. My goal was to help bring about the fulfillment of Micah's prophecy in which nations beat their "swords into plowshares" and everyone dwells safely under their Vine & Fig Tree.

In addition to researching and writing about the transformation of law, politics, and human action on a global scale, I was trying to do what I could on a local scale. I was a teacher at "Dominion Christian School" in Anaheim and in a closely-affiliated church, Reformation Bible Church. Dominion Christian School was started by a long-time supporter of Chalcedon who moved from a plush home in Anaheim Hills to a neighborhood on "the wrong side of the tracks." We had ministry to the kids in the neighborhood, and also began networking with homeschoolers.

Homeschooling at that time was heavily regulated, if not prohibited, and I went to court with some families who were having their children kidnapped by the government for having an unlicensed parent taking care of them, even though their educational test scores were above their government-school counterparts. I began studying the law more intensely in order to be equipped to help those who were being attacked in courts of law.

I also began being tutored by another Chalcedon Scholar for ordination in the Orthodox Presbyterian Church.

The professions in which I was working and being trained in were that of the teacher, the pastor and the attorney.

After passing the California Bar Exam, and being told that I could not take the oath required for admission to the Bar because my allegiance to God was greater than my allegiance to the State.