Missouri's 7th District, U.S. House of Representatives




Congressional Issues 2008
The United Nations

The 110th Congress should
  • refuse to ratify or fund the proposed International Criminal Court,
  • be wary of defining away sovereignty as a barrier to military intervention,
  • oppose granting the United Nations war-fighting functions or establishing an on-call UN army, and
  • withhold payments to the UN until the secretary general demonstrates clearer progress in eliminating inefficiency, mismanagement, and corruption.
  • Get US out!

The United Nations is built on a false religion, "the religion of humanity." In 1964, R.J. Rushdoony wrote about The Religion of the United Nations. John Foster Dulles, founding member of the Council on Foreign Relations, delegate to the UN founding conference, and Eisenhower's first Secretary of State, said of the U.N.:

. . . Some persons would like to throw out Soviet Russia because we disagree with their representatives and they with us. A world organization without Soviet Communists would be a much more pleasant organization. But they have power in the world, and if the United Nations gets away from that reality it becomes artificial and exerts less influence. The United Nations should mirror more accurately, not less accurately, the reality of what is.

The world must be saved by law, and law reflects power rather than morality. Indeed, the United Nations must be beyond good and evil:

I have now come to believe that the United Nations will best serve the cause of peace if its Assembly is representative of what the world actually is, and not merely representative of the parts which we like. Therefore, we ought to be willing that all the nations should be members without attempting to appraise closely those which are "good" and those which are "bad." Already that distinction is obliterated by the present membership of the United Nations.

Since Man is the new god, the godhead must be united, and the concepts of good and evil as found in "the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God" must take second place. The Soviet Union has power, and power is the ultimate reality for the religion of Secular Humanism and for the United Nations.

The United Nations is anti-Christian to the core.


next: Relations with China